Gentleness New Baby in the House

  • le mois dernier
00:00Un nouveau bébé dans la maison.
00:07C'est une histoire de charactérisation à propos de la gentillesse.
00:10Et l'une des choses que l'on apprend à propos de la gentillesse,
00:13c'est de traiter les gens, les animaux et les choses de manière prudente.
00:31Lors d'un jour d'automne froid,
00:33quand les arbres montaient sur leurs feuilles rouges et jaunes,
00:36Stevie et Nancy ont invité un invité à leur maison.
00:39Son nom était Kim, et elle était nouvelle à leur école.
00:43Kim's family had just moved to their town for another country.
00:47Kim smiled shyly when she came to the door.
00:50The children invited her in,
00:52and soon the three were in the middle of a game of tag.
00:55Stevie and Nancy shouted louder and louder.
00:59They ran faster and faster.
01:02But they didn't notice that Kim had gotten quieter and quieter.
01:06Suddenly Stevie came up behind Kim and said,
01:10Nancy started to laugh, but to her surprise,
01:14Kim started crying and ran out the door.
01:18The children walked back to the kitchen to talk to their mother.
01:21She, of course, had heard everything.
01:23I don't understand, said Stevie.
01:26Why did she start crying? What did we do wrong?
01:29His mother told the two to sit down.
01:32I think you both have a lesson to learn.
01:35Let me tell you a story about a little girl I know who learned it.
01:39And this is the story she told them.
01:42Once there was a little girl who lived all alone
01:45in a big house with her mother and father.
01:47She had dolls and games to play with
01:50and a big tree in the yard to climb.
01:53But she sometimes wished she had a brother or sister in the house too.
01:58One day this little girl's mother told her
02:00that she would have a brother or sister soon.
02:02The mother was going to have a baby.
02:04The little girl was very excited.
02:07Then her mother went to the hospital
02:09and came back with a tiny bundle wrapped in a blanket.
02:12A baby sister.
02:15Somehow, the little girl wasn't so excited anymore.
02:19All the baby seemed to do was cry.
02:22Her mother and father paid lots of attention to the baby.
02:25She wanted to play with the baby, but the baby didn't know how to play.
02:29One day the little girl was holding the baby for her mother
02:32while the mother cooked supper.
02:34The baby just lay there asleep.
02:36The little girl watched for a while, then she got bored.
02:39She decided to bounce up and down on the chair.
02:42She bounced harder and harder
02:44and all of a sudden, on one hard bounce,
02:47she dropped the baby.
02:49The baby started to cry.
02:51Her mother ran in from the kitchen.
02:53The little girl was in trouble.
02:56Happily, the baby sister was not hurt,
02:58but the little girl's parents decided to have a talk with her.
03:01What would you do if I gave you a china plate
03:04to carry into the dining room, her mother asked.
03:07I would hold it very carefully, said the little girl.
03:11What would you do if a butterfly landed on your arm
03:14out in the yard, asked her father.
03:16I would walk very slowly so that I could show it to you
03:19before it flew away, said the little girl.
03:22You're right, said the father.
03:24Being slow and careful is the same as being gentle.
03:28You need to be gentle with some things.
03:31The mother got the baby and brought it into the room.
03:34Sometimes babies, and bigger people too,
03:37are like my china plates, the mother explained.
03:40They get hurt easily,
03:42or they get scared like the butterfly, her father added.
03:47You need to treat these people with gentleness
03:50because you love them.
03:52I understand now, said the little girl.
03:55Can I hold my baby sister again? I'll be gentle.
03:59The mother handed over the baby,
04:01and the little girl sang her this song.
04:04After the parents heard the song,
04:06they knew that she really did understand.
04:09If you could have heard her, she would have sounded like this.
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08:17That little girl was me.
08:20The children looked at each other with surprise.
08:23Yes, children, their mother laughed.
08:25Your parents have had to learn some lessons too.
08:28We all learn new things every day.
08:31I just never thought about you ever being a little girl, said Nancy.
08:35It's kind of funny.
08:37Know what I think is funny? Stevie asked.
08:41I'm trying to think of Nancy being a mother someday.
08:44Oh, you silly! Nancy started to chase Stevie.
08:48Together they ran laughing out of the house.
09:15Building character
09:17To last your whole life through
09:20Character building
09:22Will build a better you
09:27It's thankfulness
09:28It's honesty
09:29It's sharing
09:30And responsibility
09:33And confidence
09:34And good things like obedience
09:38Building character
09:40To last your whole life through
09:43Character building
09:45Will build a better you
09:47Building character
09:49To last your whole life through
09:52Character building
09:54Will build a better you
09:57Building character
09:59To last your whole life through
10:02Character building
10:04Will build a better you