A young wolf journeys alone, determined to survive in a man-ruled world.
Explore diverse ecosystems, witness the behavior of magnificent creatures, and gain insight into conservation efforts around the globe.
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• Wildlife is suffering.
Wildlife on planet Earth is under siege from all sides, facing down habitat loss and the impact of climate change. Some of the biggest threats to wildlife include illegal wildlife trade, habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, and climate change.
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Explore diverse ecosystems, witness the behavior of magnificent creatures, and gain insight into conservation efforts around the globe.
Whether you're a nature enthusiast or simply curious about the wonders of wildlife, these expertly crafted documentaries promise to educate, inspire, and entertain.
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Animals, Wild animals, Wildlife, Nature, Documentary, Wildlife documentary, Nature documentary, Free documentary, Documentaries, Wildlife documentaries, Nature documentaries, Nature documentary in English, Wildlife documentary in English 4k, Wild animals documentary, Documentary in English, Wild cat documentary, Wild africa documentary, Wild documentary, Wildlife documentary netflix, African animal documentaries, African wildlife documentary, Animal documentary, Discovery channel, Discovery, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, NatGeo, National geographic nature documentaries, Nat geo, National geographic, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Shark, Panda, Dolphin, Crocodile, Giraffe, Penguin, Wolf, Parrot, Eagle, Horse, Snake, Leopard, Zebra, Kangaroo, Bear, Koala, Owl, Cheetah, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Hippopotamus, Rhino, Orca (Killer Whale), Octopus, Bald Eagle, Flamingo, Raccoon, Sloth, Bat, Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear, Komodo Dragon, Python, Cobra, Iguana, Tortoise, Gecko, Monitor Lizard, Peacock, Toucan, Falcon, Hummingbird, Pelican, Jellyfish, Snow Leopard, Free documentary Nature, Wildlife Telecast English, 4k ultra hd
• Wildlife is suffering.
Wildlife on planet Earth is under siege from all sides, facing down habitat loss and the impact of climate change. Some of the biggest threats to wildlife include illegal wildlife trade, habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, and climate change.
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00:00Nothing here in the forest suggests that today is the day.
00:16There is no sign of the trouble brewing.
00:24And the wolf with golden eyes, does he know what's to come?
00:31The pack scours the undergrowth, where it's been camped out for a few days.
00:38They look for treats to tide them over until the next hunt, some dormice or voles.
00:46The wolf with golden eyes is two years old.
00:51He was born into this pack and grew up with it.
00:55But this morning he decides that it's time to make a big move.
01:01He approaches the remains of yesterday's meal, casually.
01:07And ignores the leader of the pack, the alpha male with the black mask.
01:13He helps himself first, breaking protocol.
01:18Only the alpha male decides when the pack may eat.
01:24His subordinates intervene, but it's up to him to settle the score.
01:31The wolf with golden eyes is two years old.
01:35He was born into this pack and grew up with it.
01:39But it's up to him to settle the score.
01:43Now it's black mask versus golden eyes.
02:03The young wolf lowers his tail.
02:06He gambled and lost.
02:11By challenging the alpha this way, he was making it known that he was a worthy replacement.
02:18But from now on, it's exile for him.
02:23Returning would be a death sentence.
02:30Here in the forest, a chapter is closing.
02:33But another is already taking shape.
02:44It's the story of the wolf with golden eyes, Slava.
02:50A lone wolf seeking a new pack.
02:54He will cross all of Europe, from Romania all the way to Spain.
02:58But what will this amazing journey cost him?
03:04If he is left alone, he will die.
03:08Will he be accepted by another pack?
03:15And how will he forge a path between the two deeply clashing worlds?
03:20Civilization on one side and wildlife on the other.
03:27Who will his enemies be?
03:36And who will listen to his call?
03:43The call to peace between the two worlds.
03:47The call to peace between nature and mankind.
03:57The call brought to us by Slava, the wolf with golden eyes.
04:05Now he's determined to make it on his own.
04:11Slava is what scientists call a disperser.
04:16Dispersion is that powerful urge driving certain young to abandon their groups.
04:27When it's time for Slava to leave, he does so instinctively, without knowing why.
04:36Science explains it simply.
04:39Dispersion prevents inbreeding within wolf packs.
04:42It permits motivated youngsters to gain an inconceivable privilege.
