• last year
00:00Pájaro soñador
00:30¿Y lloró mucho?
00:32Sí, bastante.
00:34Su padre tiene razón.
00:36Dijo que querer a alguien implica querer a su familia,
00:40sus costumbres y sus tradiciones.
00:42Y que si para amar tienes que lastimar a otros,
00:46es porque lo estás haciendo mal.
00:48Es verdad.
00:50Zanem está luchando por eso.
00:51Si no, hace tiempo que me hubiera olvidado de mi madre.
00:54Lo pensé mucho y cometimos un error,
00:57pero en ese momento nos pareció la mejor opción
01:00y fue como un sueño hecho realidad.
01:02No, hicieron lo correcto porque no les dejaron otra opción.
01:06No es así.
01:08La presioné para hacerlo.
01:10Es culpa mía.
01:11Oye, ya basta.
01:13En verdad se casaron y no pudimos compartir su alegría,
01:16pero estas cosas no deberían ser tan complicadas.
01:19Acabarán aceptándolos.
01:21Manténganse firmes.
01:22Nosotros los apoyamos.
01:24Cuentan con nosotros.
01:26Me alegra mucho que digas eso, hermano.
01:30Pero ten cuidado.
01:31Mamá querrá atacarte.
01:35Tomamos una decisión.
01:40La boda está suspendida.
01:42Solo por un tiempo.
01:44No queremos pasar por ese estrés de momento.
01:47Esperaremos a que todo se calme.
01:52Creemos que es lo mejor.
01:57Mamá llamó.
01:58Lo siento.
02:00Es mamá.
02:03Dime, madre.
02:04A ver, Emre, ¿dónde estás?
02:06No te encuentro ni a ti ni a tu hermano.
02:08Sí, estamos resolviendo algunos asuntos.
02:11¿No han cometido suficientes errores hasta ahora?
02:14Pues ahora tenemos que solucionarlo entre todos.
02:17¿Qué es lo que tenemos que solucionar entre todos?
02:21Ya que decidiste casarte y tuviste tu boda,
02:24no tiene sentido discutir.
02:26Así que creo que deberías llamar a Bekide para vernos.
02:31Tenemos que sentarnos a hablar para resolver esta situación.
02:35Debemos hacer las paces y dejar a un lado nuestras diferencias.
02:39¿De verdad?
02:41¿Qué dice?
02:42De acuerdo.
02:43Está bien, está bien.
02:44Se lo diré.
02:49Ya se verá.
02:50¿Qué pasó?
02:51¿Qué dijo?
02:52Quiere hablar con sus padres para encontrar una solución.
02:56¿Está buscando una solución?
03:00Voy a llamar a mamá inmediatamente.
03:01Buena idea.
03:02Qué sorpresa.
03:10Bueno, nos hemos reunido con la intención de firmar
03:13un tratado de paz.
03:14Sí, ya es una tradición.
03:16Deberíamos comprar dos uniformes.
03:18Para el equipo de la novia, uno rojo,
03:20y para el de novio, uno azul.
03:24Quizá no es muy buena idea.
03:27Buen intento, tío.
03:28Bueno, ya hiciste tu broma, Miat.
03:30Vamos a seguir.
03:31Bueno, deberían empezar a hablar los mayores,
03:34pero siempre que ustedes empiezan,
03:36acabamos en un alboroto más grande que el anterior.
03:39Así que, con su permiso, empezaré a hablar yo.
03:42Hace poco, Sanem y yo les dijimos que queríamos casarnos
03:45y queríamos compartir nuestra alegría con ustedes.
03:49Pero los esfuerzos de mi madre por poner obstáculos
03:52a nuestro matrimonio funcionaron bastante bien
03:55y hemos vivido situaciones complicadas.
03:58Por favor, Jan.
03:59Solo un segundo, sí, no me interrumpas.
04:01Los problemas que vivimos influyeron en Leyla y en Rey.
04:06Así que decidieron pasar a la acción
04:08y por eso se casaron de repente y sin avisarle a nadie.
04:12Por supuesto, eso les molestó y ellos lo lamentan.
04:16Y yo, como hermano, quiero que esto se solucione.
04:21Mi madre dice que quiere arreglar la situación.
04:25Por eso le cedo la palabra.
04:27Adelante, madre.
04:31Como ya dijo Jan,
04:33tenemos que solucionar esta situación y hacer las paces.
04:37Tengo buenas intenciones.
04:39Pues espero que no estés tramando nada.
04:43Mevki, ve.
04:44Dejemos el pasado en el pasado y miremos hacia el futuro.
04:48Qué actitud tan elegante, Uma.
04:51Al estilo europeo, ¿eh?
04:54Alguien tenía que dar el primer paso.
04:57Nosotros también queríamos hablar.
04:59No hemos visitado Europa, pero eso no importa.
05:02Tenemos que solucionarlo lo antes posible, ¿no lo crees?
05:06Tenemos que solucionar este problema ahora mismo.
05:09Puede que la anulación sea la mejor opción.
05:13¿Cómo puedes decir eso, mamá?
05:16Eh, señora Uma, ¿tiene alguna sugerencia en mente?
05:21Sí, he estado pensando en eso.
05:24Eh, nuestros hijos ya están casados
05:27y Leila debería vivir con su marido.
