• 2 months ago


00:11Buenos días.
00:13Buenos días.
00:19Mateo, yo...
00:21Yo no es que te quiera echar ni mucho menos, ¿eh?
00:24Pero es que normalmente cuando Fina duerme en casa de su padre
00:27pasa por aquí a cambiarse de ropa.
00:34Sí, estoy enseguida.
00:36Bueno, tranquilo, ¿eh?
00:39¿Por qué no me has despertado antes, Claudia?
00:41No te preocupe.
00:44Es que ojalá que no te tuviera aquí nunca, Mateo.
00:48No me lo pongas más difícil, Claudia, por favor.
00:52Un siervo de Dios no debería estar en esta situación.
00:55Vistiéndose a toda prisa para no ser descubierto.
00:59Para no ser descubierto con una mujer soltera y embarazada.
01:03La verdad es que somos un buen cuadro, Mateo.
01:07Ándate prisa que no quiero que los operarios
01:09vuelvan a hacer ningún comentario sobre mí.
01:11Claudia, yo no voy a permitir que hagan más comentarios sobre ti, ¿eh?
01:20Claudia, ¿qué pasa?
01:26Mateo, no estoy bien porque todo esto es culpa mía.
01:30Pero no digas eso, eso no es así.
01:32Sí que lo es.
01:35Allí no te tendría que haber insistido para que volvieras aquí.
01:38Pero si he sido yo el que no supo contenerse.
01:42Claudia, esto habla muy mal de alguien
01:44que aspira a ser un sacerdote ejemplar.
01:46No digas eso.
01:48Tú eres la persona más buena y más generosa que yo conozco.
01:52Él no me tendría que haber acercado a ti
01:54si ya me lo estaban advirtiendo mis amigas.
01:57Si te advirtieron eso es que son muy buenas amigas.
02:02Mateo, de verdad que lo siento mucho, perdóname.
02:05¿Perdonarte por qué?
02:08¿Por haberme hecho pasar la mejor noche de mi vida?
02:15Mira, Claudia.
02:18Esto está siendo muy duro para mí.
02:21He incumplido la regla sagrada del celibato.
02:24Madre mía, Mateo.
02:26Pero no me arrepiento de nada.
02:29De nada.
02:32Qué ley más injusta.
02:35Como siquiera alguien con todo tu alma
02:37pudiera impedir que ayudaras a los demás
02:40a ser mejor cristiano.
02:42Puede que la ley sea injusta.
02:45Pero yo sabía lo que renunciaba cuando me ordené.
02:50Solo espero que Dios me perdone.
02:52Claro que te va a perdonar, Mateo.
02:55Claro que sí, porque no hay ningún otro hombre de Dios como tú.
02:59No creo que en el obispado opinen lo mismo.
03:03Pues no te preocupes porque allí no se van a enterar, Mateo.
03:06Por lo menos por mí.
03:09Será nuestro secreto.
03:13Será nuestro secreto.
03:16Nuestro secreto más bonito.
03:21Ahora tenemos que separarnos.
03:25No me digas eso, Mateo.
03:27No sé si nos vamos a volver a ver.
03:31¿Pero qué pasa? ¿Que no tienes pensado volver a África nunca o qué?
03:35No sé lo que nos va a deparar el futuro.
03:38Pero lo que sí sé es que esta noche
03:41me has hecho sentir el hombre más feliz del mundo.
03:47Yo no quiero que recuerdes nunca esta noche como un pecado
03:52o con remordimiento porque...
03:55porque quiero que la recuerdes como una noche
04:00de amor infinito.
04:02Que es el amor que siento por ti.
04:08Te amo.
04:38Te amo.
05:09¿Pensabas que no me iba a enterar?
05:12¿Enterarte de qué?
05:14Te dejé bien claro que no podías ponerte en contacto con Julia.
05:20Es que...
05:22No podía esperar. Lo siento.
05:25Quería saber si le estaba yendo bien en el colegio.