04:48One that only alpha wolves possess.
04:51The right to reproduce.
05:00Slava was born in a Romanian forest, near Brasov.
05:05For young wolves, leaving the pack is a dangerous gamble.
05:10Most dispersers die in exile.
05:16A fact Slava is unaware of.
05:20His only concern of the day are the odors here.
05:24Because wolves use their finely honed sense of smell to track their prey.
05:29Despite his hunger pangs, he's put off by the badger's stench.
05:40Slava is a man of few words.
05:43He's a man of few words.
05:46He's a man of few words.
05:49He's a man of few words.
05:51Despite his hunger pangs, he's put off by the badger's stench.
05:58It's a definite no to this meal.
06:11With 40 times more olfactory neurons than we have,
06:15his sense of smell is so acute that he can read the forest like an open book.
06:22Slava catches a whiff of a vole that was here within the hour.
06:40Strange path.
06:42Unusual odor.
06:51Even the sounds are different.
06:55What to make of this peculiar forest?
07:03Far too much racket, Slava has never heard such a noisy animal.
07:14Five days on the trail and 200 kilometers lie between him and his former pack.
07:22He's now entering unknown territory.
07:26But his needs are the same. Hunt and eat.
07:31Slava has eaten nothing since his departure.
07:41Upwind is a doe that would typically take a group to bring down.
07:52Slava is alone, but he's famished.
07:59So, he'll take his chances.
08:30Who is this predator so powerful that it can fell its prey with a single blow,
08:36but won't take it with him?
08:48He hasn't a clue.
08:49But Slava flees this blaring beast with fear in his belly.
09:00It's a belly far too empty for a carnivore in need of calories.
09:17Today, Slava still hasn't secured the two kilos of meat he needs daily to survive.
09:39The young wolf is exhausted.
09:45He sleeps to conserve energy.
09:57Summer ends and autumn leaves fall.
10:09And Slava is still here.
10:22How has he survived six months on the highways of Romania?
10:32He's discovered a bit about this strange new world.
10:42A bizarre place where birds don't fly.
10:59No longer on home turf, he's learned how to raid others to feed himself.
11:08So far he's been lucky enough to avoid those he's stealing from.
11:25This morning, Slava is leaving the Romanian forest.
11:37Today he heads down to the plains.
11:41It's his first encounter with creatures that exhibit some strange behavior.
11:56Slava is puzzled.
11:59The wild prey that evolved with wolves bolt when they see predators.
12:06But these are apparently docile animals, domesticated by another creature unknown to Slava.
12:15One that walks upright.
12:27Reflected in their eyes are thousands of years of conflict and innate mutual fear.
12:41Slava is out of there.
12:48In today's Romania, a wolf's presence may be unwelcome.
12:53But it's no big deal.
12:58Little by little, Slava learns about life here on the plains.
13:08Like all wolves, Slava is an opportunist.
13:12To survive, he'll overcome even his deepest fears.
13:17Though maybe not during the day.
13:22Nighttime is wiser.
13:31Hungry wolves won't hesitate to become scavengers.
13:36Their flexible behavior has enabled them to survive even the toughest times of their evolutionary history.
13:46As a true opportunist, Slava therefore managed to survive.
13:51And here he comes, to the Danube.
14:07During his exile, the young wolf has traveled more than 500 kilometers
14:12and has now arrived at the Serbian border.
14:20He finds a bridge and crosses the big river.
14:36And he finds himself in a place where he can breathe.
14:50Slava has happened upon a Serbian nature reserve.
15:01And here, there are scents he knows by heart.
15:06In the underbrush, at last, a wolf pack.
15:11After everything he's been through, Slava has become humbler, ready to submit to authority.
15:20He spots the alpha male.
15:28Slava's posture says, he's not trying to take his place, he just wants to be a part of the clan.
15:48Request denied.
16:02There's enough food here to feed the pack, but not to share with even one more wolf.
16:20Slava sets out to storm the mountains of Serbia.
16:24Still very much alive, at least for now.
16:31Because braving the winter alone is a nearly impossible feat.
16:56The vibrations in the ground are hard to ignore.
17:01It's someone's unlucky day.
17:20But this morning, a chance encounter will change everything.
17:27A crow, hidden nearby, cawing loudly.
