• last year
(Adnkronos) - Importante svolta per il porto di Civitavecchia: l'avvio dei lavori per il nuovo accesso al bacino storico e il collegamento con l'antemurale, trasformeranno il volto del porto e della città. L'opera, finanziata dal PNRR, che finalmente ha visto l’avvio dei lavori in questi giorni, si concluderà con il collaudo nel maggio 2026. Il Presidente dell’Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale, Pino Musolino ha illustrato gli interventi e i lavori previsti, che vedranno un investimento complessivo di 81.152104, 28 euro.

L'opera prevede l’aperura di un nuovo accesso verso sud realizzando una separazione tra il Porto Storico ed il Porto Commerciale con il conseguente recupero dei valori storici, culturali e archeologici del Porto Romano. Verrà inoltre realizzata una scogliera con due strade dedicate rispettivamente al terminal crociere e all’ambito storico del porto, insieme ad una nuova area pedonale.


00:00An important turning point for the port of Civitavecchia, the start of work for the new access to the historic basin and the connection with the antemural will transform the face of the port and the city.
00:14The work, financed by the PNRR, which has finally seen the start of work in these days, will conclude with the test in May 2026.
00:23The President of the Port System Authority of the North-Central Maritime Region, Pino Musolino, has illustrated the interventions and work planned, which will see a total investment of 81 million euros.
00:35The work provides for the opening of a new access to the south, making a separation between the historical port and the commercial port, with the consequent recovery of the historical, cultural and archaeological values of the Roman port.
00:47It will also be made a cliff with two roads, dedicated respectively to the crossing terminal and the historical area of ​​the port, together with a new pedestrian area.
00:57Among the novelties, the project of the historic port of the yachting marina, which will be able to accommodate ships up to 160 meters and which promises to generate a significant income for the local economy.
01:09The immediate economic advantage is the fact that we can restart with the project of the historic port of the yachting marina, which, I remember, had proponents who are willing to make an investment of about 30 million euros in equity.
01:23The standard calculation is 1.6, 1.8 jobs for ships, we will have 140 ships, you do the basic calculation. In addition, all the induction and all the indirect that an activity of this kind can create, from the reception activity to the activity of new professions.
01:39The goal is to create a comprehensive cycle that allows the city to live more and better the port in the part where it can. The port to have a greater competitiveness, a renewed image from this point of view and then create further economies.
01:53One of the goals is to improve the connection between the historical port and the city, with the creation of a green space that will be integrated with the walkway of the marina of Civitavecchia.
02:03Looking at the aspect of development, our great challenge is to gradually break away from the connotation that Civitavecchia has had for many years, the industrial city, gradually becoming something different.
02:19Civitavecchia is a city that begins to open not only to cruise tourism, but also to tourism of proximity, also brought from a qualitative level of those who arrive, who have very important economic and financial availability.
02:33The opening to the south and the historical basin look to the future, creating new economic and employment opportunities, both for the port and for the city.
