I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World S01E05 - English

  • 2 days ago
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00:00You okay out here could go for someplace less chilly to be honest we're all fine back here
00:26Pretty cold though. No kidding. I've got to have something that can keep us warm
00:34Insulation barrier
00:40That looks mighty warm
00:43Perfect. This should be enough to keep me in working order. This magic stuff never ceases to impress
00:50Well, I'll be we don't get many tamers out here sure are dressed light for walking in this bitter cold
00:56Can you tell me what's going on around here?
00:59This chill set in out of nowhere about ten days back. It's claimed more than a few of our own
01:05So what's your story? What brings you out this way? I heard good things about the food
02:48If you heard good than you heard right you should visit the Tigers flame soon not many people around, huh?
03:01Seems this area isn't used to getting this cold
03:07Glad this place was easy to find
03:12Sorry to barge in
03:14I'm sorry, sir. Unfortunately, we're closed for the day. All right, then when do you open tomorrow?
03:20The restaurant won't be opening up tomorrow either. I'm sorry to say
03:25We've been forced to use all of our firewood for heating and now we don't have any wood left to use for cooking. I
03:37But everything about this place tells me the food is amazing I'm trying it no matter what
03:44You just need firewood. Yes, but cutting down more trees now isn't going to help much
03:50Burning freshly chopped wood produces far too much smoke to be used for the kind of cooking we do in here
03:55It needs to sit and dry for at least a year first. Got it. Thank you
04:07Are you okay Yuji? We're headed off again already. Wait, where are we supposed to eat first?
04:14Which trees make good firewood
04:20Couldn't even offer you a guess
04:23Guess we might as well just cut a bunch down what magic will do the trick here
04:31Summon X
04:38Something about this feels wrong, but so be it you never know until you
04:55Don't know if that was the axe or the combat arts doing the work, but these magical skills sure do come in handy
05:10Like a work of art and now I need to dry it out
05:18You guys use slime moisture absorb or not
05:23Never heard of it might have involved drinking
05:28Guess it's worth a shot
05:33Slime moisture absorb
05:44Slider that's for sure. Okay pack all this up for me, please. Can you guys fit it all in there?
05:54So light and completely dry too where in the world did you find this can you use that to cook I'll go call the chef
06:10It's too dry
06:13Fully dehydrated wood burns too strong burns everything
06:17Can't cook anything good with wood like that
06:20moisturize I
06:22Don't know how you made this firewood, but will this work like I told you can't this is no good for
06:34Where is this from this is perfect wood hefty, but dry
06:38I have never seen a piece so perfectly dried in all of my life
06:42It's as if it exists solely for use in the kitchen now get in the kitchen and light the stoves
06:51The perfect flame
06:53Where did you get this?
06:55My slime here and made it for us. I don't understand but with firewood like this
07:00I can fix something real special something real special, huh? How much wood did you bring me?
07:16Have about this much with me at the moment
07:21Use slime moisturization to make this all like that last piece
07:28We got this I would never have imagined slime for capable of doing all this if that's not enough I can go back out
07:35and cut a few more
07:37All right, we need to get you fit I'll whip you up some of my finest work
07:49Here you are
07:53Apologies for the wait, that's a grilled Angus cattle steak with resha herbs
07:58Steak and veggies. It smells fantastic
08:04This flavor the deliciously grilled beef hits first swiftly followed by the sweet yet tart sauce made from the vegetables
08:11Mixing with juices from the steak combining in a burst of flavor. I've never felt before there's no doubt in my mind
08:17This is the greatest work of culinary art. I've tasted since I woke up in this world
08:27Thank you for that it was incredible I could eat this for days on end
08:33The restaurant's best dish is actually a stew but it takes a while to make so I cooked that instead
08:38Do you say I'll have to come back and try it tomorrow?
08:42But you know, we shouldn't be using all this firewood just to cook the whole town is running low on the wood
08:48They need to heat their homes
08:51All you need is more firewood then right well, yes, but you don't
09:00I'll be back tomorrow
09:05Not that I have any idea whatsoever how much firewood a town needs
09:16All anyone's looking for is firewood
09:24Hi, I'd like this job
09:27That's excellent. Thank you. Is this going to be your first firewood cultivation request?
09:32Yeah, the guild requires all firewood deliveries to be cut to a standard size and shape
09:37Since this is your first job for us
09:39You should start by heading out to the eastern gate and finding our firewood leader Woka for further instructions on the specifics of the job
09:54You're an adventurer are you
09:58Well, you're a pair of hands at least
10:02The town can never have too much wood it needs five tons a day to function properly
10:08But we can't keep up with the man
10:11Seems this situation is pretty dire
10:13None of us were ready for a frost like this
10:16Some nearby villages that weren't hit by it have offered help, but it's far from enough
10:24As the village of Messias helped that place it's deserted been abandoned out there for a good long while now, too
10:31Far as I know, there's no one there to help
10:34So who did I meet?
10:37Anyway, have you ever cut any firewood before technically speaking? I suppose just once today though
10:44All right. Well show me what you can do. We'll take a look at what you've got and go from there
10:50No offense, but you don't look all that strong. So try not to overdo it
11:17We split up these logs into sections and cut them down the middle, right?