05:30¿Qué? ¿Con su marido, dices?
05:32Hasta que se vayan a vivir a su propia casa,
05:35Leila debería vivir con nosotros.
05:38Sí, sería la mejor opción.
05:41Es una buena idea.
05:42Sí les parece bien, claro.
05:44Me gusta.
05:45Tendré mi propia habitación aquí.
05:47Mi hija Leila vivirá con su suegra.
05:53Mevki, ve, por favor.
05:55No te pongas así.
05:57No soy tan mala.
05:58Y así ella podría llamarla mamá.
06:02Da igual.
06:03Un matrimonio debería tener su casa.
06:06Eso no puede salir bien.
06:08Si tienes otra idea, te escuchamos.
06:13Pero pronto todos sabrán que están casados.
06:16Ya lo saben.
06:17Si viven separados uno del otro,
06:19será una vergüenza para todos.
06:21Es mi oferta.
06:23Como te dije, si tienes otra idea, podemos hablarlo.
06:32Mamá, papá, ¿qué opinan de todo eso?
06:38Diría que no nos pediste nuestra opinión para casarte.
06:50Tienes razón.
06:55Eso es lo correcto.
06:58Ahora debes...
07:01vivir con tu marido.
07:07Sí, lo agradezco mucho.
07:09Sí, estupendo.
07:10Todo se ha solucionado.
07:12A partir de ahora, todo irá mejor.
07:23Esperen, esperen.
07:24Tenemos que hacernos una selfie.
07:26Júntense todos.
07:27Vamos, pónganse detrás de mí.
07:29Y acérquense más.
07:30Que salgan todos bien.
07:32Ahora, baja un poco la cabeza, Leila.
07:34Así es.
07:35¿Están listos?
07:38Muy bien.
07:44¡Ay, fíjate!
07:45¿Qué te pasa?
07:47¡Estoy listo!
07:49Voy a casarme pronto con Erhan.
07:50Acabo de decirlo.
07:51¿En serio?
07:52¿Pero cómo se te ocurre eso?
07:53He leído todas las señales a mi alrededor.
07:55¡Debo hacer lo correcto!
07:56¡Tengo que casarme!
07:57¡El matrimonio me espera!
07:58¿De verdad?
07:59¡Claro, por supuesto!
08:00Erhan y yo.
08:01Jan y Sanem.
08:02Emre y Leila.
08:03Y es posible que tú y Yigit.
08:05Y Gülis y Musa.
08:06Sí, es posible.
08:07Musa y yo.
08:08Sí, por supuesto.
08:09Porque Musa está enamorado de ti, Gülis.
08:11Pobre muchacho.
08:13Bueno, Musa y yo...
08:15No lo sé.
08:16Puede ser.
08:17Teren, tú eres una mujer muy centrada.
08:19Ella está un poco loca.
08:21Pero tú no eres así.
08:22Tú eres una mujer fuerte.
08:24Tienes un aura...
08:25Tienes un aura de color.
08:27Y veo el color.
08:28Claro que lo veo.
08:29Sí, tienes razón, Yeye.
08:31No tenemos toda la perspectiva de la situación.
08:35¿Sabes qué?
08:37Leí un artículo y dice que según los astrólogos,
08:40es un buen momento para los temas amorosos.
08:43Tony Vidente lo dijo.
08:44Sí, eso es lo que dicen.
08:46Mercurio está en fase retrógrada y se pueden comenzar
08:48con nuevas relaciones.
08:50¿Lo dices en serio?
08:52Sí, por supuesto.
08:53Tenemos que hacerlo.
08:54Ya vieron lo rápido que se casó el señor Emre y Leyla,
08:57Sí, Yeye.
08:58Y se casaron rápido y de sorpresa.
09:00Sí, deberíamos hacer lo mismo.
09:02El río debe fluir hacia el mar.
09:04El fluir de la vida.
09:05Sí, nosotros lo seguimos, tú no.
09:07Gülis, ¿por qué siempre encuentras la forma de hacer
09:09alguna estupidez y meterte en problemas a ti misma
09:12y también a los que están a tu alrededor?
09:14Ay, ni siquiera me dejas soñar despierto.
09:17Voy a tomar a Ehand en la mano y me la llevaré
09:19al salón de bodas.
09:20La obligaré a decir que sí.
09:21Claro, le pisaré el pie hasta que diga que sí.
09:23Lo voy a hacer.
09:24Ya lo verán.
09:25Lo prometo.
09:26Eso es lo que voy a hacer.
09:28Sí, así se hace.
09:29Lucha por tu amor, Yeye.
09:30Aquí estamos contigo, Yeye.
09:32Oye, oye.
09:34Yeye ya se fue, Deren.
09:35Aquí se exagere un poco.
09:37Bueno, pero no pasa nada.
09:39Ah, tenemos otra boda, Gülis.
09:41Todo está en las estrellas.
09:43Ah, chicas.
09:45Ya me tienen harta.
09:46Aquí tienes tu té.
09:48Ya les conté todo.
09:50¿Otra vez de chismosas?
09:52¿Alguien sabe si es verdad que Leyla se ha casado?
09:55No lo sabemos.
09:56Pudo ser Leyla o Zanem, alguna de las dos.
