Liu Guang Yin Season 1 Episode 7 (English Sub)

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Liu Guang Yin Season 1 Episode 7 (English Sub)


00:00《Battle of the World》
00:19听种花 水中月 虚无缥缈 人挂念 Flowers in the sky, moon in the water, nothing but empty thoughts
00:25前路漫漫 挥一挥袖看淡 这山河万里 天阔云尖 The road ahead is long, I look back and look down, this mountain is vast, the sky is clear
00:33心不倦 光不灭 愿此生无恙 终可见 May my heart never cease, may my light never fade, may this life be eternal
00:40剑动叹笑剑 斩凶除孽 携手踏破了流年 With my sword in my hand, I cut through the darkness
00:47战沙飞浪 一曲未尽 破硝烟 The battle is raging, a song has yet to be heard
00:54风起云雨声 与你并肩 The wind rises, the rain falls, I stand by your side
00:59我愿一朝诛梦 万世诛空 天不碎人缘 I'd like to find my dream, I'd like to tear the sky into pieces
01:06心痛徒得摇曳 撞牵奔失恋 My heart aches, my love is broken
01:13跨越爱恨情劫 生死之巅 翱翔这一边 Across love, hatred, and war, I will fight to the end
01:21瞧看风起云卷 已无畏凌雨一阵 Look at the stormy clouds, there is no fear of rain
01:51真没想到 你这马骑得还不错 I didn't expect you to be a good horse rider
02:01比较有天赋吧 I'm more talented
02:12殿下 王上急召你入宫 Your Highness, His Majesty summons you to the palace
02:15何事 What's the matter?
02:17尹公公说西林使者明日就要到了 Eunuch Yin said that the messenger of West Shrine will arrive tomorrow
02:19可能是因为这个事 Maybe it's because of this
02:21这么快 之前不是说过还有两三日吗 So soon? Didn't you say it would take two or three days?
02:26王上没有料到 所以才会这么着急 His Majesty didn't expect it, so he was in such a hurry
02:32那这样 你先回府 That's it. You go back first
02:34好 Yes
02:38娘娘 Your Highness
02:41小心 Be careful
02:44走 Let's go
02:50殿下 Your Highness
02:53何事啊 What's the matter?
02:54殿下 四王子没有回府 直接去了宫里 Your Highness, the fourth prince didn't go back to his mansion. He went straight to the palace
03:02什么人 Who is it?
03:16站住 Stop
03:20站住 Stop
03:21追 Chase
03:24快点 Hurry up
03:29站住 Stop
03:30快 Hurry up
03:31追 Stop
03:33这边 This way
03:34站住 Stop
03:49这边 This way
04:20你就是个什么人 Who are you?
04:22竟敢行刺本王 How dare you assassinate me?
04:25要你管 It's none of your business
04:29那你是要付出代价的 Then you have to pay the price
04:49走 Go
04:50走 Go
04:52走 Go
05:18魔色天枭那王是不是你 Is it you who assassinated Tianxiang?
05:22魔色天枭 You are the one who assassinated Tianxiang
05:25你是韩子秦 You are Han Ziqin
05:28果然是你 It's you
05:30今夜我就要为韩子秦报仇 Tonight, I will avenge Han Ziqin
05:52走 Go
06:12你是长孙 You are Changsun
06:14不是龙颜堂皇 You are not the Dragon King
06:17算计之祸 It's a trap
06:22出个神出个神 I will kill you
06:25换你腿 in exchange for your legs
06:42殿下 Your Highness
06:43殿下 Your Highness
06:44殿下 Your Highness
06:45没事吧 殿下 Are you all right, Your Highness?
06:47没事 I'm fine
06:48殿下 Your Highness
06:49殿下 Your Highness
06:50慢 Your Highness
06:54韩子秦 Han Ziqin
06:59娘娘怎么还没回来 Why hasn't Her Highness come back yet?
07:04娘娘 Your Highness
07:05娘娘 Your Highness
07:06娘娘你受伤了 Your Highness, you are injured
07:08快扶我进去 Help me in
07:09石亮 快叫太医 Shiliang, call the doctor
07:10是 Yes
07:12石亮 不许去 Shiliang, don't go
07:14叔叔 我在 I'm here
07:15娘娘 您这腿 Your Highness, your legs
07:17你伤这么重 Are you seriously injured?
07:18叫太医真的不要紧吗 Is it really okay to call the doctor?
