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This Meccan sûrah takes its name from verse 38 which talks about conducting affairs by mutual consultation as one of the qualities of the true believers. It is narrated from Our Beloved Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (Razi Allahu Anhu) that whoever recites Surah Ash Shura will be raised on the Day of Reckoning with a face as bright as the full moon and he will be told: 'You are from those who used to recite ash-Shura.


00:00In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
00:11In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
00:20These are the verses of the clear Book.
00:25So that you may make your soul weep that they will not be believers.
00:32If We will, We can send down to them from the sky a sign, and their necks will remain subdued to it.
00:50And there will not come to them any new mention of the Most Merciful, except that they turn away from it.
01:04But they have already denied, so there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule.
01:17Do they not see to the earth how much We have caused to grow therein from every noble species?
01:29Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them are not believers.
01:41And indeed, your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
01:48And when your Lord called Moses, saying,
01:53Bring the wrongdoing people,
01:57The people of Pharaoh,
02:01Will they not fear Allah?
02:05He said, My Lord, indeed I fear that they will deny.
02:14And my chest will be strained, and my tongue will not speak, so send to Aaron.
02:25And they have a sin against me, so I fear that they will kill.
02:33He said, No. So take away our signs. Indeed, we are with you, listening.
02:46So come, O Pharaoh, and say, Indeed, we are messengers of the Lord of the worlds.
02:57That I may send with us the Children of Israel.
03:07He said, Did we not raise you among us a son, and you stayed among us for years of your life?
03:18And you did your deed which you did while you were of the disbelievers.
03:27He said, I did it then while I was of those astray.
03:38So I escaped from you when I feared you.
03:45So my Lord bestowed upon me judgment, and made me of the messengers.
03:54And that is a favor which you have bestowed upon me, that you worship the Children of Israel.
04:07Pharaoh said, And what is the Lord of the worlds?
04:13He said, The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, if you should be certain.
04:26He said to those around him, Do you not hear?
04:33He said, Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers.
04:42He said, Indeed, your Messenger who has been sent to you is crazy.
04:52He said, The Lord of the east and the west and what is between them, if you should reason.
05:12He said, If you take a god other than me, I will surely make you of the imprisoned.
05:22He said, What if I bring you something clear?
05:28He said, Then bring it, if you are of the truthful.
05:37So he threw his staff, and behold, it was a clear thorn.
05:45And he drew his hand, and behold, it was white for those who looked.
05:55He said to the angels around him, Indeed, this is a learned magician.
06:04He intends to bring you out of your land by his magic. So what do you command?
06:15They said, Put him and his brother at ease, and send in the cities gatherers.
06:25They will bring you every learned magician.
06:30So the magicians were gathered for the appointed time of a known day.
06:37And it was said to the people, Are you going to gather?
06:45That we may follow the magicians, if they are the victors.
06:53So when the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh, Do we have a reward if we are the victors?
07:09He said, Yes, and indeed, you will be of those brought near.
07:20Moses said to them, Throw what you will throw.
07:31So they threw their ropes and their staff, and said, With the might of Pharaoh, Indeed, we are the victors.
07:44So Moses threw his staff, and at once it swallowed what they were throwing.
07:53So the magicians were thrown, prostrating.
07:58They said, We believe in the Lord of the worlds,
08:07The Lord of Moses and Aaron.
08:11He said, You have believed in Him before I gave you permission.
08:18Indeed, He is the Greatest of you who has taught you magic.
08:25So you are going to know.
08:28I will surely cut off your hands and your feet in dispute, and I will surely crucify you all.
08:47They said, No harm. Indeed, we are returning to our Lord.
09:02Indeed, we hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins, that we should be the first of the believers.
09:24And We revealed to Moses, Take My servants as prisoners. Indeed, you will be pursued.
09:36So Pharaoh sent gatherers in the cities.
09:43Indeed, these are a small group.
09:52And indeed, they are angry with us.
09:58And indeed, we are all alert.
10:04So We brought them out of gardens and springs,
10:14And treasures and a noble station.
10:21That is it. And We made the Children of Israel inherit it.
10:30So they pursued them, setting the sun.
10:35So when they saw the two groups, the companions of Moses said, Indeed, we will be pursued.
10:52He said, No. Indeed, with me is my Lord. He will guide me.