09:58Estoy segura que fue Leyla.
10:00Estaba comprometida con Osman y luego se casó con Esme.
10:04Es verdad.
10:05Lo sabe todo el mundo.
10:06Ay, sur, no te da vergüenza.
10:07Ay, pero ¿de qué estás hablando?
10:08A ver, ¿qué están diciendo?
10:09¿De qué están hablando?
10:10¿Por qué les interesa tanto la vida de los demás?
10:12Ay, querida amiga, ya se lo contaste a Osman.
10:15Pobre chico.
10:16Menos mal que se fue y no ha tenido que presenciarlo.
10:19Sí, menos mal que Osman no lo ve.
10:21Y después de verlas a ustedes,
10:23ahora sé que no quiero seguir viviendo en este barrio.
10:26No, no.
10:27Espera, Aysan.
10:28¿Y por qué se enfada con nosotras?
10:29Ay, Aysun, arruinaste todo.
10:30Se molestó con nosotras.
10:31Debería darte vergüenza.
10:32Se fue por tu culpa.
10:33Mejor que vaya y se moleste con Mefti.
10:37A ver.
10:39Me siento como un mono de circo.
10:41Nos miran como bichos raros.
10:43Quédate aquí como si a ti no te importara eso.
10:45No me importa.
10:46Es que me sorprende su descaro.
10:48Pero ¿por qué nos miran así, chismosas?
10:50Todos estos temas de familia y matrimonio
10:52me dejan totalmente agotado.
10:54Me hacen sentir mayor.
10:56A mí también.
10:57Era algo que teníamos que hacer, ¿no?
10:59Es falta de costumbre.
11:01Mefti, ve.
11:02Deja de llorar.
11:03Que no te vean las vecinas.
11:08Por favor, no me voy para siempre.
11:10¿Por qué estás llorando?
11:11Me harás llorar a mí también, mamá.
11:13También lo dije una vez.
11:15Se lo dije a mi madre.
11:17Que no me iría para siempre.
11:21Y luego habían pasado 27 años.
11:30¿Quieres que te dé un pañuelo?
11:37Te casaste en secreto sin decirme nada.
11:40Pues ahora sabrás lo que es vivir con tu suegra.
11:46Toma esto.
11:49¿Qué es, mamá?
11:50Una lista de cosas.
11:52¿Qué cosas?
11:53Ahora preguntas.
11:54¿No lo sabes?
11:55Te casaste sin avisar.
11:57¿Y crees que te vas a librar de todas tus responsabilidades?
12:00Son las cosas que tenemos que hacer.
12:05Noche de jena, baños árabes con la novia.
12:07Guau, qué gran tarea.
12:08Es la tradición.
12:09Es una lista larga.
12:10Mamá, ¿noches de jena, baños árabes?
12:14Ya están casados y se va a vivir con su marido.
12:16Es innecesario, ¿no?
12:17No le hables así a tu madre.
12:19Calma, Mevkiveh.
12:20Son las normas de la tradición.
12:22Puede que a ti no te guste mucho,
12:23pero tienes que cumplirlas, hija mía.
12:26Está bien.
12:27Te beso la mano, mamá.
12:48Qué bonito.
12:52Si ya han terminado, tenemos que irnos.
13:02Ya lo verán.
13:03Cuidaré bien de Leyla.
13:05Espero que puedas cuidarla tan bien como nosotros.
13:12Zanem, mamá, ¿puedo ir con mi hermana?
13:16Si la ayudo con lo que necesite.
13:19Sí, hija mía.
13:20Voy por mis cosas.
13:23No se preocupen.
13:24Está en buenas manos.
13:26Nos vemos pronto.
13:28Hasta luego.
13:30Por aquí, vamos.
13:45Ya se van.
13:46Ahora me merezco una taza de café.
14:00Entremos a casa lentamente y vámonos poco a poco, poco a poco.
14:05Corre, corre, corre.
14:06¡Entra ya!
14:09Se metieron corriendo.
14:10Hay algo raro.
14:11Hay cosas que no son muy claras.
14:13La verdad es que no he podido averiguar nada.
14:15¿Qué está pasando?
14:16Pero si ustedes ya vieron lo que está pasando aquí.
14:18Ay, no.
14:19Yo voy a decirles algo.
14:20Estoy segura de que algo esconden.
14:22Fue muy rápido.
14:23Seguro de algo se avergüenzan y no quieren que nos enteremos.
14:26Porque si no, no nos...
14:28¿Qué dijiste?
14:30¿Qué dijiste?
14:31Ya, ya, ya, ya.
14:40¡Déjenme en paz!
14:44¡No puede ser!
14:54Uma, gracias por darnos esta oportunidad.
14:57Pronto organizaremos nuestras vidas en nuestro nuevo hogar.
15:00¿Verdad, mi amor?
15:03De nada, querida.
15:04No se apresuren.
15:06El agente inmobiliario ahora nos va a enseñar unos departamentos.
15:11¿Es en serio, Enrique?
15:13¿Por qué tanta prisa?
15:15No se precipiten con algo tan importante.
15:18¿Cuándo hablas de él, con el agente?
15:20Lo llamé ayer, mamá.
15:22Me enviará la dirección.