07:19我没事 I'm fine
07:20去打盆水来 Go get a basin of water
07:21是 Yes
07:22拿点药来 Get some medicine
07:25不许惊动其他人 Don't disturb others
07:37娘娘 Your Highness
07:38你这伤得太重了 You are seriously injured
07:40没事 I'm fine
07:41我知道有什么药 I know what medicine is
07:43可是殿下知道了怎么办 But what if His Highness finds out?
07:48你们不许告诉殿下 Don't tell His Highness
07:50是 Yes
08:06怎么样 How are you?
08:08伤势如何 How is your injury?
08:11二殿下不必惊慌 Your Highness, don't worry
08:13只是受点内伤 并未伤及腰骸 It's just a minor internal injury. It's not serious
08:19那为何如此疼痛 Why does it hurt so much?
08:21是因腹部受到重击 其内气受损而致 It's caused by a heavy blow to the abdomen
08:26可会留下病根? Will it leave a scar?
08:28只要按时服药 好生调养 便可恢复如初 As long as you take the medicine on time and take good care of yourself, you will recover
08:34只是 It's just
08:36只是什么 It's just what?
08:38只是这段时间内不可行房 否则只会让伤势加重 It's just that you can't go to bed during this period of time. Otherwise, the injury will only get worse
08:49起来 Go.
09:00管好你的嘴 老臣遵命 Keep shut up, I obey orders
09:34I'm a man of steel and iron bones, how can I be so delicate?
09:40Your Highness, have some tea.
09:50Your Highness, are your legs better?
09:55Much better.
10:01Take it away.
10:04Your Highness, how did your leg get injured?
10:12I deserve to die.
10:13I will never ask the questions I shouldn't ask again.
10:21you need to learn the skill of checking the color of red clothes.
10:26It will definitely benefit you in the future.
10:31Get up.
10:33Your Highness,
10:34if His Highness asks you how you got injured,
10:39why don't you say that you fell down by accident?
10:43If that's the case,
10:45both of you will be punished.
10:48As long as I can help you,
10:50I'm willing to be punished.
10:52Forget it.
10:54I won't let you carry this pot.
10:56I will definitely be punished by His Highness.
11:43His Highness must be very tired
11:45waiting for a whole day.
11:47This Chu Tian Ge is so ungrateful.
15:53Thank you
24:00So, I'm going to show you how it's done, and I'm going to show you how it's done.
24:42What do you think of my competition with you in literature and martial arts?
24:55When the fourth princess was elected, she didn't know anything about literature and martial arts.
24:59Now, the princess of the Feiyan is going to compete with her.
25:02How can she resist?
25:05The fourth princess, Han Ziqing,
25:09was personally conferred by my father.
25:14I don't think there is any need for any comparison anymore.
25:20The fourth prince's words are wrong.
25:25If the fourth princess of Tianque doesn't know anything about literature and martial arts,
25:31won't the world laugh at her?
25:36That's right, the fourth prince.
25:38I heard that you didn't hold a wedding ceremony.
25:42Then the fourth princess's position
25:44still needs to be accepted by the world.
25:50Your Majesty, what do you think?
25:55I think what you said makes sense.
25:58I can see that.
26:01The princess of Feiyan is totally devoted to our Beiyue.
26:08According to the rules of Tianque,
26:12the princess of Feiyan will compete with the fourth princess.
26:17The winner will be the official princess.
26:24Father, wait a minute.
26:28I'm curious about one thing.
26:31This is the family affair of our Tianque.
26:35What does it have to do with outsiders?
26:37Don't worry.
26:39Even if Ziqing loses,
26:42she will still be the second princess.
26:48She will still be with you every day.
26:51You are the prince.
26:53The overall situation is important.
26:55The overall situation is important?
26:57Didn't you give the title of the fourth princess?
27:01You just can't do it.
27:06You are the fourth prince.
27:08You have to respect others' opinion.
27:13If so,
27:15it's decided.
27:17Tomorrow morning,
27:19the princess of Feiyan and the fourth princess
27:22will compete with each other.
27:26Tomorrow's competition will be divided into literary and martial arts.
27:31Tomorrow, we will have martial arts first.
27:44Let's go.
27:56This is retribution.
27:58Han Ziqing doesn't know what she is capable of.
28:01She bumped into the princess of Feiyan.
28:06Isn't this self-insulting?
28:09If Han Ziqing loses,
28:11her marriage with the prime minister will be ruined.
28:15For us,
28:17it's a good thing.
28:21In this autumn hunt,
28:23to celebrate,
28:25I invited a very respected guest.
28:28Who is it?
