• 2 months ago


00:27¿Es que no vas a darme los buenos días?
00:30Buenos días.
00:31¿Y ya está? ¿No vas a decir nada más?
00:35Tengo prisa. Tengo un paciente que atender a primera hora.
00:38Espero que ese paciente no sea mi hermano.
00:40Suéltame, Jesús.
00:41¿Te gusta o no me vas a escuchar?
00:43Contrólate. Ya montaste un numerito anoche.
00:46¿Que yo monté el numerito? ¿Que yo monté el numerito?
00:49Por Dios, esta casa se ha convertido en un circo de tres pistas.
00:52Mira, eso no te lo voy a negar.
00:54Pero tu aventura con Andrés no me vi ya de nuevas, ¿no?
00:57Obviamente siempre lo sospeché. Motivos me disteis.
01:00Pero pensé que eras una señora.
01:02¿Una señora? ¿A que eso no tengo derecho a sentir?
01:06Pensé que con tanta obra de caridad y con tanta preocupación por los demás
01:10nunca serías capaz de ser infiel.
01:12Pero mírate, ni siquiera te sientes culpable de haberme puesto los cuernos.
01:17No seas vulgar, por favor.
01:18Vulgar, dice la mosquita muerta, ¿no?
01:20Y todavía sigue dando lecciones de educación a pesar de ser una miserable adultera.
01:24¿Pero cómo cuadra eso con tu moral, Begoña?
01:26No lo sé, dímelo tú. Llevas años practicando.
01:29Yo no he acabado con nuestro matrimonio.
01:31Porque fallaste el tiro que me pegaste.
01:33Ese día acabó nuestro matrimonio.
01:34No seas embustera, ¿eh? No seas embustera.
01:36Tú ya estabas enredada con Andrés por aquel entonces.
01:39Y te llevaste a mi hija para fugarte con él.
01:41La llevé para ponerla a salvo de ti, Jesús.
01:44Pero ¿cómo puedes hacerme esto?
01:47Y lo peor de todo es que ni te arrepientes.
01:50De lo único que me arrepiento es de haberme casado contigo.
01:55Pero eso ya lo sabes.
01:57No. Tú me querías, Begoña.
02:00Y nos casamos enamorados.
02:02Eso pensaba yo también, Jesús.
02:05Hasta que conocí a Andrés y descubrí lo que es que te quieran de verdad.
02:13¿Es que ya no tienes vergüenza?
02:16Por admitir lo que siento.
02:17Por traicionarme.
02:20No me vas a hacer sentir culpable.
02:22Ni siquiera por nuestra hija.
02:24No metas a Julia en esto, Jesús.
02:26Si de verdad la quieres, déjala en paz.
02:28Ella no tiene por qué pagar las culpas de nuestra infelicidad.
02:30¿Y se lo vas a explicar tú?
02:36Eso pensaba.
02:39Será mejor que te entre en la cabeza cuanto antes.
02:42Tú y yo vamos a seguir casados hasta que la muerte nos separe.
02:45¿Y qué vas a hacer? ¿Me vas a volver a disparar?
02:48No, no hará falta.
02:50Me casé con una mujer lista.
02:52Y a no ser que tanto amor te haya nublado el entendimiento,
02:55sabes que tu única opción es seguir unida a mí.
02:58Tú y yo ya no somos marido y mujer.
03:00La ley dice otra cosa.
03:01¿Te refieres al acta matrimonial?
03:03¿A la iglesia?
03:04Jesús, entiéndelo de una vez.
03:07Ningún papel puede dictarme qué sentir.
03:09Ni por quién.
03:11Por si no lo sabías, el adulterio está perseguido por ley.
03:13Y el asesinato también.
03:15Y ahora me voy a trabajar.
03:17Puede que tú ya no tengas obligaciones, pero yo tengo un trabajo que atender.
03:20¡Pegoña! ¡Pegoña!
03:32¿Qué haces aquí? ¿Te hacían la lobera?
03:35Nada más que sí. Mi padre quiere hablar conmigo.
03:37¿Por lo de anoche?
03:39Sí, seguramente. Se fue de aquí consternado.
03:42No me extraña.
03:43¿Y tú?
03:45Me he pegado ojo pensando en cómo estarías.
03:47Bueno, he tenido que dormir en la habitación de Julia.
03:49Era la única forma de esquivar la rabia de Jesús.
03:51No sabes cuánto lo siento.
03:53Bueno, la parte positiva es que gracias a esto he dado el paso para no compartir habitación con Jesús nunca más.
03:58Lo único que me anima es verte así de bien.
04:01Es gracias a ti.
04:04Lo que siento por ti es más fuerte que el miedo que siento por Jesús.
04:09Buenos días.
04:12Me marcho al dispensario.
04:18Acompáñame al despacho, hijo.
04:34Buenos días, Claudia.
04:36¿Cómo está nuestro pequeño?
04:38Buenos días.
04:39Pues mira, viene dormidito.
04:47¿Qué tal noche te ha dado?
04:49Por Jesús no he pegado ojo.
04:51Pero no por él, ¿eh? Que se ha portado de maravilla.
04:53Vamos, ni fina que duerme con un ojo abierto y otro cerrado.
04:57Se ha enterado de que estaba allí.
04:59Espero que conmigo se porte igual de bien.
05:01Dentro de un rato vendrá su madre a verlo.
05:03Pero será solo un momento y manteniendo las distancias.
05:06No quiero que se acerque mucho por aquí hasta que esté perfectamente recuperada.
05:10No me quiero imaginar lo que está pasando la pobre Sofía.
05:13Tan lejos de su pequeñito.