15:24Y tú eliges el que más te guste, ¿de acuerdo?
15:27Muy bien.
15:29Entonces lee esto.
15:32¿Y eso qué es?
15:34Una lista.
15:35Cosas que tiene que aprender antes de que vivan juntos.
15:38Porque ahora no sabes hacer casi nada, hija.
15:42Por eso te hice la lista.
15:44A ver, decidieron casarse de imprevisto.
15:47Pero haremos lo posible para que estés a la altura de nuestra familia.
15:51¿De acuerdo?
15:53¿Lista de tareas?
15:54¿Cursos de baile?
15:55¿Es en serio?
15:58También hay clases de inglés y clases de alemán.
16:02Ah, es tarde de formar una familia.
16:05Emre tendrá que dejar su auto y conducir uno familiar.
16:10¿Cómo dices?
16:11¿Cómo que mi auto es familiar?
16:14De señora.
16:15No mucho.
16:16Es un auto deportivo, súper potente, casi de carreras.
16:20Una línea muy varonil.
16:22Entonces, ¿eso es lo que prefieres?
16:25Sí, ¿qué prefieres?
16:26¿Un auto de señora o prefieres uno deportivo?
16:29Oye, espera un momento.
16:32Esa me parece una pregunta con trampa.
16:34Debo pensar bien antes de responderla.
16:37¿Podrías repetírmela?
16:39Pero, a ver, ¿qué es lo que tanto te molesta, Jan?
16:42No, nada.
16:43Yo estoy estupendamente.
16:45Estás molesta.
16:46Ah, la típica respuesta masculina.
16:49Cuando un hombre oye una pregunta inesperada, siempre responde lo mismo.
16:52¿Puedes repetírmela?
16:53Ahora que lo pienso bien, es probable que mi opinión coincida con la tuya, Jan.
16:58Así que no tengas miedo y respóndeme.
17:00No lo sé, amor.
17:02Es una pregunta muy compleja que exige mucho análisis.
17:06Y en este momento no puedo concentrarme y pensar tranquilamente.
17:09No voy a mentirte.
17:11La verdad es que no recuerdo cuál era la pregunta.
17:14Lo que pasa ahora es que resulta que el auto favorito de Jan David,
17:18el auto que tanto le gusta, es un auto familiar.
17:20Y cuando se lo dices en su cara, Jan David queda en shock.
17:24Ahora debe tomar una decisión.
17:26¿Cambiará de auto o se quedará con uno familiar?
17:33Yo no creo que sea un auto familiar, pero es una pregunta muy compleja
17:36y no sé muy bien qué responder.
17:38Esta cuestión resulta muy difícil para el cerebro del hombre.
17:42Bueno, es un auto deportivo.
17:45Es estupendo, ¿verdad?
17:47Me da igual el tipo de auto que sea.
17:49No quiero discutir.
17:50Pues, ¿sabes qué?
17:52Tienes el aspecto típico de un jefe de familia,
17:55sobre todo por cómo llevas el cabello.
17:57Claro, el jefe de la familia lleva el cabello recogido.
18:00Vamos a ver, ¿qué intentas decirme?
18:03¿Me está saliendo una barrica enorme?
18:05Pues sí, es cierto.
18:06Hace mucho que no voy al gimnasio.
18:08Te refieres a eso, ¿verdad?
18:10Puedes decirlo.
18:12¿O me estoy quedando calvo?
18:13¿Qué te pasa?
18:14Tienes un cabello envidiable.
18:15Sí, es porque uso el shampoo de manzanilla que nadie conoce.
18:19Oye, ¿crees que me están empezando a salir canas?
18:22No te equivoques, porque también soy un poco rubio.
18:26Qué tema de conversación.
18:29¿Tienes alergia para hablar de la familia?
18:31No, no es cierto.
18:32No soy alérgico a nada.
18:33Me he hecho muchos estudios médicos y estoy sano como un roble.
18:36Pero, ¿qué quieres decir exactamente?
18:38Yo nada, amor.
18:41Ya te dije que no.
18:43Sé que querías decir algo, ¿eh?
18:45Ya lo hablaremos.
18:48No quise decir nada.
19:05¿Pero pudiste verlo?
19:06Pero no estoy muy segura que ese sea el correo.
19:08¡Ay, pues, fíjate muy bien!
19:09¿Dónde está ese teléfono de la empresa para hacer llamadas personales?
19:11¡Y menos a celular!
19:13Y déjese esas galletas.
19:14Tienes que mirarlo detenidamente.
19:17No digo que no tengas razón, pero yo no lo veo a...
19:20Señor, ¿necesita algo?
19:23Puede ser Gülis.
19:24Oye, ¿que conoces a ese hombre?
19:33Por supuesto.
19:34¿Qué más podría ser?
19:35¿Qué tal?
19:38Para mí siempre será un placer verte y escuchar tu linda voz.
19:43Las flores son muy bonitas.
19:45¿Son para mí?
19:46Sí, lo son.
19:47Pagué 75 liras por ellas.
19:49Bueno, aquí vamos.
19:52Una, dos y tres.
19:59Te propuse matrimonio.
20:00No sé si estás consciente de eso, Gülisita.
20:02Cásate conmigo.
20:04Ya vi, pero ¿no es un poco repentino?
