
  • yesterday


00:00:00The answer, Pete, is no.
00:00:08It's just an appointment.
00:00:15I could tell you first thing.
00:00:16I'm not going to see a doctor in the morning or any other morning.
00:00:20Tests, scans, do I look like a pincushion?
00:00:24I'm not in denial and I'm not doing an ostrich.
00:00:29I just want to suck the marrow out of life for as long as I've got,
00:00:35where the dice fall where they may.
00:00:37You don't even know what you've got.
00:00:39I mean, you could be wrong.
00:00:43No, pathetically.
00:00:45When you're in the game I'm in, you get a feel for death.
00:00:50I didn't sense her presence.
00:00:54See the blacks in her eyes, feel the caress of her tendrils.
00:01:00You're playing God.
00:01:03Indeed I am.
00:01:05For what?
00:01:07Learned that from you, like everything else.
00:01:11Stubbornness, bluntness, insensitivity, the moodiness bordering on psychosis.
00:01:18Yeah, all right, all right.
00:01:20It's my life, Pete.
00:01:21No one can say otherwise, you included.
00:01:29So what about the people who care for you?
00:01:32You thought about them?
00:01:34Most of my ex-wives would be glad to see the back of me.
00:01:39Yeah, all of my ex-wives would be glad to see the back of me.
00:01:45And what about us?
00:01:46Let me deal with it my way, Hendrik.
00:01:52No man is an island unto himself.
00:02:00You are.
00:03:16Ciao, Bella.
00:03:46I've cracked it.
00:04:10It's a major breakthrough.
00:04:11It's what we've been working on all this time.
00:04:15Do you know what that means?
00:04:18How are you going to protect her?
00:04:20Don't worry, I'm on it.
00:04:21I figured out a plan.
00:04:24And then we just roll it out to the world.
00:04:28What about you?
00:04:29I'm bomb-proof.
00:04:30No one is bomb-proof.
00:04:35We have a moral obligation to the world.
00:04:38Do our loved ones not get killed?
00:04:44Better go.
00:04:46Places to be, people to see.
00:04:54Be careful.
00:05:08Hey, what's up?
00:05:11You all right?
00:05:12Doing good.
00:05:14Yeah, go ahead.
00:05:25Let's cut the video, Ellison.
00:05:28Is she here?
00:05:29No, she's exhausted.
00:05:31Sends her apologies.
00:05:33Is the live stream up yet?
00:05:37There you go.
00:05:38We are live.
00:05:49You all right, Dad?
00:05:54Yeah, I'll be up soon.
00:05:58Got your back, Reuben.
00:06:05Yeah, I'll be up soon.
00:06:36Want to tell me what you're up to?
00:06:39I know who you're working for.
00:06:41I know you're up to something.
00:06:43You, Plink, global corporations, big pharma.
00:06:49So, what's going down?
00:06:51Care to share?
00:06:52Want to take a deep dive on it?
00:06:54Stay out of it, Inge.
00:07:36Where is it?
00:07:40Tell me.
00:07:41It's where you'll never find it.
00:07:55Name's Tycho Boss.
00:07:57So, what's the deal?
00:07:59Did he fall or was he pushed?
00:08:02Good question, Eddie.
00:08:04Head wound, awkward body posture, suggesting multiple limb fracture,
00:08:08consistent with a fall from a height, logically up there,
00:08:12to down here, accelerating at a rate of...
00:08:159.8 metres per second per second.
00:08:18Good man.
00:08:20Anyone see anything? Got any witnesses?
00:08:22Nothing yet, but we're still talking to people.
00:08:25This is a club, right?
00:08:27You get strung, fall, accidents happen.
00:08:31So, why were you here?
00:08:33Because he texted us just after midnight.
00:08:36Huh. Store full of him.
00:08:39Can you even do that?
00:08:40You can if you register in advance with our emergency number.
00:08:44He was clearly worried about something.
00:08:46What did the message say?
00:08:48If they get to me, tell Alice I love her, whoever they are.
00:08:52Yeah, and there's something else.
00:08:55There's groups of small, circular, recent bruising on the outer,
00:09:02more significantly, inner aspect of both upper arms.
00:09:06Not likely to come from a fall.
00:09:09Oh, he's good, isn't he?
00:09:12No, Eddie, he didn't fall.
00:09:15He was...pushed.
00:09:19Taiko used to come in with his partner, Alice.
00:09:22We ran a film sometimes.
00:09:24Was she here last night?
00:09:26No, Taiko came on his own.
00:09:28Did he meet anyone else?
00:09:30No, did he seem nervous?
00:09:32Was he acting strangely in any way?
00:09:35He was on edge, but then again, Taiko was always a bit wired.
00:09:39Maybe a bit more than usual.
00:09:43He kind of had a spat with someone.
00:09:47I don't know, a woman with funky pink hair.
00:09:52We'll need access to your CCTV.
00:09:55We don't have any.
00:09:56We trust our guests. It's about civil liberties.
00:10:00Well, if you think of anything else,
00:10:02then we'll need to speak to Taiko's partner as well.
00:10:05Sure. She's lovely.
00:10:07Always the calm amid the storm.
00:10:11You're lying!
00:10:13You can't tell me that!
00:10:17You can't have done!
00:10:21We know this is very hard.
00:10:23Yes, just...
00:10:25put the pipe down.
00:10:27I'll leave you to it. You're doing great.
00:10:57So, who worked out there? Was it you or Taiko?
00:11:22Mainly me.
00:11:24Taiko sometimes.
00:11:27What did Taiko do for a living?
00:11:30He was a scientist.
00:11:33Medical research.
00:11:35Gene and genome editing.
00:11:38Sorry, but I mean, science was never my strong point.
00:11:42Mine neither.
00:11:44It's a way of modifying the DNA of cells.
00:11:48Right, OK.
00:11:50And we do that why?
00:11:52To disable genes.
00:11:54Like cancer cells.
00:11:56It could revolutionize cancer treatment.
00:12:00That was Taiko's dream.
00:12:02To find a breakthrough in the cure for cancer.
00:12:06From that place?
00:12:08If I wasn't using it.
00:12:10Most days he went to the science library.
00:12:15Can you think of a reason why Taiko might have felt he was in danger?
00:12:19I didn't know he did.
00:12:21He texted us just before he died saying as much.
00:12:26He also wanted to let you know how much he loved you.
00:12:32Alice, why did Taiko go to watch your short film last night and you didn't?
00:12:39I don't know.
00:12:45I know this is hard right now, but could Taiko have been seeing somebody else?
00:12:51Taiko lived for his work.
00:12:54There was barely enough time for us, let alone someone else.
00:12:57So you don't happen to know a woman with pink hair?
00:13:00No, should I?
00:13:05Can I ask what your film was about?
00:13:11Inspired by Taiko's research.
00:13:14Cancerous tumors are like parasites.
00:13:18They grow within, consume and corrupt the host.
00:13:22The Judas Kiss. Is that the same logic?
00:13:26Hidden threat. Destruction from within.
00:13:33Hey, Taiko and Alice, you know what to do.
00:13:36Go on. You know you want to.
00:13:39Hi, Taiko. I just wanted to check how you got home safe last night.
00:13:44Who's that?
00:13:46Ray. Taiko's former mentor.
00:13:50I'm a bit worried, that's all.
00:13:57This is Commissaris Vanderbilt.
00:13:59Who were you worried about?
00:14:03What's happened? Is Taiko okay?
00:14:09No, he's not.
00:14:13Where can we meet?
00:14:15If Hendrik doesn't want to see a doctor, he doesn't want to see a doctor.
00:14:18There's nothing we can do about it.
