• il y a 3 mois
00:00Hola! My name is Raymundo. I have a special friend. His name is Bertram. We have lots of fun laughing, playing and dancing together. Come on, let me show you around.
00:30C'est parti!
01:01Hola, my friends! We are about to enjoy one of my most favorito things in the world. Ice cream! My favorite flavor is chocolate. What is your favorite flavor? Bueno! That means good!
01:24Ah, gracias, Bertram!
01:27Mmm, mmm! Raymundo, I love chocolate ice cream! Si, me too!
01:38Gibby, that's not chocolate! Are we out of chocolate? No!
01:47Then why don't you have chocolate? Because I like this!
01:57Watermelon ice cream! Wumberlicious!
02:05But chocolate is still my favorite.
02:09Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
02:13Ice cream!
02:23Bertram, that ice cream yesterday tasted real good! Ice cream always tastes good!
02:32Si, yes, that is true!
02:36Hola, Gibby!
02:39Hi! These are for you too!
02:45You are invited to an afternoon tea party in my backyard.
02:53All my dolls will be there and you only have to bring one thing. Your favorite toy!
03:02I know the toy I'm going to bring!
03:05It sounds like a muy bueno party! Gracias! Thank you for inviting us!
03:17Have you ever been to a tea party? I am proud to say that I have been to many!
03:23It's called a tea party, but sometimes there is no tea! You just pretend there is!
03:30Have you ever played pretend?
03:32You have? I like playing pretend because you can play it anytime and anywhere!
03:39Oh, I cannot wait for Gibby's party!
03:49We're here! Yay!
03:53Gibby, this tea party looks magnifica! Magnificent!
03:57It's a great day for a tea party, isn't it?
04:01May I have some tea, please?
04:10Gibby, I followed your directions perfectamente! That means perfectly!
04:15I brought my favorite toy, Sammy the Super Snail!
04:20Hello, Sammy!
04:23Hello, Sammy!
04:28I think you two will get along!
04:30Si, they will be amigos!
04:32And here's the toy I brought, my magic mirror!
04:37No! No!
04:39You said to bring my favorite toy!
04:42Doll toy!
04:45Well, this is the toy I like!
04:49If you don't like my toy, then...
04:52I don't want to be at your party!
05:02My friends, please accept my disculpa, my apology!
05:07I must go and help Gibby and Bertram!
05:10But before I leave, more tea?
05:13Perhaps another cookie?
05:15They are deliciosas! Delicious!
05:33There you are!
05:37Bertram's bad!
05:39Ah, Gibby! I don't like seeing you so sad!
05:42But Bertram did just what you asked him to do!
05:45He brought his favorite toy to the party!
05:52It's just that Bertram's idea of a toy is different from your idea of what a toy is!
05:59It's like...ice cream!
06:02Ice cream?
06:06Remember when we all had ice cream together?
06:09Bertram ordered chocolate, and you had watermelon!
06:16Bertram couldn't understand why you would order something different than chocolate!
06:21But even though it was different than his favorite ice cream,
06:24he found out that it was also muy bueno, very good!
06:45To be continued...