05:15Dígale que yo me lo quedaba toda la semana de mil amores.
05:18Pero es que tengo que volver a la tienda.
05:20Tú ya has hecho demasiado y no sabes cuánto te lo agradezco.
05:23Ha sido nada.
05:25Vamos, que por mí, todos los días.
05:28Un entrenamiento para cuando yo sea madre.
05:30¿Te sientes bien?
05:31Sí, seguro.
05:35Me da un poco de pena, doctora.
05:38Que Guille esté pasando de un brazo a otro todo el día.
05:41Lidiando con nuestros turnos de trabajo.
05:43Bueno, por lo que me han contado a ti, ayuda no te va a faltar.
05:47No, no.
05:49La verdad es que mis compañeras se han volcado en mi situación desde el principio.
05:52Y me van a ayudar en todo lo que pueda.
05:54Que lo digo por Mateo.
05:55Que ayer estuve cenando en la cantina y ya me ha contado Gaspar.
05:58Que deja de sacerdocio y os vais a casar.
06:02Muchísimas gracias, doctora.
06:05Voy a dejar al pequeño en mi apartamento.
06:14Si alguien conocía mis sentimientos por Begoña era usted, padre.
06:17Y sabía que eran correspondidos.
06:19Y no es la primera vez que lo hablamos.
06:21Ya, pero llámame ingenuo.
06:23Pero yo estaba convencido que después de la conversación que tuve contigo...
06:27...cuando os descubrí, había quedado claro que vuestra relación era imposible.
06:31Parece que no del todo.
06:33Y lleva ocurriendo desde entonces.
06:38Bueno, como si eso tuviera importancia.
06:40No me quiero ni imaginar lo que habrá sentido tu pobre esposa...
06:44...al descubrirte en brazos de otra mujer.
06:48Preferiría habersele evitado, la verdad.
06:50Pero ya no siguió hasta donde...
06:52Ah, tú siempre tan discreto.
06:55No es algo de lo que sentirse orgulloso, la verdad.
06:58Al menos lo reconoces. Algo es algo.
07:01Pero María sabía de antemano que nuestro matrimonio no iba a ninguna parte.
07:06Deja de decir tonterías.
07:08Los matrimonios no tienen que ir a ningún sitio.
07:11Ella es tu esposa y tú eres su marido.
07:14Y no hay marcha atrás.
07:16Claro que sí la hay.
07:18María me ha hecho mucho daño.
07:20Si sospechaba de tu relación con Begoña...
07:23...es normal que intentara lo que fuera, sea lo que sea que te hiciera.
07:28Lo que no entiendo es por qué te has rendido tan pronto.
07:31Me puedo acusar de todo menos de no luchar por mi matrimonio, padre.
07:35No puedo concebir...
07:37...que prefieras a una mujer tan complicada como Begoña...
07:41...antes que el amor incondicional de María.
07:45Es muy fácil juzgar sin saber.
07:48Pero María tampoco está libre de culpa.
07:52¿Qué pensaría de ella si...
07:55...si supiera que fingió su embarazo?
07:57¿Cómo? ¿Que María...?
08:01Se inventó que estaba embarazada para calmar su inseguridad y retenerme a su lado.
08:05¿Y entonces su aborto?
08:07También inventado.
08:08No es posible. Pero si Jaime seguía su embarazo.
08:12Nos engañó a todos hasta que no pudo aguantar la mentira.
08:15Entonces chantajeó a Jaime para que la encubriera.
08:19Me lo contó de su lecho de muerte.
08:23Ahora ya conoce la verdad sobre la buena esposa que es María.
08:28De todas formas...
08:30...Begoña es la mujer de tu hermano.
08:37...lo suyo no es un matrimonio.
08:40Es una condena.
08:46¿Quiere que vuelva luego y le eche un hermano?
08:48Pues no sé qué decirte.
08:50No quiero abusar de tu confianza.
08:52No hay nada, mujer.
08:53Si me va a venir bien por olvidarme de mi cosa.
08:55La verdad es que no sé cómo hacen las operarias madres y bebés para organizarse.
09:00Pues ya ves.
09:01Algunas tienen aquí a sus madres, a su suegra...
09:04...y a sus hijos.
09:05¿Y tú?
09:06¿Y tú?
09:07¿Y tú?
09:08¿Y tú?
09:09¿Y tú?
09:10¿Y tú?
09:11¿Y tú?
09:12¿Y tú?
09:13Algunas tienen aquí a sus madres, a su suegra...
09:15...otras tienen hijos más mayores que les ayuden.
09:18Aún así se me hace complicadísimo.
09:20Mírala por eso, Fía.
09:22Y eso que ella tiene mucha suerte.
09:23Que este niño es un bendito.
09:25Te toca a uno que se jarte de llorar por las noches o...
09:28...o que el pobre esté malito.
09:31Imagino que los padres también podrán ayudar, ¿no?
09:33Los que men.
09:35Es que es tan injusto.
09:37No he sido consciente hasta ahora.
09:39Pero tienen que hacer encaje de bolillos para poder cuidar...
09:41...de sus hijos pequeños hasta que tienen edad suficiente...
09:43...para ir al colegio.
09:44Pues no habla de que en cuanto se quedan embarazados...
09:47...tienen que dejar su trabajo.
09:49Si no las echen antes.
09:51Por suerte a ti eso no te va a pasar.
09:53Doña Marta jamás lo haría.
09:56Doña Marta no, porque don Emoji eso ayuda mucho.
09:58Pero no es lo normal.
09:59Y sigue siendo muy injusto.
10:01Es que me hierve la sangre cada vez que lo pienso.
