• last year


00:00Someone's starting to grow, who's growing?
00:07Holy shit!
00:18You guys have gone the extra mile.
00:23Hey guys.
00:25Say hello to the internet.
00:26Hello internet.
00:27What's the internet?
00:29It's just like a sort of information highway.
00:31Like a highway but full of information.
00:33It's new.
00:35It's new, it's just come out.
00:36everybody. Good? I can't hear you, there's something wrong with the sound. I can't hear
00:41everybody, but we can hear all the typing that says, is that Chris? Or Christ? Is that
00:49Christ? Or Chris? Not Christ, similar spelling. Why don't we go for a walk? Sure. The sun's
01:00on such a crazy angle, but, oh look at that, there we go. Oh there we go. What a selfie
01:04stick. I don't know, I was just slowly walking, naturally walking up towards the crew, just
01:09being natural. Oh no, I don't know what to do. Hello? Just look at yourself like you
01:14do in the mirror. So I just do my hair and make up in the morning, find my little selfie
01:18stick. It looks like a piece of, it's just a brick. It's like a brick, but it's breakable.
01:27To this weird thing that we just did. Hope you enjoyed the extremely interesting things
01:34we were talking about. All the secrets that we divulged, all the amazing props, like that
01:39polystyrene brick that you saw. This has been a real cool experience for us and yeah, we'll
01:49see you guys when the film is finally finished on Vietjet. Ending on that. These t-shirts
01:56are coming out by the way, soon. You can get one. And if you look over here, Mjolnir
02:03holding a little Thor, a little bit of role reversal there, as we call it on set. And
02:09the rainbow bridge gets rather sunny and bright, so sunglasses. And correct spelling is Mjolnir,
02:17pronounced Mjolnir. Mjolnir. Yep. Mjolnir. In this dark world we're living in today,
02:26to have that kind of joy, just erupt like that, is mighty welcome. That's our director.
02:33The film's going to be like, it's going to be literally. Nothing without me, nothing
02:39without me. I want to thank Taka Waititi for. Kevin, he's a genius. And then I look down
02:44and I'm just looking down the table, just looking down there, I was like, oh, that's
02:48right. Oh wow, it looks really amazing, man. It's moving. The big question, like a two
02:55year old. Just thinking about an answer. Well, I feel like I would try and just like
03:07inject my tone and sensibility into it. And then like, those guys who actually know the
03:11comics, like Kevin. Is this a Deadpool tie? Of course. Here's why I have that on. No,
03:17no, here's why. I just interviewed Brolin for Only the Brave. Oh, you just wore the
03:21same outfit. I just wore the same outfit. I haven't changed. I need to get a Thor tie.
03:26It's Marvel, it's still Marvel. I'm going to buy you one, mate. This is awkward. You
03:29can just hold this in front of yourself instead. There you go. There you go. Yeah, Kevin McCarthy,
03:34Washington D.C. The scene that we saw in the trailer when you are facing off versus Hulk
03:38and he comes out and you're like, yes! These guys don't have a problem firing you. They
03:44don't like you, they just fire you. This is, I've been to other Hulks already now, dude.
03:52They have no qualms of just canning your ass. And there's a line of people there waiting
03:59to play this part. So this is being described as the best Thor film yet. And Mark, it's
04:06your first. So it's down to you, buddy. They asked me to Instagram live the backstage stuff
04:16that night. Marvel asked me to do that. I never did Instagram live. I don't know how
04:21this shit works. So I did it and I shot it and they're like, okay, get to your seat,
04:26hurry. And I pushed the button. It's like you push a button, it's supposed to stop,
04:30but you have to push two buttons. So I pushed one button and I put it in my pocket and I'm
04:36sitting there six minutes into the movie and a woman, a woman that I don't even know
04:41comes up and she pokes me. And she's like, turn your phone off. Your Instagram live is
04:49still on. It's broadcasting the whole movie. Women always flock over the hair. Is that
04:59wig still kicking around and can I have it? I bring it out. I bring it out at certain
05:04times, you know, when the romance and with my wife is dipping, I'm like, well,
05:08honey, remember the wig? I don't care. Do the dishes. Here we are beginning of shooting for
05:18Thor 3 at the studios. Ready to have a train. Got my shake, got my shoes and as requested,
05:25got the rollercoaster. So it's just a little something on the perks list that comes with
05:30being Thor. So, um, see you later. He's built like a brick shithouse. So basically Thor meets
05:56this young maiden and they sleep with one another, have a wonderful night. The next
06:01morning Thor says, you know, fair maiden, I must confess and tell you who I am. I'm
06:06Thor. And she says, you're Thor. I can hardly walk. So how did you lose the way? What did
06:15you do to lose the way? It was very uncomfortable for four or five months. Yeah. Lack of eating
06:21and running. It was kind of, was that hard? I love food. I understood, you know, like
06:28all of a sudden, yeah. Woo for food. I think most of it together. Yeah. It was very lovely.
