BTCC Crashes 2020

  • 2 days ago
BTCC Crashes 2020
00:00Jake Hill is next in the queue, but look at Sutton. Sutton is going after Turkington. He's contact behind.
00:05That was Jake Hill getting into Josh Cook. Josh is off through the gravel.
00:09If he does come out on the other side, he's going to tumble way, way down the order.
00:12Two wheels up the kerb, and Ash Sutton goes through, but there's contact, and here comes Kamish up the inside.
00:17He's got past one. Can he get past two? Sutton gets run out wide. Kamish has the inside line up towards Coppice.
00:23Sutton leans on him. Kamish is not going to take that lie down. He's the new race leader.
00:27Sutton is sideways with help from Turkington, and off he goes.
00:31Well, it all just got a bit messy, didn't it? A little bit unruly.
00:35Kamish leads six tenths of a second up. This is at the chicane.
00:39Cole Bordley turns in. Josh Cook is with him.
00:43And Josh Cook's off again.
00:45This is for ninth place, so the Morganator lines up for a move.
00:49Through he goes, but there's contact, and that's going to put him wide up the escape road.
00:53Jackson is delayed in all of that as well. Adam Morgan one up and several down.
00:57Turkington will be losing tyre temperature.
01:00This is the Hamilton answer at the chicane.
01:02Just went in too quick to the right-hand part, and lost the back, clipping the tyres as he...
01:07Cook, Smiley, Osborne, Jackson, and Thompson, the scorers, and this is how Nicholas Hamilton got into the gravel.
01:13Yeah, he was running wide, took too much entry speed into the corner.
01:17Morgan wants to buy into this. So does Cook, so does Smiley. Sutton's got his nose in France, and he's done it!
01:22Fantastic jelly, and Chilton are still side-by-side.
01:26Chilton gets roughed up onto the grass. Adam Morgan tries to get in on the act as well.
01:30There's drama in the background. Off has gone.
01:33Jacques Butel in the other Mercedes, and is that Olly Brown that got involved with him?
01:36Either way, I'm afraid Jacques Butel further back.
01:40Looking at the action here.
01:45Yeah, it was Olly Brown into the back of Jacques Butel.
01:48He was on the grass.
01:49Now this is for 6th.
01:51Kamish on the inside, he's ahead of Jelly, finally, who's across the gravel again.
01:55Ingram gets tagged sideways. Good save, Tom.
01:57Round goes Jelly. That's going to drop him way back in the pack.
02:00BMW, so Ash Sutton leads the way by 8 tenths of a second from Chris Smiley.
02:04Still a mighty effort, this, by Smiley. Is that Thompson getting it all wrong in the chicane?
02:07Can he hang on to it? He can, but he loses one place to Michael Kreese.
02:11Toyota diving up the inside of Tom Olyphant, and through he goes.
02:14So the Corolla passes the 3 Series, and also, look, on the attack there is Josh Cook.
02:18Number 66, and Olyphant's off the road. There was contact.
02:20Can he get it back on? He can. Can they all miss him?
02:23Yes, thankfully.
02:25This is what happened between Cook and Olyphant.
02:27Yeah, Cook's trying to get up the inside.
02:29Olyphant's moving over to defend, and there's just that slightest of touches.
02:34Leaning on one another as Hill goes off the road and back on again.
02:37Tom Chilton's trying to buy into this, as are Procter and Sutton next in the queue.
02:41Ingram back on the inside of Cook.
02:43Who gets run out wide? Who has a massive, massive slide?
02:47Lower back, Chris Smiley keeps Aiden Moffat at bay,
02:49and Aiden gets turned sideways by Matt Neill.
02:51There's more contact, and off the road goes Matt, and into the arm coat.
02:55It's been a bad race for Matt.
02:57Well, obviously, up the inside is Smiley. Matt Neill tries to follow into the gap.
03:02Aiden comes across, and there's contact.
03:04Now, at this point, Aiden's got full lock on.
03:06There's nothing he can do. He can't correct that slide anymore.
03:09And so the front end just clips the back of Neill's car, which then spins across the road.