05:27¿Pero cómo demonios quieres que le vaya bien si no dejas de atosigarla?
05:30Julia es una niña todavía muy pequeña.
05:32Y si no le vas a atosigar,
05:34que le vaya bien si no dejas de atosigarla.
05:36Julia es una niña todavía muy pequeña.
05:38Y está muy unida a su familia, Jesús.
05:40Pensé que... que le iría bien hablar conmigo.
05:43Pensé, pensé, pensé.
05:45¿Y a ti quién te ha pedido que pienses?
05:47¿De verdad me estás diciendo semejante necedad?
05:50Te lo advertí.
05:51Te pedí que la dejaras tranquila.
05:53¿Y por qué lo hice?
05:55¿Eh? ¿Por qué?
05:56¡Contesta, maldita sea!
05:58Porque así... así no la alteraríamos tanto
06:01y ella se adaptaría mejor al colegio.
06:04Pero a ti no te importa nada de eso, ¿verdad?
06:06Claro que me importa, Jesús. Lo que pasa es que...
06:08¡Lo que pasa!
06:09Es que después de tu llamada, la niña se encerró en el cuarto de baño
06:12y casi tuvieron que tirar la puerta abajo para que saliera.
06:15¡Eso pasa!
06:17¿Y ella está bien?
06:18¡Pues claro que no está bien!
06:19Que me acaba de llamar la directora para contarme
06:21que desde tu llamadita de ayer, Julia está fuera de control.
06:24¿Qué quiere decir que está fuera de control?
06:26Pues que no quiere asistir a las clases, que se niega a comer,
06:28que se pasa las horas muertas llorando en su habitación.
06:32¿Ves de qué le ha servido hablar contigo?
06:34¡La has hundido en la miseria!
06:35¡A mí no me puedes culpar de eso!
06:37¡Por supuesto que puedo!
06:38Porque eres una egoísta y solo piensas en ti misma.
06:41¡Jesús, no voy a caer en tu trampa!
06:42¡Otra vez no!
06:43Si la niña no está bien, no es por mi llamada,
06:45sino porque tú la has sometido a un castigo que ni merece ni comprende.
06:48¡El único castigo en su vida es tener que sufrirte como madre!
06:53Es un monstruo.
06:55Estás destrozando la vida de tu hija.
06:57Solamente para hacerme daño a mí.
06:59A ti tu hija no te importa nada.
07:02Repite eso si te atreves. ¡Repítelo!
07:07Digna, fuera de aquí. Estamos tratando un asunto privado.
07:10Begoña, ¿estás bien?
07:12¡O se va de una vez!
07:13¿O qué? ¿Me vas a pegar a mí también?
07:17Mire, yo no sé qué sarta de mentiras le habrá contado mi moja,
07:20pero no debería hacerle mucho caso.
07:22Ella no me ha contado nada. No hace falta.
07:25Solo con ver las marcas de su cuello es suficiente.
07:28Espero que te quede muy claro.
07:30Mientras yo viva en esta casa,
07:32no te voy a permitir que le vuelvas a poner la mano encima nunca más.
07:39Porque aquí todos tenemos la mano muy larga, ¿verdad?
07:42¿O no fue usted quien me cruzó la cara no hace ni 24 horas?
07:46Vuestro padre quiere veros en el salón.
07:49¿A quién?
07:50A tus hermanos y a ti. Ahora mismo.
07:55¿Qué te he dicho?
08:00No te volveré a tocar.
08:25Buenos días.
08:26Acabo de retirar la mesa del desayuno,
08:28pero si te apetece te preparo un café y unas tostadas.
08:30Dina acaba de hacer una mermelada de moras
08:32que está para chuparse los dedos.
08:38¿No baja Andrés a desayunar?
08:40¿Por qué lo has hecho?
08:42¿Por qué he hecho qué?
08:44Contarle a Andrés lo que estuve a punto de hacer con las pastillas.
08:48Porque eres mi amiga y te quiero.
08:50¿Qué iba a hacer?
