• 2 days ago


Surah Al-Hijr, Ruku 6, Ayat 80-99:

In this final ruku of Surah Al-Hijr, Allah describes the destruction of the cities of Al-Hijr and the punishment of the disbelievers.

Ayat 80-84:

"And the companions of Al-Hijr denied the messengers. And We gave them Our signs, but they were averse to them." (Quran 15:80-84)


In these ayat, Allah describes the rejection of the messengers by the people of Al-Hijr and their refusal to accept the signs of Allah.

Ayat 85-87:

"And they used to carve out homes from the mountains, feeling secure. But the shriek seized them at morning." (Quran 15:85-87)


In these ayat, Allah describes the destruction of the people of Al-Hijr, who were punished for their disbelief.

Ayat 88-99:

"Do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to the disbelievers, and do not grieve over them. And lower your wing to the believers." (Quran 15:88-99)


In these final ayat, Allah advises the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not to be distracted by the wealth and luxuries of the disbelievers, but to focus on guiding the believers.


1. #SurahAlHijr
2. #Ruku6
3. #Ayat80-99
4. #DestructionOfAlHijr
5. #PunishmentOfDisbelievers
6. #RejectionOfMessengers
7. #SignsOfAllah
8. #IslamicEschatology
9. #QuranicLessons
10. #FaithAndGuidance