28:30I have the honor to invite the world's number one zither player,
28:34the owner of Moqin Xuezheng.
28:36Moqin Xuezheng?
28:49Li Ge?
28:57Li Ge?
28:59This is Li Ge?
29:06Greetings, Your Majesty.
29:14I've heard a lot about you.
29:17I didn't expect to have the honor to invite you.
29:21It's my pleasure.
29:23Thank you, Your Majesty.
29:25Li Ge,
29:37This person looks
29:40a little strange.
29:44Very well.
29:46Tomorrow morning,
29:48I invite all of you
29:50to come to the scene
29:52to witness the beauty
29:54of the princess of Feiyan
29:56and the fourth princess consort.
30:04Thank you, Your Majesty.
30:17Your Highness, it's so late. Where are you going?
30:20I just ate. I'm going for a walk.
30:23Your Highness,
30:25what are you going to do about tomorrow's competition?
30:28What do you mean, what I'm going to do?
30:30I'll just do what I should do.
30:32Your Highness, are you going to give up?
30:35What else?
30:37For the sake of an official title,
30:39I'll break my head?
30:41Your Highness,
30:43Concubine Lin has been a burden to me for many years.
30:45She is like a thorn in my side.
30:47Yesterday, Brother Chu Tian
30:49gave the fourth prince a hard time at the gate.
30:51I can't stand it.
30:54I didn't expect
30:56you to be so worried about the country and the people.
30:58Although Concubine Chu is known as the rose of the grassland of Xiling,
31:01her martial arts are quite high.
31:03But Your Highness is not a vegetarian.
31:07What do you mean?
31:09Your Highness,
31:11I know you haven't recovered from your leg injury.
31:13But this competition is very important.
31:16Think about it.
31:18If you lose to Concubine Chu
31:20and let her successfully marry into the royal family
31:22and become a concubine,
31:24then she will be in charge of everything here in the future.
31:26According to the rules,
31:28we will all be her slaves in the future.
31:30Your Highness,
31:32are you willing to make a Xiling woman a slave?
31:34I have to be a slave too?
31:37Your Highness is such a noble person.
31:39Are you willing to put up with it?
31:43Are you making fun of me?
31:46I'm just telling the truth.
31:51I haven't got the dagger yet.
31:53I really can't let this Concubine Chu
31:55marry into my family and cause me trouble.
31:59All right, don't follow me.
32:01I'll walk by myself.
32:10What should I do?
32:15Your Highness.
32:17You scared me.
32:19His Highness is reading the military report.
32:21I'll just walk around.
32:23I won't disturb him.
32:25Your Highness,
32:27I hope you will succeed in tomorrow's competition.
32:33You also hope that I can win?
32:35Of course.
32:39Xiling and the Fourth Prince's Manor are married.
32:41The power of the Fourth Prince's Manor will increase.
32:45It should be beneficial
32:47to your Fourth Prince.
32:49Don't you want
32:51Concubine Chu to marry into your family?
32:53Your Highness,
32:55you only know one thing,
32:57but you don't know the other.
32:59Tell me.
33:01Xiling has always wanted to use Tian Que's
33:03territory to attack Dongling.
33:05Tian Que's territory is also our territory.
33:07If we let Xiling build it,
33:09will it be easy to return?
33:11If we marry with Xiling,
33:13will we be able to build
33:15this territory or not?
33:19Xiling uses Concubine Chu
33:21to exchange Tian Que's territory?
33:25This is a good deal.
33:27No wonder that guy
33:29is reluctant.
33:31But His Majesty is willing.
33:33We can not only ensure
33:35Tian Que's safety,
33:37but also take some of
33:39His Highness' territory.
33:41His Majesty can't refuse.
33:47even if it's for the sake of His Highness,
33:49please do your best
33:51and don't let Xiling succeed.
33:53I understand His Highness.
33:55He won't yield to Xiling
33:57and won't marry Concubine Chu.
33:59Last time when I entered the palace,
34:01I saw His Majesty
34:03trying to
34:05force a marriage.
34:09I didn't expect
34:11His Majesty to be so helpless.
34:25Are you kidding me?
34:31This bitch
34:33wants to burn me.
34:37How did you
34:39make a deal?
34:41I did
34:43what Mr. Shen did.
34:45I happened to
34:47go to Guose Tianxia.
34:49He was sure
34:53that I was the one
34:55who cleared his name.
34:57I will handle
34:59this matter myself.
35:01It won't affect
35:03our cooperation.
35:05You are
35:07the No. 1 Qin Envoy in the world.