03:14Safety car is deployed, with Matt Neill's car parked by the side of the road.
03:18The safety car is deployed, and that could be Dan Camerish's best chance of a win now.
03:24And how did it all kick off? Thompson went wide by the look of it, came across the track.
03:28Michael Kreese there makes contact with him, and more contact, and off they both go.
03:32Reminds me of me and Mike Smith in Sierra RS 500 days.
03:38Yep, and we didn't agree about it then either.
03:40So Michael making his point. Bobby's not for listening too much at the moment.
03:47Yep, new hinges. I'm more angry than you are.
03:50Yes, and I can prove that by slamming the door harder.
03:54James Gorgle, but around the outside, tries to go center Procter.
03:57That's the fight for fourth as Carl Bordley runs out of road.
03:59Whoops, Procter's all sideways.
04:01Goff and Adam Morgan get together, and Jack's having a big old moment down through Graham Hill.
04:07Then it involves Ingram and Mayhem going into Turn 3.
04:11Now this is what happened on Lap 1. Goff hits the Hyundai.
04:14Procter, they come across and get involved with Morgan.
04:16Goff comes back across the road and bang into Ingram.
04:19Yeah, I mean that was Procter having his moment on the last lap.
04:26Oh, that was when the tyre went. That was the tyre, and that's Ollie Jackson.
04:31This will account for why Carl Bordley is in the gravel.
04:36So look to the top of the picture, look at Lodge.
04:38He arrived with some speed.
04:40He certainly did. Well, he managed to get the car turned a little bit,
04:43so it went into the tyre sideways rather than head first.
04:47Corner on the outside line. This is what happened at the Island Bend hairpin a lap ago.
04:52And you see contact, which is Jack Goff getting involved there with Bobby Thompson.
04:57Partly the fact the car is in a dangerous place,
04:59but it's also, you can see there, the damage done to the tyre wall.
05:02Here's the incident, Tim.
05:04Wait for the car's coming shot.
05:06Oh, he was off early.
05:09He was off very early there.
05:10I thought he was going to run wide and maybe go across the inside,
05:13but he came into Old Hairpin with the car already lost, didn't he?
05:17Sea Racing, the Burt Taylor, Steve Dudman team looking for good results here
05:20as we catch up on more dramas at Old Hall.
05:22And that is Aidan Moffat going around.
05:26People scatter. Thankfully, no contact.
05:28Adam Morgan catches that.
05:29And it's Sutton who's on the attack to the inside of Ingram.
05:32Is there a gap? Not yet, but there is now.
05:34Turns the Toyota sideways, and Sutton backs out of it.
05:37First race of the day.
05:39This was Nick Hamilton.
05:40Oh, he hit that pretty hard.
05:42That was too deep into Island.
05:45Hey, Infinity will pass the BMW here.
05:47Ash Sutton, whoops, that's Mike Bushel going way, way, way off
05:50onto the Foster circuit almost, the short circuit at Alton Park.
05:53Here's a replay of the incident.
05:55They went either side of Smiley.
05:58Cook, he thought he was ahead.
06:00He thought he could turn in.
06:02Obviously, Creasy was fighting it out with Smiley,
06:06and three into one just doesn't go.
06:09Cook turns in.
06:10He had his nose ahead, but as he turned in, bang, on the inside,
06:13Michael Crease, and that fires Josh Cook across.
06:16And Alex our cameraman.
06:18So Adam Morgan will drive past this thinking,
06:20please be a long clear-up operation.
06:22Let's try and work it all out.
06:23Steven Gelli was up the road having one incident.
06:26So that's Gelli spinning.
06:28Hamilton comes along and gets clipped by Gelli,
06:31and then Olly Brown must have got into the back of him.
06:34Yeah, yeah, that was Gelli having his moment,
06:36and in that situation, Hamilton was very unlucky to get tagged.
06:41Yeah, and Olly Brown was behind all of them,
06:44and I think went into the back of his teammate.
06:46Team Hearts had a horrible day, hasn't it?
06:48Yeah, he has been in communication with Matt this morning.
