• last year
(Adnkronos) - Gli eventi avranno luogo rispettivamente il 28 e 29 settembre presso l’Istituto Paracelso e il 10 ottobre presso l’ospedale Sant’Andrea che fa capo all’università Sapienza.

Perché come sottolineano gli esperti, è ormai riconosciuto che medicina convenzionale e tradizionale cinese possono integrarsi


00:00The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, strong over 3,000 years of experience, is now recognized all over the world.
00:14In Italy, in 1982, the Court of Cassazione confirmed its validity as a medical act, and the following year, the State-Regional Conference of February 7,
00:24declared that it is a system of diagnosis, care and prevention that supports conventional medicine.
00:30The reason is that twenty years ago, Professor Paolo Arbarello, Director of the Department and Department of Legal Medicine of the University of Sapienza in Rome,
00:40who took care of the medical-legal profiles of acupuncture, of professional responsibility, also supporting the validity and utility of traditional Chinese medicine,
00:51to give life in convention with the Paracelso Institute to a master of Chinese acupuncture, which was immediately a great success and which has now spread to the University of Torvergata.
01:03There is a very, very important integration between the principles of Western medicine and the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.
01:16As demonstrated by the masters that we have activated, because this also corresponds to an extremely growing demand in Western countries for the performance of traditional Chinese medicine.
01:32Among other things, for chronic abdominal pathologies, there is a perfect integration between the two medicines,
01:42because the diagnosis is made on the basis of the criteria of traditional medicine and the therapy is with great success faced with acupuncture.
01:53A system that, however, is constantly evolving, as demonstrated by abdominal acupuncture,
01:57an absolutely innovative method in acupuncture clinical practice, of which Professor Aldo Liguori,
02:03Vice President of the World Federation of Acupuncture Associations,
02:07ONG of the World Health Organization, was nominated by the Chinese Competent Institute, representative in Europe and teacher.
02:15Based on the ancient theory of the method of effective tartaruga, this type of acupuncture is similar but not the same in practice to the classic one.
02:23It is a safe and easy learning method that produces effects of remarkable relief,
02:29intervening both in the antalgic field, on pain, and functional on various pathologies, osteoarticular, psychiatric, cerebrovascular and neurological.
02:38Thanks to the cooperation of eight national associations, a path has been opened to learn abdominal acupuncture,
02:49which is a system of acupuncture very close to the formamentis of the modern medicine doctor,
02:56because it uses the same diagnosis of modern medicine and well-defined protocols for diseases.
03:02These paths have been illustrated throughout Italy, the last occasion will be in Rome on September 28-29,
03:11and Professor Bo Ziyun, who invented this method, famous throughout China and also in the world,
03:19will be in Rome and will present a brief synthesis of abdominal acupuncture
03:27and will make a demonstration at the Sant'Andrea Hospital of the Second University of Science,
03:33on Tuesday, October 10, at 2.14 pm.
03:38In 2002, the National Federation of Medical Orders also made the principle
03:43according to which the practice of Chinese acupuncture is a medical act in all respects,
03:47which has certainly facilitated the knowledge and dissemination.
03:51There is a growing interest in people towards traditional Chinese medicine,
03:56both for preventive purposes and for curative purposes.
04:00Fundamentally, people understand that health is also linked to the components of movement,
04:06nutrition and behavior, and therefore women are particularly approaching.
04:13They have been a great driver of this phenomenon.
04:16Even basic doctors have given great help because they have realized the validity of these techniques
04:23and therefore, when the request of people has been carried out in search of these methods,
04:29they have advised, and we say that the use is growing,
04:36also because then in public ambulatories there begin to be presidios,
04:42such as at Sant'Andrea, where there will be the meeting with Professor Bo Ziyun,
04:48there is an ambulatory of acupuncture, as well as in other Roman and national situations.