00:14:20Are you serious? We get him to change his mind?
00:14:23Pete, the right thing to do would be back off and respect his wishes.
00:14:27Just be there when he needs us.
00:14:30We get him to change his mind.
00:14:32Right, well, good luck with that.
00:14:35He's just like you. Stubborn, rude.
00:14:39Just saying.
00:14:41I'd rather you didn't.
00:14:47Here comes our man.
00:14:50Looks like he might have company.
00:14:52Not just any company.
00:14:55That could be the woman from the club, right?
00:14:57Yeah, the one with pink hair.
00:15:04Hey! Something's wrong! Bike's going the wrong way!
00:15:09Watch out!
00:15:18Out of the way!
00:15:19Get down!
00:15:20Get down!
00:15:45You are going nowhere.
00:16:07Ray Mesmond, entry win confirmed at close range.
00:16:10Neck, chest, heart.
00:16:13Not easy one-handed and at speed.
00:16:16Yeah. With a silencer in broad daylight.
00:16:20And our man Tycho was dead before he hit the ground.
00:16:23Severe spinal damage caused by significant rotational force to the neck.
00:16:27That's separate to the hyperextension injury from his subsequent impact with the ground.
00:16:32You with me?
00:16:34I'm always with you.
00:16:35So, professional neckbreaker then, I'd say.
00:16:39We'll put him in a tight reverse headlock.
00:16:42Any last requests? No. Lights out.
00:16:46So, essentially, a professional hit.
00:16:49In one.
00:16:51Good luck with that.
00:16:54Two dead bodies in quick succession.
00:16:56What do we know?
00:16:57Both scientists. Both knew each other.
00:17:00Ray Mesmond, retired. Tycho Boss, a researcher specialising in cancer research.
00:17:06Both may have had links with this woman.
00:17:08She had a spat with Tycho Boss just before he was killed.
00:17:11And she was at the crime scene when Mesmond was shot.
00:17:14Did we bring her in? No. She gave us a slip.
00:17:16It's not our shooter, though, is she?
00:17:18An accomplice, maybe?
00:17:20Either way, we need to find her.
00:17:23Any word from tech on facial recognition?
00:17:26Nothing yet.
00:17:27Something else, though. Tycho Boss's partner, Alice, said he worked most days at the science library, right?
00:17:32Well, I just spoke to them. They have no record of him ever being there.
00:17:36Could his partner be lying? Possibly.
00:17:39Maybe she discovered something about Tycho she didn't like.
00:17:42She won't be the first.
00:17:44Well, what we know for sure is he was seen talking to our mystery woman at the club.
00:17:50And he lied to his partner about where he worked.
00:17:52Well, we're analysing his phone to see if we can trace his movements.
00:17:56There's no CCTV at the club.
00:17:58But there was a fire exit broken into at the back.
00:18:00OK. Here's a thing.
00:18:02Ray Mesman used to work for Freddy Klink.
00:18:05The billionaire?
00:18:07A billionaire, philanthropist, aiming to be the first man to walk on Mars.
00:18:11What was Ray Mesman doing for Klink?
00:18:13Um, says he a chief science officer.
00:18:16So, we've got two dead scientists and one of the richest men on Earth.
00:18:21Get me an appointment.
00:18:23With Klink? You're joking.
00:18:26But he's Freddy Klink. The Freddy Klink.
00:18:30Yeah, I know who he is.
00:18:32But he eats, drinks and breathes like the rest of us, doesn't he?
00:18:35Unless he's come up with some invention so he doesn't have to do that.
00:18:38He's also meeting the King this afternoon.
00:18:40Oh. I thought Elvis was dead.
00:18:43As part of the Global Clean Water Initiative, there's a fundraiser.
00:18:47Are you going? No, but we are overseeing the security.
00:18:50Or rather, Kayleigh Tenkis is.
00:18:52Well, maybe she can get us an interview with Klink.
00:18:54Maybe she can. She'll be across his movement.
00:18:56Ray Mesman's son is here to identify the body.
00:19:03I might need a word at Hendrick later.
00:19:06Sure. Any time.
00:19:25HE SIGHS
00:19:42Love you, Dad.
00:19:44When did you last see your father?
00:19:47Last night.
00:19:49We lived together.
00:19:51We gather he saw Tycho Boss.
00:19:56Someone dropped by at about ten.
00:20:00And, er...
00:20:02That could have been Tycho, I guess.
00:20:05Do you know why he might have visited?
00:20:08No. No idea.
00:20:11It's been a while, but they used to work together.
00:20:15Tycho was Dad's research assistant back in the day.
00:20:17Used to.
00:20:19So they both moved on.
00:20:21Happens. People move on to other research projects and stuff.
00:20:26Your father was on his way to meet us when he was killed.
00:20:31Do you have any idea if he was involved in anything that could have led to his death?
00:20:35No. None at all.
00:20:38Yep. Still here.
00:20:40Still not going anywhere.
00:20:42Still at Eddie Sullivan, yeah.
00:20:44Reuben, Mesman's been a busy boy.
00:20:46Former addict. Drug offences, antisocial behaviour, theft.
00:20:52No joy setting up a date with Klink, I take it.
00:20:57Your dad worked for Freddie Klink as a scientist, right?
00:21:01Doing what?
00:21:03Some sort of consultancy work.
00:21:06Consulting on?
00:21:08Science and stuff.
00:21:10I don't know. I think it was more of an honorary position, really.
00:21:15They went back a long way, so...
00:21:33I'm surprised Klink didn't think of Ira and you as well.
00:21:36I thought you could have done with something to take your mind off other things.
00:21:39I've been clean for three years.
00:21:41I was then.
00:21:43And this is now.
00:21:45And both your dad and Tycho Boss are dead.
00:21:54He's dead as well.
00:22:04Get some surveillance on Reuben Mesman, yeah?
00:22:07Time to pay a billionaire a visit. You want to come?
00:22:10To see some strapping male and self-styled world saviour?
00:22:13I think I'll give it a miss, thanks.
00:22:15It's like it's your lucky day, Eddie.
00:22:17Me, you and Klink. We haven't seen him.
00:22:19Yeah, not having much luck with that, actually.
00:22:21Yeah, all right. Well, tell him it's a murder investigation.
00:22:24Doesn't help. They don't want Klink associated with anything dodgy.
00:22:27Just tell him to find a slot or we'll turn up unannounced.
00:22:30Right? They'll like that even less.
00:22:32Yeah. It's not that simple.
00:22:34Why is it not that simple?
00:22:35They refuse to tell me his movements. Security reasons.
00:22:38I know his movements all day, if that helps.
00:22:42Yeah. Yeah, it's great.
00:22:44And where he lives. He moved recently.
00:22:47Yeah, everyone knows that.
00:22:49Then maybe you also know that he'll be helicoptered back from his meeting with the King in about three hours.
00:22:54Yep. Yep, of course we do. Do we?
00:22:57He'll be picked up from the helipad and driven home.
00:23:03You want me to put in a word?
00:23:05No. No need.
00:23:07I made Klink and the King. We go back years.
00:23:10I'll just pick up the phone.
00:23:13OK, great.
00:23:15I'd better go. Let me know if you need any more info.
00:23:18Yeah, we're good. Thanks.
00:23:20Sounds like you've got it covered.
00:23:22Although we could do with knowing which helipad he's landing at.
00:23:28Don't you know?
00:23:29Sure we do.
00:23:31The port in Rotterdam.
00:23:40Facial recognition came good.
00:23:42Inger Palmberg, conspiracy theorist, truth campaigner, fake news fanatic.
00:23:48All we need.
00:23:50We'll get this, though. She's quite a critic of Klink.