10:03Yo prefiero ni pensarlo, doctora.
10:06Pero bueno, me dejo que tengo que volver a tienda.
10:09Ay, doctora.
10:11Si se despierta le acabo de cambiar el pañal.
10:13Así que será porque tiene hambre.
10:15Muchas gracias, Claudia.
10:16Nada, hasta luego.
10:33Buenos días, ¿podría hablar con Mariana, por favor?
10:36De la doctora Borrell.
10:39Hola, Mariana, ¿cómo estás?
10:41No, está todo bien, tranquila.
10:44Perdona que te moleste en el trabajo, pero...
10:46...sé que eres madre y quería hacerte una pregunta.
10:49¿Qué edad tienen tus hijos?
10:54Ay, Dios mío.
10:56Bueno, ¿qué?
10:57¿Has dejado el paquetito?
10:59El paquetito se llama Guillermo.
11:01Y se aporta fenomenal, final.
11:03Sí, un cielo.
11:06Que también te digo, ayer cuando le vi en el cuarto pensé...
11:09...justo lo que necesito para aguantar mañana la jornada...
11:11...con el nuevo compañerito.
11:13¿Y ese dónde está?
11:15¿Qué tanto piropo?
11:17Habrán salido alas, habrá convertido en un angelito...
11:19...y estará por ahí volando, por eso no ha llegado todavía.
11:21¿Que no ha llegado? El primerito de todos ha llegado.
11:23Está ahí en el almacén con Carmen.
11:27Y es que seguro que le está haciendo la pelota, te lo digo yo.
11:30Anda ya, mujer.
11:32Le estará enseñando dónde están las cosas del almacén.
11:35Que solo de pensar que le ha robado el puesto a una de nuestras compañeras...
11:38...es que me pongo enferma.
11:40Con lo que cuesta que ellos nos dejen un sitio en cualquier oficio.
11:43Es que de verdad, ¿en qué estaba pensando Carmen cuando le contrató?
11:48Oye, dime algo, ¿qué pasa? ¿Que a ti te parece bien o qué?
11:51Fina, que ya lo hemos hablado.
11:52Que yo también preferiría que fuera más nieve.
11:54Ya, pero ya, ¿qué quieres que hagamos?
11:57Así que a mí no me calientes la cabeza que no estoy para eso.
12:04¿Y a ti qué te pasa si ya me di cuenta ayer?
12:07Tú estabas un poco mustia.
12:10¿Qué ha pasado?
12:12¿Has discutido con Mateo?
12:13Fina, de verdad, hoy está pesadita, ¿eh?
12:16Madre mía.
12:17Dime, Carmen.
12:18Mírale, si es que no se ha puesto ni el uniforme.
12:20Que se cree el jefe.
12:22Buenos días.
12:23¿Preparadas para un magnífico día y agotar las existencias del almacén?
12:27Uy, Jacinto, esos son muchas ventas.
12:29Venga, ese ánimo, Fina.
12:31Que no se diga.
12:51Quería saber qué tal estás.
12:53A pesar de todo, debes estar pasando por un momento muy difícil.
12:58Y estoy preocupado.
13:04¿Preocupado por haberme echado a patadas de la empresa
13:07o preocupado porque mi mujer me engaña con mi propio hermano?
13:10Todas las dos cosas.
13:13No te rías, por favor.
13:14Es que no deja de tener gracia.
13:16Primero me echa y ahora se preocupa.
13:18Ha sido una de las decisiones más difíciles que he tomado en mi vida.
13:23Pero no me dejaste otra opción.
13:25Te advertí que moderaras tus desmanes.
13:29Pero lejos de acatarlo, boicoteaste mi boda con digna.
13:33No fue mi intención que ella lo escuchara.
13:35No, tu intención era chantajearme para que te devolviera tu puesto.
13:40Pero ya ni eso te sale bien.
13:43No me echa en cara que luche con todas mis armas, porque eso lo aprendí de usted.
13:47La diferencia es que a mí sí me importan las consecuencias de mis actos.
13:51A todo lo pasado es muy fácil arrepentirse. Ya se lo dije el otro día.
13:55Y no me suspire tanto. Ya sabe que tengo razón.
14:00Hazme el favor, Jesús. Siéntate. Estoy aún terminado.
14:07Como quieras.
14:11La pelea que presencié anoche.
14:15No he podido evitar ver similitudes con lo que te viste.
14:19No he podido evitar ver similitudes con lo que te viste vivir con Clotilde y Valentín.
14:24Ya lo ve. Parece una broma macabra del destino.
14:28Y solo quiero asegurarme de que todo está bajo control.
14:33Lo que quiere es asegurarse de que no me voy a cargar a su hijo favorito, ¿verdad?
14:38Definitivamente el enamoramiento le ha reblandecido la cesera.
14:41Estoy hablando en serio. No quiero ni un solo incidente.
14:46Tranquilo, padre. No volveré a molestarle para enterrar un cadáver si es eso lo que le preocupa.
14:52Como vuelvas a tocar un solo pelo de alguien de esta familia, te aseguro que sufrirás las consecuencias de todos tus actos.
15:01No sé si te ha quedado claro.
15:16¿Se puede saber qué le pasa ahora al insatisfecho de mi hermano?
15:20¿Ha remitido contra usted? ¿Qué está pasando?
15:24Jesús y Juset con la cara larga hasta los pies.
15:26María va llorando por las esquinas desde por la mañana.
15:30Y Andrés serio y callado como en un funeral.
15:35Siéntate, por favor.
15:37Hay algo que debes saber.
15:42Música para mis oídos. ¿Vas tú o...?
