• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Università Milano Bicocca vuole lanciare un messaggio chiaro. I nostri studenti e studentesse devono capire che il loro futuro nel mondo del lavoro dipende dalla loro capacità di essere flessibili, di imparare nuovi strumenti e accettare un cambiamento di paradigma che innovazione, digitalizzazione e intelligenza artificiale stanno già portando nelle nostre vite. Questo va fatto valorizzando la presenza, guardandosi negli occhi e riconoscendosi. La digitalizzazione va considerata uno strumento e non un obiettivo”. A dirlo Giovanna Innantuoni, rettrice dell'Università Milano-Bicocca, a margine dell’incontro con gli studenti "Ricette di Innovazione", il digital come nuovo paradigma di comunicazione e servizio: l’evoluzione nel calcio-media, formazione e servizi economico-finanziari, organizzato dall’Università Bicocca.


00:00The message is clear, our students must understand that their future in the world of work depends
00:11precisely on their ability to be flexible, to learn new tools and also to accept a
00:17paradigm shift that certainly innovation, digitization, artificial intelligence is already
00:23bringing into our lives, but this must be done by valuing the presence, valuing
00:29looking into each other's eyes, recognizing each other and therefore considering digitization or AI
00:34as a tool and not a goal. In the world of training, artificial intelligence
00:39and digitization in general are tools of a path that has already begun a long time ago.
00:44We, for example, with other Ateneas, have opened both a trennial and a master's degree
00:48in artificial intelligence, which has a content and a very multidisciplinary approach,
00:54because it is clear that AI in itself is not a matter of individual disciplines, that is, it is not a matter
01:00only of computer science or physics or statistics or mathematics, but obviously
01:05if we do not ask ourselves questions about anthropology, for example, on the change of
01:12our lives and philosophical questions about the relationship that we will have with the machine,
01:18we will not understand these processes well. My speech really wants to highlight the presence,
01:24the importance of the presence, therefore of attending the campus as a personal training moment,
01:30with accepting the challenges of the future on digitization and change, I repeat
01:36once again, that AI will bring into our lives, something that has already happened, even if we have never noticed it.
