The Wumblers - Betrum's Color Day

  • avant-hier
00:00Hola! My name is Raymundo. I have a special friend. His name is Bertram. We have lots of fun laughing, playing and dancing together. Come on, let me show you around.
00:30C'est parti!
01:00C'est Bertram's birthday. He's five years old. All birthdays are special. But if you're a Wombler and you're five years old, it is muy especial, very special.
01:12You know Womblers come in many different colors. But did you know when Womblers are born, they come out of their Wombler watermelons?
01:20Blue if you're a boy. Pink if you're a girl. And they stay that color until they are five.
01:28That is why Bertram's birthday is so wonderful. Today, he gets his real Wombler color.
01:35What color am I going to be? I've been blue for five years. Will mom and dad still know me if I'm another color? Will anybody know me? Will Raymundo know me? Will he still be my friend?
01:49Bertram! Mi amigo! My friend! Happy birthday!
01:54Thanks, Raymundo.
01:55This is your birthday, your Wombler color day. It is time for parties and cakes and ice cream. Muy delicioso, very delicious.
02:06Yeah, I like all that and it's fun to get presents. But what color am I going to be, Raymundo?
02:13No Wombler knows until it happens, Bertram. It's a surprise.
02:17But if I'm a different color, will I be a different Wombler?
02:21Ay caramba! I never thought of that. I don't know, Bertram.
02:26What color will I be? What will my friends see when they see the new me?
02:37Will they know me if I'm red? If I'm orange, what will be said?
02:45And if I'm green, will they think that I'm mean? Or if I'm brown, will they think I'm a clown?
02:57Or maybe if I'm yellow, they'll think I'm a clever fellow.
03:03But if I'm grey, will they still want to play? Or if I'm purple, will they just walk away?
03:13What color will I be?
03:19I know who can tell us, Bertram. Your Aunt Cordelia.
03:23Hey, you're right! She's an artist. Artists know everything about colors.
03:30Bertram's Aunt Cordelia lives in a windmill at the edge of Wombleton.
03:34She is a very famous Wombler artist and she always has great snacks.
03:43Hello? Aunt Cordelia?
03:46Bertram! Happy birthday! Happy Wombler Color Day!
03:51And hello, Raimundo. How are you?
03:53Very well. Thank you, Aunt Cordelia.
03:56Aunt Cordelia, what's the best color a Wombler can be?
04:00Why don't we look at some colors and see?
04:02Uh, Signorita Tia Cordelia, um, do you, well, have any...
04:08Snacks? Of course! There are all kinds of Munchetti pie on the table.
04:14Once I started baking, they all looked so beautiful, I just couldn't stop. Help yourself.
04:20Oh! Mira, look! Munchetti pie of every flavor!
04:24Blueberry, cherry, apple, lemon, banana, gooseberry, strawberry!
04:32Mmm! Deliciouso!
04:35Now let's see what color you like best.
04:38But you only have three colors. I like a lot of different colors, Aunt Cordelia.
04:43Oh, I have many more colors than these. We artists have special tricks.
04:48Each of these colors has more colors inside them.
04:52Take the yellow of the sun, dip the blue of the sky,
04:57And paint the grass green as the clouds roll by.
05:02Mix the yellow of a lemon and the red of a rose,
05:06And see how the orange sunset glows.
05:11Squeeze the pink of a cherry, splash the blue of the seas,
05:16And watch the purple blossom floating on the breeze.
05:25That's a great song! Do you think I can sing it?
05:28Of course you can! Everybody should sing along this time.
05:33Take the yellow of the sun, dip the blue of the sky,
05:37And paint the grass green as the clouds roll by.
05:42Mix the yellow of a lemon and the red of a rose,
05:47And see how the orange sunset glows.
05:51Squeeze the pink of a cherry, splash the blue of the seas,
05:56And watch the purple blossom floating on the breeze.
06:05That really is a great song, Aunt Cordelia.
06:08But when I change color today, will I be different?
06:13If my Wembler color is red, will I be an artist like you?
06:18What a wonderful question, Bertram.
06:20Am I an artist because I'm this color, or because I like colors?
06:25I've never thought about it before.
06:28Oh! Oh my goodness! You'd better head for home.
06:30It's getting near time for your birthday party, Bertram.
06:33And I still have to finish your present.
06:35But I still don't have an answer about my color, Aunt Cordelia.
06:39I'll think about your question.
06:41I'll have an answer when I come to your party.
06:43Thanks, Aunt Cordelia.
06:45Adios, Aunt Cordelia.
06:47The pies were muy delicioso.
06:50Oh my! What a beautiful rainbow Raimundo left.
07:00Bueno. Much better. The pie was all sticky.
07:04Can't anybody tell me if I'll be different when my color changes?
07:08Amigo, look at your parents' ice cream store.
07:11It's time for your party.
07:13But I still don't have an answer.
07:15Well, maybe, maybe you'll think better after we eat some ice cream and cake.
07:20Come on, everybody, let's Wumble!
07:23Happy Wembler birthday to you.
07:27Happy Wembler birthday.
07:31It's a happy Wembler birthday to you.
07:35Today your color will change for you.
07:40Five years old today, let's have a special party treat.
07:44Lots of presents to open and manchetti cake to eat.
07:49Happy Wembler birthday.
07:52Bertram's happy Wembler birthday today.
07:59Blowout the candles, son.
08:01And make a wish.
08:02I wish I'll still be Bertram when I change color.
08:09Why, Bertram, why would you think you change when your color changes?
08:14What's on the outside doesn't make you different on the inside.
08:17But how do you know? Nobody else could tell me.
08:21Do you feel different?
08:23But what about when I change color?
08:25Bertram, take a look in your mirror.
08:29I change. I'm tan like you and mom.
08:33And I didn't even notice.
08:35And we're still friends.
08:37Hello, I figured out the answer to your question right after you left.
08:41No matter what color you are, you're still you.
08:46I'm still me.
08:48I feel just the same as when I was blue.
08:51I didn't really change anything but my color.
08:54Yippee! Hooray!
09:24I'll always be myself and you'll always be Raymundo no matter what color we are.
09:29And amigo, we will always be friends.
09:33Friends forever, amigo.