20:06Lo llaman el matrimonio repentino.
20:08Tenemos dinero.
20:09Somos jovenzuelos.
20:11Podemos ir a casarnos al instante.
20:13Es la nueva moda de las bodas ahora.
20:16Musa, ¿qué quieres que te diga?
20:18Me tomas por sorpresa.
20:19No sé qué decirte.
20:21¿Qué vas a hacer?
20:23¿Vas a considerarlo?
20:24No le des más vueltas.
20:26¡Semía, amor!
20:27Bueno, yo necesito pensarlo.
20:29Tengo que pensarlo muy bien.
20:30¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:32¡Muy bien, porque asco!
20:33¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:34¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:35¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:36¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:37¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:38¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:39¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:40¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:41¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:42¡Sí, sí, sí!
20:48Musa vino a la agencia y de repente se me declaró y me pidió matrimonio.
20:49Lo que decíamos está siendo realidad.
20:51Lo de las fases de mercurio.
20:53Y las bodas.
20:54Hablamos sobre eso y las estrellas están de tu parte en este momento.
20:57Pero antes me gustaría mucho preguntarte una cosa, Musafer.
21:02¿Estás seguro?
21:03Sí, Deren, ha sido una propuesta repentina.
21:06Pero deja que sea yo quien te haga una preguntita.
21:09Porque repentina de los 75 años que vivimos en promedio,
21:12We spent 27 years sleeping, 19 working, and 6 eating.
21:16Therefore, if we take this into account,
21:19how much time did we spend laughing and having fun?
21:21How much?
21:22130 days.
21:24And the time we spent loving each other is about 35 days.
21:31Yes, they are only reserved to love each other 35 days.
21:34Can it be a too sudden statement?
21:38Nina, I'll leave you with the flowers and the question.
21:43See you later.
21:47Well, I think Musa convinced me.
21:53Very good.
21:54He left without an answer.
21:56He left before you could give him an answer.
21:59Musa has left.
22:01How interesting.
22:05Come in.
22:07Do you like your new home, wife?
22:10Well, of course, beloved husband.
22:13Well, we're here.
22:18With excitement I put everything I could in the suitcases.
22:22I brought a lot of things.
22:23Will you have enough room in your room for all, love?
22:26Of course.
22:27And besides, you have occupied my heart.
22:30Oh, how romantic.
22:32How lucky you are, Leila.
22:34We'll leave shortly when the people call us.
22:37Did you start looking for an apartment?
22:39Of course, we can't stay here.
22:41This is your house, but do what you think is most convenient, of course.
22:45Take the suitcases to the room.
22:47And let the girls sit with me.
22:50Good luck.
22:51I'll take the flower one.
22:53Yes, you take it.
22:55Come on, sit down.
22:56Come in.
23:05Oh, I thought it was broken, but it is.
23:10Hey, what area are you looking for, huh?
23:13Well, in an appropriate area.
23:16Now you're a diva, you're family.
23:19And you can't live in any neighborhood.
23:25Well, like in your neighborhood, of course.
23:28With all those people watching them.
23:30As if they were watching you.
23:32It's simple, cheap and ordinary.
23:35Full of uneducated people.
23:37Ours is a historical and decent neighborhood.
23:39I think you're wrong.
23:41No, no.
23:42I know very well what I saw.
23:44And your neighborhood is a kind of place where a divit would normally not look at the head.
23:51And why is that?
23:53Does it mean we have a contagious disease?
23:57Hey, what were you talking about?
24:00Oh, what are we going to talk about?
24:02We were talking about your new house, right?
24:06Honey, your house must be close to your work,
24:09because the traffic in Istanbul is crazy.
24:12And it's better that you don't waste your time moving, love.
24:16I'm glad to see them so communicative.
24:20Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll go get my things.
24:23Yes, go ahead.
24:25Let me help you.
24:32Let's go.
24:38How are you, little one?
24:40I brought you a cup of coffee.
24:42Hi, Deren.
24:43How are you?
24:44I'm fine.
24:45And you?
24:46I'm fine.
24:47I brought you a cup of coffee.
24:49Hi, Deren.
24:50What a detail.
24:51Thank you very much.
24:52Have a seat.
24:57The truth is, I already had a coffee a while ago.
24:59It doesn't matter.
25:00This coffee is made in Deren's style.
25:02I specially prepare the beans.
25:04Try it.
25:05Well, I'll try it then.
25:13It smells delicious.
25:14It's freshly made.
25:16Thank you very much.
25:17Enjoy it.
25:21Does the agency have a mill?
25:23No, but I have one at home.
25:25I usually prepare it for me, but today I made it for you.
25:29How kind.
25:31Today there is no one.
25:33Neither up nor down in the building.
25:35Yes, it's true, Deren.
25:37You should come back in case someone comes.
25:39No, no, I didn't mean that.
25:41It's just that the two offices are usually full of people.
25:46It's so strange to see them so empty.
25:49Of course, it's true.
25:51Love has arisen.
25:56Are you okay?
25:58Yes, yes.
26:03Well, there are a lot of marriages going on at the agency.
26:06Suddenly it's very interesting.
26:08Yes, everyone is getting married, right?
26:13They do the right thing.