17:34Slava finally decides to see what all the cawing is about.
17:41It's a bunch of crows.
17:44Feasting on a meal a whole lot heartier than rodents.
17:51A wild boar.
17:54Enough food to help Slava create energy reserves for the winter.
18:10A number of studies have shown that wolves and crows can indeed work together.
18:21And this crow is clearly inviting Slava to become his partner.
18:27With his bird's eye view, he can guide Slava to prey he can't kill himself.
18:33But on which he can dine once the wolf has done his job.
18:38Slava is no longer alone.
18:47He howls with delight.
18:49There too can be a pack, even if it's fanged and feathered.
18:59He invites the crow to share his territory, which he marks with urine and with his personal signature.
19:06The pheromones he disperses through the scent glands between the toes of his feet.
19:29But the beginning of any relationship is a balancing act.
19:33They have to get to know each other.
19:38The crow tests Slava, leading him to his favourite prey.
19:44A stag.
19:54But Slava's not the brash youngster he once was.
19:58The deer's enormous antlers could kill him.
20:07Find something smaller, please.
20:25From his new perch, the crow points Slava toward more accessible prey.
20:37What a mouth-watering sight.
20:40Slava knows that this time, he's got this.
21:45For a while, the lone wolf seems to enjoy life, now that he's in good company.
21:57But after a few weeks, he realises that what he's really missing is the company of wolves.
22:20Through the end of winter, he's on the move.
22:23Through nine, ten and finally eleven months of exile.
22:28Making his way through nature reserves, up mountains and across forests, he arrives in Croatia.
22:36He's already logged more than 1,000 kilometres.
22:42From Croatia, it's another 200 kilometres to Slovenia.
22:48Next, it's on to Austria.
23:02And finally, Italy.
23:05400 more.
23:07At the end of spring, Slava arrives on the banks of Europe's last wild river, the Tagliamento.
23:17And there, at last, another wolf.
23:28Well, not just any wolf.
23:33It's a female, all alone, without a pack, just like him.
24:22He's careful not to look her in the eye.
24:26Wolves consider direct eye contact a sign of aggression.
24:44On the other hand, there's no harm in showing off their fishing skills and bonding over a tasty meal.
25:31This is how the king of the whorl hunters will court the queen of the trout fishers.
26:25This is what Slava has been longing for.
26:33The joyful howls are all about togetherness.
26:37Not only has he found his wolf pack, but also his mate.
26:52Like all wolves, Slava will mate for life.
27:01But the riverbanks are no place for a wolf.
27:05He must move on, again.
27:09Because wolves thrive best in the forest.
27:21And now Slava has backup.
27:24Convincing others to seed the fruits of their labors is much easier as a team.
27:36The bear tries to salvage what he can, but finally gives up.
28:01Slava is still in battle mode.
28:21The adrenaline rush will soon subside.
28:25But at a primal level, something inside him has awakened, and he's changing.
28:37It's pure instinct that impels him to take the lead, guiding his mate toward the Alps.
28:48Together they cross Italy.
28:53They carry within a drive that all wolves share, to conquer new territories.
29:03They follow a path Italian wolves used more than 20 years ago to travel to France, where
29:09their species would disappear.
29:15And now, Slava and his mate have also crossed the border.
29:31Something has changed in Slava.
29:49He's now the one protecting his pack, deciding where to go, when to move on, who to hunt.
30:00Slava has become an alpha male.
30:17As several studies show, all wolves, including Slava and his mate, prefer wild over domesticated
30:25The kind of prey they can chase just like their ancestors did.
30:38Hopefully enough wild prey still survive.
30:44So wolves won't have to fall back on domestic prey.
30:52It goes without saying that a shepherd who loves his animals will do anything to protect
31:22But that night, he looked into the wolf's golden eyes, a look that made him believe
31:31that if there's a will, there'll be a way for creatures to live in harmony one day.
31:45The resurgence of wolves can be catastrophic for small farmers.
31:55For Slava and his mate, so is going without food.
32:11The wolves continue to travel the Alps, searching for a home full of wild prey.
32:20This nature reserve seems perfect.
32:26But apparently, it's already occupied by a wolf pack with a litter.
32:37There's ample prey here.
32:39Without it, the alpha male and his mate would never have produced cubs.
32:48But are they willing to share with two more wolves?
33:10Slava is an untested leader.
