BTCC Crashes 2004

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BTCC Crashes 2004
00:00Plato was on the attack though and trying to find a way past Dan Eaves as
00:04Sean Watson-Smith had this half spin. Here's a replay with that's on the
00:09approach to Noble that's a very high speed section they were only disputing
00:1315th place. Go for it move from Anthony Reid meanwhile this is what happened to
00:17Robb Huff a moment ago he went over the kerbs at the chicane and he's taken the
00:21front splitter off again he did a little bit of damage to that earlier on.
00:24Dirkington gets away so does McNeil from the second row of the grid and McNeil going into the space
00:29oh and there's a car in the background it's Plato and another off it's John
00:33George into the barrier on the right as we look at it and there's been a big
00:37accident McNeil has grabbed the lead of this race. Plato's already counting the
00:42cost of that accident can he get it repaired here we see it bunching at the
00:45back the BMW touching the inside of Plato's car straight across the road and
00:50a huge impact into the barrier. On board with Plato you can see he makes a poor start and all of a sudden the car's heading right and he's got no chance at all.
00:59Almost side-by-side with the MG as they head up the hill towards Druids a little bit of contact
01:03more contact Dirkington sideways in front of him oh and how did they avoid
01:07having a huge pileup I just don't know and now he's got the chance again to get
01:12along so look at the bonnet it's blown off on Collard's car my goodness how can
01:17you see where he's going well he's still going isn't he but he can only look out
01:21that bottom section but the driver sits so low in fact you can still see quite
01:25clearly and Sean Watson-Smith has gone on oh what a pity kicking up that
01:29gravel and dust that's on the exit of Paddock Hill Bend I wonder what happened
01:33there let's take another look there's Reid just ahead of Huff they go into the
01:36corner yeah he hit Watson-Smith well that was naughty I think I think in fact
01:40Anthony just failed to slow the car down enough I don't think he was trying to
01:44pass because he was running wide into the corner well Justin Keen were riding
01:47with him now but coming up he's inside I saw somebody yes it is James Kay who's
01:52come through and also there's Dan Eves coming past oh and he's been hit he's
01:56been hit Keen spins coming round onto the straight and he just misses the
02:00barrier on the inside and Harriman spins as well so Plato leads watch Anthony
02:05Reid there in the middle of the pack he's making a launch for Colin Turkington
02:09he hits his own teammate knocks him out the way and Rob Huff trying to go around
02:12the outside but Turkington does survive
02:17Carl Breeze trying to get up the inside of Turkington gives him a little bit of
02:21a push and spins Turkington who gets it recovered and pointing the right way
02:25again Paul Colin Turkington's getting practice for stunt school I think and
02:29here's another round Michael Bedwood well he won't get that out of the ground
02:32but that's just Kenneth is he going to get there oh it's a little bit of rubbing a
02:36little bit of contact oh and more contact Turkington and Kay are off on the grass
02:40back onto the tarmac just missing Kelvin Burtt well Turkington gets up the inside
02:46gets a slight overlap but slows himself down James Kay sticks his nose in and
02:50suddenly we've got a three-way overlap and it doesn't go Kay and Turkington
02:54can't stop the car on the grass yeah it might be his first meeting in one of
02:58these touring cars but he's going well but his teammates off on the grass that
03:01is this is on board with Justin Keen in the BMW and he gets hit at that point
03:06coming out big spin cars on the grass no chance James Kay just slips through
03:11he fights straight back he's coming in on the greasy line
03:16look at that he's sideways and he knocks Fuller onto the grass and he somehow gets back on again
03:21Rob Huff with Martin Muller, Anthony Lee right there as well as we saw
03:25and oh Rob Huff's got sideways completely sideways he floors the throttle tries to get back on track
03:31here they come in towards Friary look at Thompson holding a tight line
03:34reads on the grass he hits Thompson knocks him sideways and he's through
03:38and Collard still under pressure from the orange car of Matt Neil and Matt Neil
03:42goes for it on the inside into Lodge Corner little bit of contact he goes