26:15Sometimes the person you're looking for is the one you have right in front of you.
26:21But people are sometimes afraid too.
26:23Yes, sometimes we are afraid.
26:25Look, I don't usually talk about marriage with anyone.
26:29But we give it too many turns.
26:33Things must flow.
26:35In old marriages, people would give themselves the opportunity to meet and then get married.
26:43Small pleasures were allowed, like us drinking coffee.
26:48And we had a good time, right?
26:51That's all.
26:52You have to share the pleasures of life.
26:55For example, grinding coffee is a pleasure to share.
27:01You're right, Deren.
27:02It's true.
27:03What you said is perfect.
27:06We should buy a coffee grinder for newlyweds.
27:09It would be a great gift.
27:13Of course.
27:14Yes, it's a good idea.
27:16I congratulate you.
27:17We must also avoid pressuring others, right?
27:21Because when the person you have in front of you is not able to understand you,
27:26well, do what you do.
27:28You shouldn't insist because you can end up losing patience
27:32My break is over.
27:33It's better that I go back to work.
27:35I guess you have things to do.
27:39And the cups?
27:41The cups?
27:42Keep them.
27:43You could read your fortune and see your destiny.
27:46It will help you overcome your fears.
27:48It's a good gift, don't you think?
27:53Of course.
27:55I'm an idiot.
27:57It's always my turn.
28:07Well, it's done.
28:10Our clothes and our shirts are already together.
28:13And so are we.
28:16How romantic.
28:17If you want to keep that flame burning...
28:21We have to do each of the tasks that are written on this list.
28:25Yes, mom's list, but Uma also gave us another one, you know?
28:29What did she write?
28:31Oh, it's a list of pending tasks.
28:34Like, for example, organizing,
28:36the preparations for dinner,
28:38or the day of the Arabic bath.
28:40I think Melat has chosen some songs for dinner,
28:43and we have to take them to a USB.
28:45Well, good.
28:46And did our mother make a list?
28:48Yes, too.
28:50Uma gave me her list in the car, but this one is a little different.
28:53For example, it says,
28:54a wedding hall will be searched at the height of our family
28:57for about 1,200 guests.
28:59Of course.
29:00We are from the royal family, and we will have many guests.
29:04What else?
29:06Uh, what else do we have?
29:08Look, an interesting point.
29:10A bachelor party will be organized,
29:12and there has to be a dance.
29:13Ah, they'll go to dance classes.
29:15Just me.
29:16Emre already knows how to dance the waltz, right, darling?
29:18And I'll teach you, my life, come.
29:20Oh, what elegance.
29:22Oh, how cute.
29:23You are so elegant.
29:25Ah, but what are you doing here?
29:27I'm teaching Leila to dance.
29:29Don't worry.
29:30The countess teaches everyone to dance.
29:33Yigit calling.
29:35Oh, sorry, Yigit.
29:37Yes, tell me.
29:39The file?
29:41Ah, it's in the shelf behind my desk.
29:43Why are you leaving? Why?
29:46Yes, yes.
29:49Maybe Zanem could go to dance classes.
29:52No need.
29:53Zanem dances perfectly.
29:55She dances wonderfully.
29:57When she dances, everyone is ecstatic.
29:59She's a very, very good dancer.
30:02Maybe, but Emre and you went to classes with good professionals
30:06to learn to dance like that widow.
30:08I think it would be good for her.
30:10But she already dances very well.
30:11And any style, mother, you just have to see it.
30:16We just opened the publishing house,
30:18and we already have too many documents.
30:20I don't understand.
30:21Everything has become a chaos without you.
30:23Yes, you're right.
30:24It's just that everything was so sudden.
30:26Yes, yes, I understand you very well.
30:29Hey, Leila is going to go to the honeymoon.
30:32I don't love the idea of bothering her,
30:34but I do need her to come.
30:36There are some issues that I can't solve,
30:38and I need to consult her.
30:40Ah, if you want, I can go and help you with whatever.
30:43No, no, I need her,
30:45because she knows the details of what I want to ask her.
30:48And then she can go to the honeymoon,
30:50and I won't bother her anymore.
30:52Yes, of course.
30:53You're right.
30:54I'll tell her to go to the publishing house.
30:57Take care.
30:58See you later.
31:06Don't you think this list is a little weird?
31:08There are a lot of unnecessary details.
31:11Well, if you compare it to Melkiveh's list,
31:13this one is short.
31:14Yes, of course.
31:18Excuse me, Leila,
31:19Jiggy has trouble finding some documents,
31:22and he says he needs your help.
31:24He wants you to go to the office.
31:27It's okay.
31:28The boy is right.
31:30First you have to take care of the work,
31:32so that later you can go to the honeymoon in peace.
31:35Son, you should also go to the agency.
31:37I'll take care of the agency.
31:39No, Emre must solve everything he has pending,
31:43so no one will interrupt you during the honeymoon.
31:46That way we'll avoid more headaches.
31:49And you have to complete my homework list
31:51and your mother-in-law's before you leave.
31:54Otherwise, forget about the honeymoon.
31:57You only need a couple of days.
32:01I just had an idea.
32:03Don't tell me.
32:04You could help us with the homework list,
32:06both Zanem and Jan.
32:14I don't know.
