BTCC Crashes 2012

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BTCC Crashes 2012
00:00Going around the outside of Paddinghill Bend,
00:01Newsham's had a massive moment already.
00:03Yeah, but he got off the line and Collar's looking up the inside,
00:06he's getting me some contact there, Newsham gets spun around.
00:09Can he hold it? Yes, he can.
00:10Bit of contact with Matt Neil, that could have hurt Matt Neil's car
00:13definitely as he snuck through into second.
00:15There's Alan Morgan coming into shot now.
00:17What happens on the approach to Paddock?
00:19Oh, there's some bunching there, the three of them get together,
00:22one of the motor-based sports,
00:25and he's on the inside there, he gets a bump from Schumann.
00:29Oh, no, he goes round, it was Rathel I was looking at,
00:31that was Adam Morgan out of shot.
00:33I'm sure that Geoff Smith was in the melee there.
00:37I think it was Geoff Smith, it was Adam himself
00:41and one of the motor-based sports,
00:43probably Aaron Smith that was involved.
00:45And there is Aaron Smith having another moment down at Graham Hill Bend,
00:49keeping the front planted.
00:51I'll tell you, Plato's looking to get through as well,
00:53and he might go past Newsham, but here he goes,
00:55a jig of an over, Newsham gets touched,
00:57and Plato gets wide as well.
00:59Matt Neil, no, Collard goes through!
01:01Oh, Newsham had the run going.
01:04Plato has a little bit of extra impetus,
01:06looks down the inside,
01:08but there just isn't room for three cars there.
01:10And I think it was just the fact
01:13he had a bit of extra impetus coming down straight.
01:15This is our Morgan Newsham, he gets the contact in the right rear,
01:18and he's a complete passenger.
01:19I mean, Newsham did nothing wrong there at all.
01:23Here we are.
01:24Look at the run, Plato's got a bit more speed,
01:26thinks he can get through, there just isn't room,
01:28he's on the grass on the right-hand side,
01:30so there clearly wasn't room.
01:33He's up on the inside,
01:34Plato spitting his way through to third position.
01:37A nice clean manoeuvre,
01:38Shedden and Onslow-Cole now come together.
01:41But, oh, there's...
01:44James, Chris James in 16th position,
01:47he's had a massive moment at down at Graham Hill Bend.
01:50He's ahead of his teammate, Dave Newsham gave him a tap.
01:53Oh, dear, oh, dear.
01:55That wasn't actually Newsham's fault.
01:58Fourth position, more dust being kicked up as they come...
02:01Oh, and Ollie Jackson completely loses it on the brakes
02:04up into Druids.
02:05Spinned round like a record, baby,
02:08and so is Oldsmobile.
02:09Oh, my goodness me.
02:10There's oil, there's oil down, there's oil down,
02:13there's fluid down, they've all gone off.
02:15Six cars.
02:16Six cars, six cars have gone off into Druids.
02:19Ollie Jackson was the lemming that went over the edge.
02:23Seven cars, Tony Hughes has made it into there,
02:26and that is a race stoppage.
02:28My goodness me, what in heaven's name happened there?
02:32Let's have a look, look behind.
02:36Yeah, there's already smoke there, there's already smoke.
02:38I think Rob Austin, round wide at Paddock,
02:42has dislodged an oil line or something
02:45and then dumped all the oil on the run-up to Druids.
02:48Here we go again, the correct meeting.
02:50Watch, bit of a wiggle there,
02:52car runs wide into the gravel,
02:54pulls the front end under,
02:56all the oil line comes off there.
02:58He barely manages to stop the car himself from going off,
03:02and behind him, there's carnage.
03:04Can Gordon Shedden get that third position again?
03:08Oh, the cable happened!
03:09Collar just about keeps it on the blackstone.
03:12That was absolutely fantastic.
03:14He absolutely... Oh, Jordan sideways.
03:18Little bit of contact, I think we knew,
03:19there's one of the blackstone cars off.
03:22Lee Woods got off as well,
03:24and that is that Jackson who's gone.
03:27Look at the BMW behind Matt Neil,
03:29and Plato's being hung out to dry,
03:31but he's given them just a little bit of space.
03:33Oh, and Jason Plato, the championship leader, is out!
03:38Matt Neil's up the inside, Collar tries to follow through.
03:41Now watch Plato, he lets the car run out wide,
03:43he tries to push Collar off,
03:46and ends up turning himself around the front.