08:51No tenías ningún derecho a decirle nada.
08:55Pero es que tú nunca ibas a decir nada.
08:59Porque esta vez no ibas de farol.
09:01Que empiezo a conocerte.
09:03¿Y qué, Gemma?
09:05¿Qué pasa si no se lo quería contar?
09:08Es mi marido y es mi problema.
09:10Pero es que no lo ves.
09:12Si Andrés no es consciente de hasta dónde te puede llevar la desesperación,
09:15nunca va a ser así.
09:17Si Andrés no es consciente de hasta dónde te puede llevar la desesperación,
09:20nunca va a cambiar su actitud contigo.
09:23Irte de la lengua solo ha precipitado las cosas.
09:27¿Por qué? ¿Qué ha pasado?
09:31Andrés me ha dejado claro que nuestro matrimonio se ha acabado.
09:35No, no puede ser.
09:37Que está dispuesto a fingir lo que sea necesario de cara a la galería,
09:40pero que en la intimidad no puedo esperar nada de él como marido.
09:47de verdad que lo siento mucho, María.
09:51Y creo que Andrés está siendo injusto contigo.
09:55Vamos, Gemma.
09:58Me está dando lo que me merezco.
10:01¿Y qué piensas hacer?
10:05Pues lo que he hecho desde que llegué aquí.
10:09Luchar por su amor con uñas y dientes.
10:11¿Y crees que estás a tiempo de recuperarlo?
10:14No lo sé.
10:17Entiendo que está muy dolido.
10:20Y que una mentira así es muy difícil de olvidar.
10:24Y de perdonar.
10:25Haré lo que haga falta.
10:29Esperaré el tiempo que sea necesario.
10:34Solo quiero que volvamos a ser un matrimonio de verdad.
10:43Te preparo un café.
10:45Por favor.
11:01¿Y se puede saber dónde está vuestra hermana?
11:04¿Qué pasa, que no puedo empezar sin ella?
11:06¿Usted nunca ha perdonado la impuntualidad, padre?
11:11No te preocupes, Cati, se te disculpa todo, por lo que parece.
11:14¿De qué se debe esta reunión?
11:18Sabéis, hoy ha llegado el gran día en que me case con Digna.
11:23Ni qué decir, tiene que para mí es un día sumamente especial.
11:28Un día que va a marcar un antes y un después para nuestra familia
11:32y para nuestro negocio.
11:34Para negocio el que van a hacer los Merino con todo esto.
11:36Se deben estar frotando las manos.
11:38Jesús, déjame hablar a padre.
11:40Mucho le pides.
11:42Bueno, como os estaba diciendo,
11:44y como vuestro hermano Jesús se ha encargado
11:47de recalcar con su inefable sentido del humor,
11:51cuando yo muera,
11:54la familia de mi futura esposa
11:57pasará a controlar la mitad de perfumerías de la reina.
12:01Una y parte ya sabe que no hay ningún problema.
12:03Puedes dar tu opinión también, ¿eh, Marta?
12:06Sé que piensas lo mismo que yo.
12:08¿Qué sabrás tú ni qué sabrás?
12:10¿O acaso hay algún motivo por el que debas callar tu opinión?
12:17Puedo continuar.
12:20¿Qué remedio?
12:25Solo espero que por el bien de todos
12:28la relación con Digna y su familia transcurra.
12:31Transcurra por los cauces del entendimiento
12:34y el respeto mutuo.
12:36Pues diga ya lo que tenga que decir
12:38y déjese de preámbulos, ¿quiere?
12:42Va a haber algunos cambios
12:44en el reparto de responsabilidades de la empresa.
12:47¿A qué cambios se refiere?
12:49Tus hermanos ya están al tanto,
12:51pero he decidido destituir a Jesús
12:53como director de la empresa
12:55y que sea Marta quien asuma ese cargo.
12:57Lo que todavía no sé
12:59es si ella está dispuesta a aceptar el puesto
13:02o prefiere marcharse a Barcelona.