06:50Yeah, so Matt comes out, drops a left rear,
06:53coming out of the chicane.
06:54You see it just digs in.
06:55A couple of people got away with that.
06:56Matt didn't.
06:57Straight in, front right.
06:58It's quite a big impact, that.
07:00Matt had to go for a concussion test with Dr. Trafford,
07:03and then he had to go this morning to get that sorted.
07:05I think that's a roundabout now.
07:07I think he should be okay, but we'll get confirmation on that.
07:10They've all been bunching up and falling over each other behind him.
07:12Oh, and Cook's lost it.
07:14That's going to be a big loss.
07:16Now, did he have a problem?
07:19Now, let's see, Tim.
07:20Was there a touch? Was there a nudge?
07:21Let's see what happened.
07:22He got out onto the dirt a little bit,
07:24and then, as he came down, the car just swapped ends.
07:27There was definitely no contact.
07:29All I can think of is he got a bit of dirt on the rear of the tyre,
07:32or something broke in the rear.
07:34And Turkington crawling all over the back of Sutton
07:36as they drop through McIntyre's for the first time.
07:38Yeah, well, as predicted, the two rear-wheel drive cars.
07:41A round goes Cook.
07:42Oh, no!
07:43Well, he hasn't even had an opportunity.
07:46Here it is from another angle.
07:47So Josh goes to the outside.
07:48Busch will up the inside of Jack Butel,
07:50who I think was trying to give him room on the inside,
07:52but Josh on the outside.
07:54Said he thought, ooh, hill, big slide there.
07:57Is Busch going to look up the inside?
07:59He is. He's going to force the issue,
08:00but he's locked up because he's gone on the grass,
08:02couldn't stop the car, and gone straight on.
08:05But he's going to keep it going.
08:06Got the weight on, and the car just isn't working for you.
08:09And, oh, straight on his jelly.
08:11Does he come back on cleanly?
08:12No, he's going to lose it.
08:14Oh, Stephen.
08:17And he's in the gravel.
08:18Can he get out of there?
08:19Tom Oliphant at bay.
08:20Jake Hill is up with them.
08:21Then it's Tom Chilton in sixth place
08:23on the next train of cars.
08:25And if I hit him off and Ollie Jackson gets contacted,
08:27he goes around by Busch.
08:28And T-Boat's in.
08:29He's then collected by Sam Osborne.
08:31Andy Neate, I think, was involved in that.
08:32There's an instant safety car, and that's a biggie.
08:34That could very well be a red flag.
08:38And around he goes.
08:39He already had a puncture or something wrong,
08:42or a locked rear wheel,
08:44because it was dragging tyre smoke
08:47as he left McIntyre's corner.
08:51And then the car just rotated,
08:53either because he was slow going through the dip
08:56and got tagged,
08:57or because the rear just spun round on him
08:59a bit like Josh could.
09:01There's the replay.
09:02Cars scatter.
09:03Mike Buschel with nowhere to go.
09:04Then he, in turn, gets glanced by Sam Osborne.
09:07There's debris everywhere.
09:08And it is a red flag.
09:09The race is being stopped.
09:11So there.
09:12Yeah, the wheel is locked.
09:13Look, the wheel is locked.
09:15So he's going to be slow down here,
09:17and the car just rotates.
09:19It's like pulling the handbrake on.
09:23And there's Mike Buschel going into the side,
09:25and the chain reaction is triggered right.
09:27So, Turkington wants to find a way past the Ford,
09:30but in doing so can't afford to leave the door even ajar.
09:33Can he hit a spin?
09:34That's Jake Hill losing it, coming out of the chicane.
09:36And a misfire for Colin Turkington is the news from the pits.
09:40Looks like Bordley's been off.
09:42Or has a problem, or both.
09:43And he gets attacked from behind.
09:44What was Andy Neat into the back of him?
09:46What's the matter about?
09:47That was very clumsy.
09:48That was really clumsy.
09:50I mean, car would already have been off.
09:52So, from another angle,
09:54as Tim said, the car is slow.
09:55Andy Neat gets into the back once.
09:57Bordley almost out of the way.