03:49I think they could have given each other more room there.
03:53On board with Andrew Jordan, it's all going to unfold in front of us.
03:56They tagged once, they tagged twice.
03:58Yeah, once the cars are connected.
04:01Look, Collar's coming through, he's got on the inside,
04:04Plato doesn't want him there, touch there,
04:06then Plato tries to push him out again,
04:08and ends up turning himself across the front.
04:11So close as Collar came back across the road
04:14to get it of 17 here at Donington Park.
04:17Honda from Ford, from Honda, and we've got a spinner!
04:19Dan Welch has spun out of the last corner.
04:22One of the Vauxhalls managed to tuck past, so does Andy Neat.
04:25They were over the moon to see that Jason Plato was on pole position
04:2824 hours ago, and it's bumping one way, then the other.
04:32Neat has to look one way, then he has to look the other,
04:34and that's a big contact!
04:36Oh, and Liam Griffin touches James,
04:39he goes all the way over the gravel, and that was a quick off.
04:44Neat comes through, there's a bit of contact just there,
04:48which pushes James out, and then as he comes back onto the circuit,
04:52in fact, I mean, there was no way that was James's fault.
04:55Griffin was moving across the road, actually, at him.
04:58I mean, that's going to be Jackson!
05:01Jackson around the outside, and cold tires have caught him out immediately!
05:05And so has one of the Hondas, he goes on, and so has Nick Foster,
05:08he's in the gravel immediately as we come down Craner Curves.
05:11Who's leading? It's Newsham from Collar!
05:14From Collar, another great start from Collar.
05:16Well, though, Matt Jackson and a couple of others...
05:19Oh, more carnage on cold tires!
05:21It's Griffin and James, but they're keeping going, they're keeping going.
05:25They had an off together in the last race,
05:27who are fifth and sixth, that is Neil and Shedden,
05:31are right up in the mix as Collar goes grass-tracking.
05:34Oh, and he's going to have to struggle to get it back,
05:36and he holds his teammate up, Onslow Cole,
05:38who's gone off and he's lost all the momentum,
05:41and there's going to be even more carnage at the McLean's Corner.
05:44That is Matt Neil, the reigning champion, who gets spun out.
05:47And he's in the gravel, and he's not going to score!
05:50Replay now, this is cut, the Ozzo car goes off,
05:53there's bunching behind.
05:54Oh, oh, Jordan gets into the side of Neil
05:58as they bunch up behind Gillum,
05:59and that just sends them both spinning.
06:02Jordan manages to keep it going, Matt Neil doesn't.
06:04Having problems keeping his machine pointing in the right direction,
06:08Jason Plato lost control of his MG at the high-speed Church Corner
06:12and ended up in the woods outside the track perimeter.
06:15Unlike his arch-rival, though,
06:17Plato's unscheduled exit didn't result in a disastrous grid slot.
06:20His best time up to then was still good enough for second.
06:23And he's going to drive around the outside of Jason Plato,
06:26and somebody's had a moment!
06:28It's Andrew Jordan, the pole position man,
06:30has gone off, together with Jason Plato,
06:32and Matt Jackson leads.
06:33Well, as the three of them went into that corner of side-by-side.
06:36Now, watch as we come up to the first corner.
06:38Remember, he's got Jackson on his left.
06:41They come through, it looks like he had contact with Jackson.
06:45Oh, here we go, here we go.
06:46Oh, there was contact, there was a tiniest touch,
06:50just the tiniest little touch with Andrew Jordan,
06:52but the front-wheel drive Honda of Andrew Jordan,
06:55it just couldn't hold that slam.
06:57Oh, there's a massive crash! Liam Griffin.
06:59That's Liam Griffin, and also, has Dave Newsham got a problem?
07:03Did I see damage with Newsham?
07:04This is Griffin!
07:06Well, I was just saying about staying away from the edge of the track,
07:09and as I said it, Liam Griffin has gone in.
07:11Look, that's a hard impact.
07:14That is totally driver error, I'm afraid.
07:16He's done enough laps to see there's a lot of standing water
07:19at the chicane. This is what happened.
07:21Andrew Jordan following him, Chris James just running on.
07:24Yeah, locked up there, oh, head-on into the wall as well,
07:27but he'd left his braking very, very late there
07:30and had been defending these guys battling for third position.
07:34They have a lead over this battle of about three and a half seconds.