15:44Buenos días. ¿En qué puedo ayudarla?
15:46¿Es el nuevo dependiente?
15:48Sí, Jacinto.
15:50Lo sé. ¿Les toca una celebridad?
15:52No, por favor. Cualquiera de ellas puede atenderla mejor que yo. Tienen más experiencia.
15:56No, no, no. Jacinto, por favor. Acompáñala.
15:59Por supuesto.
16:01Acompáñeme que le voy a enseñar nuestras mejores maravillas.
16:08Mira, mira, mira.
16:10He aquí una de las razones por las cuales le han contratado.
16:14La verdad, Fina, que el muchacho tiene muy buena planta, ¿eh?
16:16Bueno, pues si es por la percha, ¿por qué no le han hecho la entrevista a Toreros?
16:19Y con el traje de luces ese.
16:21No, no, no.
16:22No, no, no.
16:23No, no, no.
16:24No, no, no.
16:25No, no, no.
16:26No, no, no.
16:27Con el traje de luces ese.
16:29Ese traje vuelve loquita a muchas mujeres.
16:31Es que yo también preferiría Marine Yves.
16:33Pero ella no hizo un teatrello que hizo este grande con Carmen.
16:35Por favor, calla, calla. Ya no me lo recuerdes, de verdad.
16:38Si es que sólo por eso ya me entro con mal pie.
16:41A mí tampoco me gusta.
16:43Mira, que yo no voy a ser maleducada,
16:46pero bailarle el agua, tampoco.
16:49Además que un hombre entre tantas mujeres...
16:52poco tardará en mandar más que Carmen.
16:59Everything okay?
17:02Ah, Carmen, I wanted to ask you if I could go out for a moment to the canteen.
17:06I have a stomach upset and I want to have it full.
17:08Yes, yes, of course, don't worry.
17:10But don't be late, it's Jacinto's first day and he needs anything.
17:14Yes, of course.
17:15I'll be right back.
17:18The same, just as delicate with his skin.
17:21It's wonderful.
17:22He does it well, huh?
17:23He appreciates it.
17:24It's incredible.
17:31Good morning, Gaspar.
17:32Good morning, Claudia.
17:33Can you get me a coffee, please?
17:35I'll get it right away.
17:41Hello, uncle.
17:42How are you?
17:43How's it going?
17:44How did the meeting with my mother go?
17:46Well, we'll talk about it later at another time,
17:48because I have to go back to the store very quickly.
17:50Well, but tell me, please, even if it's over.
17:53I'll tell you later.
17:54It's just that things didn't go as we thought.
17:57But why? What did she tell you?
18:02Claudia, please, tell me.
18:05Mateo, I told you you had to come with me.
18:08But my mother told me to trust her, that I was going to fix it.
18:11But I see it hasn't been like that.
18:13What's wrong?
18:15Mateo, it's just that your mother...
18:21She offered me money to let you go.
18:24Of course I didn't accept it, Mateo.
18:27But I don't know what your mother thinks of me.
18:30I can't believe it.
18:34Don't listen to her.
18:36Your mother made me feel so dirty, Mateo.
18:38As if I was with you for money, when I never thought about it.
18:41You know that.
18:43I've never thought about something like that.
18:46Well, you see.
18:47I don't know what your mother thinks of me.
18:49A whore, a whore, I don't know.
18:51No, I don't know.
18:53I'm going to fix this, Claudia.
18:55I promise you.
18:57You're going to have a hard time with this with your father, Mateo.
19:00Yeah, but I don't want to be with anyone other than you.
19:03So my parents are going to have to put up with it.
19:05Yeah, but I don't want to be in a family where they don't love me.
19:08And if I marry you, your mother would be my mother-in-law.
19:10Claudia, look at me.
19:12Do you want to marry me?
19:14Think of me, not my family.
19:17Of course, Mateo.
19:18If I don't think of anything else.
19:21Then let's focus on that.
19:24I'm going to fix this.
19:28Trust me.
19:31Here you go, Claudia.
19:33Hi, Mateo.
19:35What can I get you?
19:36A coffee.
19:37Very good.
19:38Everything okay?
19:39Everything's fine, everything's fine.
19:52Hey, hey, calm down.
19:53Look, Nazasio, you were so close.
19:55How many times do I have to tell you not to scare me like that?
19:57Well, woman, I can't resist seeing the most beautiful person in the world.
20:02Let's see, man, what age are you?
20:04Well, no, if you're going to put limits on me.
20:06Since we don't see each other.
20:07Come on, what have you been telling us since you put on this suit?
20:09Look, don't even lie to me.
20:12What's the matter? Are you still overwhelmed with work?
20:14I thought that was already solved.
20:16No, now the problem is not work.
20:17Now the problem is not work.
20:19No, now the problem is not work.
20:20Now the problem is the decisions I have to make.
20:22At the end of the day, Claudia doesn't seem to agree.
20:24Come on, woman, don't worry about that.
20:25They're your friends.
20:26Yes, well, I've been picking on them.
20:28It's the same thing I used to do with her.
20:32I'm afraid this damn job will cost me her friendship.
20:36Let's see, Carmen, you like this job, don't you?
20:39Of course, I love it.
20:40But I don't want to get away from her.
20:42Let's see, that's not going to happen.
20:44You're like a pineapple.
20:45And you're always in the centre.
20:47I don't know, do you think?
20:48Let's see, Carmen, listen to me.
20:49They love you, they respect you.
20:51You're the most veteran here and they always value your opinion.
20:54Yeah, but now I have to make decisions and it's two against one.
20:58But what decisions? If I don't find out...
21:02I've hired a man.
21:04A man?
