Surah Al-Fajr | سورۃ الفجر

  • 2 months ago
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم



THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم) SAID:-



Sūrat al-Fajr (Arabic: سورة الفجر‎, “The Dawn”, “Daybreak”) is the eighty-ninth chapter (sura) of the Quran with 30 verses.[1] The sura describes destruction of disbelieving peoples: the Ancient Egyptians, the people of Iram of the Pillars, and Mada'in Saleh. It condemns those who love wealth and look with disdain upon the poor and orphans. Righteous people are promised Paradise – the final verse says "And enter you My Paradise!". The Surah is so designated after the word wal-fajr with which it opens.[2]
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:08In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:15By the dawn, and by the ten nights, and by the intercession, and by the mourning, and by the night when it settles
00:27Is there in that an oath for him who is on the pilgrimage?
00:33Do you not see how your Lord dealt with Aad
00:40Iram, the one with the pillars
00:45Who was not created like her in the land
00:53And Thamud, those who brought the rock in the valley
01:01And Fir'aun, the one with the pillars
01:07Those who transgressed in the land
01:14And increased therein corruption
01:26So your Lord poured upon them a black torment
01:33Verily, your Lord is in control
01:40So as for man, when his Lord tests him, He honors him and favors him, and he says, My Lord has honored me
02:01And as for man, when his Lord tests him, He honors him and favors him, and he says, My Lord has humiliated me
02:17Nay, but you do not honor the orphan
02:26And you do not fight over the food of the poor
02:38And you eat the inheritance in abundance
02:45And you love wealth with love
02:53Nay, but when the earth is crushed, crushing, crushing
03:03And your Lord and the angels come in rows, in rows
03:14And on that Day He will bring Hell
03:23On that Day man will remember, but how will he remember?
03:33He will say, Oh, I wish I had given precedence to my life
03:39So on that Day no one will punish his punishment
03:47And no one will sign his document
03:54O you who are the soul of the believer!
04:03Return to your Lord, well-pleased and well-pleased
04:12So enter among My servants and enter My Paradise
