I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World S01E10 - English

  • 2 days ago
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00:30Wow, slim pickings.
00:56Is he gone then?
00:57Yeah, turned around and left without taking a request.
01:00Let's go talk in the back.
01:07A young male adventurer with black hair and dark eyes.
01:10The infamous Yuji.
01:12That's right.
01:13He was one of our potential targets for assassination.
01:17In the end, headquarters didn't seem to think he was all that much of a concern to us.
01:22According to the opinion of a pair of fringe assassins, you're really saying we can trust
01:25the likes of them here?
01:27Because I say we're better off eliminating him while we still can.
01:30We could, but it'd stir up trouble, and if we end up blowing the blue moon of salvation's
01:34cover when we do it, these years of careful scheming will be for nothing.
01:38Why do you think we went so far as to get our hands on an artificial rain machine?
01:42But that plan didn't really work out though, did it?
01:45Sure it rained a little bit, but someone there took down the fire dragon before it made it
01:49to the town.
01:50Well, I say we should inform Master Walter before we make any serious moves.
01:55Master Walter?
03:51As you wish, I'll wait outside.
04:03So, Father Stile, you had a revelation?
04:06Yes, and we have been in hiding here awaiting your arrival.
04:10I found out that the guild here seems to be in the blue moon of salvation's hands.
04:15It would appear so, but we are safe in this place.
04:20I sure hope so.
04:23The blue moon seemed to be pretty aware of your existence.
04:29In that regard, there is something I think you must know.
04:32About my past.
04:33The history I share with the man known as Walter.
04:42There was once a group known as the Church of the Blue Moon.
04:46It's not something I'm proud of, but I was once a much more unruly man than you might imagine.
04:54It all started as a sort of act, you see.
04:57A show we put on sometimes.
04:59Something we did to honor our fallen comrades.
05:05But soon we found followers among the outcast and downtrodden.
05:09People who believed in the things we said.
05:12And one among their number was the man you know as Walter.
05:17He was a man possessed of extreme faith.
05:20One who willingly poured every ounce of his soul into reverence for the divine.
05:24The people welcomed him, and before long he stood as my right-hand man.
05:30Or at least, so I was led to believe by Walter and his acolytes.
05:34Truth is, his ambitions ran wild, and he found my presence quite disagreeable.
05:40One day, the divine above graced me with guidance.
05:44It bade me dismantle the organization I had built.
05:47Tear down the Church of the Blue Moon.
05:50Unable to give up my closest companions in such a fashion, I chose in my arrogance not to heed this command.
06:01And then, mere days later, the Church was attacked.
06:04My companions allowed me my escape, but everyone else met their end.
06:10The divine word I had received was meant to warn me of this event.
06:17The attack was nothing less than an attempt to take over the Church of the Blue Moon by brute force.
06:23And was led by Walter.
06:25He twisted the faith of our followers to suit his needs.
06:29He convinced them to take the teachings we'd spent so many years refining to the absolute extreme limit.
06:36And then focused their energies on cleansing this world we all share.
06:40And that was the birth of the Blue Moon of Salvation.
06:45Walter and his people appear to have taken full control of this region, and have concocted seemingly wicked plans.
06:52I came here to warn you of this, to show you the danger you're in.
06:58I never would have guessed that this cult started with you.
07:01That fact is why I feel such a duty in this case.
07:05The revelation which led me here may have been the divine's way of commanding me to do what I can to put a stop to Walter's ways.
07:12Earlier, I received word from above yet again.
07:25Beware that chaos shall rise, the masses led astray by a tainted light.
07:31Guide the emissary to his task, and grace shall be yours once again.
07:38Right, but what does that mean?
07:40Well, to put it simply, the Blue Moon of Salvation and Walter are the tainted light.
07:45They're leading the world into unprecedented chaos.
07:48But my revelation said an emissary of the divine is destined to come here and face him.
07:54Sounds like a good thing.
07:56Yes, it does, Yuji. I believe you're the one who must face Walter and end all this for good.
08:01Maybe, but I'm not this emissary.
08:07That is what the legends have revealed to me.
08:09The person who wields the dagger of Kethis has been sent here by the divine.
08:18I ask you prepare yourself. May the grace of the divine always watch over you.
08:27That man was really the emissary?
08:32It's just, why didn't you tell him the whole revelation if you think it's true?
08:36There was more to it than you said.
08:40I told him what I did to protect him.
08:43For if he were to know the full truth, I believe that he would surely turn his back to the divine word.