33:14The other seems more battle-hardened.
33:21Slava is losing ground.
33:27Even though he knows the drill, expose your fangs the better to ward off intruders.
33:45But other trespassers are coming.
34:07The pack scatters.
34:12The alpha male heads straight for the hunters.
34:20Slava and his mate take off in the opposite direction.
34:24It's not their job to protect this litter.
34:32A very young wolf with his tail tucked low has followed them.
34:38Slava doesn't know him, but he understands what he wants.
34:44To join a pack, just like he wanted to more than a year ago.
34:54But will this wolf be a threat?
35:15The youngster crouches low to show his submission.
35:28All he wants is to be part of Slava's pack.
35:42And Slava accepts him.
36:13Wolves howl together to declare their solidarity and to identify every voice.
36:21They howl to let other packs know that they're strong, now that they are three.
36:37And as three, they can make the forest come alive with the sounds of their joyful stampede.
36:50It's the kind of music that celebrates an untamed world.
37:20Of course, some wouldn't mind if wolves disappeared for good.
37:44Aside from hunters, there's nothing much here to interfere with the cushy lifestyle of wild boars.
37:51Their daily ablutions, spa baths, and massage therapy.
38:01This one takes a while to grasp that there's trouble in paradise.
38:31The deadly bite is so violent that prey sometimes die of cardiac arrest.
38:57The wolves howl to make sure no other pack has already claimed this territory.
39:25No one howls back.
39:33But they must move on again.
39:36Here in France, when breeders report losses due to wolves, the law permits them to kill 40 of them.
39:46But where to go now?
39:55And how to get there?
40:08Beyond the meadows, where men guard flocks of sheep, there are other fences for a different kind of herd.
40:30Slava leads his pack.
40:36His newest recruit is terrified.
40:46But Slava's not leaving anyone behind.
41:06The band of three manages to reach Mercantur National Park.
41:20Throughout his journey, Slava has navigated two vastly opposing worlds.
41:31Slava reserves, on one hand.
41:36And on the other, a land choked by industrial development.
42:01A year after leaving Romania, Slava reaches Fos-su-Mer.
42:11From there, he'll arrive at the Camargue.
42:31Little by little, like other wolves, Slava is reclaiming land from which he was once banished by man.
42:4715,000 wolves now live in Europe.
42:53Their very existence a symbol of wildlife's resilience.
42:59Slava himself is living proof.
43:05The three wolves could easily bring down a bull.
43:11But not if anyone here can help it.
43:17Slava could be stopped by dogs, or electric fences, or holding pens.
43:23But he's not alone.
43:29Slava could be stopped by dogs, or electric fences, or holding pens.
43:35Or by these wranglers.
43:47Slava's journey shows that it's possible to protect ourselves from wolves without killing them.
43:59But accidents happen.
44:05It's the end of the road for the young male wolf.
44:11Eighty percent of wolves in dispersion die as a result of human activity.
44:17And that's not all.
44:23Slava finally finds a way out.
44:29He reaches the Pyrenees.
44:33He follows the mountain ridge until he reaches Spain.
44:40It's here, in the Cantabrian mountains, that Slava would finally make his home.
44:46Slava probably settled in Spain for the first time.
44:52But he didn't live to see it.
44:58He didn't live to see it.
45:04He didn't live to see it.
45:10Slava probably settled in Spain because game was abundant.
45:16And humans and wildlife there found ways to coexist.
45:32Some sheep farmers now opt for smaller flocks.
45:38Easier to keep an eye on.
45:52Here, and elsewhere in the world, there are human beings who see the wisdom of sharing our common space.
46:00In the forest, life is flourishing.
46:14Slava and his maid have had their first litter.
46:21When they're grown, some of their young will stay with a pack
46:27and help them raise the next litter.
46:33Others will be fearless enough to seek the right to reproduce.
46:39And one day, like Slava, they'll risk it all and break away.
46:45Who knows? Maybe one day, his descendants will follow the opposite path.
46:51Their instinct could push them to leave Spain and explore Italy.
46:57Or maybe even Romania.
47:07In any case, for humans, it's time to leave.
47:11In any case, for humans and wildlife to live in harmony,
47:17a world of new ambassadors is here.
47:21All thanks to the wolf with golden eyes.
47:41Thank you for watching!