21:06You? And for what?
21:09As a dependent.
21:13You don't like it either, do you?
21:15No, no, no.
21:17That job is for women, Carmen.
21:19Yeah, that's why they're mad at me.
21:21Because they wanted me to hire Marinieve.
21:24But Jacinto was the best.
21:25And he has a lot of experience in sales.
21:28Well, in that case, it's okay to have a man in the store.
21:30I don't know.
21:33Well, for example, if they steal again.
21:35They've already got Fina in their day.
21:36Maybe if you have to load a weight box at some point...
21:38Sorry if I interrupt.
21:41And who is this?
21:43Tassio, Jacinto.
21:45Anastasio, her husband.
21:46Nice to meet you.
21:48Tell me, Jacinto, how can I help you?
21:50No, it's just that I've noticed that hand cream is not being sold.
21:52And it should be a star product.
21:54Yeah, it's just that glycerin is more popular here.
21:57Yes, it's a wonderful product, Jacinto.
21:59The problem is its format, which is too large.
22:01But we've already been able to change it.
22:02Let's see what you think.
22:03While you solve it,
22:04I thought we could promote its sale
22:06by giving away a sample for each purchase of two or more products.
22:11I think it could work.
22:13Well, yes, very good idea, yes.
22:15I'm going to finish this and we'll talk about it later.
22:17Check if you want the little king's hand cream.
22:19Right away, boss.
22:27What a pupil you've found, haven't you?
22:29Although I thought he was a little older.
22:33Because you were the one who told me he had a lot of experience.
22:36Well, and he does.
22:37You've seen how wonderful a salesman he is.
22:40Well, honey, I'm off. I have a lot of work to do.
22:42See you later.
22:47Jacinta had a wonderful idea.
22:50Come on.
22:51What wonderful idea did Jacinta have?
22:53Because the other day we were already ordering
22:55the facial creams by line of treatment.
22:57Yes, the calendula ones in the front and the rose-moss ones in the back.
23:00It's just that I've noticed that the calendula ones sell better.
23:04Well, we've all noticed that, Carmen.
23:06But it was precisely us who put the rose-moss one in front
23:10to encourage its sale.
23:11But come on, if you like it that way,
23:14let's leave it that way.
23:16Well, what idea did Jacinta come up with now?
23:20I'll tell you later when she's here, Fina.
23:24Good morning.
23:25Doctor, what a picture of a painter.
23:28My God, I'm not saying anything, but you look great.
23:31Shut up, shut up.
23:32Has something happened to Guille?
23:33No, nothing.
23:34I've run out of talc powder.
23:36How's Sofia?
23:37Well, she's come for a couple of minutes to visit her
23:39and then back home.
23:40This afternoon I'm going to see how her eldest son is doing.
23:44I'm going to get the talc.
23:46Oh, my God.
23:48Who is the most handsome boy in the whole neighborhood?
23:52Here you go.
23:53Thank you very much.
23:54How much is it?
23:55No, nothing.
23:56This is on our own.
23:57We also have to collaborate with Sofia.
23:59You are being of great help, girls.
24:02But working mothers need something else.
24:06Well, my grandmother used to say that in the village
24:08the washbasins were organized to take care of the babies among them.
24:11Look, like us.
24:13And look how we're doing.
24:14Because those who have permanent shifts
24:16don't have it easy.
24:18Man, I don't even want to imagine it.
24:20It's a problem, huh?
24:21And they are most of the ones who work in this factory.
24:24This morning I've been talking to Mariana.
24:26Mariana, the one with the packaging?
24:29She reminded me that she has three children
24:31and I asked her to make me a list with the workers
24:33who also have small children in their charge.
24:35And why?
24:36Well, because I want to know how many of them have problems
24:39to take care of their children while they are working
24:41because they don't have their family around.
24:44Not to mention those who decide not to have a family
24:47because they are afraid of not knowing how to organize themselves.
24:49I also take those cases into account.
24:52Well, continuing with the washbasins,
24:54they used the church in the village
24:56as a home to have the children there during the day.
25:00That could be a solution.
25:02I don't see Don Agustín as a babysitter.
25:04No, man, I wasn't talking about him.
25:07I mean, to create a cradle house here in the factory.
25:11But hey, that would be great.
25:13A space where children can be attended to
25:15while their mothers work.
25:17Man, that would solve more than one life.
25:21But I don't see it very easy, really.
25:23More than taking care of them and working at the same time,
25:25I'm sure so.
25:26We'll think of something, girls.
25:29What are you doing here in secret?
25:31Having lunch before going to the factory.
25:35Damn the time I took the job and these conditions.
25:41We'll continue with the stockpile of Queen's essences
25:44until we find Luis's formula.
25:47I don't know how much longer we'll have to wait.
25:49I don't know how much longer we'll have to wait.
25:51I don't know how much longer we'll have to wait.
25:53I don't know how much longer we'll have to wait.
25:55Until we find Luis's formula.
25:58And how are the clients doing?
26:01More or less.
26:02But they don't know the real cause of the stockpile problems.
26:06If there's someone capable of getting out of all this,
26:08that's your sister.
26:11I'm content not having to go to Jesus
26:12telling me I'm not up to it.
26:14Forget about him.
26:15And focus on doing it your way.
26:18Come on, you'll give him a thousand turns, Marta.
26:21Father told me that yesterday...
26:24yesterday you fought.
26:26Yes, and I imagine you also know the reason.
26:30Marta, I'd like to explain it to you.
26:33Andres, I'm not going to judge you.
26:36But I confess that I'd like you to give me your version.
26:40To know, well, to understand
26:43what happened with you and Begoña.