08:49Master Walter.
08:50Our lookouts relayed that Stiyl met with the man who may be the emissary.
08:54He was seen today in Ordarion.
08:56The Tamer, is it?
08:58I trust we're ready?
09:00Yes, sir.
09:01All of our arrangements have been made.
09:03We're ready to go.
09:04Let's go.
09:05Let's go.
09:06Let's go.
09:07Let's go.
09:08Let's go.
09:09Let's go.
09:10Let's go.
09:11Let's go.
09:12Let's go.
09:13Let's go.
09:14Let's go.
09:15Let's go.
09:16Let's go.
09:17All of our arrangements are in place.
09:19Be gone, then.
09:20Yes, sir.
09:21Yes, sir.
09:45Great Divine, speak to me.
09:51A new order soon shall rise anew.
09:54The masses led astray by a tainted light.
10:00Guide the emissary to their fate, and grace shall belong to you once again.
10:08Then by the death of you who offers guidance shall the sage arise.
10:21So death awaits the guide of the sage.
10:30Walter and Style.
10:32I understand their story.
10:34But me, a Divine Emissary?
10:37I only have this thing because Style gave it to me.
10:41He goes on about these legends, but...
10:44I don't know.
10:46I only have this thing because Style gave it to me.
10:49He goes on about these legends, but...
10:55I didn't know magic like that truly existed.
10:58However, I think I heard about it at one of the churches before.
11:02We were told the legend of a mighty beastmaster, one who could use slimes to transport things.
11:09I forgot about that.
11:11Better ask about it tomorrow.
11:17Wait, so he's gone?
11:20Yes. Seems he was called away by pressing matters.
11:24He left here along with his aid at the break of dawn this morning.
11:27Well, there goes that idea.
11:39We headed out?
11:40Yes, we are. Just for a bit.
11:45Need something?
11:47Any of you see two people in holy robes leave town?
11:50One would have had a head full of white hair.
11:52I can't say that I have.
11:54Anyone else?
11:57Haven't seen them.
11:59I did!
12:01They left extra early this morning!
12:04Headed off deep into the woods!
12:06Alright, I want you to follow their tracks and find them.
12:09Feel free to bring any slimes you find in the forest along with you if you need.
12:15We got this!
12:17Let's head out.
12:18Right with ya!
12:28Father, look! There's something up ahead.
12:30Indeed. A curse placed by the wicked hands of wicked men.
12:35Oh, gods of old, grant me your ancient strength.
12:39Upon this barrier of darkness, lend your liberating light.
12:43I ask you this, so I may cast away the darkness of chaos.
12:59We are ready to proceed.
13:21They do not appear to be in this vicinity.
13:24They weren't over here.
13:26Or here.
13:28Where did they go?
13:31Over here!
13:35I know I said they could bring along help, but isn't this a bit much?
13:40I saw a man with white hair.
13:42He went into this really dark place.
13:45What sort of dark place?
13:47I know that place! It's super scary!
13:50No one can get inside.
13:52Even if you did, you'd never get out.
13:55Sounds like a bad sort of spot.
13:57Show me the way.
14:16This looks bad, sir.
14:18It certainly appears that they have no intention of letting us through peacefully.
14:24Anti-magic barrier, defense boost!
14:39Divine grace be with us!
14:43This the place?
14:45Yup, the super dark place!
14:48They went inside here.
14:50It's so spooky!
14:52Doesn't look too inviting.
15:00Dispel curse, extreme!
15:11Alright, follow me.
15:13Alright with ya!
15:29It's been quite some time, hasn't it, Stile?
15:33Yes, Walter.
15:35I assume the Holy Word has led you to us.
15:38By the death of you who offers guidance, shall the sage arise.
15:42I come here knowing just what that means for me.
15:45But this time, I will at last do what has been asked of me.
15:49I'm not afraid of death.
15:51I'm not afraid of death.
15:53I'm not afraid of death.
15:55I'm not afraid of death.
15:57This time, I will at last do what has been asked of me.
16:00Turning my back on my responsibilities has cost the lives of all those I held dear once.
16:07I will not make that same mistake again.
16:10Let us grant you what you come ready to receive then.
16:28They're all out cold!
16:30Wow, look at that!
16:33What happened?
16:57Not bad, Stile.
17:01You've reminded me of our old days.
17:03I ask that you not judge me lightly.
17:06I stand strong now as I did then.
17:08So it would seem.
17:10Which is why I've spent so much time and prepared so carefully for this moment.
