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00:00La Marseillaise
00:30La Marseillaise
01:00La Marseillaise
01:31Hello boys
01:35Mom and Dad have gone to town
01:37I know, said Dick Penmoy
01:39I saw them and your Dad said he was going to buy a bow-wow
01:45To buy a bow-wow, asked Will in surprise
01:50I will, said Hugh Herc
01:53Trying to attract Will's attention
01:55Whilst the others passed a birthday cake behind their backs
01:58Don't you want your porridge, no?
02:01Well, Will began, but before he could say more, Hugh gulped it down
02:07At the same time, Ivan hid the cake in the wash-tub and put the lid on
02:12How about coming over to my place this afternoon about half past three?
02:16Fine, they all said, and away they went
02:20As Will watched them go, he remembered that Hugh had eaten his porridge and that he was starving
02:26So he went out to look for snails
02:31Before long, he found two fat ones in a muddy puddle
02:35At last it was three o'clock and Will set off for Shaunie's place
02:43But when he arrived, his mother said
02:45Shaunie's just gone to Dick's place
02:49Thank you, said Will
02:51And set off immediately, without seeing the smile on her face
02:56But when he reached Dick's place, what did he see but a note with Will on it saying
03:00Tired of waiting for you, come to Hugh's place
03:06Oh, when he reached Hugh's place, there was another note that said
03:10Gone to Will's house
03:12And Will started off home again, feeling a very tired little duck
03:20At last he reached home, quite exhausted
03:23But there was no sign of anyone
03:27He leaned backwards
03:29And fell head over heels into the kitchen
03:36And when he looked up, everybody was there
03:39And he realised it all played a trick on him
03:44They all had presents for him, even a new bike from his dad and mum
03:49Bike, grits, snails, quack!
03:52And then it was time for the tea party
03:54With a spider cake covered with snail cream
04:04When he went to bed that night, Will was quite sure it had been the best birthday he'd ever had, after all
04:09Oh, quack!