07:38Frank, oh, Tony makes his own mistake!
07:41No, Tony Gilliam runs off and goes headlong into the barrier.
07:46Watch the front wheels on the Honda, the green Honda.
07:49There's no contact, but he's locked up.
07:50As soon as he locks up, the car accelerates forwards
07:54and can't steer the car and just goes straight on.
07:57I caught up with Rathall after race two here today.
08:01Oh, this is Lee Wood, and there is Rob Collard.
08:03Oh, that's a big off at the final chicane,
08:06and Collard might be able to keep it going.
08:08Lee Wood bangs it down another couple of gears,
08:11and they both limp across the line.
08:13This is the battle for seventh position.
08:16You be the judge.
08:17Well, they've had contact in the braking area,
08:19which has actually fired them both off.
08:21You know, I think they were just running very close together.
08:24Fortunately, they didn't go off and hit anything.
08:27I think there's a broken tow link on the back of Collard's car,
08:31and, well...
08:32I think he's got a puncture.
08:33I think it punctured the rear left tip.
08:36Very, very odd place for it to go there, Toby, isn't it?
08:39It didn't look as if he was turning in too early.
08:43It looked like a late turn in. Who knows?
08:45But they're on the limit, you know?
08:47That is Aaron Smith with the red Ford Focus.
08:50How is he keeping that lot behind them?
08:52And he's gone down! He's gone wide!
08:54I think 45 kilos of balance.
08:57Dan Welch running zero kilos of balance.
09:00But they're both... Oh, Will Bratt goes off!
09:02Something must have broken.
09:05The way that it just speared off the racetrack there.
09:08Now, this is Andy Neath.
09:11A big puff of smoke from the exhaust, and...
09:14Could that be oil on the tyres, perhaps?
09:16It looked like something...
09:19Look at Adam Morgan, the second car.
09:22That looks to me like something broke.
09:23The way it turned to the left so suddenly
09:25before it even really got on the brakes,
09:27like something in the rear suspension maybe had let go there.
09:31It's all going off, and it will continue to.
09:33Down a bit of a bang.
09:35You can see that one coming. Edges him wide.
09:37Gets to the inside.
09:39He's going to get drive. Watch Collard.
09:40Moving across. The pair of them go off!
09:43They nearly go off, and they've lost first and second place.
09:46They're on the brakes for Cascades.
09:47Third is Griffin. Fourth is Matt Neal, I reckon that is.
09:51Ahead of Leeward already.
09:53Oh, and there's drama, and there's action, and round they go.
09:55And is that Andy Neath, who's gone round?
09:59Watching the background for the incident.
10:01Here, it's about to unfold as Morgan tangles with Brapp.
10:07And then watch poor old Andy Neath.
10:09There goes Morgan straight.
10:10That won't pass its MOT, will it, Simon?
10:13It won't indeed. It's more than a stone chip, that one, isn't it?
10:17And this is Jeff Smith thinking,
10:18I don't need any more action today.
10:20Does he hit the screen? Oh, he did!
10:22A synchronised spinning left-right.
10:25As we are riding on board with Matt Jackson behind Dave Newsham,
10:28who has yet to do his drive-through penalty.
10:31Oh, and that's going to go pitot, isn't it?
10:33That can only go wrong.
10:35Matt Jackson had to get out of the throttle.
10:37Newsham's gone backwards behind our camera car.
10:40And Griffin's gone off now.
10:42A lot of damage on the front.
10:44I think he's hit the wall on the way in there.
10:45I think you're right, Toby.
10:47Now, this could be a safety car.
10:49If it is, it's such a shame for Tom Onslow-Cole.
10:51That's a massive hit, and there's another one!
10:54And there's another big hit.
10:55He's going to go into the gravel at Lodge Corner.
10:58And now Matt Jackson has already had some trouble today.
11:01And that car is a mess.
11:04They've had a lot of work to do down there at Motorbase.
11:07Now then, here he goes.
11:08Oh, he lost it on the way in.
11:09It was his own fault.
11:10Bang! Hard into the barrier.
11:12Once and twice and round he goes.
11:16Well, that was his own accident.
11:17That's a very odd one because it's far enough into the...
11:21With the gas on.
11:23So, Jason Plato in third position.
11:26These guys, are they still racing?
11:28Yes, they are, and they're naughty
11:29because the yellow flags are out all around the circuit.
11:33He has indeed judged it very, very well.