11:23Does a length of 40 centimeters sound good? Yeah with two cuts down the middle
11:30And four cuts for bigger logs
11:34All set then will this get the job done? Yeah
11:38I've got more than a few questions, but with firewood this perfect what I don't have are complaints
11:43Okay, thanks. I'll get my slime started then trying out all this new wood
11:59I'll go and cut some more. Oh, right
12:09Wow excellent work Wodka, you're back unusually early today. It's all thanks to that fella
12:16He took down hundreds of trees at a time and split them right into firewood in seconds
12:21And then he used his slimes to carry it all back to town, too
12:24He did all that using slimes amazing. I didn't know magic like that truly existed. What do you mean?
12:31Well, I think I heard about it at one of the churches before
12:35We were told the legend of a mighty beast master one who could use slimes to transport things
12:41Legends, huh?
12:42Maybe father's style might know more
12:45Better ask next time. I see him my slime still have some more firewood stored away, but I don't think it will all fit in here
12:53There's still about three days worth left three days worth. So about 50 kilograms then, huh?
12:59I was told you use five tons a day
13:21Honestly have no clue tell me how much wood do we have left another batch about this big?
13:28That's still only three days worth though
13:32You still have some open firewood jobs, right? We do but this is a lot of really strenuous work, isn't it?
13:37Shouldn't you rest now?
13:39They're worried after just this guess this world really does care about its people more than home
14:17Hear you go
14:19Ricardo's famed Angus cattle and resha herbs stew and for all your friends here
14:25We have some excellent raw cuts and a heaping helping of resha herbs on the side
14:32And it's courtesy of the town from what I've been hearing you did us all a pretty big favor out
14:40Let's see
14:47The slow-stewed beef just crumbles apart inside your mouth
14:50But the flavor stays around playing a perfect harmony with the rich taste of the vegetables in a miraculous symphony
14:56The rich flavor goes beyond anything. I've ever known
15:00Exploding in a big bang of divine glory. This is a dish fit for the very gods themselves
15:16More please
15:17liked it did you I'm glad I got to make that dish again for a change, but
15:23No matter how good it's still not my best work. It isn't
15:27Our resha herb field has been plagued by some terrible monsters lately and while they're in there
15:33They eat up all the very best herbs and this is the only place I know where anyone grows those things
15:38I could make you something even more delicious, but I'd need better herbs if I was going to do that
15:48What sort of monster is giving you trouble
15:53Let's split into two teams one to search for monsters and another to defend the field
16:11Will show up what for they'll be crushed to a pulp
16:16We're looking for a greedy boar. It's bound to be somewhere in those woods, but there's no telling how alert it is now
16:22So don't let your guard down
16:24Don't worry about a thing. We'll get up. I'll go this way then I'll head that way. We'll track them down post-paste
16:34Got an eye on him
16:39Prepare to meet your fate you're going down time to do this
16:56How's that for you and don't you forget it your days of hogging up all the resha herbs are gone for good
17:16It must have taken out at least 50 by now the rest are getting harder to find
17:21Yugi, we found something weird out here something round and unusual
17:31You don't know what this is either no, I've never seen anything like it but I sense faint traces of magic coming from it
17:44It took on a darker hue is this thing it seems to be absorbing your magic I bet it's a dragon's grace I
17:55Wouldn't be surprised if those cursed magic stones come from this thing you think so
18:00Make sense the magic in this area is weak because this stone is absorbing all the magic it can get a hold of
18:08absorbing all the magic
18:13Can low levels of magic make a place cold like this all of a sudden
18:16Sure can and places with way too much magic around can get as hot as volcanoes, too
18:22So this frost is because of this stone then
18:27Do these things ever just appear naturally
18:30No, somebody had to have made this. I still feel a trace of human magic. That isn't yours
18:39I'm going to try and purify it we can find whoever's behind it later
18:44anti-magic barrier
18:46dispels curse extreme
18:51Wow, okay slimes spread out and see if you can find any more of these stones
19:15That's a total of 108 purified magic stone ores and
19:19They're spread out inside a perfect circle. I have a feeling we're gonna find something big at the center of it, which would be
19:33Right about here
19:47Report slimes have any of you picked up on anything
19:51Seems like a normal forest nothing beyond the usual. I'm afraid they're right
19:56It does look normal, but something about this still feels seriously off
20:00And I don't mean the unnatural clash between all this greenery and heavy snow
20:05It's like there are bigger trees intentionally put here to throw off the balance
20:10Is this awesome high-level camouflage?
20:13Beauty what's wrong?
20:15Pick up on something. Something is wrong with this forest
20:19Everybody back away from this area now
20:22Proud wolf. I need you to help me get the slimes out of here. You got it
20:29What are you planning to do you cheat destroy this forest probably not what you want to hear
20:41Fine the forest is strong and will be able to grow back to its natural strength over time
20:45But if they used cursed magic stones, then there's no way of telling what might happen to the rest of the ecosystem here
20:52All right. Well, here we go
20:54Let it burn
21:24Looks like it's an entrance to somewhere want to find out where not really
21:29Yuji sounds excited all for that little town. Yep. I only need one reason to save that place
21:41The food is delicious
23:23Next time our heroes find themselves in a most frightening locale
23:28A place filled with strange sorts and a place where even stranger happenings occur
23:34But don't worry we have the great beauty by our side
23:43Whether we'll make it out in one glove none of us yet