32:15Of course, we'll do whatever it takes.
32:17Well, yes.
32:18Count on us.
32:19You can go talk to the real estate agents.
32:21You already know Emre's tastes,
32:23so you can choose the best apartments,
32:26so he doesn't waste time.
32:28Good, good.
32:29And Zanem also knows Leila's tastes,
32:31so let's go together.
32:33I know your tastes?
32:35The truth is that you have good ideas, sister.
32:37Could you do us the favor, Zanem?
32:41Very well.
32:42And talk to a couple of companies
32:43to organize the wedding celebration.
32:46This is too much work for them.
32:50It'll be like a wedding practice.
32:53We can also go to their honeymoon.
32:55No, but if they do the rest,
32:57we would appreciate it very much.
32:59Of course, brother.
33:00Of course.
33:02Yes, I'll use my imagination.
33:04Oh, you're the best.
33:05All set.
33:07Well, we have to go to work, so...
33:09Yes, why don't you call us?
33:11See you.
33:12Wait, I'll take the coat.
33:13Well, I think we have a lot to do.
33:15Bring mine too, please, love.
33:17And the list?
33:18What about the list?
33:19You keep it.
33:23And we were expecting Zanem's wedding.
33:26I can't believe it.
33:27Don't make me regret telling you.
33:29Not a word to anyone.
33:31Don't worry, Kibe.
33:32Look, since you didn't tell me anything,
33:34I was telling different stories.
33:36I can't help it.
33:37That's how I am.
33:38You're amazing, Melad.
33:40The truth is, I really like your honesty.
33:43Aizun's here.
33:44She's right in front of me.
33:45She asked me to give her information about your daughter,
33:47but I didn't tell her anything.
33:49Aizun's going to be asking for information for a long time.
33:52It's a shame.
33:53She loves gossip.
33:54She's a clown.
33:56Listen to me.
33:57For the sake of your daughters,
33:58it's better if you don't open your mouth, friend.
34:00I'm worried about my daughter.
34:01How is she going to be happy living with that mother-in-law?
34:04Poor thing.
34:05Cemil, go buy the gifts, because I'm going to...
34:07Hey, hey, what's going on?
34:09I'm going to get married.
34:10I'm getting married, I'm getting married.
34:11You're getting married?
34:13It's finally confirmed.
34:14I'm getting married.
34:15You can start congratulating me,
34:16and I'm going to kiss your little hands now.
34:18Oh, what a joy.
34:21Oh, my mother.
34:23Why are you running from here to there?
34:25That's right.
34:26I suddenly went to the agency,
34:28and I proposed to Julisita.
34:30Very good.
34:31But why are you coming to tell these women
34:33before me?
34:34What a great shame.
34:35What a shame you give me.
34:37But, little mother,
34:38in a way, you see her as my mother,
34:40because she was my mother-in-law,
34:41and she's the president, and...
34:42Of course.
34:43The truth is that I couldn't resist.
34:46I can't get up to tell you some things,
34:48because I don't want to.
34:49No, no, no, no.
34:50Congratulations, Musafer.
34:52Thank you, my little president.
34:56Julis is a good girl,
34:57but she can't get married.
34:58You're going too fast.
34:59Marriage is something very important.
35:01Why are you in such a hurry?
35:03I want a worthy and elegant bride at your wedding.
35:05What do you mean by that?
35:06What are you insinuating?
35:08What am I saying to my son?
35:10Well, I'm telling him he should get married
35:11following the traditions.
35:13Besides, I assure you that if we had known
35:15that your daughter was getting married,
35:16we would have given her a gift,
35:18but we can't.
35:19When have you done something good?
35:21We don't need your gift.
35:22Keep it.
35:23But look, following the tradition,
35:26I congratulate you very much.
35:28Musa, what did he say when you asked him?
35:30What was he going to say?
35:31Very fast, like lightning.
35:32He was so amazed that he didn't know what to say,
35:34but he's going to accept it.
35:35And if he doesn't, I'll kidnap her on a horse
35:37and I'll run away with her.
35:39What are we going to do?
35:40Things have to be done at the right time.
35:42Let's go.
35:43It's time to go now.
35:44All right, mother.
35:45Don't let me share my joy with my people.
35:47I'll get married very soon
35:48and we'll dance on my wedding day.
35:50How funny is that?
35:53Azul's mother was also very strange.
35:56Azul is never there and he's a good boy,
35:59but he's also very strange.
36:01It's true.
36:02Hey, don't make me laugh.
36:03Don't make me laugh.
36:09What a beautiful dance, John.
36:13It looks very nice.
36:33First, let's go to my house.
36:53The living room is very large.
36:57This house is a good choice.
36:59Leila likes chimneys.
37:01What do you think?
37:02Well, it's very good.
37:03It has a fireplace and a very large living room,
37:06and the TV can go there.
37:10The television?
37:14Hey, the living room has huge windows,
37:17and if you put the TV here,
37:19I'm sure the reflection will bother you.
37:21With blinds, there will be no reflections.
37:25So what about this fantastic view?
37:28And where are you going to put the TV?
37:29In the fireplace?
37:30It's a good idea,
37:31but I think you can put a smaller TV
37:34in this corner here.
37:36It can't be.