13:05Cuente conmigo para dirigir la empresa.
13:28Buenos días, Joaquín.
13:31No te demores con este pedido.
13:33Isabel, ¿le puedes decir a mi primo
13:35cuando llegue que el informe de rendimiento
13:37de la máquina empaquetadora no estará listo esta mañana?
13:40¿Por qué? ¿Qué ha pasado?
13:42Anoche el operario que maneja la máquina
13:44no se presentó y no tuve margen de encontrarle un sustituto.
13:48¿Pero le ha pasado algo? ¿Está enfermo?
13:50No, que va. Está como un roble.
13:52Lo que pasa es que ha renunciado al puesto.
13:54¿Ah, sí? ¿Sin avisar?
13:55Sí, quería que le cambiara al turno de mañana,
14:00pero no se lo concedí.
14:02Solo cumples con tu cometido, Joaquín.
14:04Y lo que debería hacer ese operario
14:06es dar las gracias a la empresa
14:08por procurarle un puesto de trabajo.
14:10Sí, sí, sí.
14:13Pero ayer estaba tan desesperado
14:16que casi le concedo el cambio de turno
14:18si antes le enseña a manejar la máquina a otro operario.
14:21Si quieres, puedo hacerle llegar tu solicitud a don Jesús,
14:23pero ya sabes que no es muy de negociar con los operarios.
14:26No, ni con los operarios, ni con nadie.
14:28Mi primo no recula ni siquiera para coger carrerilla.
14:31Y menos en un tema en el que ya llueve sobremojado,
14:34como es el caso de Manuel Camuñas.
14:40Me alegro mucho de tu decisión, Marta.
14:43Marta, enhorabuena.
14:47Espero que lo entiendas, Andrés.
14:49Tu hermana lleva muchos años trabajando en la fábrica
14:51y conoce como nadie los entresijos de cada departamento.
14:55No solo la entiendo, sino que la comparto.
14:58Y sin duda es una gran noticia para la empresa.
15:05¿Y se puede saber de qué se me acusa
15:07para defenestrarme de esa manera?
15:09No, espere, ya me contesto yo.
15:11Se me acusa de haber dicho verdades como puño sobredigna.
15:15¿Vas a empezar otra vez con eso?
15:17Sí, y no me cansaré de repetirlo.
15:18Un matrimonio no deja de ser un negocio más
15:21y esta boda va a ser el peor negocio de su vida
15:24y de la de todos nosotros.
15:26No tienes ni idea de los motivos que me han movido a hacer esto.
15:29No me venga con cuentos de amor, padre.
15:32Fue usted quien me enseñó que las decisiones importantes
15:35se toman con la razón, no con el corazón.
15:37¿Y quién te dice que en este caso no sea así?
15:41Claro, me encantaría saber qué dirían madre y el tío Gervasio
15:44si estuvieran aquí.
15:45Pero como eso es imposible, ¿verdad?
15:47Le voy a decir lo que voy a hacer yo.
15:49No asistir a esa aberrante boda.
15:51Si esa es tu decisión.
15:54¿Y en cuanto a ti?
16:01Cuidado con tropezar, hermana,
16:03porque pienso llenar de cristales el suelo por donde pises.
16:16Corría el riesgo de que Jesús me arruinase el día de mi boda,
16:19pero esto no lo podía aplazar más.
16:22Está bien así, no se preocupe.
16:24Y ha sido una decisión valiente,
16:26la suya y la de mi hermana aceptando esta responsabilidad.
16:29Marta sí que ha sido valiente,
16:31mucho más de lo que yo hubiera imaginado.
16:34Y ahora, si me disculpáis,
16:36tengo mil cosas que hacer antes de la ceremonia.
16:39No sabes lo mucho que necesitaba este abrazo.
16:44Andrés, las cosas no van a cambiar apenas estando yo en la dirección.
16:48No te lo diré.
16:50No, no, no.
16:52No te lo diré.
16:54Te lo diré, que te lo diré.