00:23:52Thinks he's a shape-shifting lizard.
00:23:54She is weirder than I thought.
00:23:56No stone unturned and all that.
00:23:58Where can we find her?
00:23:59According to her website,
00:24:00she's giving a public speech this morning on extraterrestrials.
00:24:03Yeah, of course she is.
00:24:05OK, I'll leave that one to you.
00:24:07After you tell me what Kayleigh told you.
00:24:15Was everything OK with you guys?
00:24:17The takers seemed pretty wired.
00:24:19I thought things were fine.
00:24:21I'm not so sure.
00:24:23I mean, he was really stressed about work.
00:24:28Way more than usual.
00:24:33What was all that stuff inserted in the film?
00:24:37What was that about?
00:24:39What stuff?
00:24:43What are you doing here?
00:24:45I need to see you. I wanted to say that...
00:24:48I am so sorry about Tycho.
00:24:51I don't want to see you right now.
00:24:53Alice. Alice, please.
00:24:54No. I want you to go.
00:24:56Is everything all right?
00:24:59I'm sorry.
00:25:00I'm sorry.
00:25:01I'm sorry.
00:25:02I'm sorry.
00:25:03I'm sorry.
00:25:04I'm sorry.
00:25:05I'm sorry.
00:25:06I'm sorry.
00:25:07I'm sorry.
00:25:08I'm sorry.
00:25:09I'm sorry.
00:25:10I'm sorry.
00:25:14Sure. Okay.
00:25:15I just thought you wanted to know my dad is dead.
00:25:18And someone killed him too.
00:25:24This is the most harebrained scheme I've heard in my life.
00:25:27After all the years we've known each other.
00:25:29What on earth are you thinking?
00:25:30Have I ever asked any favours before?
00:25:33I mean, ever.
00:25:34Yes. Plenty. All the time.
00:25:42This one matters.
00:25:47His family.
00:25:49Pete, this is tantamount to kidnapping.
00:25:52The answer has to be no.
00:26:02It's completely illogical to claim that extraterrestrial life came to us from out there.
00:26:07Aliens actually come from a parallel universe coexisting with our own.
00:26:12Intra-dimensional rather than extraterrestrial.
00:26:16Remember me?
00:26:18No need to run. I have a gun.
00:26:21And as one of your articles said,
00:26:23all police are trigger-happy fascists controlled by computer chip.
00:26:27So, let's not risk it, eh?
00:26:29Or maybe now's the time for some intra-dimensional travel.
00:26:37What do you want?
00:26:39Mainly, to how come you're at the crime scene for two murders.
00:26:49You ever been to Rotterdam, Eddie?
00:26:51Yeah, love it.
00:26:52Great city, great vibe, great skyline.
00:26:55Nah, overrated.
00:26:59Don't touch him, by the way.
00:27:01Why not? Is he fragile?
00:27:04No, he doesn't like to be touched.
00:27:20Nice to meet you, Mr. Klimt.
00:27:24Nice to meet you, Mr. Klimt.
00:27:26Where you flown in from? Mars?
00:27:28It's Klink.
00:27:30Of course it is.
00:27:31What's wrong with getting a tram?
00:27:33I haven't taken public transport in 20 years.
00:27:38Fares too expensive for you, are they?
00:27:40Is that why you come here?
00:27:42I mean, Rotterdam's nice, isn't it?
00:27:44But it's not Amsterdam.
00:27:46Sergeant Suleiman,
00:27:47my people tell me you were very polite when you told them you'd ambushed me.
00:27:51Well, I appreciate you're very busy.
00:27:53You have to forgive him.
00:27:54He's never met a shape-shifting lizard before.
00:27:59Ray Mesman and Tycho Boss both used to work for Freddy Klink,
00:28:02but they fell out.
00:28:03I was trying to find out why.
00:28:05But the club manager said you had a falling out with Tycho Boss
00:28:07not long before he was killed.
00:28:09Yeah, I was trying to get him to talk to me, but he refused.
00:28:11That must have been upsetting.
00:28:13Not enough to kill him.
00:28:16So what were you doing following Ray Mesman?
00:28:18I heard about what happened to Tycho,
00:28:20thought Ray might be connected.
00:28:22And happened to be close when he was murdered.
00:28:25Do conspiracy theorists believe in coincidence?
00:28:30Someone's out to silence them.
00:28:36You know most of his money comes from pharmaceuticals.
00:28:42His wealth is 5% inherited,
00:28:45His wealth is 5% inherited,
00:28:4723% entrepreneurial,
00:28:49and 72% profit from pharma companies he owns.
00:28:52He's not in the business of finding cures.
00:28:55He'd try and stop anyone getting close.
00:28:57Who would do that?
00:28:59Any billionaire control freak you care to mention.
00:29:02You know he sacks people for looking at him.
00:29:05You don't get as rich as he is by doing good in the world.
00:29:08Well, next thing you're going to tell me he's a reptile, right?
00:29:10God, no.
00:29:12I'm a conspiracy theorist, not an idiot.
00:29:15Besides, that was just fake news people put out there to discredit me
00:29:18because I was criticising him.
00:29:20Really? Yeah.
00:29:22He's absolutely 100% that petty.
00:29:26I'll see what the dark web has to say about these murders, let you know.
00:29:29No need.
00:29:32Don't you worry you might be a target?
00:29:36I'm the safest person on the planet.
00:29:39You kill a conspiracy theorist
00:29:41and everyone assumes they're onto something.
00:29:43My theory's to go through the roof.
00:29:45Might not be a bad thing.
00:29:47Except you'd be dead.
00:29:49Oh, but didn't you know?
00:29:51This reality is just a three-dimensional projection
00:29:54of a subconscious multiverse.
00:29:56There's no such thing as death.
00:30:00Ray was a good man.
00:30:02A decent man.
00:30:05He helped me out in the early days,
00:30:07but when things took off for me, I hired him in an advisory capacity.
00:30:11To advise on what, exactly? Martians?
00:30:16What was going on in terms of experiments,
00:30:18who might be closing in on a discovery.
00:30:21It's a pretty nominal role, though, to be honest.
00:30:24So why would someone want to kill him?
00:30:26You tell me.
00:30:28How about this for a reason?
00:30:30His death bears more than a passing resemblance to a professional hit.
00:30:34I mean, this lot here would be proud of him.
00:30:40Tyco Bosch, you know him?
00:30:46Can I give you a lift?
00:30:48I'm fine, thanks, Mr Clint.
00:30:56I can't believe you just did that.
00:30:58Well, seeing is believing, Eddie.
00:31:05Somebody better start talking.
00:31:11I need to ask you about Freddy Klink.
00:31:15Did Tyco or Ray ever mention him to you?
00:31:17No. Why would they?
00:31:19Well, Ray worked for Klink.
00:31:24News to me.
00:31:26You said he was Tyco's mentor.
00:31:28So, did you know him well?
00:31:32So, did you know him well?
00:31:34Sort of.
00:31:36I mean, I kind of left them to it, you know?
00:31:38So how much did you know about Tyco and his research?
00:31:42Not much.
00:31:44He kept it to himself, really.
00:31:46And I didn't ask.
00:31:48You know the science library he claims he went to?
00:31:52He didn't.
00:31:54He'd never been there in his life.
00:31:56That's impossible.
00:31:58It's also true.
00:32:00Can you think of anywhere else he might have gone?
00:32:02No. That just doesn't make sense.
00:32:05He'd tell me about the regulars he saw there every day.
00:32:08He was lying.
00:32:09Why would he lie to me?
00:32:11People lie for all sorts of reasons.
00:32:14What we need to figure out is what was going on in Tyco's life.
