• last year
(Adnkronos) - Musolino: “Oggi ripartiamo con un percorso che non è stato per nulla facile però ci ha permesso di portare, con molta prudenza, un grande player italiano della cantieristica degli yacht come Tankoa” queste le parole di Pino Musolino, presidente Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale, presso La Mattonara del porto di Civitavecchia, durante la conferenza per illustrare gli investimenti e i lavori che la società Tankoa Yachts S.p.A. realizzerà nel porto di Civitavecchia.


00:00This has been, for more than a decade, a wound in the heart of this port.
00:10Two failures in a row, many unfulfilled promises, many proclamations, many inaugurations and zero shipments.
00:20Instead, today we start again with a journey that was not easy at all,
00:25but that allowed us to bring a great operator, a great player, and above all a great Italian shipyard player,
00:33like Tancoa.
00:35We wanted to make an almost itinerant press conference in the place,
00:40just to show that they are not just proclamations, it is not a formal inauguration,
00:45but the works have already started, with even three shipments,
00:48which are at different stages of work and will be varied in the course of the next biennium.
00:53So, finally, this tragic phase is over,
00:58in which this important piece of the port has been subtracted in some way its usability
01:04to serve the territory, to serve the community,
01:07and a new phase begins, where we produce, where we work,
01:10where we will produce intelligence and skills,
01:13we will train and possibly create the conditions for a certainly better future.
01:17We are setting up a broad strategic plan,
01:20in which every piece of inauguration, every piece of new work,
01:25is within an organic design, because, I want to underline it,
01:29we have worked a lot, we have studied a lot,
01:31and we are trying to give an answer that is not self-referential or on the spot.
01:35The opening in the south a few weeks ago is the beginning of the development of the Marina Yachting.
01:41The Marina Yachting should host the yachts,
01:44probably, if we manage to do it in time,
01:47the Marina Yachting will be able to host the largest yachts in all of the Tyrrhenian state,
01:51to have a construction site that does both processing and construction,
01:56but also has the possibility of developing on refitting and revamping.
01:59It creates an industrial design, a complete industrial cycle,
02:02in which the training for these new high-level manoeuvres can also be established.
02:07And so, I can say, it is a design that has a positive spillover effect on the whole territory,
02:12because, for too long, the territory of Civitavecchia, this part of the north of Lazio,
02:17has, in some way, missed some calls for industrialization
02:22and has lost some important opportunities.
02:24Maybe the time has come to try it.
02:25I don't know if we will be able to do it, but, one step at a time, we are doing it,
02:28we are inaugurating, which means that we are not standing still, we are not just rendering,
02:32and I am quite confident that things can take the shape that we intend,
02:37and we have designed in the various planning instruments,
02:39starting from the Triennale operational plan.