16:56Dime, Andrés,
16:58¿por qué no te lo dije a él?
17:00Porque no lo voy a decir a nadie.
17:02No te lo diré.
17:04No te lo diré.
17:05Andres, things won't change as long as I'm in charge. Don't worry.
17:09For now, you're doing well, Toledo. That's good news.
17:14I hope I don't have to regret it.
17:16Of course not.
17:18Besides, thanks to your decision, we've seen our dear brother bite the dust for the first time.
17:24It's to be happy, isn't it?
17:26The truth is that he came to the office several times to ask for a change of shift.
17:36But apparently, it's hard for a man to accept a no in response.
17:40He even brought a document signed by you in which you denied him the change.
17:48I've signed something like that?
17:52I don't remember.
17:54It must be archived with the request, in case you want to see it.
17:58No, no. It's not necessary. I'd probably sign it mechanically.
18:02I have a lot of things on my mind.
18:05But don't think it's Milanova.
18:07Every day, he came to the office with a new excuse.
18:10That if his wife couldn't handle everything, that if he couldn't see his son working at night.
18:16Always making things up, come on.
18:19You should have told him what your cousin told him.
18:22That his case would be reviewed in due time.
18:25I mean, never.
18:29I told him something like that, yes.
18:30Very well done.
18:32We have to see the unpleasant work that is saved with us, Mr. Jesus.
18:36It's true that it's hard to act like he would, but there are times when you can't do anything else, right?
18:43López, how are you?
18:49Is something wrong?
18:55You are very lucky.
18:57You take home the jewels of the crown of perfumeries of the queen.
19:01You also take this special chest, which is our latest launch.
19:04Wishes of a woman.
19:07As you know, it is a limited edition for our most exclusive customers.
19:11For you.
19:13Thank you very much for coming.
19:15And thank you very much for trusting Perfumerías de la Reina.
19:25Everything has turned out great.
19:27What a wonder of fine sales.
19:29As you can see, we have a great customer base.
19:32Everything has turned out great.
19:34What a wonder of fine sales.
19:36With the three of you in front of the store, Perfumerías de la Reina is successful.
19:41Thank you very much, really.
19:42It has been a pleasure to serve you.
19:44Thank you very much, Mrs. Abad.
19:46We hope to see you here very soon.
19:48Very good, I support you.
19:50Yes, it is as exclusive as you are.
19:53Thank you very much.
19:55Do you have mine there?
19:56Yes, I'll leave it here.
19:57Leave the glasses here.
19:59Here you go.
20:00Thank you very much for coming.
20:01Have a good day.
20:02It has been a wonderful event.
20:04All a success.
20:06Both for the organization and for the treatment.
20:08By the way, congratulations on the promotion.
20:11You sit in the new uniform of wonder.
20:13Thank you very much, Mrs. de Madariaga.
20:15To you.
20:17I will celebrate wonders with you, Mrs. Marta.
20:31Dear Julia,
20:33I hope that the conversation we had yesterday
20:35has not made you sad.
20:37I am sure that little by little the sadness and discomfort
20:40with which you arrived at your new school
20:42will be diluted among your daily chores.
20:45Have you already made new friends?
20:47Knowing your sweetness and your sympathy,
20:49I'm sure that's how it is.
20:55Sorry, I didn't want to bother.
20:58Don't worry.
20:59There is plenty of space here for both of us.
21:02Here, maybe.
21:04In my marriage, it is clear that it is not.
21:07Maria, I'm not in the mood.
21:09You will be delighted with what has happened.
21:12I don't know what you mean.
21:19In the end, you got what you wanted.
21:24End my marriage.
21:28I never complain about pretending that this is not about you.
21:32It's pathetic.
21:34Come on, attack me with pretending.
21:37You are desiring it.
21:39I'm not going to get into your game.
21:44I don't know how you got Andres to forget
21:46how much he loved me.
21:49And I don't know what he has been able to see in you.
21:52Look, I don't have to hear this again.