00:32:18Was there anything about his recent behavior that was different?
00:32:24I didn't see a lot of him, I guess.
00:32:27He'd become pretty obsessed.
00:32:29Anything else?
00:32:32Jurgen sent me the short I did for the club.
00:32:36Only I didn't.
00:32:38What do you mean?
00:32:40Tyco added some stuff.
00:32:45It's just visuals about parasites.
00:32:48And then this.
00:32:51Not parasite.
00:32:53They make no sense whatsoever and have nothing to do with me.
00:33:19That's not gas.
00:33:20That's not electricity.
00:33:21That's the fabric of the universe.
00:33:25Not got any work to do?
00:33:28Neck break.
00:33:29See, that's the problem with the modern killer.
00:33:31No challenge.
00:33:32No imagination.
00:33:34All right.
00:33:35Well, try this then.
00:33:37We've sent it to tech as well,
00:33:38but Tyco Boss has inserted a bunch of images into his partner's short film.
00:33:43He sent it to the club and then deleted it.
00:33:45Why would he do that?
00:33:47Seeing as you've got time on your hands.
00:33:49Well, I didn't say that.
00:33:51We thought you could help us figure that out.
00:33:54Yeah, go on then.
00:33:55What was he researching?
00:33:57A breakthrough for a potential cure for cancer.
00:34:00Yeah, right.
00:34:01He's joking.
00:34:02This is one of your ploys, isn't it?
00:34:06No, it's not.
00:34:07I'm serious.
00:34:09And anyway, listen to me.
00:34:11I've given up on ploys.
00:34:14So you win.
00:34:15So we can celebrate.
00:34:17Me stopping nagging you.
00:34:21I'll drink to that.
00:34:22Go on, Clevers.
00:34:23Get them poured out.
00:34:24Both things first.
00:34:26Get your eyes on this.
00:34:43Inspector Bucker.
00:34:45We're the murder squad investigating the death of Tycho Boss.
00:34:48We need to ask a few more questions.
00:34:50We found out who did it yet.
00:34:51Getting there.
00:34:53Trying to really zero in on Tycho's movements last night and the reasons for them.
00:34:57We know that just before ten, he visited a former mentor of his and then came here.
00:35:02Do you know why?
00:35:05Can't say I do.
00:35:09Anything odd last night?
00:35:11I mean, did he give you anything, for example?
00:35:15Like I told your colleagues.
00:35:18Anything he did differently?
00:35:22Were you here last night?
00:35:24Did I maybe see you?
00:35:28No, I was here briefly with colleagues this morning.
00:35:32Must be thinking about that.
00:35:36Can't help.
00:35:44So, Maestro.
00:35:46Do you want to put us all out of our misery and explain?
00:35:49Well, it's obvious, isn't it?
00:35:52Is it?
00:35:53It's existential arthouse nonsense.
00:35:55Absolute gobbledygook.
00:35:57Visual gibberish of no significance whatsoever.
00:36:00Or it's a code.
00:36:02How is that a code?
00:36:04Well, maybe they're symbols.
00:36:07A bit like in chess.
00:36:08But if it's a code, we need a key, don't we?
00:36:10We do.
00:36:12We need to figure out why he'd do that in the first place.
00:36:15To send a message to whoever.
00:36:17And what message, anyway?
00:36:19I don't know.
00:36:20But whatever it is,
00:36:22someone's clearly prepared to kill over it.
00:36:29This is Jürgen Carlin from Ariel.
00:36:31There was a woman just here.
00:36:39Say that again?
00:36:42Let's try those questions I asked again, shall we?
00:36:47It's the nightclub manager.
00:36:49Call got cut.
00:36:50As far as there was a woman here.
00:36:52OK, let's go.
00:36:55We're shut.
00:36:56Did you see the sign?
00:36:57I always see signs.
00:36:58Besides, I've got something for her.
00:36:59Can't stop.
00:37:02You can stay.
00:37:04Could you not have just rung?
00:37:06I don't want anyone knowing that I'm in touch with you guys.
00:37:08Besides, walls have ears, phones have bugs,
00:37:10and computers are monitored 24-7, 365.
00:37:12Yeah, OK, OK. What is it?
00:37:14According to the dark web,
00:37:15Klink and Ray Messman fell out about a patent.
00:37:18A patent for what?
00:37:19A medical breakthrough.
00:37:21One second.
00:37:27Go on.
00:37:28Where does Klink come into this?
00:37:29I think Klink bought the patent
00:37:30and then sat on whatever it was Ray Messman had discovered.
00:37:32Check, find, retrace, tag our boss's movements from his phone
00:37:35to an address he went to every day.
00:37:37You coming?
00:37:38You don't normally follow up on leads.
00:37:39Well, I have my moments.
00:37:40And these are strange times.
00:37:43Talk to him.
00:37:50Sit at the piano.
00:37:55You heard.
00:38:08Put your hands on the keys.
00:38:11I don't play.
00:38:20Put them back.
00:38:23Are you worried I'm going to slam this down, crushing your fingers?
00:38:28Well, I am.
00:38:29Unless you tell me the truth.
00:38:31Lie again and I will break your fingers a few at a time.
00:38:34Break your fingers a few at a time.
00:38:37Tycho Boss.
00:38:39Tell me everything.
00:38:41I swear, there's nothing to tell.
00:38:44OK, OK, OK.
00:38:46He came in alone.
00:38:47He's usually with his girlfriend, Alice.
00:38:49She does short films for us.
00:38:51The ones on the wall?
00:38:56You were here.
00:39:00Whoever it is, they'll be expecting us to come through the door, right?
00:39:04And we think they used a fire exit to leave last night.
00:39:07So which do you want, front or back?
00:39:09I'll take the front.
00:39:10Age before beauty and all that.
00:39:21Yeah, what's with the gun?
00:39:23They're only checking out an address.
00:39:24On the back of two people being taken out.
00:39:27Lightning never strikes thrice.
00:39:31What about the film?
00:39:32I don't know.
00:39:33The film was sent from Alice's email, but she hadn't sent the Tycho head.
00:39:37And for some reason, he was keen for me to play that version.
00:39:41I don't know.
00:39:43I swear, I have no idea.
00:39:45That's it?
00:39:47That's it.
00:39:48No big deal.
00:39:49If it's no big deal, why didn't you tell me this before?
00:39:53I don't know.
00:39:54Because it seemed meaningless.
00:40:04Come on.
00:40:17You see?
00:40:18A bunch of scientists.
00:40:20Pussycats, the lot of them.
00:40:22Yeah, but what are they up to?
00:40:25Just to be safe.
00:40:26Why is Reuben Mesman here?
00:40:33He's away now.
00:40:34Of course.
00:40:35If I can have a request.
00:40:38I told you, I don't play.
00:40:42How about...
00:40:44my way?
00:40:59You kill a police officer,
00:41:01you're in a whole lot more trouble than you are already.
00:41:06Drop the gun.
00:41:09You drop the gun, or she's dead.
00:41:15Think about it.
00:41:17You could shoot, I could shoot.
00:41:18Fifty-fifty, who wins?
00:41:20Wanna risk those odds?
00:41:22Gamble on beating me to it?
00:41:24Drop the gun.
00:41:25She lives.
00:41:26Who are you?
00:41:28Not here to talk.
00:41:29Drop the gun.
00:41:30She lives.
00:41:57You want me to call for backup?
00:42:00It's too late.
00:42:02She knows what she's doing.
00:42:03She's gone.
00:42:07Should have gone round the back.
00:42:09We should have brought Eddie.
00:42:12I mean, we know.
00:42:13We know she was a pranked.
00:42:14Don't worry about it.
