I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World S01E04 - English

  • 2 days ago
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00:30I want all but one of you slimes to fall back.
00:41We're going to attack that dragon.
00:43You got it!
00:46Hellfire of Demise has more spread than we want right now.
00:50If that dragon's our only target.
00:53Spell transfer.
00:57Spell transfer.
00:59Hellfire of Decimation.
01:14That didn't work.
03:29That blast packed a real punch.
03:31Am I crazy or did the dragon just get even bigger?
03:35You're right.
03:41Something's weird here.
03:44Is it destroying the forest to absorb more magical energy?
03:58What are we going to do?
04:02Our only choice is to fight.
04:04No way! With that singular thing?
04:07Are you serious?
04:09I am.
04:12If I can take the firepower from a Hellfire of Demise blast
04:15and concentrate it through this Dagger of Kethis,
04:18it should deal a powerful blow.
04:22We're going to slip in just below the dragon.
04:33That sure don't look good.
04:59I think it's ready to blast us again!
05:05We're counting on you!
05:06No sweat!
05:09Spell transfer!
05:11Spell transferring barrier!
05:17This is our chance to close in!
05:28Sure is high up there!
05:31A hearty 50 meters, I reckon!
05:35Jump boost!
05:37Anti-physical barrier jump boost!
05:39Anti-physical barrier jump boost!
05:41Wow! Look at him go!
05:49Spell transfer fireball!
05:52Here goes!
06:08Hellfire of Demise!
06:22That takes care of that.
06:45Probably would have died there if I let my guard down.
06:48Should have guessed that that put my MP in the red.
06:51Running low on HP too.
07:14All I need is one more hit.
07:17How am I going to draw it down here?
07:23It's not looking good.
07:26This is going to be rough.
07:28But freezing it out of the sky is the only way.
07:35That'll be when I use it.
07:37This has to be good for something.
07:48It all comes down to this.
07:51Divine Strike!
08:07Now, Proud Wolf!
08:09Coming right up!
08:21I've got you. You're mine.
08:29Hellfire of Demise!
08:45We did it!
08:48We won!
08:49No one can beat you, G!
08:52You cut it a little close on that one.
08:55Come on, guys. Let's head back to town.
08:59Come on! Move along!
09:03To Be Continued...
09:34What would make the priest think that?
09:59And why are you telling me all this?
10:16Sorry, Yuji.
10:18Looks like the team we roped you into joining got disbanded this morning.
10:22I'm glad we volunteered. It all worked out.
10:26Why's that?
10:28Oh, that's simple.
10:29Even though it got called off, we still get to go down on record as having joined up.
10:34Makes sense. They sure have their wits about them.
10:37Well, Yuji, no dragons, so what are your plans?
10:41I'm actually thinking of moving on to a new town.
10:44Oh, yeah? That's too bad, but I guess that's probably just a part of the adventurer's life.
10:49So what town were you thinking of heading to?
10:52Well, I wanted to talk to you guys about that. Anywhere you'd recommend?
10:57Why don't you go to Ricardo next?
11:01Yep! That place has got the best eats in the region, no question!
11:06Really now?
11:07That's not a bad idea. It's warm and comfortable. Should be a decent place to adventure from.
11:13Can I ask one thing, though? There's not anything weird going on there, right?
11:18What do you mean by weird?
11:21I mean, like, the sky changing colors? Dragons showing up out of nowhere?
11:30Relax, it's fine. You just happened to show up in Kilia while things have been a bit off.
11:35If it was like this around here every day, we'd all have been dead forever ago.
11:40Guess we're heading for Ricardo, then.
11:43See you around!
11:53Yuji, I can't wait for dinner!
11:55For something yummy!
11:57Yummy, yummy dinner!
12:00Probably not the best idea to let people see my slimes in action.
12:04Yuji! We have an emergency!
12:08What's wrong?
12:09Dryad's got an urgent message for you!
12:13Yuji! Yuji! Come quick!
12:21The place where... you fought that...
12:33You fought that... Dragon!
12:36It's now home! To some wonderful mushrooms!
12:40Emergency, huh?
12:43I'm not able to gather all of them up by myself, so I thought maybe you'd be willing to help me with that.
12:48Okay, that's fine. But what are they for?
12:52I can fix up a really special potion with them!
12:55What kind?
13:01Using these red dragon mushrooms, I can mix up some sage potions.
13:06And using these blue dragon mushrooms, I can make mana restoratives!
13:11Exactly what does that mean?
13:13They can bring your magic power back to what it was ten minutes prior!
13:17Sounds useful.
13:19Well, all right. I'll help you then.
13:22Can I ask, would you make me some of those potions in return?
13:25Of course!
13:27Now, why don't we get started?
13:36Oh, wow! You're the best!
13:38Gathering these went so much faster than I ever would have expected!
13:43Well, the slimes did all the work. Think this is enough for those potions?
13:56All done!
13:58Hang on, that's wrong!
14:00This potion should have turned out a nice blue.
14:05Something's wrong with these mushrooms, I think.
14:08They packed too much magical punch.
14:10But I might still be able to fix them up.
14:14I don't think so.
14:16I don't think so either.
14:18I don't think so either.
14:20I don't think so either.
14:22I don't think so either.
14:23I might still be able to fix some up if we had crystal clear water.
14:27You want me to try and distill some water for you?
14:30Dis... what?
14:32I changed up the shape of my barrier to act as a distiller.
14:35If you boil some water into a vapor, then cool it back down, you're left with clean, clear water.
14:42Then I can use slime purification on that water.
14:45Wow! I've never seen anything like this!
14:48Well, it's going to take a little while to work.