09:58And then, bang!
09:59Yeah, they've taken quite a attack.
10:01There was plenty of room on the right, wasn't there?
10:03Oh, well.
10:04And here, more drama into the chicane.
10:06Tom Antelocco.
10:07Andy Neat gets sideways.
10:08Sam Osborne involved.
10:09And Andy Neat's torrid day continues.
10:11It was 0.288 last time.
10:13Drama here up at Beckett.
10:15You see Morgan having a go on the side.
10:16That was Matt Neil getting sideways.
10:18So he lost out to Hill, to Chilton.
10:22I think it's a little touch.
10:23Crease into the side of Gornall.
10:25And into the gravel.
10:27Can he get it out of there?
10:29We saw him qualifying.
10:31On board with Jane Edwards.
10:33Coming into Beckett's.
10:35And you see the cars in front going.
10:37She has plenty of time to react.
10:39And very important.
10:41Again, Kamich took no chances with his pick-box.
10:44Oh, Butcher slid wide.
10:46Did he have a little touch from Sutton?
10:48He did.
10:49There was contact.
10:50Sutton into the back of Butcher.
10:51Around he has gone.
10:54Oh, they just got pinched.
10:56He got pinched from Onslow Colombe in the middle.
11:00And somebody else.
11:03Oh, Bordley.
11:04Karl Bordley on the left.
11:05Just three into one won't go.
11:08That's the first incident.
11:09Now what about Jade Edwards and Andy Neat?
11:11There they are.
11:12Coming out of Luffield.
11:13And Andy Neat is the one that gets turned around and hits the wall.
11:16So it's two separate incidents.
11:18And this is how Jade saw, first of all, the Ingram incident.
11:21So exit stage left.
11:23And then wait for Andy Neat to come along.
11:27Oh, she's had a hit there.
11:29And then Neat's moved over on her and turned himself around the front of her.
11:34He's got a run here on Osborne.
11:36Oh, no.
11:37High speed off for Butcher.
11:39And rolls over.
11:43Oh, hopefully no one else hits it.
11:47On board with Turkington.
11:48On board with Turkington.
11:50Butcher's got clearly past.
11:52That's Matt Neil, I think, isn't it?
11:54And then they just contact each other in the braking area.
11:58Yeah, to Matt Neil.
11:59They just come together in the braking area in the most unfortunate way.
12:04Which turns Butcher around.
12:07And with virtually no braking done whatsoever.
12:10And look, he just hits the end of that barrier.
12:14Corner on.
12:15Rear corner on.
12:16And that flips the car over.
12:18And back onto the track.
12:20Oh, car's going either side of him.
12:24And from another angle.
12:25This is what we'd picked up on Offy Flies.
12:29And hits the barrier right in front of one of the Marshall's posts.
12:33Again, the Marshall's doing a great, brave job.
12:36Have to duck out of the way as Bits Fly, Cars Fly, Debris Flies and everybody else.
12:41And obviously the accident's taking place already.
12:44As Sutton comes into view.
12:46Neil is spinning there.
12:47And then wait for it.
12:49All of a sudden, there's Butcher's car.
12:51So similar to Rob Collard's accident, really.
12:55Mentioned earlier the Marshall's and how they had to duck for cover.
12:58Just have a look at this very brave Marshall.
13:00Who suddenly sees a car coming.
13:02And he has to, in a moment, make a run for it.
13:05Because there's an almighty clang in front of him.
13:07And just ducks down at the right moment.
13:09Because boom.
13:10The Marshall's post itself.
13:12Look, he's knocked back a good few feet.
13:14As the Ford just launches itself off the barrier.
13:17More energy is now flung away.
13:19As it rolls.
13:20It twists.
13:21It turns.
13:22But the internals of the car standing up very well to a huge impact.
13:27But the Infiniti looking quicker than the BMW.
13:29Butcher to the inside of Oliphant.
13:31Into the complex.
13:32Sutton gets turned around.
13:33Mayhem just about avoided.
13:35Oliphant doesn't make contact.
13:37Fangs linking back from Turkington.