00:42:15I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:18I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:19I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:20I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:21I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:22I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:23I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:24I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:42:25Don't worry about it.
00:42:27We're both fine.
00:42:33What do you think she wanted with the club manager?
00:42:35Images from the film?
00:42:39We need to protect Alice Williams.
00:42:41Let's get Kayleigh over there.
00:42:45I'll call her.
00:42:48What is this place?
00:42:49What do you do here?
00:42:50It's the research facility Tyco ran.
00:42:52I just don't see it.
00:42:56Something to do with cancer, right?
00:43:00And Tycho was the brains.
00:43:01The only one who knew everything.
00:43:03Kept secrets even from his work force.
00:43:05He gets to check things and test conclusions, but never the full picture.
00:43:09But why hide this from his partner?
00:43:11And why didn't you tell us about this earlier?
00:43:13It's the funding's top secret.
00:43:15Not anymore it's not.
00:43:17Your father is dead.
00:43:19So is Tycho.
00:43:21And he clearly knew what was going on here.
00:43:23So who funded it?
00:43:26My father.
00:43:35Dad made a breakthrough in the search for a treatment, but it needed more work.
00:43:41And Klink bought the patent off him for a lot of money.
00:43:45And sat on it, right?
00:43:47And dad went along with it because he felt he had no choice.
00:43:51He could have refused the money.
00:43:56I was in trouble.
00:43:59I had debts, bad debts, to worse people, and Klink effectively blackmailed him about that.
00:44:10So dad paid my debts, I sorted myself out, and with what was left, dad funded Tycho to
00:44:16carry on the work.
00:44:19Behind Klink's back?
00:44:22And if Klink found this out, he wouldn't exactly be happy.
00:44:26This is Klink we're talking about.
00:44:30What do you think?
00:44:36Street camera's got a photo of our assassin.
00:44:38I assume she's a pro, let's check the database.
00:44:42Known criminals, former military, I don't know.
00:44:45Nurseries, even.
00:44:46Well, we're imagining she works for Klink, right?
00:44:48Yeah, I bet my liver on it.
00:44:51Reuven Mesman himself confirmed the dark web rumor that his father was getting shafted
00:44:55by Klink.
00:44:56Klink patented a medical breakthrough and sat on it.
00:44:58Yeah, only dad, a little bit miffed, one might imagine, he got Tycho to continue his research
00:45:03in secret.
00:45:04We think Klink finds out people are still working on the breakthrough.
00:45:07He's a powerful man.
00:45:08He's got ego and money to hire a professional to do his dirty work.
00:45:12Well, we know Tycho Boss was worried.
00:45:15So what does he do?
00:45:16Goes and shows his partner's film in a nightclub.
00:45:19Why do that?
00:45:20I know where he did it.
00:45:22The venue livestreamed the whole thing and posted it on social media platforms, it's
00:45:25still here.
00:45:26Hidden in plain sight.
00:45:29He encrypts whatever is discovered in the film in those images.
00:45:34Medical breakthrough?
00:45:35A swan, a snowman, you know, some breakthrough.
00:45:38I mean, it just looks like drug slaying to me.
00:45:41No, it's clever.
00:45:42They can silence him, but not the film.
00:45:44Only we don't know what it contains, and we don't have the key to unlock it, so who does?
00:45:50Well, presumably Klink and Co know about it too and want the same, in order to contain
00:45:55it, control it and shut it down.
00:45:57Okay, I'll pay Klink a visit in the morning.
00:46:01Let's pick it up then.
00:46:03Are you okay?
00:46:14Are you okay?
00:46:18Could have lost you today.
00:46:20You didn't.
00:46:22Come on, don't get off subject.
00:46:24He can't file a report like that.
00:46:28This is it, isn't it?
00:46:30This is all that's going to be?
00:46:34Just us?
00:46:36No families.
00:46:37No children.
00:46:38Is that a problem for you?
00:46:43We promised Hendrik a celebration.
00:46:45So a celebration we shall have.
00:46:51Hey Art, what's that say?
00:46:55Hang on, let's have a look.
00:47:01Sorry can't join, emergency at hospital, drinks below, Lena.
00:47:19Let's not let it ruin the night.
00:47:21Go on then.
00:47:24I really have one.
00:47:25Don't explain.
00:47:27Oh yeah.
00:47:28You don't look me in the eye.
00:47:29You never look me in the eye.
00:47:34Come on.
00:47:35How do you do that?
00:47:36Let me have a shot at one.
00:47:37How do you do that?
00:48:15Is he gone?
00:48:21Out like a light.
00:48:22About time.
00:48:23Let's go for it.
00:48:24He's all right.
00:48:25He's all right.
00:48:26He's all right.
00:48:27He's all right.
00:48:28He's all right.
00:48:29He's all right.
00:48:30He's all right.
00:48:34He's all right.
00:48:35Mr. Wiggins, Mr. Wiggins.
00:48:57You do know all our jobs are on the line here?
00:48:59Yeah. And this is essentially assault?
00:49:01I knew you wouldn't let me down.
00:49:03What if someone else needs all this?
00:49:05Yeah, well, someone does. Hendrick.
00:49:08Tell me you bought everything.
00:49:10Yeah, bloods, syringes, ultrasounds, endoscope.
00:49:13Yeah, you name it, we've got it.
00:49:27Let's keep going.
00:49:31What do you think?
00:49:45Hey, what are you...
00:49:47What are you...
00:49:53What are you doing?
00:49:54Get this off me!
00:49:56I said no!
00:49:57How dare you?
00:49:58I said no!
00:50:05I said no!
00:50:07Leave it.
00:50:09We shouldn't have, but we tried.
00:50:25Morning, boys.
00:50:26Heard I was coming, did ya?
00:50:28Wondered about a pile of breakfast for Clinky.
00:50:30Bought pastries.
00:50:40Oh, what a shame.
00:50:42Bought these.
00:50:47Look at this big boy.
00:50:49Fairy alpha.
00:50:50King of the jungle.
00:50:53Endangered species.
00:50:56I tell you what.
00:50:58It must get very, very windy up here.
00:51:03I gather you own a boat.
00:51:07Spartacus, I believe.
00:51:11Scourge of the Romans.
00:51:13Bit of a dimple on his chin.
00:51:15Died, didn't he?
00:51:20Let's eat.
00:51:22Is this all for me?
00:51:28You're not expecting anyone else?
00:51:30I mean, there's no Miss Clink or Master?
00:51:36Like you, I'm something of a loner.
00:51:39I know.
00:51:41I know.
00:51:44Help yourself.
00:51:46Look what I bought.
00:51:48Fresh out of the oven?
00:51:50Fresh out of the oven?
00:51:55You said Ray Mesman was someone you took on because he helped you in the early days.
00:52:01Did you have any dealings with him more recently?
00:52:04What sort of dealings?
00:52:06I don't know.
00:52:07Patents, for example?
00:52:11Why, should I have?
00:52:13I hate to think I've missed out on an opportunity.
00:52:16To lead a market field is to have control of the technology.
00:52:20You ever sat on a patent so that it never sees the light of day,
00:52:25therefore doesn't affect profit?
00:52:28That's very cynical.
00:52:32Please, no flattery.
00:52:34Have you?
00:52:38That's not what we heard.
00:52:40You see, we were told you bought Ray Mesman's patent.
00:52:44Something to do with a potential breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.
00:52:51And then you sat on it.
00:52:53Why would I do that?
00:52:58You don't like me, do you, Commissaris?
00:53:01Oh, I don't know.
00:53:03I wouldn't go that far.
00:53:05I mean, we're just getting to know each other.
00:53:08If you did get to know me better, which I doubt,
00:53:11you'd realise there's one thing that matters more to me than profit.
