• 2 years ago


00:00 ♪ Starting a fight ♪
00:01 ♪ Who gets stuck with all the bad luck ♪
00:04 ♪ No one but Donald Duck ♪
00:07 - Yeah!
00:07 - This is the home of Mr. Donald Duck.
00:11 Pretty, ain't it?
00:12 But more about that later.
00:14 I live next door.
00:16 Ain't quite so elegant, but it's comfy.
00:18 But come on in and set a spell,
00:21 and let me tell you a story.
00:22 Me and my boy was patching it,
00:27 and one evening, as I was preparing the evening meal,
00:30 (camera shutter clicks)
00:32 "Dinner's ready, son.
00:34 Come and get it.
00:35 (chuckles)
00:37 Now don't get impatient.
00:39 (sniffs)
00:41 Mm-mm, got something good tonight.
00:45 Beans.
00:46 (chuckles)
00:49 Bet you can't hardly wait.
00:51 (chuckles)
00:53 (chuckles)
00:55 Huh?
00:56 (gentle music)
00:58 Hmph, never satisfied.
01:01 Oh, something's got to be done about that boy.
01:04 Looks mighty pretty, don't it, son?
01:13 Yep.
01:15 Ain't it a pity we don't all live in a pretty backyard?
01:19 But that's just part of growing up, boy.
01:22 Being dissatisfied with home littles.
01:24 You know, the grass always looks greener
01:27 on the other side of the fence.
01:29 (chirping)
01:34 (chuckles)
01:39 Yes, sir, a land of plenty.
01:47 But it ain't, not for us beetles, anyway.
01:51 (chuckles)
01:54 Ah, I'll never forget.
01:56 I had to learn the hard way.
01:59 I'd been eyeing that pasture for a long time.
02:04 So, what was there to do but go and have a look-see?
02:07 It was a paradise, all right.
02:12 Just full of fancy foods.
02:14 (chirping)
02:19 (gentle music)
02:22 (chewing)
02:24 Yep.
02:49 (chuckles)
02:50 I was having my fill, all right.
02:53 But unknowns to me at the time,
02:55 trouble was on its way.
02:57 (gulps)
03:03 Ah, what's going on here?
03:10 (squawks)
03:18 (gentle music)
03:20 (gentle music)
03:24 (chirps)
03:26 Oh, yeah.
03:38 (chirping)
03:44 (chirps)
03:50 (chirps)
03:52 (squawks)
03:59 (chirps)
04:01 (squawks)
04:06 (thunder rumbles)
04:14 (squawks)
04:15 (laughs)
04:17 (chirps)
04:19 I was really on the spot, and there was no way out.
04:24 So, I pulled back and nailed him with my right.
04:26 (chirps)
04:30 Huh, must have got him right on the button.
04:35 (chirps)
04:42 (chirps)
04:44 (chirps)
04:53 Huh, uh-oh.
04:57 (chirps)
05:01 (door slams)
05:11 (gentle music)
05:13 Ah-ha!
05:30 (laughs)
05:36 (chirps)
05:38 (door slams)
05:40 (chirps)
06:04 Boy, was I glad to be back in my own backyard.
06:08 Home never looked so good.
06:10 And do you know what I'm a-thinking?
06:17 I just wonder if Beans is such bad vittles after all.
06:21 (laughs)
06:25 At land safe.
06:34 (laughs)
06:36 Got a surprise for dessert, Sonny.
06:40 Watermelon.
06:42 (upbeat music)
06:49 (squawks)
06:53 A symphony in color and song echoes deep
06:57 in the tropics of the South America.
07:00 A treasure of rare and exotic birds.
07:03 Here in a jungle paradise,
07:05 nature's little songsters blend in unforgettable harmonies.
07:08 (gentle music)
07:11 Ah, very charming.
07:35 But let us be on our way,
07:36 for a treat awaits us behind every twig and vine.
