Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) yang terus berupaya melakukan pemerataan pertumbuhan ekonomi, adapun hingga saat ini jumlah penduduk miskin di Indonesia masih tinggi , sehingga angka stanting masih menjadi perhatian pemerintah. Untuk menekan angka stunting nasional, LPS menjalankan program pengentasan stunting yang menyasar daerah, dengan potensi stunting tinggi.
00:00What is the impact of LPS on the economy?
00:05We start from the Reserve Bank, which continues to try to balance economic growth.
00:10Even now, the number of poor people in Indonesia is still high, so the number of stunting is still a concern of the government.
00:17To suppress the national stunting rate, LPS runs a stunting eradication program that targets areas with high stunting potential.
00:25What is the impact of LPS on the economy?
00:29The development of humans is one of the challenges of Indonesia in achieving the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045.
00:35In the midst of this challenge, the efforts of the financial system in promoting the economy are also constantly being tested,
00:41especially in supporting the balance of economic growth.
00:45The reason is that until now, the number of poor people is still high, so the stunting rate is still a concern of the government.
00:53In the midst of this condition, LPS continues to move an initiative to promote a stunting eradication program that targets areas with high stunting potential.
01:03LPS Commissioner Chairman Purbaya Yudhisadewa explained that one of the initial steps in the effort to promote human development is to suppress the national stunting rate.
01:15Purbaya said that one of the initial steps in the effort to promote human development is to suppress the national stunting rate.
01:23The main thing is the development of the people.
01:27We have to create the development.
01:30If from the macro, monetary and other aspects, we can give the economy a chance to grow faster.
01:37And the issue can be created.
01:39It's not too difficult if we want to move forward.
01:43If it can be created, I don't think it will grow by 5% or 4-6%.
01:50Maybe it will grow by 6-7%.
01:52Then we will have more opportunities to give to the people.
01:57Purbaya added that the right policy will help the potential of economic growth in the future better.
02:03So the new government must push the potential of Indonesia's growth.
02:07So that the economic balance program can support human development in the future.
02:12Jakarta Raharjo Patmo IDX Channel