
  • 2 days ago
Surah An-Nisa, Ruku 3:

Ayah 21-22:

"And how can you take it [inheritance] while you have gone in unto each other and they have taken from you a firm covenant?"


- Nikah ke avdhaarna aur mehar ka mahatva.

Ayah 23:

"Prohibited to you [for marriage] are your mothers, daughters, sisters, father's sisters, mother's sisters, brother's daughters, sister's daughters."


- Nikah ke liye varjit rishte.

Ayah 24:

"And [also prohibited are] those who were nursed by your mothers or your sisters."


- Doodh ke rishte mein nikah ki manaahi.

Ayah 25:

"And the women who are pregnant from what your right hands possess."


- Maulad ki izzat aur haqooq.

Ayah 26-27:

"Allah wants to make clear to you and guide you to the ways of those before you and to forgive you."


- Allah ki rehmat aur hidayat.

Ayah 28:

"And Allah is Knowing, Wise."


- Allah ke sifaat: Aleem aur Hakeem.

Important Points:



00:00Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:03I welcome you to the Online Teaching Center channel
00:07Today we will learn the third Ruku of Surah An-Nisa
00:11Let's start
00:13I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:19In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:25And those who commit indecency against your women
00:38then ask to bear witness against them four of you
00:52But if they bear witness, then hold them in the houses
01:04until death takes them, or Allah makes for them a way
01:23And those who commit indecency against your women
01:30then ask to bear witness against them four of you
01:38But if they bear witness, then hold them in the houses until death takes them, or Allah makes for them a way
01:59And those who commit indecency against your women
02:09then ask to bear witness against them four of you
02:13But if they repent and make amends, then turn away from them
02:26Indeed, Allah is ever Accepting of repentance and Merciful
02:35And those who commit indecency against your women
02:43then ask to bear witness against them four of you
02:51Indeed, Allah is ever Accepting of repentance and Merciful
02:58Repentance is only upon Allah for those who do evil out of ignorance
03:19Then they will repent soon, and Allah will accept their repentance
03:36And Allah is Ever Knowing and Wise
03:43Indeed, Allah is Ever Accepting of repentance and Merciful
04:14And repentance is not for those who do evil
04:30until death takes them, or Allah makes for them a way
04:57We have prepared for them a painful punishment
05:09And repentance is not for those who do evil
05:18until death takes them, or Allah makes for them a way
05:43O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit the women of hate
06:05And do not be unjust to them, so that you may take away some of what you have given them
06:22Except that they come to us with a manifest indecency
06:34And give them a goodly life, but if you dislike them,
06:55then perhaps you will dislike something, and Allah will make in it much good
07:11O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit the women of hate
07:28And do not be unjust to them, so that you may take away some of what you have given them
07:50And give them a goodly life, but if you dislike them,
07:59then perhaps you will dislike something, and Allah will make in it much good
08:14And if you wish to exchange a wife for a position,
08:24a wife, and you give one of them a qintara,
08:38then do not take from him anything that you may take as a falsehood and a manifest sin
09:08And if you wish to exchange a wife for a position,
09:15a wife, and you give one of them a qintara,
09:22then do not take from him anything that you may take as a falsehood and a manifest sin
09:39And how can you take it when some of you have given to others,
09:52and We have taken from you a strong covenant?
10:03And how can you take it when some of you have given to others,
10:12and We have taken from you a strong covenant?
10:22And do not marry what your fathers married
10:34of the women, except that which has passed.
10:42Indeed, it is an immorality and a transgression, and an evil way.
10:57And do not marry what your fathers married
11:04of the women, except that which has passed.
11:12Indeed, it is an immorality and a transgression, and an evil way.
11:23Sadaqallahul Azeem
11:26That's all for today, Allah Hafiz