14:51That cloudy potion looks a lot like those magic stones.
14:56You know, thinking about when we first met...
15:10Spell transfer!
15:12Magic conveyance!
15:18Are you alright?
15:20I used my slime to transfer some of my magic to you.
15:24Yeah! I feel better than ever now! Thanks a lot!
15:28Can you tell me what happened?
15:30Somebody left some kind of magic stone that was draining all my power away.
15:34And my well-being is tied to this forest, so...
15:45Will that make things better?
15:46Yeah. But... something still doesn't feel right.
15:56Spell transfer! Anti-physical barrier! Anti-magic barrier!
15:59Hellfire of decimation!
16:06My goodness!
16:11Can I do anything else for you?
16:13You've done plenty already! Thank you so much!
16:19Now please, take this as a little token of thanks.
16:28It's the least I could do after you saved my life!
16:34Why does it look so much like those magic stones?
16:37Well, um... it could be that...
16:39the stones we've seen have probably been fused with Dragon's Grace.
16:43What's that?
16:45A special sort of power that can only be found at the sight of a fallen dragon.
16:50The powerful magic released in places like that is what brings all of these potent mushrooms to life.
16:55And the magic stones use that power?
16:59Dragon's Grace is neither inherently good nor evil by its nature.
17:03But if it gets into the wrong hands and is used for evil purpose, it can decimate entire forests.
17:11All finished!
17:20It worked! The potion turned blue!
17:22So that's all it needed?
17:26Thanks, Yuji!
17:28Here are a bunch of the sage potions I promised for you.
17:31And some mana restoratives as well.
17:35Now, I think I'll be heading back to the Drya Forest.
17:39Right. Well, let me know if you ever need anything else.
17:45Hope to see you again, Yuji!
17:51This is quite the place.
17:54This is quite the fog.
17:56My good eye can't see a thing.
17:59We should make it to Ricardo if we keep heading this way.
18:05I'm picking up some human-y scents.
18:07Way out here?
18:09Yeah. Gotta go take a look.
18:33You think maybe this place could be Ricardo?
18:36No, it should still be a good way off.
18:45Hmm. We've got company.
18:48Looks like lots of people live here.
18:51What's everyone so smiley for?
18:53Something sure is weird, huh?
19:01Greetings, my friend. Have you some need here?
19:05You must know that traveling through this thick fog is a dangerous errand.
19:09Would you care to spend an evening here with us to wait it out instead?
19:13I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline.
19:16I'm sorry to hear that.
19:18Well, perhaps you will join us for a quick meal at least.
19:25Please, eat and enjoy.
19:30Not to be rude, but no thanks.
19:32I apologize for the fare. Our offerings aren't meant to offend.
19:36It was simply a meal of convenience.
19:38Enlighten me, if you would, my dear traveler.
19:42What business was it that brought you into our tiny little village?
19:47Happy accident. I was actually headed for Ricardo, but the fog led me off route.
19:54You're certain that's the only reason?
19:58Very well, then. That all makes sense.
20:06Apologies for their curiosity.
20:08Our isolated little village isn't terribly accustomed to travelers such as yourself.
20:12Right. I'll be making my way then.
20:16Before I go, does this town have a name?
20:19This is the village of Macias.
20:25So that place wasn't Ricardo?
20:29Food definitely didn't look yummy to me.
20:32No one's getting full on that.
20:34The people were quite kind, however.
20:36Always smiling and stuff.
20:39Always smiling and stuff!
20:41Wonder what made them so happy!
20:46Something was definitely off about the place.
20:49Yes. A lone adventurer happened to stumble in upon us.
20:53But it was merely a tamer, so I doubt we need worry.
20:57Yes. Our arrangements are in place.
21:00Tomorrow we will go out from here and extract the dragon's grace from Delight Canyon.
21:05You needn't worry about a thing.
21:07And now, the time has come for us to cleanse this tainted world.
21:13We should be almost right on top of Ricardo once we get over this hill.
21:17The wait is up!
21:19Wonder what sort of yummy meats they have!
21:21Maybe we can find a nice grassy place to rest and relax!
21:25Sounds like heaven to me!
21:27I think I've got eyes on it!
21:41This... can't be normal.
22:40We've finally found it!
22:42The food is delicious!
22:45Whether it's a cave or a forest of doubt,
22:48we're the Vikings of Hamamatsu City!
22:51When we're hungry, we can't move at all!
22:55We can't move at all!
22:56Let's go for a big attack!
22:58Let's go for a big attack!
22:59Let's go for a big attack!
23:00Let's go for a big attack!
23:01Let's go for a big attack!
23:02Let's go for a big attack!
23:03Let's go for a big attack!
23:04Let's go for a big attack!
23:05Let's go for a big attack!
23:06Let's go for a big attack!
23:07Let's go for a big attack!
23:08That's the kind of dream I had!
23:10Let's go for a big attack!
23:11Let's go for a big attack!
23:12Let's go for a big attack!
23:13Let's go for a big attack!
23:14Let's go for a big attack!
23:15Let's go for a big attack!
23:16Let's go for a big attack!
23:18Let's go!
23:20Time for a preview from us reincarnated Slimes!
23:23Yikes! This place looks super cold!
23:25Not that it bothers us!
23:26What's cold?
23:28Things tend to freeze when it's cold!
23:30What does freeze mean?
23:31When things freeze, they turn hard!
23:33That sounds fun!
23:34We hardened Slimes will smash through our foes!
23:37Let's beat up lots and lots of baddies!
23:39We'd certainly be treated to an amazing feast if we did!
23:44That cold looked troubling!
23:46Wait, so cold is actually a bad thing?
24:07Thank you for watching!