00:53:20Think of all the people out there.
00:53:26Scared of death.
00:53:31Imagine being the man who gives them a medical breakthrough the world dreams of.
00:53:38I wouldn't be able to sit on that.
00:53:41Ego or no ego.
00:53:43Whatever the world thinks of me, I am just trying to improve it.
00:53:50Anything else?
00:53:54There is, actually.
00:53:56Do you...
00:53:59Do you recognise...
00:54:02this woman at all?
00:54:04Can't say I do.
00:54:06Why? Who is she?
00:54:08That's what I'm trying to find out.
00:54:10She seems partial to a bit of killing.
00:54:13Well, maybe she's the pro you were looking for earlier.
00:54:19When you pointed the finger at my guys.
00:54:22Maybe she is.
00:54:27You OK with your crumbs?
00:54:29More than.
00:54:41Kayleigh, hi. Everything OK?
00:54:45OK. I'm on my way.
00:54:51Listen, Hendrick.
00:54:53Above last night, that's all water under the bridge, right?
00:54:59Oh, you'd never ask.
00:55:04Kayleigh, I got her.
00:55:06She's with Reuben Nesman.
00:55:08Can you go keep an eye on her apartment?
00:55:10I trusted you.
00:55:12I didn't have any choice. They were obsessed with it.
00:55:14That's all they cared about.
00:55:15Is that why you came on to me?
00:55:18No, no.
00:55:19No, it isn't.
00:55:20Yes, it is.
00:55:22You know your problem.
00:55:24You're just another parasite.
00:55:26Another nobody.
00:55:28Still the loser you always were.
00:55:32Is everything OK?
00:55:33What is this?
00:55:34You stalking me too?
00:55:36Not exactly.
00:55:37Why, is he?
00:55:38No, I'm not.
00:55:40It's, um...
00:55:42It's complicated.
00:55:46I could do complicated all day.
00:55:48Who's going to start?
00:55:55Want to tell me what's going on here?
00:55:57Me and Reuben got back a long way.
00:55:59We were mates.
00:56:01Just mates?
00:56:02On my part, at least.
00:56:04Reuben never did it for me.
00:56:06Then or now.
00:56:08But I was there for him when he needed it.
00:56:11Just you, or you and Tycho?
00:56:13Me, to begin with.
00:56:15Then I met Tycho and things changed, obviously.
00:56:18I take it that didn't go down well with Reuben.
00:56:21I don't know.
00:56:22He said he was cool with it, that he would be there for me.
00:56:28But then he came on strong.
00:56:31When? Recently?
00:56:34And did anything happen?
00:56:38Although I maybe...
00:56:41Tycho was out a lot and maybe I encouraged him.
00:56:45I don't know, I didn't mean to.
00:56:49He was lying to me as well, wasn't he?
00:56:54Tycho, Reuben, Ray.
00:56:56They all lied to me.
00:57:00We think Tycho lied to protect you.
00:57:02Still, it hurts.
00:57:06How did Reuben get on with his father?
00:57:10He was desperate for his approval, really.
00:57:12But with the drugs and everything...
00:57:14And since Reuben got clean?
00:57:16Much better, as far as I know.
00:57:20The images Tycho put in your film,
00:57:23we think they might have been some kind of coded message.
00:57:27He might have left a clue about how to unlock it.
00:57:29Does that make any sense to you?
00:57:31A phrase, a nickname, someplace he used to go?
00:57:36I'll think, but nothing comes to mind, really.
00:57:40Excuse me.
00:57:42Ellis Willems' apartment's been trashed.
00:57:45OK, I'll send forensics down there.
00:57:49Could Reuben Messman have done it?
00:57:51Possible, I guess.
00:57:53I want a word with him anyway.
00:57:55I'll grab Pete.
00:57:58I don't want you to go home.
00:58:00Is there anywhere else you can go,
00:58:02just until I'm sure it's safe?
00:58:06My mum's.
00:58:15Reuben Messman was pretty fired up earlier.
00:58:18We'd better tread carefully.
00:58:20Always do.
00:58:22You OK about Hendrik?
00:58:24We did what we could.
00:58:31How's Clint, by the way?
00:58:37You know what's the problem, mate?
00:58:39If we're right, Tycho Boss had made some scientific breakthrough.
00:58:44Why kill him?
00:58:47Because you don't want his breakthrough to become public?
00:58:50Maybe they killed him before they even found it.
00:58:53Seems odd to me.
00:59:26Is he dead?
00:59:31But he's definitely lapsed.
00:59:34I'm sorry, I have to ask.
00:59:36When you left the park, did you come straight back here?
00:59:42Did you go via Alice's apartment?
00:59:44She's OK.
00:59:52I hate myself for upsetting her.
00:59:56It wasn't my idea to keep her in the dark,
00:59:58the search was theirs.
01:00:02She'll understand in time.
01:00:30Well, it's unlike anything to go wrong on your watch.
01:00:33Led along with one of your investigations.
01:00:39Remember that?
01:00:41Worst holiday I've ever had.
01:00:43Pasta was good.
01:00:44I thought you two buried the hatchet.
01:00:46Old habits.
01:00:51I'm sorry.
01:00:53I'm sorry.
01:00:55I'm sorry.
01:00:57Any clue how they got in?
01:00:59Er, forced the back door.
01:01:01Clearly they weren't after her computer then.
01:01:03Well, we know what they're after.
01:01:05Question is, did they find it?
01:01:19We know Tycho was clever, we know he had a plan.
01:01:22Now someone meant to access it.
01:01:24Now someone meant to access it.
01:01:27Where's the trigger to unlock it?
01:01:29And how come he knew they were after him?
01:01:32I mean, Tycho was sufficiently scared to contact our emergency number
01:01:36and leave a message.
01:01:38Yeah, he did, didn't he?
01:01:39Where is that message? Can I take a look?
01:01:41Sure, maybe once I'm done going through this lot.
01:01:44Mistake your job, Eddie.
01:01:46Wiring away the hours, reading upon clinking.
01:01:49You dished up any dirt yet?
01:01:50I'm working on it.
01:01:53Hendrick, about what happened last night...
01:01:55No, that's not why I'm here.
01:01:56Let's just pretend that never happened, all right?
01:01:58One word, everybody. Schnapps!
01:02:00Is that what we were drinking last night?
01:02:02No, sadly. But they're close, though. Close.
01:02:07Schnapps is how you pronounce...
01:02:19As I'm sure you all know, stands for...
01:02:24Yeah, I didn't think so.
01:02:27The constituent parts of a chemical formula.
01:02:31All right, let's try that again, shall we?
01:02:33All concentrating.
01:02:36Schnapps, meaning...
01:02:39Carbon. Hydrogen.
01:02:41Good man. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.
01:02:47Now, listen and weep.
01:02:50All medical formulae...
01:02:52And I'll say that again, just for the heart of thinking, Pete.
01:02:55All medical formulae follow this pattern.
01:02:58So, for example, penicillin.
01:03:01All right?
01:03:02That's C-16-H-18-N-2-N-4.
01:03:10That's it, yeah.
01:03:11There's no P in that one, but that's how you identify it.
01:03:14All right, carbon-16, hydrogen-18, and so on.
01:03:17So, if Tycho Boss discovered a formula for a medical breakthrough,
01:03:21it would look something like that?
01:03:23It wouldn't look something like that.
01:03:25It would look exactly like that.
01:03:27So, all we have to do is figure out how the images,
01:03:30egg, piano key, swan and so on,
01:03:33how those might relate to those letters and numbers.
01:03:36That's it.
01:03:38And we do that how?
01:03:39Well, I'm just the water carrier.