17:21When did you learn to use magic?
17:27When did you learn to use magic?
17:46Now it's all so clear.
17:48You are simply using me to lead the Emissary to this place.
17:52Which means I've been dancing in your hands this entire time, doesn't it?
17:58Everything started with a single magic stone.
18:03We left one in the wild, but...
18:05Someone managed to lift the curse we'd placed on it.
18:09My mission at that time was simply to eliminate whoever it was...
18:13Before they could interfere with our plans.
18:17They turned out to be far more powerful than we could have ever possibly imagined.
18:22The monsters we created to kill them were absolutely no match whatsoever.
18:27And just when we were struggling to identify them...
18:31The moon turned blue and an ancient dragon descended upon us from the sky.
18:36I'm certain I don't need to tell you what unfolded next.
18:40Isn't that right, Johan?
18:43Yes, sir.
18:44Father Stile bestowed upon the Emissary the sacred dagger of Kethis.
18:49After hearing the Divine's words, he took the dagger away from the capital.
18:56We can be certain that the Emissary used the dagger's powers to defeat the ancient beast.
19:03From that night on, the two of us have remained in hiding.
19:07I imagine he was worried that we would expose the Emissary's identity to the Blue Moon of Salvation...
19:12If we remained in contact with him.
19:15But even still, the Emissary pursued the cause on his own and fought off the henchmen we sent after him.
19:23And then, when our next plan sought to use the dragon's grace...
19:28To harness the power of the great, slumbering Fire Dragon for our own ends...
19:33The dragon was defeated, and our plans foiled once again.
19:38It's all true. The Emissary is more powerful than I ever imagined.
19:42He has saved us from certain peril time and again.
19:46But all of that ends right here.
19:48Because our little operation has graduated to its next level.
19:52By the new word of our Divine, we will finally achieve the world we've all strived for these many years.
20:00It is done. Watch and despair, Stile.
20:04Your efforts are naught but smoke in the wind.
20:07This tainted world will look on helplessly as you perish here.
20:11Then the great Divine will stand on our side!
20:14My life was meant to be given up for the Emissary.
20:17I fear not the end which approaches for me.
20:20I offer my life for all our companions who fell by your wickedness.
20:28Should I die tonight, the Emissary shall appear and see that each of your schemes are all brought to their end.
20:35If you truly wish to die before knowing the truth, far be it from me to deny you.
20:48What's this?
20:49Each and every one of my loyal followers have been cursed from the very beginning.
20:56So this is the Tainted Light. How wicked can you be to do this?
21:01To curse your very own people?
21:03Stile, old friend. How I have longed to see that face.
21:07A face full of hatred and abject disgrace.
21:11It pleases me greatly to see you now at your very end.
21:27Excuse me, Father Stile.
21:30There's something I need to ask you.
21:41I guess now's not really a good time, huh?
22:04Now for me.
22:06You don't need to tell me.
22:12Ooh, Papa. Ooh, Papa.
22:15What's this?
22:16Each and every one of my loyal followers have been cursed from the very beginning.
22:20So this is the Tainted Light. How wicked can you be to do this?
22:26To curse your very own people?
22:28Stile, old friend. How I have longed to see that face.
22:30A face full of hatred and abject disgrace.
22:32It pleases me greatly to see you now at your very end.
22:35It's time for dinner!
22:39I've finally found you.
22:41The food is delicious, isn't it?
22:44Whether it's in a cave or in a forest of doubt,
22:47it's a natural biting that's sweet and full of flavor.
22:50When you're hungry, you can't help yourself.
22:55It's a fierce attack.
22:58It's a strong one that'll tear you to shreds.
23:01First, light the fire.
23:03It's the ultimate way to eat.
23:05It's the true way to eat.
23:06It's the true way to eat.
23:07So that's the kind of dream I had.
23:10Yubi! Yubi!
23:13Yubi! Yubi!
23:15It's dinner!
23:17Let's go!
23:19Time for a preview from a pre-incarnated slime!
23:22I am but a slime.
23:24Something's wrong with this guy.
23:26Something super terrible is about to happen.
23:29Terrible how?
23:30Like really, really extra bad.
23:33Bad how?
23:34Like really, really troubling.
23:37Just spit it out already.
23:38I can see it!
23:39Yuji will...
23:40Was I saying something just now?
23:42You don't remember the rest?
23:44The revelation came true!
23:46What's gonna happen, though?
24:00To be continued...
24:30To be continued...