07:40 (upbeat music)
07:42 Well, another bad guy.
07:51 No one bothers with the Araquan.
07:53 He's the slap-happy clown of the jungle.
07:55 But wait, there's something wrong with this picture.
07:59 What's this?
08:01 Bird lovers' photographic expedition.
08:05 (camera shutter clicks)
08:08 (gasps)
08:10 (speaks gibberish)
08:16 (camera shutter clicks)
08:21 (speaks gibberish)
08:24 (thunder booms)
08:29 (speaks gibberish)
08:32 (thunder booms)
08:37 (upbeat music)
08:40 (speaks gibberish)
08:48 (speaks gibberish)
08:53 (speaks gibberish)
08:56 (speaks gibberish)
09:02 (speaks gibberish)
09:05 (speaks gibberish)
09:10 (laughs)
09:12 (speaks gibberish)
09:17 (upbeat music)
09:19 (sneezes)
09:30 (speaks gibberish)
09:33 (speaks gibberish)
09:42 (speaks gibberish)
09:47 (upbeat music)
09:59 (speaks gibberish)
10:02 (upbeat music)
10:08 (upbeat music)
10:12 (thunder booms)
10:22 (upbeat music)
10:26 (thunder booms)
10:28 (speaks gibberish)
10:44 (speaks gibberish)
10:55 (sneezes)
10:57 (speaks gibberish)
11:00 (upbeat music)
11:04 (thunder booms)
11:19 (roars)
11:24 (roars)
11:26 (thunder booms)
11:30 (upbeat music)
11:35 (speaks gibberish)
11:44 (upbeat music)
11:48 (thunder booms)
11:52 (upbeat music)
11:55 (speaks gibberish)
12:00 (upbeat music)
12:05 (laughs)
12:13 (thunder booms)
12:21 (laughs)
12:23 (speaks gibberish)
12:26 (upbeat music)
12:48 (speaks gibberish)
12:51 (thud)
12:59 (speaks gibberish)
13:02 (upbeat music)
13:05 (roars)
13:11 (ding)
13:15 (upbeat music)
13:18 (speaks gibberish)
13:21 (upbeat music)
13:26 (speaks gibberish)
13:40 (upbeat music)
13:42 (thud)
14:05 (upbeat music)
14:08 (speaks gibberish)
14:11 (thud)
14:14 (roars)
14:17 (speaks gibberish)
14:22 Uh oh.
14:26 (upbeat music)
14:29 (speaks gibberish)
14:37 (upbeat music)
14:39 (roars)
14:47 (speaks gibberish)
14:53 (upbeat music)
14:57 (upbeat music)
15:00 (speaks gibberish)
15:11 (thud)
15:15 (upbeat music)
15:18 (clears throat)
15:26 (upbeat music)
15:28 (speaks gibberish)
15:36 (upbeat music)
15:41 (speaks gibberish)
15:44 (speaks gibberish)
15:51 (upbeat music)
15:54 (roars)
15:59 (speaks gibberish)
16:05 (speaks gibberish)
16:14 (roars)
16:19 (speaks gibberish)
16:22 (upbeat music)
16:30 (roars)
16:48 (upbeat music)
16:50 Uh oh.
16:55 (roars)
16:58 (speaks gibberish)
17:06 (upbeat music)
17:08 (upbeat music)
17:26 (upbeat music)
17:28 (roars)
17:41 (roars)
17:45 (roars)
17:50 (upbeat music)
17:54 (upbeat music)
17:56 (roars)
18:01 (upbeat music)
18:12 (roars)
18:18 (upbeat music)
18:20 (upbeat music)
18:23 (upbeat music)
18:30 (thud)
18:39 (upbeat music)
18:41 (upbeat music)
18:44 (speaks gibberish)
19:11 (upbeat music)
19:14 (roars)
19:32 (roars)
19:40 (upbeat music)
19:43 (speaks gibberish)
19:49 (upbeat music)