03:45completely sideways committed to the corner very close as 50-50 really but
03:51Matt just very lucky not let's just see what happened on board with Watson Smith
03:56he was dicing with Luke Hines here there was just a little bit of contact and it
04:00was enough to put the Proton onto the grass sending him into a big big spin
04:05and that I think has shredded the front split down on the brakes they go and
04:09Huff's going to follow him through if he can and Collard's going to lose two
04:13places in one go oh no they're both off oh this could be a big hit what a shame because that had been such a great dice
04:21between these three cars this was the view from on board Turkington there was
04:26a top job break too late bounced into the back of Danny through the hairpin
04:32they come now oh and off goes Charlie Butler Henderson Butler Henderson just
04:35shooting across from one side of the track to the other not quite sure what
04:39happened let's take another look on board here the car just suddenly veers
04:42off there must have been some sort of failure there because he wasn't hit by
04:46anybody opportunity if you like
04:50Oh Dan Eves is off, Dan Eves into the gravel and just kisses the barrier and
04:55they're still side-by-side as they head up through the second corner no they're
04:58not, Bentwood's off, there was contact between him and Huff as they went through
05:03this is on board with Rob Huff he's got Bentwood just there in front of him
05:06Bentwood's leaning on him oh and he's tagged him and spun him round well that's
05:10what happened to Bentwood and he's shot off let's just take another look from on
05:13board McNeil oh he's got a hit as well though I don't know whether that was
05:18a separate incident wasn't it Tim? Yeah that was McNeil slowing down to avoid the
05:22carnage again tagged by McNeil, oh it's further carnage further on, oh the car's going absolutely
05:28everywhere in the confusion on board again with McNeil now he's going to have
05:31a go at getting past Thompson I tell you what Tim this is the third race of the
05:35day oh it's contact there as well from Anthony Rhee you can tell it's the final
05:39race of the day seeing the fact that their lead car is now in third place
05:43here comes Turkington he's attacking for the lead he hits Plato, Plato gets knocked
05:48sideways and Muller now gets alongside let's just concentrate on the battle up
05:52front Turkington Muller and Plato and the two great rivals two former
05:56champions are together and they hit each other Plato and Muller have made contact
06:00Plato's car launched briefly yeah James Kay behind Rob Collard and he's getting a
06:06bit closer goes for it down the inside hits Collard well he takes Collard off
06:10and Kay oh doesn't seem to be able to stop oh bang into the barrier on the
06:14outside there and the Yorkshireman Kay on home turf it didn't work for it
06:17no I think James got his just desserts there he's not really got an overlap
06:22running to the side of Rob and I think he's broken the left front suspension
06:26which is why the car went stop has been passed on the run down to the first
06:29corner oh where's Jason Hughes going completely different direction to the
06:33first corner to everyone else and into the corner and Hodgett is off Hodgett's
06:37in the gravel track oh it's all gone disastrously wrong for him into the
06:41first corner moving down into the first corner he's been swamped left right and
06:44center Thompson on his right he tries to come in and someone whacks him up the
06:49back turns him round one of the half of Plato defending second place from James
06:53Thompson Yvonne Muller also trying to go through as Carl Breeze so we've lost
06:57those two team short-term cars on the first lap that's what happened to
07:00Charlie Butler Henderson he tangled with James Kay
07:05oh and a bang there on the side of their Matt Neal's car I wonder if he's going
07:10to move up the order that car is looking very stable oh but he's hit
07:13Dan Eaves well he clouds the rear quarter of Dan Eaves car Dan has no chance at
07:19all well we've this is on board with Dan and he's already turning into the corner
07:23when he gets hit and absolutely a passenger there and Turkington really
07:27committed to the inside but nowhere near getting an overlap and now there's four cars all amongst each other
07:33yeah and Tom Chilton's joined out Thompson's off Thompson's been tapped by somebody
07:37can he get back on circuit I'm not sure yes yet well he might do yeah there he is