26:46It's very simple.
26:47It's very simple.
26:50We love each other.
26:55My God.
26:56I know it's crazy.
26:57And I swear I've fought with all my strength
26:59not to feel what I feel.
27:00And forget about her.
27:02And go on with my life, but...
27:03And Maria?
27:06I made a mistake getting married to her.
27:08I had my doubts before I took the step.
27:12I wanted to convince myself that there was no sense
27:14in getting tired of many couples before climbing the altar.
27:17I don't know if it would happen to you with Jaime.
27:20Not exactly.
27:23But I know what you're talking about.
27:25I wish I had never gotten married.
27:27It's the worst decision I've ever made in my life.
27:31But what do I do?
27:32Repress what I feel?
27:34Bitter for the rest of my life?
27:36No, in the long run, you wouldn't hurt Maria either.
27:40Yes, I'm tired of pretending all the time.
27:44And I can't keep that look anymore.
27:49What do you think?
27:51It's a very difficult situation.
27:54And I want you to be happy.
27:57But I'm scared, Andres.
27:59Because Jesus won't let the two of you...
28:02fuck his wife.
28:05Jesus' fate has begun to change.
28:08Marta, look at you. Take his place.
28:11The only thing we're sure of is that...
28:12you and I right now are the two people most hated by Jesus.
28:16You because you take his place in the factory.
28:19And you because you're getting involved in his marriage.
28:24Joaquín, is that what you wanted to tell me?
28:27Aurelio has asked for a few days off because his mother is dying.
28:31I've heard something. A shame, really.
28:33We'll have to change shifts to cover his gap.
28:36I'll take care of it.
28:39By the way, did you think about the school of apprentices?
28:42It would be a good time to implement it.
28:44Estasio, the experiments for the laboratory.
28:47I have a week with a lot of trouble.
28:49I've had enough already.
28:51I guess you're saying that because of your mother's wedding and the boss.
28:56Look, we're going to talk properly, okay?
29:00Damian is not the boss.
29:02He's nothing.
29:04Well, Joaquín.
29:06Don Damian is still the owner of the factory, right?
29:09To all this, Joaquín, they say that the dismissal of Don Jesús
29:12was due to the fright of the wedding.
29:13Who says so?
29:15Well, it's what is rumored by the factory.
29:17First one thing happens, then the other.
29:19And as a dessert, the dismissal of your brother.
29:21Of course. And what else?
29:22Is it rumored by machines?
29:24Well, he thinks it was a revolution.
29:26But I'm not one of those who think it's very stupid to think
29:29that because of a discussion, a wedding is canceled,
29:31a director is fired.
29:32And I tell you that the boss, well,
29:33Don Damian is not capable of doing something like that.
29:34Let's leave it, Estasio.
29:38Well, I said it to disprove the rumors a bit.
29:40Disprove what?
29:42Damian is a bastard and a miserable,
29:44and let everyone know.
29:50I don't know what happened, Joaquín.
29:52Everything has a solution.
29:54Everything, except my cousin and my uncle, has a solution.
30:00Any problem?
30:03No, we were talking about next week's shifts.
30:07When you have what I asked for, bring it to me,
30:10and I'll give it a good look.
30:19I'm going to get on with this right now.
30:21No, wait, Estasio.
30:22Come with me.
30:24You looked very angry, Joaquín.
30:26What were you talking about?
30:29Well, uh ...
30:32The man had a bad day.
30:36You don't have to cover for him.
30:38Yes, I've heard him talk.
30:41It won't happen to Mr. Damian.
30:46I would be just as resentful in his place.
30:49It's normal.
30:51Sit down, Estasio.
30:55Do you think that if Jesús were a good husband,
30:58Begoña would have been unfaithful?
31:00I don't know.
31:01I don't know.
31:05It would be speculative.
31:07Things would probably be different, but ...
31:10You're right.
31:11It's better to leave it here.
31:12You already have enough with the stock of essences.
31:16And what are you going to do, Marta?
31:19Well, I don't know.
31:20I've tried to talk to Luis to get him to agree, but nothing.
31:23The Marinos are very hurt with our family.
31:26It won't be easy to change your mind.
31:28He didn't move a muscle
31:29when I told him that taking the forms would be a reason for a lawsuit.
31:33Have you thought about doing it?
31:34Well, I only said it to ...
31:36To pressure him.
31:37To scare him a little.
31:38Marta, do you do it like that?
31:39No, don't suggest what you're going to suggest.
31:41I'm not going to do it.
31:42But come on, you're not like our brother.
31:43No, I'm not.
31:47I get the impression that the only kind way to convince him
31:50is with you.
31:52How do you see it?
31:54When Luis makes a decision, it's very difficult, in my opinion.
31:59Besides, I'm not very comfortable either.
32:02He has the right to demand justice.
32:05In this way?
32:07I justify the reasons and not what he has done.
32:11I know he loves me, but I'm still a king.
32:15If you want my advice,
32:18the only person who is capable of influencing him
32:21is his mother.
32:24If someone has reasons to hate us, it's her.
32:27Marta, I can't do it anymore.
32:29I can't help you, I'm sorry.
32:31Excuse me, I should make a call.
32:33I have too many things on my mind.
32:46Look, Mr. Damián,
32:47if you don't want to tell me what happened, it doesn't matter.
32:50Whatever happens,
32:52you'll have a solution if you're his uncle after all.
32:54After all?
32:57My family is a mess everywhere, Estacio.
33:03I never thought it could all end up like this, but it did.
33:07And I suppose all this is because of the wedding, right?
33:11Well, it's much more complex than all that.