37:37Amre likes big TVs,
37:38and that's important,
37:39because that's where we'll play video games,
37:42and there we'll see Americano screaming
37:44and supporting his team, you know,
37:46go, Pac, go, with all our friends
37:48and celebrating the scores.
37:49And he'll also watch series with Leila,
37:51so they need a big TV,
37:52and here too, a very large sofa for all that.
37:56A living room with a large sofa,
37:58a large TV,
37:59and the blinds closed,
38:01covering the views.
38:02I think they should put a library
38:04on this wall, right?
38:08I love to read,
38:09and we all should read,
38:10and books are something valuable,
38:12but why do we have to put them all here?
38:15Don't you like libraries?
38:17Of course I do,
38:18but back there,
38:19there are many rooms.
38:20The library can be in the studio
38:22and leave these walls
38:23to hang photos and important paintings.
38:25What sense does it make
38:26to fill the living room
38:27with too many things?
38:28In fact,
38:29I was thinking of putting the desk
38:31right there in front.
38:34the kids' room is empty.
38:37we're back to the kids' stuff again.
38:41What do you mean?
38:45That they just got married.
38:47First they should have fun,
38:48and then they'll have a lot of time
38:50to worry about their kids.
38:53you're right.
38:55Let them decide.
38:56We don't know what they think about it.
39:08Let's look at other apartments.
39:16of course.
39:17This one is small.
39:18If you want a game room,
39:19it's for the kids.
39:22this one is small.
39:29I hate this.
39:34There it is.
39:35Be careful.
39:36Don't make any noise.
39:38you have to be quiet.
39:39I'm warning you.
39:40You're screaming.
39:41Your heels are making noise.
39:52These are for Leila!
39:53I really appreciate it!
39:56Be very happy!
39:58Thank you very much, Erin.
39:59Thank you, Adele.
40:01Thank you, everyone.
40:03they came to congratulate me for my wedding.
40:05Very good.
40:06I also want to congratulate you.
40:09Thank you very much.
40:11But tell me,
40:12what is the newlywed doing?
40:14I thought you were working hard.
40:17I wanted to get all the work done beforehand.
40:19Yes, so we won't bother her later.
40:22You think so?
40:23What a shame.
40:24Were you on the honeymoon?
40:25Oh, how romantic.
40:27Very romantic.
40:28The honeymoon is a very nice and romantic event.
40:31I like it a lot when I see it in the movies.
40:34The hotel suite with those beautiful beds
40:37and the figures they make with the towels.
40:38They make swans or owls.
40:40The owls turn their heads 360 and make...
40:43I assure you, that's what they do when they're in the field.
40:45Oh, I had a déjà vu.
40:48I don't know, man.
40:49Luis, you have something in your mouth.
40:52I'm sorry, Leila.
40:54I said it without thinking.
40:55I really didn't mean to.
40:56Don't worry.
40:57It's okay.
40:58That's in the past.
40:59Forget it.
41:00So let's let life continue to flow.
41:02Let's always have a positive attitude.
41:05Yes, we have to send positive messages to the universe.
41:08Well, do you want a cake?
41:10Of course.
41:11Let me.
41:12I'll take it.
41:13Be careful.
41:14Yes, of course.
41:15It's no bother.
41:16Let me through.
41:17Be careful.
41:18It's for everyone.
41:22Yes, our honeymoon destinations are these.
41:25Uh, I don't understand.
41:26Do we have to limit ourselves to these destinations here?
41:29We can organize something special.
41:31What destination do you want?
41:32It's not for us.
41:33Well, we'll both find out later.
41:37Yes, it's a gift for your sister and my brother who just got married.
41:42How lucky.
41:43What kind of trip did you think of?
41:45Ah, something quiet and with a relaxing atmosphere.
41:48Away from the chaos, the big cities, and all the stress.
41:53Like what?
41:54Uh, like the sea, the sound of the waves, the brightness of the sun.
41:59That they feel little by little how the heat invades their bodies.
42:03And then they feel a slight breeze.
42:05Imagine my sister's blond hair.
42:10Sinking into the wind.
42:11Sorry, I haven't slept well.
42:13And I'm very sleepy.
42:15Something like that.
42:16That they can read whenever they want.
42:17And they can also chat.
42:19In a quiet atmosphere.
42:20Some vacations to rest.
42:23Jan, we're back.
42:25Can you wake up?
42:26We're here?
42:28I don't know what you'll think, but it's boring.
42:31A little slow.
42:32I don't know if it's the best.
42:34What kind of trip do you suggest?
42:36I would like something in nature.
42:39In the middle of nature.
42:41Very good.
42:42Something interesting.
42:43Where you can climb.
42:45Just to give you an example.
42:47That there are waterfalls in an icy lake where you can bathe.
42:51The hotel is not mandatory.
42:52They can sleep in a hammock.
42:54Sure, I think that plan is much better.
42:57But don't you think a hammock is a bit of a strange proposal
43:01to spend a honeymoon?
43:03Because hiking is exhausting.
43:05We can also make them go to a European city.
43:09There will be no nature or sea,
43:11but there will be museums, restaurants and those things.
43:14Can I?
43:15Take it.
43:16Leave it there.
43:17I'll look at it from afar.
43:24A hammock?
43:26Are you serious?