01:03:41Someone else has to provide the genius.
01:03:43No, no, no, you can do that too.
01:03:45You get in there, let me know when you've cracked it.
01:03:48Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:03:50Over here.
01:03:52It's Klink with the great and good.
01:03:54But look at the background.
01:03:56That's our woman.
01:03:59Klink said he'd never seen.
01:04:02See if our conspiracy theorist knows her.
01:04:05Remind me why we're talking to her.
01:04:07Well, because so far she's been right about everything.
01:04:17Why open the door with a plastic fork?
01:04:20Just in case.
01:04:21In case what? A bought take-out?
01:04:25At least I have a sense of humour.
01:04:27Don't you?
01:04:34Know this woman? Someone to do with Klink.
01:04:41Why, who is she?
01:04:43I can do some digging if you want.
01:04:45No, we...
01:04:46We just wanted to check if you knew her,
01:04:48if you'd met her at all.
01:04:52No, I wish I had, though.
01:04:54I could help you with this investigation.
01:04:56You could, but generally, no offence.
01:05:00We, er, like to keep it rational.
01:05:03I couldn't agree more.
01:05:05Someone shot JFK.
01:05:07No-one imagined that.
01:05:09Someone messed with the photos of the moon landing.
01:05:12Same people behind both.
01:05:18Maybe we could discuss it some other time.
01:05:28Oh, places like this are all very well.
01:05:30Do you think he's happy?
01:05:33No pastries this time, guys.
01:05:36This time it's official.
01:05:53I know you're not a fan of being close to people, but...
01:05:57Mars? Really?
01:06:00Why not?
01:06:03Have you ever thought of travelling to another planet?
01:06:06Not really.
01:06:09To be honest,
01:06:11I even find Rotterdam a bit of a stretch.
01:06:14Don't get me started on Sorrento.
01:06:16We heard you were planning on being the first man to walk on Mars.
01:06:19Not just walk.
01:06:21I plan to be the first person to conquer it.
01:06:24We won't keep you then.
01:06:27We've been studying your life story.
01:06:29It's very active.
01:06:31Particularly for someone with your memory issues.
01:06:34The woman I showed you a photo of,
01:06:37the one you said you'd never seen before.
01:06:40That's her.
01:06:42You remember her now?
01:06:44I do, yes.
01:06:48It's Nettie Hark. She used to work for me.
01:06:51Forgive me, I didn't recognise her in the image you showed me.
01:06:55Not forgiven.
01:06:57You lied.
01:07:00What did she use to do for you?
01:07:02Officially, Nettie was a nanny.
01:07:04I don't see many children running about.
01:07:07What about unofficially?
01:07:09She was my bodyguard.
01:07:11What, before this lot?
01:07:13The female bodyguard blends in.
01:07:15It looks less obvious and...
01:07:17To be honest, a woman's intuition can be useful
01:07:20in some of the situations that come up.
01:07:22That's so flattering.
01:07:25I mean, in fairness, these cavemen,
01:07:28they don't exactly scream sensitive, do they?
01:07:32So when did you last see her?
01:07:34About two years ago.
01:07:37She moved on.
01:07:39Like a promotion.
01:07:41From bodyguard to something more specific.
01:07:44What, pit woman, maybe?
01:07:47I have no idea what she went on to do.
01:07:52Were you two physically involved?
01:07:56Oh, you were.
01:07:58She got past first base, then.
01:08:00Very touching.
01:08:02It didn't work out.
01:08:05Never makes work and play.
01:08:11Then, er...
01:08:13You know all about the dangers of that, don't you?
01:08:20Run that by me again?
01:08:22You lost someone.
01:08:24You lost someone.
01:08:26A few years ago.
01:08:28No, no.
01:08:30No, Mandy was your dog.
01:08:33I'm talking about...
01:08:41I'd rather you didn't.
01:08:45The past is the past.
01:08:47It's better left there.
01:09:06Yeah, all right, I'm awake, so don't try anything.
01:09:09Any luck?
01:09:11Well, er...
01:09:13I think it's a combination of shape and rhyme associations,
01:09:17but the numbers are easier than the letters.
01:09:20OK, go on.
01:09:22Right, well...
01:09:24A swan is a two,
01:09:26because a swan mirrors the shape of a two.
01:09:29Heart on its side, same principle, three.
01:09:32Sailboat, four.
01:09:34Snowman, eight.
01:09:36Piano, 88, because that's the number of keys on a piano.
01:09:39Skeleton, 206,
01:09:41because that's the number of bones in the body.
01:09:44Egg? Zero?
01:09:46It could be, but it's also associated with the letter E.
01:09:51In English, the bird is a J,
01:09:54so I think that's a J.
01:09:56Can I, um, just ask a question?
01:10:01If you must.
01:10:03The letters E and J don't seem to appear in your chemical formulae.
01:10:08Well, like I said, Pete, the letters are giving me more bother,
01:10:11but it's a work in progress.
01:10:13What do you want? Shakespeare?
01:10:17Oh, and, um, Kayleigh is here to see you.
01:10:21Seems to think that you wanted to speak to her.
01:10:27Always did know how to keep a woman waiting.
01:10:30Yeah, sorry, we've been busy.
01:10:32How can I help?
01:10:33Nettie Hark.
01:10:35Yeah, I thought you'd like that.
01:10:37Currently employed as an assassin.
01:10:40Possibly for clink.
01:10:42Before that, she was his protection.
01:10:44Before that...
01:10:46She trained with me in Appledorn.
01:10:48Same year?
01:10:49Same apartment.
01:10:51We were close.
01:10:53She's hardcore.
01:10:55Yeah, well, she nearly took Lucianne out.
01:10:58Then why didn't she?
01:11:00If she'd wanted to kill you, she would have.
01:11:05Never met anyone as black and white in my life.
01:11:08Why would she work for Clinkthorpe?
01:11:11Money? Status?
01:11:14She had no interest to her.
01:11:16Back then.
01:11:18Maybe she's changed.
01:11:22People tend not to, though.
01:11:24Don't you think?
01:11:26Don't get me wrong, she could get angry and lose it,
01:11:29but always for a reason.
01:11:31Some guy two-timed her once.
01:11:33She ended it overnight. He was his tree.
01:11:37What if Clink betrayed her?
01:11:39He admitted they were involved.
01:11:42I'm assuming she was working for him,
01:11:44but maybe she was working against him.
01:11:52Freddie, let's meet.
01:11:55You know the drill.
01:11:57Just you.
01:12:15Clink is on the move.
01:12:17Oh, by the way,
01:12:19I forwarded you that message Toko sent us.
01:12:24That is following Clink.
01:12:26If he heads this way,
01:12:29you want to join?
01:12:47What are you looking at?
01:12:49Tycho's message he sent to the emergency number.
01:12:52If they get me, tell Alice I love her.
01:12:57Ciao, Bella.
01:13:12Following Clink. He's headed into Amsterdam.
01:13:30Wherever Clink's going, he's going alone.
01:13:33I'm tracking him now.
01:13:35Yep. I'll send my lab location.
01:13:39You're coming, right?
01:13:41No, I'm on my way.
01:13:44But, Nettie, what exactly is this all about?
01:13:47I see you, that's all.
01:13:49Past is the past.
01:13:51It's all water under the bridge.
01:13:53Are you okay?
01:13:55Sure. I'm close.
01:14:00How about this one?
01:14:11Thanks for bringing me along.
01:14:13Not a problem.
01:14:15Coming on the one hand,
01:14:17we are all in this together.
01:14:18There's no point in getting stuck in the past.
01:14:20Right. And on the other...
01:14:22Well, it's good for the killer to have someone else to target.