11:35Used the good traction, as you see there.
11:37Jordan, side-by-side contact!
11:39No, he's into the wall!
11:41Collard! Collard involved.
11:43He just nudged Andrew Jordan.
11:46And Andrew, who has been on the podium twice already today.
11:49A person came running past, and it was only just.
11:51Right, now let's see what happens here.
11:55Now, Collard tagged with Andrew Jordan.
11:58Get the top three.
12:00Four, five, six.
12:01Look at these two guys side-by-side.
12:03Collard in the white BMW.
12:05Now, in Rob Collard's defence,
12:08he was a long way down the inside of Andrew Jordan there.
12:11Andrew knew he was coming through,
12:13and perhaps in hindsight,
12:15he could have given Rob a little bit more room.
12:17Now, look, you can see Andrew tapping his head going,
12:19what the hell are you doing? You're a bit nuts.
12:21But I think when you see the replay,
12:23Collard had actually gone a long way down the inside.
12:26So, now, here is James Ratt
12:30and recovering Adam Morgan.
12:32They've already tangled once,
12:34now they've tangled properly, haven't they?
12:36Well, that's got to be big damage.
12:38And Andrew Jordan takes the lead in the number 77.
12:41No, he doesn't. He's got...
12:43Oh, and there's an off!
12:44And that's Dave Newsham who's had an off.
12:46And one of the BMWs, it's Nick Foster,
12:48who's gone off as well into the field.
12:50Drama immediately.
12:52I think Newsham and Welsh got together first,
12:56and then the Newsham Vectra
12:58then went into poor old Nick Foster,
13:00who didn't have a chance.
13:01Yeah, you're right.
13:02It was a trio that started early on.
13:04Frank Rathall trying to bump and bore
13:06with Tom Onslow-Cole.
13:08Tony Gilliam goes for a spin!
13:09He's in the gravel immediately!
13:11And one of the Ford Focuses has had a moment as well.
13:14That car is Liam Griffin's off.
13:16And I think... Oh, my goodness me!
13:18That's a spectacular end to his day.
13:20The marshals are quickly on the case.
13:22There's no doubt that they're going to get that.
13:23So he's out the car, which is the most important thing.
13:26It's a tower bend, I think it is.
13:28It's a tower bend, and he's gone in there
13:30very, very hard indeed.
13:34Oh, there's two cars in there.
13:36Lee Wood's in there as well,
13:38and that's a massive off.
13:40Lee Wood is just to the right-hand side
13:42with his Vauxhall Vectra.
13:44So there were two cars going into the barrier
13:46where that Hawthorne edge is.
13:47The A4, a podium man from a couple of hours ago.
13:50On the brakes goes Matt Neil, and he hits Neat.
13:53And Neat has to get it all crossed up.
13:55Now he's dirt-tracking, he's doing a bit of rally cross.
13:58At every meeting, it's Chris James
14:00having some contact clearly at the back somewhere.
14:03Let's see where it was. Looks like Ollie Jackson.
14:05Oh, super locked up.
14:06Boom, into the back. That's quite a big hit, isn't it?
14:08Oh, Chris James had no way to go.
14:10Oh, and it was actually the second.
14:12And there's damage on the front.
14:14We had an off in qualifying, didn't we?
14:16What's going on here with this namesake?
14:18It's exactly the same corner where he went off
14:21on yesterday morning, Saturday morning.
14:23And that's a big hit.
14:24And he's ruined the suspension on both sides.
14:26You can see the front left flapping away
14:29towards that tree, the Snetterton tree.
14:31Oh, and Adam Morgan puts a wheel on the grass.
14:33And he's never going to save that.
14:35Well, that's a real shame.
14:36Adam qualified brilliantly,
14:38obviously going to be coming out.
14:40Here we go. Yes, approach to Riches.
14:42The two get into contact just in the braking area,
14:45and they go straight in there.
14:47And that's a big impact.
14:49Fortunately, going backwards for Rob Holland.
14:51So he goes up onto the tyres.
14:53Couldn't see how much damage there was
14:54on the right-hand side of the car.
14:56But here we get another view.
14:58Oh, that was lucky that Morgan's car moved out of the way
15:02before Holland went in.
15:04Otherwise, it would have been even worse.
15:05Now, we are on board with...
15:09with Jackson looking up towards...
15:12Oh, goodness me, what a carnage was going on there
15:15with Welch and Morgan being cut very section of the racetrack.