21:54Are you going to listen to me?
21:56Are you going to listen to me?
21:57Because I have earned that right at the cost of betrayal.
21:59You are delirious.
22:01Look, maybe I learned it from you.
22:03Or maybe you didn't pretend you were crazy.
22:06Look, even if you think you have hunted my husband,
22:08I am his wife.
22:10And you can only aspire to be the other one.
22:13I see that you are capable of inventing something more than a pregnancy.
22:16Until I get into the game.
22:18You make it very difficult for me, Maria.
22:20Whatever there is between you,
22:22it was born from a betrayal.
22:24And I'm not going to move from his side.
22:26And they will whip me.
22:28And they will sympathize.
22:29But they will throw stones at you.
22:31And they will point you out on the street.
22:33You are unable to recognize the damage you have done.
22:36Listen to me.
22:37When my husband regains his mind and returns to my arms,
22:40I hope you suffer as much as I am suffering right now because of you.
22:51It's my father.
22:58Have you seen that?
22:59They kept ordering chests, creams, perfumes.
23:02It's crazy.
23:03Well, they all went crazy,
23:05to see who bought more.
23:06No, no, no, it's been incredible.
23:08Right, Claudia?
23:09Yes, yes, yes.
23:10What's the matter with you?
23:12I saw you sell vanilla essence as if it were rosquella.
23:14Oh, no.
23:15Oh my God, where did you get that story?
23:18That vanilla is an essence that comes from Africa, from the jungle, from I don't know what.
23:23Well, it's actually from Madagascar, but hey, I've heard about it.
23:26Oh my God, well, you've left your mouth open, come on.
23:28They didn't even realize that the wine wasn't the one from Piti Pini.
23:31I told you, Carmen, that you put it in a nice glass like that and everything went well.
23:35Well, I also tell you that it is not the Peleón wine that you put for the canteen, huh?
23:38No, no, but it has been ideal to put it in that tone and that they rage with everything.
23:42How beautiful we have left the store.
23:44We have to leave it like this for a couple of days at least so that other customers can see it too.
23:52Carmen, what's wrong with you?
23:53Nothing, nothing, I've been a little irregular with so much tension, so many nerves these days.
24:00But that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.
24:02Come on, it's all out of your mouth, come on.
24:05Well, that's why I'm excited.
24:07Because I thought this was going to turn out badly and in the end, thanks to you, it turned out great.
24:13Well, thanks to you too, right?
24:15That you have been able to carry the baton like no one else.
24:18Well, like a tyrant, you mean.
24:20What does a tyrant say? What does she say?
24:21No, that I have not behaved well with you.
24:23I was very nervous and all I did was demand from you all the time, speak badly to you.
24:27And you doing everything you could and more.
24:30Come on, don't exaggerate, Carmen.
24:32Oh, my Claudia, leaving her little hands making a bow.
24:35Fine, going all over Toledo so that the bottles arrived like this.
24:40Thank you very much, you have saved my life, really.
24:44And what did you want us to do, Carmen, if you are our friend?
24:47That, that you, before boss, you are our friend.
24:50And that you know that you do both things wonderfully.
24:55Come on, silly Rona, that's it.
24:57Yes, it's worth your weight in gold, Carmen.
25:00I wish Mateo was here too, that he has hit a good beating, huh?
25:03Oh yes, that boy is a charm.
25:07What a pity that he has to go so far.
25:09Well yes, and far away.
25:13Surrounding the south specifically.
25:17But hey, come on, let's toast.
25:19Come on.
25:27Chinchín, for us.
25:28For us.
25:36Come in.
25:45Come in.
25:50But what are you doing facing the bride?
25:53I thought I would see you at the ceremony.
25:55I couldn't wait so long to see you.
25:59You don't know how excited I am that we are going to share our lives.
26:04And what do your children say about you leaving home?
26:08Well, they are taking it better than I thought.
26:12They just want their mother to be happy.
26:15I'm going to take these two suitcases now.