01:14:29Okay. Let's split up.
01:14:31Love to.
01:14:48No Clink, but I found Nettie.
01:14:50You close?
01:14:55I got it. We're around the corner.
01:14:58We've got her.
01:15:00But where's Clink?
01:15:02Miss Hark, you're under arrest.
01:15:17We're pretty sure Nettie Hark killed Tycho and Ray, right?
01:15:20But now she's dead, I don't get it.
01:15:22Well, she clearly had the inside track on their movements.
01:15:24Who else would know them?
01:15:26Reuben Mesman.
01:15:28Ran the research facility.
01:15:30He wasn't happy they hadn't told Alice what they're up to.
01:15:33But Clink did this, right?
01:15:35Even if it was self-defense?
01:15:37Oh, we don't know that for sure.
01:15:39Still, he was here.
01:15:41And he can't have gone far.
01:15:42If he's on foot, someone will have seen him.
01:15:44He's famous, right?
01:15:46Yeah, but it's dark.
01:15:47I'd know Freddy Clink if he walked past.
01:15:49Yeah, I'm sure you would.
01:15:51You've got good night vision, haven't you?
01:15:53Like a bat.
01:15:57Let's find him.
01:16:02You can follow them if you want.
01:16:07Pete, we're searching for a killer.
01:16:10We're not dating.
01:16:12Yeah, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, will you?
01:16:19Didn't hear you complaining before.
01:16:22Well, I was younger then.
01:16:24A little bit better looking.
01:16:28You were never younger.
01:16:30You were born ancient.
01:16:40No luck in finding Clink, unfortunately.
01:16:43Greetings, dear person.
01:16:45Insights, Hendrick. Fast as possible.
01:16:47Timers of the essence.
01:16:49Oh, isn't it just?
01:16:52Well, first impressions,
01:16:54bit of a flashback to last night, if I'm honest.
01:16:56Yeah, not now, Hendrick.
01:16:57Why kill someone here?
01:16:58Why would anyone do that in public, surrounded by people?
01:17:01Well, you wouldn't.
01:17:04Well, you might do if it was on the impulse.
01:17:06Hendrick, we need more.
01:17:08I mean, he could be miles away by now.
01:17:10Nah, nah, he's closer than you think.
01:17:15The weapon is a very, and I mean a very, specific piece of kit.
01:17:19Not any old scissors. Lab scissors.
01:17:21The like of which we saw last night.
01:17:23Where was that? Where was that again, Eddie?
01:17:25The research centre. That's two streets away.
01:17:33All that's left is for you to give me the formula.
01:17:36It's my father's, and by rights, it's mine.
01:17:41Where is it?
01:17:50Stay back. Stay back or I'll kill him!
01:17:53Oh, be my guest.
01:17:57You said you were angry with Tycho and your father.
01:18:03Was that just to do with Alice?
01:18:05It was something to do with him.
01:18:09Why don't you let him talk?
01:18:11There's no need to keep him quiet now we're here.
01:18:14There's no need to keep him quiet now we're here.
01:18:18Yeah, why not?
01:18:20Why did you and Dad lie to me?
01:18:24Your father did what he thought was right because he couldn't trust you.
01:18:30Look at you.
01:18:32You're all over the place.
01:18:35I just watched you stab Nettie.
01:18:37Oh, like you care. You dumped her and all she wanted was revenge for that.
01:18:41So I tracked her down and we teamed up.
01:18:43Hellhath and the Fury and all that.
01:18:46No reason to kill her.
01:18:50She was going to kill him without getting the formula.
01:18:53The way she did with Tycho and Dad.
01:18:55Was that part of the plan?
01:18:57Not really.
01:19:00So she went rogue.
01:19:02It was all personal for her.
01:19:06Thing is,
01:19:08he doesn't have the formula either.
01:19:11Do you?
01:19:16I wasn't sitting on any patent.
01:19:19I was funding them.
01:19:22Ray's original discovery needed further work.
01:19:25I wanted him to oversee Tycho.
01:19:28Ray pretended it was behind my back.
01:19:31Did Tycho know?
01:19:33No one did.
01:19:35It was better Tycho thought I was the bad guy.
01:19:38I'm used to it.
01:19:40And they didn't tell you?
01:19:43Even after you cleaned up your act?
01:19:46Still untrustworthy.
01:19:48Even then.
01:19:50And there's you thinking Clinky here betrayed your father when, in fact,
01:19:55they're all off saving the world together.
01:19:58Without you.
01:20:01Must have stung, right?
01:20:03Yeah, it did.
01:20:06How'd you find out?
01:20:08I heard Dad on the phone.
01:20:10To him.
01:20:13Were you jealous of Tycho?
01:20:15A son your father never had.
01:20:17Oh, shut up. Just shut up! Shut up!
01:20:20Tycho stole everything from me.
01:20:22My father,
01:20:24my birthright,
01:20:27So you thought you'd get revenge?
01:20:30Steal that breakthrough, claim it was your own and what?
01:20:34Finally come good.
01:20:36The prodigal returns.
01:20:38All I wanted was something.
01:20:41After everything I've been through.
01:20:44And all I got was disapproval,
01:20:47a disappointment,
01:20:49a judgment.
01:21:03I'm sorry.
01:21:33I'm sorry.
01:21:49I guess I owe you.
01:21:52Yeah, I guess you do.
01:21:55I have a question.
01:21:57We think Tycho left a key to his formula.
01:22:00Only we haven't been able to find it.
01:22:04But if we do, who would it belong to?
01:22:10Who else?
01:22:13I mean, Tycho left the formula for her, really.
01:22:17What are you saying?
01:22:18I'm saying, if we find it,
01:22:21she might be prepared to share it with you,
01:22:24in Tycho's memory.
01:22:26But it's her call, isn't it?
01:22:28I mean, it's not about profit.
01:22:31It's not about ego.
01:22:34You reckon you could put a lid on that for once?
01:22:36For the greater good, yes.
01:22:40Whatever she wants would be fine by me.
01:22:44I envy her.
01:22:49Being able to...
01:22:53to love.
01:23:14Oh well, he was never good at saying goodbye.
01:23:17Fancy joining us for a drink?
01:23:19At the shelter, ma?
01:23:21No way.
01:23:23He wouldn't like that.
01:23:26Why did it end between you two, really?
01:23:30It can't just have been about Mandy.
01:23:33No, it wasn't just about the dog.
01:23:40There was something...
01:23:44but I never got to tell him.
01:23:48Tell him what?
01:23:56The message that Tycho left.
01:24:04He said he loved you.
01:24:06And ciao, Bella.
01:24:10that's goodbye in Italian, right?
01:24:13That's what we always said.
01:24:26Anything to do with this?
01:24:28Our favourite holiday.
01:24:30From then on, whenever we said goodbye, it was always...
01:24:34ciao, Bella.
01:24:55So you've cracked it, then?
01:25:07No, I have not.
01:25:09E478, J206, P88, Q113, U525.
01:25:18Which put together...
01:25:19Absolutely no sense whatsoever.
01:25:26Oh, well.
01:25:30You did your best, me old pal.
01:25:32I mean, that's all any of us can do, right?
01:25:43Have you got your pen with you?
01:25:46Of course I have.
01:25:52Have you got your pen with you?
01:25:56Just in case you ever bump into an encrypted medical breakthrough for cancer.
01:26:01Is there any point to this?
01:26:08Try subtracting two from everything.
01:26:49That's more like it.
01:26:59Your absurd, appalling and outrageous attempt to get me tested...
01:27:09was, quite frankly, an outrage.
01:27:12It was also...
01:27:25And it's made me think.
01:27:42We'll be right here.