15:19Oh, touch there at Corham.
15:22That's a really difficult...
15:23Oh, and he's trying to go through the inside as well.
15:26Oh, a drive behind Shettle.
15:28Plato's pushed him off.
15:29It's one touch for another touch.
15:31And Mandeel keeps his foot in over the grass.
15:33Jason Plato's on the grass.
15:35Andrew Jordan leads the race.
15:37Far superior on the corner entry, and he's gone in.
15:40I don't think he deliberately hit the back.
15:42It's just that Plato's car was slower.
15:44It was Plato, a huge save.
15:46Matt actually does go through,
15:48which perhaps he shouldn't have done.
15:49And Plato just is right, have that, and pushes him off.
15:54And then in we go.
15:55And we were riding on board, and then touch.
15:57It's only a little nudge, that's all you need.
15:59What a save!
16:00Colin McRae would have been proud.
16:03Matt Neal was then in the lead,
16:04and Jason then touches the rear of the Honda.
16:07The pair of them went off onto the grass.
16:09This is on board with Matt Neal.
16:11Remember, he had Rathel on his inside.
16:14There was contact, and away he goes.
16:17He was trying to keep in front of Rathel,
16:19but Rathel was inside him.
16:21Let's have another look.
16:22We just missed the beginning of that.
16:23I called it live, I thought,
16:25on the perspective of the camera.
16:28This is Andy Neat going off on the last lap,
16:31out of the exit of Corham,
16:33going into Murrays, and all the muck and bullets.
16:35And Plato's off!
16:37Jason Plato is off at a second position,
16:39the man third in the championship has gone off here.
16:42We've had all sorts of action whilst we were looking.
16:44And even more is going off.
16:46That's Jeff Smith spinning out of the final corner.
16:48What happened to Frank Rathel?
16:51Look, he's come down the hill.
16:52He may have had a bit of contact from behind.
16:54That's on the run down to Scotsman.
16:57There's no engine noise at all,
16:58even when he got onto the grass, Tim.
16:59That was what's odd.
17:01Dave Newsham, he went off out of the hairpin.
17:03Smith had his own moment as well,
17:05but in the meantime, Plato had had his off as well.
17:08So we've lost four cars.
17:09There's Jason Plato.
17:10Well, exit from the chicane.
17:12You can see Plato's defending to the inside,
17:14going towards Clark.
17:15Aaron Smith on the outside.
17:17Onzo Cole goes on the inside.
17:19Plato and Aaron Smith get a little bit of contact,
17:22and Plato's beached in the gravel.
17:24Aaron Smith, Matt Jackson,
17:25the two Fords tucking into position
17:27as they plunge down hill for the first time.
17:29And there's a box all off!
17:30And there is Lee Wood off as well.
17:32It's Chris James who's gone off.
17:34Lee Wood has gone off as well.
17:35There was another car caught up in that.
17:36I didn't see who it was.
17:38Oh, and it's Dan Welch who's had a coming together again.
17:41The battle for third now taken by Matt Neil
17:43ahead of Andrew Jordan.
17:44Battle for fifth from Paul O'Neill,
17:46but Aaron Smith is pushing, pushing,
17:48and that gives an opportunity for Foster,
17:50who keeps the back of Aaron Smith,
17:51who keeps it all sideways,
17:52and that's put Gordon Shedden on the grass.
17:55Well, here's a replay. We're down at Scotsman.
17:57We're on board with Shedden,
17:58and as you can see, Aaron Smith,
18:00well, down the inside goes Foster,
18:02puts him sideways.
18:03Shedden has no choice
18:05but to take the direct route across the grass.
18:07Oh, my goodness, this car's coming at you from all angles.
18:10It's like a dogfight.
18:11Collard moves over.
18:12Andrew Jordan makes it stick.
18:14Collard goes a little bit wide,
18:16and there is one of the Vectors going on,
18:19and there's Jeff Smith avoiding the already-spun Andy Neat.
18:23Turn two, third position with Smith, with Jackson.
18:27Then we've got Matt Neil in fourth.
18:28Oh, and the lead has gone off.
18:30Adam Morgan immediately has gone off.
18:32He's keeping his foot planted.
18:33He's desperate to get back under the tarmac,
18:35and that has now meant that Aaron Smith leads the race.
18:39The Dubliner is in charge with the Ford Focus,
18:42the S2000 car.