26:17And then, when the wedding is over, I will quietly come for everything else.
26:21Okay, I'll help you take them.
26:22No, no need. Luis will bring them to me later.
26:25Now, I have to finish a wedding cake.
26:29Are you serious?
26:31As if there were no confectioneries in Toledo.
26:34One of the best in Spain.
26:35Surely the best, yes.
26:37But they will not be made with as much love as I put on them.
26:43I want to delight my guests with something made by me.
26:46Besides, the family deserves it, right?
26:48How wonderful you are.
26:50You are always more aware of others than yourself.
26:52Well, now I'm being a little selfish too.
26:56With some sugar, they love me a little more.
26:59And the family deserves it.
27:02And speaking of family, how am I going to miss Julia?
27:08Yes, we are all going to miss her a lot.
27:13When I return, I will have to make her a huge chocolate cake just for her.
27:17Jesus is not going to attend either.
27:20I see.
27:22Well, I can't tell you that I didn't expect it.
27:27I'm sorry for you.
27:29Because I know it hurts you.
27:32I admit that I thought I could surprise you and show up, but it's clear that I didn't.
27:40After the last decision I made.
27:43What happened?
27:46Jesus is no longer the director of the company.
27:50I put Marta in her place.
27:59Mrs. Marta, Miss Fina Valero.
28:02Tell her I stopped by.
28:03Right away.
28:15Well, well, well, Marta.
28:16The private sale has been a success.
28:18You should have seen Carmen.
28:20She was walking the customers as they passed through the door.
28:23I know, Astrid Madariaga just called excited to tell me.
28:27It's just that they have destroyed everything.
28:30What good news.
28:33And why didn't you stop by?
28:35I've been waiting for you all afternoon.
28:37Because I had to take possession of my new position.
28:41What new position?
28:46You have in front of you the new director of perfumeries of the queen.
28:56Are you serious?
29:01My father has deposed Jesus.
29:03And he has offered it to me.
29:05It was all very rushed.
29:06That's why I couldn't tell you anything before.
29:09But congratulations!
29:14What good news, please.
29:17Because it's good news, right?
29:19Yes, yes, yes.
29:20I'm in a cloud.
29:22Not that my father has trusted me.
29:27Does that mean...
29:29That we are softening things?
29:32Oh my God, Marta.
29:34You don't know how much you deserve all this, really.
29:37You have struggled a lot to get here.
29:39You have had to knock down walls that your brothers
29:42for the fact of being men can't even imagine.
29:44I'm not going to deny that.
29:49And what's going to happen with Barcelona?
29:52The transfer is still on.
29:54Because I doubt your brother will air those photos
29:57if you don't resign.
29:59That's not going to happen.
30:02Because my father has destroyed the negatives.
30:08We are out of danger.
30:10The nightmare is over.
30:12Jesus can't hurt us.
30:20You shouldn't worry about anything.
30:22Neither Jesus nor anyone is going to ruin
30:24the wonderful afternoon we are going to have today.
30:27Of course not.
30:29I'm very happy for Marta.
30:33She is the one who deserves it most of all.
30:36She is a great fighter.
30:40Yes, she is.
30:42Yes, she is.
30:45I forgot, I forgot.
30:49No, it's just that I want...
30:51Oh, no, Damián.
30:52So you don't shine this afternoon.
30:53You didn't have to buy me anything.
30:55Open it.
31:02I ordered it especially for the occasion.
31:04I had to tighten the jewelry
31:07so I could have it in the afternoon.
31:10Do you like it?
31:12Of course I like it.
31:15It's beautiful.
31:18Well, if it's beautiful, it's up to you.
31:22I don't know what to say.
31:24Thank you, thank you.
31:26Thank you for accepting me in your life.
31:29I know that for you it was very important
31:35to keep the mourning to Jaime.
31:38And that's why the detail of the ties,
31:41so that it is very clear that you have it present.
31:43You are in everything.
31:44And I will also wear a black tie, of course.
31:48Then I am the one who only thinks about others.