13:39Butcher's trying to get past Oliphant.
13:41And just clips the back of Sutton's car.
13:44It will drive.
13:45It's unfortunately for him.
13:46He goes round 360 degrees.
13:49And nobody tags him.
13:52But with the pangrams on the grass.
13:54Two wheels on the lawn as he comes down to Clairvaux.
13:56It's going to be Josh Good that hits the front.
13:58And Turkington goes very deep into the corner.
14:00And through the gravel.
14:01Sutton's ahead of him.
14:02And Turkington's in the tyre barrier.
14:04That is not something you see very often.
14:06He can't dig it out of there.
14:07And Turkington's championship chances take a big hammer blow at Turn 1.
14:11Cold front tyres.
14:12He couldn't stop the car.
14:14Another big off.
14:15It's Butcher again.
14:16Fortunately this time there's no barrier in the way.
14:18In the background you can see Turkington trying to get out.
14:21He makes an average start.
14:23Not a really good one.
14:24And then a little...
14:26Wait for it.
14:28Just can't stop the car.
14:30Can't stop the car.
14:33And the tyre barrier awaits with open arms to ensnare the BMW.
14:37He's second. He's up to 14th.
14:38Going nicely as Sutton goes to the inside of hill.
14:40This for second place.
14:41There's contact.
14:42Damage to the Infiniti.
14:43Sutton backs out a bit.
14:45Has he got a puncture?
14:46I think he's got a puncture on the right front.
14:48He will have only himself to blame.
14:50This is the replay.
14:51He dives very late.
14:53There's not really as much of a gap.
14:55Inevitably there's a bit of contact.
14:57And that causes the damage to the front of the puncture.
15:00He may well regret that move.
15:02He didn't need to make it.
15:03It was extremely marginal.
15:05And he's only ended up compromising himself and his championship.
15:10So they go through the Jim Clark S's.
15:12The kink at Barcroft.
15:13Down to Sunny.
15:14Look, look, look.
15:15Neal closes. Gets up the inside.
15:16Turns. Cuts sideways.
15:18And he goes through.
15:19He didn't back out of it to let Josh keep the place.
15:21So Matt Neal goes through.
15:22But that surely is going to be discussed post-race.
15:25It's going to be Tom Chilton that leads the way up into second place.
15:28Goes Ingram then.
15:29Through on the inside.
15:30Camish third.
15:31And Matt Neal and Jake Hill get together.
15:32And Steven Gerling gets it wrong.
15:33Possibly contact.
15:34But either way he's had a half spin.
15:37And Turkington across the inside.
15:39Trying to avoid any kind of...
15:40Oh, he's got a problem.
15:41Turkington's going slowly.
15:44Replay of lap one.
15:45On board with Turkington.
15:46Ollie Jackson ahead.
15:47Oh, he's got a little bit of contact there.
15:49Whether that's broken a driveshaft or something on the rear.
15:52Don't forget this car has got 54 kilos.
15:55A big, big off there.
15:56That is Bobby Thompson who has come to grief.
15:59So the Audi off the road.
16:01Marshalls go to the aid of the driver.
16:02The safety car deployed instantly.
16:05Yes, great to see him get out of the car.
16:07He's clearly winded.
16:08Not surprised after the way that car went over.
16:11Now let's see if we can piece it all together.
16:13There he is off in the background.
16:14And then the car just digs in.
16:15Over it goes.
16:16Yeah, for some reason he was out on the right-hand side.
16:20Wow, that must have gone over completely five or six times.
16:24He was on the right-hand side of the...
16:26He was off the track, wasn't he?
16:28Before the turn in to the Jim Clark S's.
16:31Whether he'd been forced off the road or what, I don't know.
16:34But yeah, the car hit the sort of dirt sideways on.
16:38Just dug in and started flipping it over.
16:41So this is on board with Sutton.
16:43Have a look to the right.
16:44He gets squeezed onto the grass there by somebody.
16:47Yeah, that's what we suspected.
16:49He was rubbing...
16:52I can't see him.
16:53Is it Aidan Moffitt?
16:54Might be Aidan Moffitt.