11:02So We revealed to Moses, Strike with your staff the sea.
11:12So it parted, and every branch was like a great mountain.
11:21And We brought the others near there.
11:28And We saved Moses and those with him all together.
11:37Then We drowned the others.
11:43Indeed in that is a sign, and most of them were not believers.
11:56And indeed, your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
12:06And recite to them the story of Abraham.
12:11When he said to his father and his people, What do you worship?
12:18They said, We worship idols, and we remain for them observant.
12:26He said, Do they hear you when you call?
12:32Or do they benefit you or harm you?
12:39They said, Nay, but we found our fathers doing thus.
12:49He said, Then have you seen what you used to worship?
12:57You and your fathers of old.
13:05And indeed, they are an enemy to me, except the Lord of the worlds.
13:16Who created me, so He is the one who guides me.
13:21And He is the one who feeds me and gives me drink.
13:27And when I am ill, He is the one who cures me.
13:32And He is the one who causes me to die and then to live.
13:39And He is the one whom I hope will forgive me my sin on the Day of Recompense.
13:51My Lord, grant me wisdom and join me with the righteous.
14:00And make for me a tongue of truth in the Hereafter.
14:07And make for me from the inheritance of Paradise, pleasure.
14:16And forgive my father. Indeed, he was of those astray.
14:28And do not disgrace me on the Day they are resurrected.
14:35A Day when neither wealth nor sons will benefit.
14:44Except for one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.
14:54And Paradise will be brought near to the righteous.
15:01And Hell will be exposed to those who have gone astray.
15:06And it will be said to them, Where is that which you used to worship?
15:14And besides Allah, will they help you or be helped?
15:24So they will be thrown into it, they and the wrongdoers.
15:30And the soldiers of Iblis will be gathered.
15:35They will say, while they are in it, disputing.
15:41By Allah, indeed we were in clear error.
15:49When we equated you with the Lord of the worlds.
15:56And none led us astray except the criminals.
16:04So we have no intercessors.
16:10Nor is there a trusted friend.
16:15So if we had a second chance, we would be of the believers.
16:24Indeed in that is a sign.
16:29And most of them were not believers.
16:37And indeed, your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
16:46The people of Noah denied the messengers.
16:51When their brother Noah said to them,
16:55Will you not fear Allah?
16:58Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger.
17:04So fear Allah and obey me.
17:09And I do not ask of you any reward for it.
17:14My reward is not but from the Lord of the worlds.
17:21So fear Allah and obey me.
17:25They said, Shall we believe you while the worst will follow you?
17:32He said, And what is my knowledge of what they used to do?
17:38Their reckoning is not but upon my Lord, if you could perceive.
17:46And I am not to drive away the believers.
17:52I am not but a clear warner.
17:58They said, If you do not desist, O Noah, you will surely be among the struck.
18:09He said, My Lord, indeed my people are deniers.
18:16So make an opening between me and them, and save me and those with me who are of the believers.
18:27So We saved him and those with him in the loaded ship.
18:37Then We drowned the rest.
18:44Indeed in that is a sign.
18:50Most of them were not believers.
18:57And indeed your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
19:06Aad denied the messengers.
19:10When their brother Hud said to them, Will you not fear Allah?
19:17Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger.
19:22So fear Allah and obey me.
19:27And I do not ask you for any reward for it.
19:33My reward is only upon the Lord of the worlds.
19:39Do you build with every wind a sign that you are absurd?
19:47And you take castles that you may abide.
19:54And when you strike, you strike with force.
20:01So fear Allah and obey me.
20:05And fear Him who has provided you with that which you know.
20:12He has provided you with livestock and sons
20:19And gardens and springs.
20:25Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great Day.
20:34They said, It is the same for us. Did you preach or were you not of the preachers?
20:45This is not but the character of the ancients.
20:52And we will not be punished.
20:58But they denied him, so We destroyed them.
21:03Indeed in that is a sign.
21:08And most of them were not believers.
21:14And indeed, your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
21:24Thamud denied the messengers.
21:29When their brother, Salih, said to them, Will you not fear Allah?
21:36Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger.
21:42So fear Allah and obey me.
21:47And I do not ask you for any reward for it.
21:53My reward is not but from the Lord of the worlds.
21:59Will you be left in that which is here, secure?
22:07In gardens and springs.
22:14And crops and date palms, their stalks are great.