18:45Oh, that's Matt Jackson who's gone off,
18:46who was in second position.
18:48He goes off towards Graceland,
18:50so leading is Smith, second is Matt Neil,
18:53and third is the BMW of Rob Collard
18:56as Tom Onslow-Cole goes round.
18:58How in heaven's name did everybody miss him?
19:01We'll never know.
19:02Well, I tell you what,
19:04it may be a little bit drier than it was before,
19:06but it's been... Oh, this is going to be frightening.
19:10There he comes.
19:11Spins it. Just lost it, lost it.
19:13Goes on.
19:17Where is Schedding going to come across?
19:19He's up to 14th from 19th.
19:21He's made five places already.
19:22There he is, hard on the brakes.
19:23Oh, there's Chris James, battling with the Honda Civic,
19:26and he spins on the inside of Copse Corner,
19:29and he's broken the front left wheel,
19:31so it's a whole suspension.
19:33Obviously, there's a car running wide coming through Copse.
19:36He's running up towards Beckett's now,
19:39round the left-hand kick.
19:40Oh, and he gets turned around.
19:41Must have had a car on his left-hand side.
19:43It looked like Andy Mead was spinning as well.
19:46I don't know what happened,
19:47but Andy Mead was definitely spinning at the same time,
19:50and unfortunately, he's ended up in the gravel
19:53on the left-hand side there.
19:54Poor little Adam Morgan looking down the inside.
19:59The two Toyotas touch into Brooklyn in front of the BRDC,
20:04and Frank Rathall, is he going to be able to get that thing started?
20:07He's going to be non-scoring here.
20:09He might not know it's on fire because it's on the other side.
20:11He needs to stop that car immediately.
20:13If he doesn't get that fire put out,
20:15the car won't make the last race.
20:17And now the smoke has come into the cabin,
20:20and Matt Neil's Silverstone weekend has got from bad to worse,
20:24and that is a massive moment in this year's championship.
20:29We're on the brakes, going into the complex.
20:31Matt goes round the outside, and it's got to be a touch.
20:37A touch, and round he goes, and into the barrier
20:39as they go on the approach to Luffield.
20:42As he goes through past his fellow youngster,
20:45will it manage to stick?
20:47Oh, and there's a spinner! That's Dave Newsham,
20:48and he's taken Frank Rathall off,
20:50and he's going to hit the Honda of Matt Neil if he's not careful.
20:53No, he hits the barrier.
20:54Will he be able to outbrake Matt Neil into Druids?
20:58He's going to have a go around the outside line,
21:01and that's Rob Collard who's been spun around,
21:03and he collects Will Bratt and Adam Morgan,
21:05but they push him out of the way.
21:08Touch the back of that Honda,
21:10particularly if it's Gordon Shedden,
21:11and it is as Gordon gets a little bit of opposite lock,
21:14and Dan Welch and Nick Foster and Andy Neat have gone off.
21:18Dan Welch is going to be in the gravel.
21:19He's going to have no chance of getting out of that one.
21:22Meanwhile, Aaron Smith leads.
21:23He's got all that, and Newsham's gone off.
21:25Newsham's going to hit the wall.
21:27Are they going to roll it? No, not like Nick Foster
21:29at the beginning of the year.
21:31And here's a replay. Look at it.
21:33Oh, that's a massive hit, Tim.
21:34That's an enormous hit by Adam Morgan.
21:37Let's hope he's okay.
21:38Oh, and the others were trying to avoid the incident.
21:42I mean, you can see how slippery it is.
21:44Oh, that was the start of it.
21:47That was neat. As he comes back onto the track,
21:50he spears across into Adam Morgan,
21:52fires him across the road.
21:54The others were trying to get out of the wreckage.
21:57Williamson on the left realises he's heading towards him,
22:00spins the car into Onslow Cole,
22:02who's recovering from earlier spin,
22:03and we've got carnage.
22:07Oh, no, you don't touch with your teammate.
22:09Tom gets sideways.
22:11Formation flying between the BMWs,
22:16Oh, he just got into the gravel.
22:18So eight tenths of a second quicker.
22:20This is Rob Austin.
22:22Big moment, big moment.
22:24And it's a Goodwood, Tim. That's quick.
22:28Oh, it takes forever to hit the barrier,
22:30and that's a big off.
22:32That's a big off for Rob Austin and his lot.
22:36His guys, they've got a lot...