35:09You travel to many countries
35:11and have the military information
35:13of each country.
35:15You are very useful
35:17to me.
35:23Don't let me down.
35:26You help me
35:28to be the Crown Prince.
35:30After that,
35:32I will enjoy a luxurious life
35:34and have as much as I want.
35:43Concubine Chu and Han Ziqing
35:45will have a horse race.
35:47You should go there
35:49and check
35:51the bottom of the Death Mansion.
36:22Your Highness.
36:24Hurry up.
36:30Your Majesty.
36:32Your Highness.
36:33Leave us.
36:35Why does he come here?
36:55Your Highness.
36:57Why don't you go back to Dongyuan?
37:00Do you want to drive me away?
37:04Isn't it obvious
37:06what I mean?
37:15Whether it is Dongyuan or Xiyuan,
37:17this is my home.
37:19Where do you want me to go?
37:25Your Highness.
37:37if you don't want to compete with me,
37:39tell my father
37:41to admit defeat.
37:49If I admit defeat,
37:51will you
37:53marry Concubine Chu?
38:01You don't want to marry her,
38:03do you?
38:07Of course not.
38:13But now,
38:18I can't break my promise.
38:22You don't have to disobey my order.
38:24I will win.
38:26You will win?
38:28You don't even know martial arts.
38:30How can you win?
38:31You don't have to worry about it.
38:33But Your Highness,
38:35can you promise me one thing?
38:37What is it?
38:38If I win,
38:40don't give it to me.
38:45I don't want it.
38:47I know
38:48it is a relic left by your mother.
38:50Just let me take a look at it.
38:58I promise you.
39:00Thank you, Your Highness.
39:12Your Highness,
39:14why don't you go back and rest?
39:21You don't want me
39:23to stay with you?
39:27Even if you want to keep me,
39:29I don't have time to stay with you.
39:35You have a competition tomorrow.
39:37Go to bed early.
39:41Good night, Your Highness.
39:45Good night?
39:47I mean
39:49go to bed early.
39:51You really talk nonsense every day.
39:57Good night.
40:13According to the law of nature,
40:16the first is the warrior,
40:18and the second is the scholar.
40:20The warrior is classified into
40:22Qi and He,
40:23and the scholar is classified into Yi and Chang.
40:25Do all the distinguished guests
40:41Your Majesty.
40:47I want to add one more bargaining chip.
40:52Princess Feiyan's bargaining chip
40:54will definitely not be small.
40:56Tell me about it.
40:58If I lose,
41:00Xiling will give
41:0210,000 bolts of grain to Tianque.
41:05Oh, my goodness.
41:09offers hundreds of bolts of grain every year.
41:11That's a great deal.
41:13That's a great deal.
41:15It suddenly
41:17increases to 10,000 bolts of grain.
41:20That's a big deal.
41:24It is said that
41:26the one who gets Chu Feiyan
41:28will get half of Xiling's territory.
41:30It's true that
41:31it's hard to predict the future.
41:35If you don't marry this princess,
41:37you will lose.
41:40Princess Feiyan
41:42Princess Feiyan
41:44has such a big arm.
41:46I think
41:48you have a bargaining chip to deal with.
41:50We can't be indifferent, can we?
41:55If Princess Feiyan
41:59what do you want?
42:03I want her hands.
42:06Princess Feiyan
42:08dares to ask for her hands.
42:10It's so cruel.
42:15In fact,
42:17I think Princess Feiyan
42:19has a bargaining chip to deal with.
42:23Don't you dare?
42:28It's not that I don't dare,
42:32but I don't want to.
42:36What else can she do?
42:51Thank you, Your Highness.
42:59I'm willing to bet with you.
43:05Princess Feiyan
43:07Since you took the initiative
43:09to add a bargaining chip just now,
43:11I can't take advantage of you.
43:13How about this?
43:15I'll add a chip, too.
43:17I don't know
43:19if you dare to take it.
43:23You are a concubine.
43:25What capital do you have
43:27to fight with me for a bargaining chip?
43:29If I lose,
43:31I'll give you my legs.
43:43How much are your legs worth?
43:45Why do I want your legs?
43:47Then you want my hands.
43:49Isn't it ridiculous, too?
43:53What are you trying to say?
43:57If the princess loses,
43:59the West Shrine Army
44:01is not allowed to enter the Three Realms
44:03and will never return.
44:23What do you want to do?
44:25What do you want to do?
44:31Princess Feiyan
44:39Princess Feiyan
44:41Do you dare
44:43to take this bet?