33:15You can also back me up if you want.
33:17I didn't even have the detail
33:19to tell you that I was going to get married again.
33:21I'm not going to deny that it bothered me.
33:24But then, thinking about it,
33:26Mr. Damián, what could change?
33:27I wasn't going to go as a guest, right?
33:34How about we have a drink and forget about it?
33:37Maybe French wine, which you recommended to me last time.
33:40But if you don't like it at all.
33:42Well, the body gets used to anything.
33:52Thank you, Estacio.
33:56I needed a moment like this.
34:04Fina, it's me, Marta.
34:06I know I promised I'd make room for you at the ball,
34:09but I can't.
34:10I have an important meeting and I can't...
34:13It's okay.
34:14Don't get mad, I'm sorry.
34:16No, no, no, it's okay, I understand.
34:18We'll talk another time, bye.
34:27Fina, Claudia, come here for a moment.
34:33Mom, what are all these samples?
34:36Hand creams.
34:37We're going to try to increase the sales of this product,
34:39making it better known among our clients.
34:41Well, we offer it whenever we can.
34:43Yeah, but it doesn't work.
34:45From today on, every client who buys two or more products
34:48will get a free sample.
34:50What a great idea, Carmen!
34:52It wasn't my idea.
34:53It was Jacinto's idea.
34:56Ah, that's the idea you wanted to tell us when Fina arrived.
35:06So, what's going on?
35:09Talk, make it clear.
35:10What's going on?
35:11Since Jacinto has appeared in our lives,
35:13you seem to obey him more than Mrs. Marta.
35:15And he's just as much a salesman as Claudia and me.
35:17That's not true. Why do you say that?
35:19Listen, Carmen, it's true that
35:21since Jacinto has arrived, we've been changing things in the store
35:24and Jacinto has never even been to the store.
35:26Well, that's because...
35:27Because they're men.
35:29Fina, you're making a lot of mistakes.
35:32Well, it's true, Carmen, that being a man,
35:34he tells you things in a way that...
35:36With a lot of professionalism.
35:37That's how he tells me things, with a lot of professionalism.
35:41I can't believe you're insinuating
35:43that I'm going to go to Jacinto because he's a man.
35:46But he's one of the most helpful people in the world, for God's sake.
35:49Carmen, that you hired him
35:51has made one of our colleagues unable to ascend.
35:54That's true.
35:55The position should have gone to Marín and me, Carmen.
35:57Well, you leave me speechless.
36:00With the number of times we've talked about
36:02how much they discriminate us and now it's you
36:05who do this to Jacinto.
36:06No, no, no, no, no, Carmen, no.
36:08Don't go there because it has nothing to do with it.
36:11The oppressed are us, not them.
36:13Not them.
36:14They already have enough positions in the factory
36:16for men and for them to get on our turf.
36:18That's true, Carmen.
36:19That salary should have gone to Marín and Edi.
36:22Very well.
36:24So that's what's happening to you.
36:26Think about it.
36:28When they appointed Ms. Marta Director, what did you tell me?
36:31We have to support her because being a woman
36:33won't make it easy for her.
36:35And now what are you doing?
36:37You're preaching with your example.
36:39Jacinto is my best salesman, that's why I hired him.
36:41Whether he's a man, a woman or a bug.
36:46Excuse me, we'll be with you in a moment.
36:51Jacinto is your partner.
36:53And there's no going back.
36:55So the best you can do is keep working like this.
37:03Get to work.
37:08Good morning, ma'am.
37:09How can I help you?
37:10I see you've already taken 12 years of the queen.
37:24That's all, thank you very much.
37:26I don't know how I could trust you, mother.
37:28I don't like you talking to me like that,
37:30especially with the waiter in front of me.
37:32Thank me for calling you mother, because you don't deserve it.
37:35After having disdained Claudia again
37:37in such a rash way.
37:39I don't allow you to...
37:40Who do you think she is?
37:41Your mother.
37:42And that's the only reason I deserve respect.
37:47That's why I wanted to be alone with her.
37:50She tells me she's going to talk to her from the heart
37:52and then she takes out her checkbook.
37:54A mother doesn't act like that.
37:56If you're going to keep talking to me like that,
37:58the conversation is over now.
38:02If I wanted to keep that girl away from you, it's for your own good.
38:05That girl has a name and her name is Claudia.
38:07And she has no right to humiliate her in that way.
38:09Buying her as if she were a nobody.
38:11I had to try.
38:12Pride is a sin, mother.
38:14And only a person as believing as you should know that.
38:17I know, I know.
38:19I know I'm attacking the teachings of the Most High, Mateo.
38:23But I do everything for you, honey.
38:25You are my son.
38:26And a mother does anything for her little one.
38:29Then let me continue with my life.
38:32Claudia has shown that she doesn't love me for my money.
38:35I reject her offer.
38:36And I love her.
38:37But that's not love, honey.
38:39That's a temporary illusion because of your lack of experience in life.
38:42I know you, Mateo. I know you.
38:44I know that your true love is God.
38:47Stop treating me like a child.
38:49I am a man.
38:50And I love a woman.
38:52But it is my duty as a mother to look after your interests.
38:55Then I will stop being your son.
39:01You repudiate me?
39:04I am ashamed of your behavior.
39:09If you go ahead with this wedding, there will be consequences.
39:13Go ahead?
39:15Will you take care of me?
39:16And so much that you take care of yourself.
39:18Because by marrying that girl and her baby,
39:23you will give up your inheritance.
39:29Then go ask for a date with the notary.
39:35I'm sorry, aunt.
39:36I didn't mean to make you wait.
39:41Do you want something to drink?