22:22And you carve out of the mountains empty houses.
22:30So fear Allah and obey me.
22:34And obey not the command of the transgressors.
22:40Those who spread corruption in the land and do not amend.
22:47They said, You are only of those bewitched.
22:55You are not but a human being like us.
23:03So bring a sign, if you are of the truthful.
23:10He said, This is a she-camel. For her is a drink, and for you is a drink of a known Day.
23:20And touch her not with evil, lest the punishment of a great Day overtake you.
23:34So they choked her, and became regretful.
23:40So the punishment overtook them.
23:45Indeed in that is a sign, and most of them were not believers.
23:58And indeed, your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
24:07The people of Lot denied the messengers.
24:11When their brother Lot said to them, Will you not fear Allah?
24:18Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger.
24:23So fear Allah and obey me.
24:27And I do not ask you for any reward for it.
24:33My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds.
24:39Do you come to men from the worlds
24:44And leave what your Lord has created for you from your wives?
24:52Nay, but you are a transgressing people.
24:57They said, If you do not desist, O Lot, you will surely be of the expelled.
25:07He said, Indeed, I am of those who speak for your work.
25:15My Lord, save me and my family from what they do.
25:22So We saved him and his family all together.
25:29Except an old woman among those who remained behind.
25:36Then We destroyed the others.
25:42And We rained upon them a rain.
25:48So evil was the rain of the warners.
25:55Indeed in that is a sign.
26:00And most of them were not believers.
26:07And indeed, your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
26:16The companions of the camel denied the messengers.
26:21When Shu'ayb said to them, Will you not fear Allah?
26:27Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger.
26:32So fear Allah and obey me.
26:37And I do not ask of you any reward for it.
26:43My reward is only from the Lord of the worlds.
26:48Give full measure, and be not of the losers.
26:55And weigh with a straight scale.
27:00And reduce not the people their goods.
27:06And be not disobedient in the land, corrupting.
27:11And fear Him who created you and the ancient tribes.
27:18They said, You are only of those bewitched.
27:27And you are not but a human being like us.
27:34And indeed, we think you are of the liars.
27:40So drop upon us fragments of the sky, if you are of the truthful.
27:55He said, My Lord knows best what you do.
28:02But they denied him, and the punishment of the Day of Ascension seized them.
28:08Indeed, it was the punishment of a great Day.
28:15Indeed in that is a sign.
28:20And most of them were not believers.
28:29And indeed, your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
28:38And indeed, it is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds.
28:47With it has come down the Trustworthy Spirit.
28:51Upon your heart, that you may be of the warners.
28:58In a clear Arabic tongue.
29:05And indeed, it is in the books of the ancients.
29:11And there was not for them a sign, lest the scholars of the Children of Israel should know it.
29:24And if We had sent it down upon some of the non-Arabs.
29:30Then he would have recited to them what they had believed in.
29:37Thus did We send it upon the hearts of the criminals.
29:44They will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment.
29:54And it will come upon them suddenly while they perceive not.
30:01And they will say,
30:03Are we to be given respite?
30:07Do they seek to hasten Our punishment?
30:12Have you considered if We had given them years?
30:18Then that which they were promised will come upon them.
30:26It will not avail them that which they used to enjoy.
30:35And We did not destroy any city except that it had a warner
30:45As a reminder. And We were not wrongdoers.
30:51And it was not sent down by the devils.
30:55And it is not appropriate for them, nor can they.
31:03Indeed, they are, from hearing, deprived.
31:09So do not invoke with Allah another deity,
31:15lest you be among the punished.
31:19And warn your kinsmen, those who are near.
31:26And lower your wing for those who follow you among the believers.
31:32But if they disobey you, say,
31:35Indeed, I am innocent of what you do.
31:44And put your trust in the Exalted in Might, the Merciful,
31:50Who sees you when you stand
31:55And moves you in prostration.
32:00Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
32:07Do I inform you of whom the devils descend?
32:16They descend upon every sinful liar.
32:22They cast down the hearing, and most of them are liars.
32:31And the poets are followed by those who are astray.
32:38Do you not see that they are in every valley, wandering?
32:47And that they say what they do not do?
32:54Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds
33:00And remember Allah much
33:07And seek victory after they have been wronged.
33:13And those who are wronged will know
33:18Which way they will return.