44:56Your Highness
45:00If the princess doesn't dare to take it,
45:03don't you dare to take it, either?
45:05Who says I don't dare?
45:11If you win the bet,
45:13I'll agree to your terms.
45:19Your Highness
45:23Your Highness
45:25Let's start.
45:31The game starts now.
45:33Let's start.
45:39Princess Feiyan
45:41Your Highness
45:43Princess Feiyan
45:45is used to being a bully.
45:47She's not tall,
45:49but she's strong.
45:51Although her legs are short,
45:53she's strong.
45:55She's a good horse.
45:57Your Highness
46:03She's a good horse.
46:07Second Brother
46:09That's my fourth brother's favorite horse.
46:11He never lets others touch it.
46:13I didn't expect
46:15Han Ziqing to be the loser.
46:19He still remembers you.
46:29Are you sure you want to take the bet?
46:31Of course.
46:33I want to protect the Three Realms for Your Highness.
46:39Don't worry.
46:41Since you've decided to take the bet,
46:43even if we lose,
46:45I'll protect you.
46:53Thank you, Your Highness.
46:55I'll do my best.
46:59Do we have to wait until the sun sets?
47:03Be careful.
47:13Master, can this horse ride?
47:17It seems that the fourth brother
47:19is so good to the fourth princess.
47:21He gave the fourth princess
47:23his favorite horse.
47:51Your Highness
47:53is so good to the princess.
47:55She's following you.
49:17Are you hurt?
49:55I knew that Your Highness would win.
50:01I'm so nervous.
50:41I think there's no need to compete anymore.
50:57Chu Fei Ye is definitely going to win.
51:01Now, let's see how Han Zi Qing is going to ask His Majesty for help.
51:06What else is there to ask?
51:08He can't even protect himself.
51:10He can only die to atone for his sins.
51:40I'm sorry.
51:42I'm sorry.
51:44I'm sorry.
51:46I'm sorry.
51:48I'm sorry.
51:50I'm sorry.
51:52I'm sorry.
51:54I'm sorry.
51:56I'm sorry.
51:58I'm sorry.
52:00I'm sorry.
52:02I'm sorry.
52:04I'm sorry.
52:06I'm sorry.
52:08I'm sorry.
52:10I'm sorry.
52:12I'm sorry.
52:14I'm sorry.
52:16I'm sorry.
52:18I'm sorry.
52:20I'm sorry.
52:22I'm sorry.
52:24I'm sorry.
52:26I'm sorry.
52:28I'm sorry.
52:30I'm sorry.
52:32I'm sorry.
52:34I'm sorry.
52:36I'm sorry.
52:38I'm sorry.
52:40I'm sorry.
52:42I'm sorry.
52:44I'm sorry.
52:46I'm sorry.
52:48I'm sorry.
52:50I'm sorry.
52:52I'm sorry.
52:54I'm sorry.
52:56I'm sorry.
52:58I'm sorry.
53:00I'm sorry.
53:02I'm sorry.
53:04I'm sorry.
53:06I'm sorry.
53:08I'm sorry.
53:10I'm sorry.
53:12I'm sorry.
53:14I'm sorry.
53:16I'm sorry.
53:18I'm sorry.
53:20I'm sorry.
53:22I'm sorry.
53:24I'm sorry.
53:26I'm sorry.
53:28I'm sorry.
53:30I'm sorry.
53:32I'm sorry.
53:34I'm sorry.
53:36I'm sorry.
53:38I'm sorry.
53:40I'm sorry.
53:42I'm sorry.
53:44I'm sorry.
53:46I'm sorry.
53:48I'm sorry.
53:50I'm sorry.
53:52I'm sorry.
53:54I'm sorry.
53:56I'm sorry.
53:58I'm sorry.
54:00I'm sorry.
54:02I'm sorry.
54:04I'm sorry.
54:06I'm sorry.
54:08I'm sorry.
54:10I'm sorry.
54:12I'm sorry.
54:14I'm sorry.
54:16I'm sorry.
54:18I'm sorry.
54:20I'm sorry.
54:22I'm sorry.
54:24I'm sorry.
54:26I'm sorry.
54:28I'm sorry.
54:30I'm sorry.
54:32I'm sorry.
54:34I'm sorry.
54:36I'm sorry.
54:38I'm sorry.
54:40I'm sorry.
54:42I'm sorry.
54:44I'm sorry.
54:46I'm sorry.
54:48I'm sorry.
54:50I'm sorry.
54:52I'm sorry.
54:54I'm sorry.