06:34Wonderful. Yes. He was my director too. In one of them. Hey guys, it's Paul McCartney.
06:41That's cool, right? It's pretty awesome. It's cool. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. I'll just keep
06:47touching it. Alright, who had the most gnarly injury and how did it happen? Gee, how fitting.
06:54Me, because you punched me in the face, which happened. That's the truth of it. And by the
07:01way, you are the only Thor. No, I got it. Someone's phone goes bye bye. Three phones
07:13up. What are you going to do with that? I could hang it through here or through the
07:20ear maybe. Maybe. I think you should pin up the poster of Natalie Portman with that. I
07:26should. It should. Jane Foster in the throne room, in the bedroom. Sure. We don't have
07:35a hammer to nail that into anything. There's no Thor without Loki and no Loki without Thor.
07:42Guys, so if there is any grief right now, settle this now, please. Any grief? Any grief.
07:49No, I have no grief. We love each other. We truly only love each other. Yeah, yeah. So
07:54what is, yeah, this is the Ascadian sign for, yeah. So, but what else is happening right
08:03now? Yeah, what Tom said. Yeah, that's exactly it. Well done. How do you know so much about
08:17him? You do. I was at the airport actually a couple of weeks ago and this little kid
08:22was dressed up in the full Thor outfit and it was running around, you know, breaking
08:26things. And his mother grabs him and says, look, look, it's Thor. It's the real Thor.
08:31He turns around and goes, no, it's not. Turns off and I thought, ah, without the wig and
08:37the outfit, I'm nothing. Yeah, in a way, he's more Thor than you. Social life? I'm married.
08:44This guy's locked up. It hasn't hurt yours, huh, Mr. Evans? How's yours? No, no, it's
08:49certainly not hurt. You love life. No, no. Oh, you asking? I'm just repeating your question.
08:56Don't dodge it. I didn't, I didn't ask that. Are you single? What do you look for in a
09:00wallet? You actually kind of think, oh, hang on. This doesn't seem so weird anymore. I
09:05finally belong, you know. He's also got a cape and he's, you know, he's wrapped in an
09:09American flag and he turns green. Not the odd one out, you know.
09:17Thor, are you actually brothers with Loki? No, well, I wish we were. In the film, we
09:36do actually have different, different parents and Loki was adopted into the Asgardian family,
09:42but we love, love one another like brothers, yeah.
09:46Can I say that? Well, too late. Oh, sorry. We may or may not have a speaking hall in
09:53Thor 3 where everyone may or may not die.
09:59The story is that I'm an aspiring superhero. I've come to Chris Thor and Mark the Hulk
10:04to try and learn how I can join the Avengers, but unfortunately, I have no powers. That
10:08is unfortunate. I know. This interview is over. You have nothing to offer and you're
10:15probably the danger out on the table. Do they know your Thor? Do they know Daddy's Thor?
10:19They do and one of them thinks it's awesome and he is, won't let me cut his hair and he
10:25runs around and he's got a little hammer and it's so cool. And the other two are like,
10:28ugh, who cares? So, one out of three is good and I'm going to get rid of the other two.
10:35In Jurassic Park, scary in the dark, I'm so scared that I'll be eaten.
10:42Bad hair though, Archie, because I think that, well, I seem to remember many years ago when
10:50you were playing Kim Hyde, that hair was pretty rotten. Please tell me that was a wig as well.
10:54Well, let's talk about those days.
10:57As the director of a major motion picture, it's my job and my sole job to basically snatch
11:05ideas from other people and then take credit for them.
11:14I'm an aspiring Avenger. What advice could you offer me on joining the Avengers and being
11:19a superhero?
11:20Bro, listen. Firstly, you know, you've got to get a cape.
11:28Got it.
11:29I love koalas. I don't care if they have chlamydia. I don't care. I love them.
11:39One, two, three.