16:56But he was...
16:57Yeah, I think it might have been Aidan Moffitt actually.
16:59But it's Turkington that leads them down.
17:01Into Ritchie's corner.
17:02Tom Ingram up into second place.
17:04Jake Hill third.
17:05Then Dan Camish fourth.
17:06And a tag and around goes Tom Oliphant.
17:08Oliphant and Sutton got together.
17:11And Sutton looks to have saved it.
17:14Here comes Sutton, Oliphant.
17:18And also Jackson.
17:20Now we just see a little bit of a touch.
17:22A little bit of bunching there.
17:24Well, it was all kicking off there.
17:29Chilton having a dive down the understeer with Gelli.
17:32But once he'd made the dive, he couldn't do anything about it.
17:35I mean, I'm not saying Ingram did anything wrong.
17:38But, you know, he saw that Hill was coming for him.
17:43And, oh, he's given the position back.
17:46Matt Neil collision, we're being told.
17:49Oh, well, actually, it was Kreese hitting Oliphant, wasn't it?
17:54Matt Neil was just behind.
17:56Off goes Jack Goff.
17:58Where's he gone off?
17:59He's hit the barrier somewhere.
18:01He has.
18:02Looks like heavy damage on that.
18:04So, oh, moment on the dirt.
18:08Nasty hit.
18:09That is a nasty hit.
18:10Got a wheel on the wet grass and it turned him across the road
18:14all the way into the barrier.
18:18Through turn one.
18:20And Butcher's not particularly close.
18:22That was a big error of judgment there.
18:25Big error of judgment.
18:29Matt Neil on the last corner.
18:32Oh, over that huge curb.
18:35Brave, brave move.
18:37Olly Jackson now.
18:38Smiley back up into third place.
18:40Josh Cook side-by-side with Dan Kamish.
18:42This is a classic race three scenario.
18:44Rory Butcher coming up in the mix as well.
18:46Dan Kamish looking to have a go through.
18:48Kamish sideways.
18:49Little touch on tap there from Cook.
18:50Well, Kamish, this is incident with...
18:56Oh, well, actually, in fairness to Cook,
19:00he was sort of moving over to protect his position
19:02and got tagged himself.
19:04The first little tap seemed to be from Rory Butcher there,
19:06didn't it?
19:08Just there.
19:09And then it all sort of plays out.
19:10You watch.
19:11Cook comes across to try and protect his position.
19:13Well, difficult to tell, but it's first lap bunching up,
19:18isn't it?
19:21Oh, Karl Bodley and Steven Gelli coming together.
19:23Oh, no, the two 1 Series cars going off.
19:27Let's have a look at it from another angle.
19:29It looks like...
19:33It's coming down towards the Agostini hairpin.
19:36And, oh, look, it was Sutton trying to get up the inside.
19:41He then ran wide.
19:43And then you've got Turkington, Sutton, and Ingram all together.
19:48Well, Turkington actually ended up running into the back of them.
19:51There was nowhere for him to go.
19:53Side by side still on the way down to Oggy's.
19:57So it was the inside line on the exit of Palmer where the gap was.
20:01That's why Smiley's gone.
20:04Camish got up the rear of it.
20:06For first and second, third and fourth.
20:08Ingram's having a go.
20:09Morgan getting very close indeed.
20:11Looks on the outside line here.
20:12He's going to try and get the run to the flag.
20:14The tank on the last corner.
20:15Ingram coming together with Butcher.
20:17Well, Ingram was through.
20:19Have a look at that once again.
20:20Here we go.
20:21Well, that's the end of the manoeuvre when Butcher fires into Ingram,
20:26who was clearly ahead at that point.
20:28He got the job done.
20:30Contact there.
20:31Oh, that's what happened.
20:32He was pushed across onto the grass and then couldn't stop.
20:37Ah, this is a better view of it.
20:39So Ingram gets up the inside.
20:42Butcher loses control, gets on the grass, and can't stop the car.
20:47So Turkington staying in eighth place for the moment.
20:50Replay of lap one.
20:52Nicholas Hamilton with possibly a bit of an assist from Senna Procter
20:55goes rally-crossing.