07:41here comes Colin Turkington trying the outside route once again but he's got to
07:45watch out inside yeah Anthony Reid oh no there's contact there between Chilton and
07:49Turkington Reid almost collected them it has gone out hasn't he because we know
07:52he's limping round and I think oh look at that Chilton nearly over so committed
07:58look at this again over the kerb up it went and I tell you what he did that a
08:02few times of getting past Ivan Muller he's got down the inside it's a clock he's hit him
08:06slid into him slightly there could have damaged the Vauxhall steering huff onto
08:10the grass it's about 80 90 miles an hour through there they're nudging each other
08:15Muller now trying to get up the inside oh they're pushing each other Muller goes off
08:19Muller's on the grass and Plato's got through safely and it's Thompson's got
08:24between them now but there's no space because Plato has filled the gap there
08:28and out oh there's a spinner and that's Muller oh there's Hines it's Luke Hines in trouble
08:32maybe it's a bit look at Bentwood behind them Michael Bentwood's had a brilliant
08:36start James Kay James Kay on the grass he got a tap
08:45Bentwood versus Reid for sixth place oh Thompson in the gravel there coming out
08:50of Puddin well can you believe it all the hard work done gains the positions
08:55and now he's giving it away this could be a crucial moment in the championship
08:59oh James Kay has gone straight on at the top of the hill and Matt Ivan Muller has
09:04been in this situation before with a late race restart oh and Plato sideways
09:09Matt Neil and Muller comes through Muller's on the inside and it's the Frenchman who's going to take advantage of all this
09:15Ivan Muller but he's run wide he's run wide he's in trouble that's Rob Huff in
09:20the lead Rob Huff is about to win his first ever touring car race what a
09:25fantastic it's all going now Muller's sideways again Reid is out on the grass
09:29they're all over the place they're all desperate on this last lap well that's a
09:33disaster he had a really good start here we see a replay we're coming around
09:36Corham oh and he's had a touch from James Kay got out onto the marbles
09:40absolutely no chance this is them oh and contact between Watson Smith and Stefan Hodges
09:46oh he nearly goes over that was on the approach to the bomb hole
09:49Reid will be looking to fight back yes indeed look at behind there James Kay making contact with Dan Eaves
09:55oh it all goes wrong Eaves is spun out
09:58to go straight across the grass and not realized how bumpy it is yeah he's gone
10:03straight may even have had a puncture he had damaged that left front already no
10:06the tire looks intact but that that is so bumpy that it's now up to ninth
10:10already that's a good effort but look at Luke Hines and Tom Chilton racing side
10:14by side Chilton with a chance oh no they've tangled Hines and Chilton
10:18tangled as they come into the esses there Chilton's on the grass as a result
10:22Plato very lucky to be in third place so there's contact between Thompson and
10:27Neal Neal saves it he may lose second place well and no promises and no the
10:32gloves are off here this time between Thompson and Muller's on the grass Muller's
10:36back on oh is he not gonna make the corner he's on the grass and through the
10:40gravel trying to get back on your riding with Muller Dan Eaves coming through and he's oh and a spin right in front of
10:46Thompson Thompson goes to the inside oh he just missed his team
10:52look at Dan Eaves he's hit Muller Dan Eaves has hit Ivan Muller for second and he goes
10:58through it oh and Kay now clouds Huff pretty hard and Huff's definitely in the wars
11:04well Huff had enough oversteer on his own result let's see if we can find out
11:08what happened Reed was behind him they were all going into the old hairpin on the bike
11:13it was defense there by Luke Hines down the crane of curves gone to the inside
11:18and well here we are there side by side actually Luke does his speed takes him
11:22out there he's on the brakes trying to stop the car Anthony's really got no
11:26choice because he's so close to his corner oh there's another car off that's
11:29one the GA cars it's Carl Bree sorry Gavin Piper yeah that was all looking
11:35very tricky indeed Michael Bentwood getting into the spin it was the last
11:40lap coming a little getting tight between them as they come through the
11:44chicane this time and Muller still just managing to hold him off is he just a
11:49little bit oh it's tight there as they come across the line