39:43No, thank you.
39:46If you don't mind...
39:49I'd rather we move on from what you have to tell me.
39:53I'm sorry.
39:55I'm sorry.
39:57I'm sorry.
39:59I'm sorry.
40:01I'm sorry.
40:03But you need to talk to me about this, or, I imagine, it could be something.
40:07I am also very disappointed with my father.
40:09What he did was horrible.
40:11At least he is capable of admitting it and sorry about it.
40:15I imagine he has spoken to you to say that...
40:19I don't want to touch that subject.
40:22You have called to talk to me about my son Luis.
40:25We mustn't waste time
40:26I hope you're not surprised that I don't want to work with you anymore.
40:31Otherwise, it would be strange.
40:34I understand your reason.
40:36And probably I would do the same.
40:40But I shouldn't have taken the queen's essence formula.
40:43Can you explain why?
40:46Gervasio was a perfumer. You know how this works.
40:50The formula is the company's property.
40:54Maybe I shouldn't have named the guy. I'm sorry.
40:56No, no, no. You did a good job naming him.
41:01Who was the precursor of that perfume?
41:04My husband?
41:06And who finished it?
41:08My son Luis.
41:10Nobody is denying the authorship of Luz Merino.
41:12So what are we discussing?
41:15The company did not participate in the process for a single moment.
41:19But you see, both Gervasio and Luis worked on that perfume,
41:23remunerated by perfumeries of the queen.
41:27As a result, and by contract, the perfume is the company's property.
41:32Any judge will give us the reason.
41:34I am very surprised that you defend yourselves in court after what your father has done.
41:40That is not a crime.
41:48I did not expect that from you.
41:52Threaten your cousin with suing him.
41:55For God's sake, aunt. These are things that are said hot to pressure him.
41:59I would never do it for you. I am not Jesus.
42:02Luis is my cousin. I love him.
42:06Daughter, tell me what am I doing here.
42:10What I want is to fix things in the family.
42:15And reach an agreement that is fair for everyone.
42:17What kind of agreement?
42:21You see, Gervasio and Luis created a unique essence with which thousands of women identify.
42:26Why deprive them of it?
42:29Why stop making it?
42:31Out of pride.
42:33Luis cannot continue to fatten up the profit accounts of the company
42:38from which he led his father to suicide.
42:41And if part of those profits went to the Marinos?
42:47We would find a way.
42:49From increasing that 3% that Luis already has on the profits in sales of the perfume,
42:55of course, registering the authorship of it, we would find a way.
43:00I'm sorry, but I can't speak on behalf of my son.
43:02But I can talk to him.
43:04You will listen to him.
43:06Transmit my good intentions to him.
43:10Aunt, trust me.
43:12It's me, Marta.
43:14I'm your niece, Torpona, the one who taught you to cross your legs or put on makeup.
43:20I just want the best for everyone right now.
43:23I can think about it.
43:25But I'm going to be very honest with you.
43:29At the moment, I can't talk to my son Luis
43:32to get him back to your factory just like that.
43:35I understand.
43:38And I thank you for listening to me.
43:59Good afternoon.
44:01Aren't you going to invite me in?
44:04Of course not.
44:08What the hell do you want, Jesus?
44:10Nothing, I was bored at home.
44:12I guess just like you, now that we don't have to go to the factory, right?
44:15And I said, I'm going to see what my cousin is doing.
44:18May I?
44:23You and I are not in the same situation.
44:27What did you say?
44:29That we are both out of the factory.
44:33But for different reasons.
44:36You were kicked out like a dog.
44:40And I left.
44:41You don't have to be so dignified, Luis.
44:44That's precisely why I left.
44:46Out of dignity.
44:48Can you say the same?
44:50Look, today I allow you to insult me all you want.
44:54Do you want something, then?
45:03Make yourself comfortable.
45:05Do you want me to get you a coffee and some pasta?
45:09Or are you going to tell me once and for all what you want?
45:12Sit down, as if you were at home.
45:15I've come to talk about the future.
45:17You already know what you're going to do, where you're going to work.
45:21The logical thing would be to go to Floral, but that cartridge is already spent, right?
45:25You were rejected the other time you gave the scare.
45:29There are other options.
45:33I trust my reputation as a creator.
45:37After all, Essences de la Reina is the perfume with the highest sales on the market.
45:44That's true.
45:46But I don't know if you have valued the consequences of your actions.
45:49Leaving has been a very bad letter of introduction.
45:53And since this world is so small, the voice will have run away already.
45:57There is also France, England.
46:00I want to go beyond these borders.
46:03And I don't fall into the ring if I have to change my profession.
46:06Really? Doing what?
46:09Because it would be a shame to really waste your talent.
46:12And that's why I've come to offer you something much better.
46:18That you raise your father's project, the spa.
46:23I would be crazy if I partnered with you.
46:25Come on, please, get out of here right now.
46:27Wait, wait, Luis.
46:29That's not my proposal.
46:32I'm willing to sell you the lands of the thermal waters.
46:36At twice its price?
46:37No, at the price for which you were going to pay.
46:41And what do you want in return?
46:44The formula of Essences de la Reina.
46:46That would be my commission.
46:49Your family would finally have its own business, Luis.
46:52You could start your father's dream, Joaquín and you.
46:56Are you serious?
46:57Totally serious.
46:59I'm serving your future on a plate.
47:02Your destiny is not to work for others, but to found your own company, Luis.
47:06Without bosses.
47:08With total creative freedom.
47:12I suppose you want to talk about it with your brother and your mother.
47:15Think about it.
47:17But not too much.
47:18These trains only pass once in a lifetime.