20:56Glyn Geddy, Sam Osborne off the road at Druids.
20:59Glyn Geddy not amused, as you saw.
21:01Two cars in the gravel, and the race is being neutralized in Glyn Geddy.
21:05What's a word with Sam Osborne?
21:08And the marshal says, no, no, no.
21:10You go over there and calm down.
21:11And Sam Osborne is doing the right thing and staying in eighth place.
21:14And this is what happened.
21:15Well, they've already made contact and got crossed up.
21:18Glyn Geddy into the gravel.
21:19Sam Osborne into the gravel.
21:21Safety car deployed.
21:24That's probably wise of Sam to stay in the car.
21:28This was actually his 55th BTCC race.
21:31You need to just wait and keep your tempers down.
21:34Calm down, guys.
21:35Come on.
21:36Marshal doing a good job there.
21:39You hit it.
21:40Marshal doing a good job there.
21:43You hit me, says Glyn.
21:47Ingram tries one side, and then the other.
21:49Ollie Jackson's on his toes.
21:50But it's Sutton who is going to have the race lead.
21:52Down towards Paddock for the first time.
21:54Kamish on the inside.
21:55The motorbase cars make contact.
21:56Jake Hill's involved.
21:57Ingram is all sideways.
21:58Kamish is sideways as well.
21:59Can they all toboggan their way out of the gravel and back onto the road?
22:02Yes, yes, yes.
22:03It's all about to get very busy, slippery, and slidey into turn one.
22:08Up the inside.
22:09Three into one.
22:10Won't go.
22:11Jackson got a bit of a slide.
22:12Kamish was sliding.
22:14Ingram was out wide.
22:16Nicholas Hamilton going.
22:17Jack Goff rejoins the road.
22:19Now, Andy Neat has done, briefly, the fastest lap of the race.
22:22Now Colin Turkington has done the fastest lap.
22:24So Turkington on slicks, the fastest man on the circuit,
22:27as you see off with a bit of help going off the road.
22:30Ingram gets up the inside as well.
22:32Turkington tries to follow suit.
22:34So Turkington is alongside Kamish.
22:36Out wide goes Turkington.
22:37Cook gets tapped sideways.
22:39Damage on Hill's car.
22:40It's all kicked off at Druids.
22:41Oliphant goes back ahead of his teammate.
22:43He leans on Cook as they drop downhill.
22:45Turkington on the inside.
22:46Hill on the outside.
22:47Is Jake going to go round on the outside?
22:49No, he's not.
22:50This is Turkington's view.
22:51Jake Hill's all over the weeds.
22:53And a spin from Tom Oliphant as well.
22:55The run up the inside.
22:57But Kamish is fighting it out round the outside.
22:59There was a little touch with Cook and Turkington that sent him wide.
23:04Then he comes out with Oliphant in front.
23:07And then Jake Hill as well.
23:10And Turkington reads the situation just right, doesn't he, Ingram?
23:14That's Brad Philpot, the first driver to be negotiated.
23:16And Paul Rivette's car's in the way.
23:18They've just avoided.
23:19But in all of that, Kamish break harder.
23:22And Turkington has gone through right in the middle of the road.
23:25Here it is again.
23:26Look, Rivette loses it.
23:28Slides across the circuit.
23:30It goes back.
23:31That's Jack Butele avoiding it.
23:33Ash Sutton just round the outside.
23:35Now, wait for Kamish to appear on the scene.
23:38Turkington got closest to it.
23:40There he is.
23:41Look how close Turkington was.
23:42But as Kamish hit the anchors, up and past him went Turkington.
23:45Well, let's just see this from on board.
23:47Obviously, that, yeah.
23:52Now this is what happened.
23:54Hill on the inside of Cook.
23:55They get together.
23:57They both run out wide.
23:58The door is opened.
23:59Morgan goes through.
24:00Ingram goes through.
24:02And this is Dan Kamish at the inside of Adam Morgan.
24:07Clatters into the side of him.
24:08Turns him around.
24:09And that costs Adam Morgan another place.