31:51Well, it's what corresponds to me as a father, family.
31:56I like it so much when you speak to me in Latin.
32:02I'm in a hurry not to have bought you anything.
32:04But even if I had,
32:06nothing would have surpassed this.
32:09It is so beautiful, so delicate.
32:13There will be nothing so beautiful or so delicate.
32:17As listening to a yes I want from your sweet lips.
32:24My sweet lips can say a yes I want now.
32:39We don't have to run anymore.
32:40And you can stay next to your father until his last breath.
32:44That's what you wanted, right?
32:45Yes, yes, yes.
32:46Do you think it's good?
32:47Of course, of course I think it's good.
32:48Yes, I felt very guilty to have to separate from him.
32:51Well, nothing or no one will be able to prevent us
32:53from continuing to live our lives here.
32:55In fact, now, with my new position,
32:58I will make sure that no one bothers us in La Colonia.
33:02What's up?
33:04Aren't you happy?
33:05Yes, of course, of course I'm happy.
33:07I'm very happy.
33:11But in Barcelona we were going to live together in the same house and ...
33:15That's it, nothing happens.
33:16I had made illusions.
33:17Nothing happens.
33:19No, neither fine nor anything, Marta.
33:21If you just said it yourself.
33:23Here we will each continue to our own.
33:27Each in its place.
33:29We will find a way.
33:31If yesterday you slept in my house.
33:34Your house, but in the rooms of the floor below.
33:37With my father.
33:38Because I thought it was the last days I was going to spend with him.
33:41We'll fix that.
33:44The important thing now is that you and I are safe.
33:50We have taken a lot of weight off our shoulders, haven't we?
33:54I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you because of my brother.
34:08What's up? Aren't you happy?
34:10Like tomorrow's shift?
34:11Yes, I'm not saying yes.
34:13If you come back with us, you go to tomorrow's shift.
34:17And to live like a king.
34:19Of course, this week you are still on the night shift and you explain to Quique all the tricks of the packaging machine.
34:26Because I don't want any more delay.
34:28Even if it's half an hour.
34:29Don't worry, that's not the problem.
34:31And thanks for the trust, Joaquín.
34:33I can't say anything else.
34:35So there is a deal?
34:37Well, there is a deal.
34:38Well, there is a deal.
34:40I don't know with what stone you hit your head, but blessed stone.
34:45See you tonight, Manolo.
34:48See you around here, mate.
34:54But let's see what Manolo is doing here. This man didn't quit yesterday.
34:59He's back with us.
35:01Well, poor man has to be desperate to swallow and return to the night shift.
35:05No, Tassio.
35:08He hasn't swallowed.
35:11I have swallowed.
35:25Yes, you have been in a hurry to release your armchair.
35:28Get used to calling before entering.
35:32Unless you interrupt a meeting you have not been invited to.
35:35I think I will.
35:36I don't want unpleasant surprises.
35:39In fact, I was going to come in earlier and luckily your secretary told me you were busy.
35:46Don't get upset.
35:48I will always call before entering.
35:51I just hope you let me continue using the office between appointments.
35:56As long as you respect my place.
35:59Of course I will.
36:01I still prefer to take my things.
36:03I have stopped believing in the ethics of this family.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:15The position is going to be very big for you, little sister.
36:18And when father is right, he will end up begging me to be the director of this factory again.
36:24When he asks me, I will give it to you with great pleasure.
36:29Come in.
36:33The secretary of Perfumerías Gancedo has called to request a meeting.
36:37Tell her I'll call her later.
36:40Actually, the one they want to talk to is the director, in this case.
36:49You stay here.
37:03Then I will call the Gancedos personally to explain the new situation to them.
37:07Very well.
37:09If you need me to set a date for the pending management issues,
37:12you can count on me at any time.
37:14Even off work hours.
37:16I will take it into account.
37:19And Mrs. Marta?
37:20Yes, Mrs. Marta.
37:23I know that at some point we have had our pluses and our minuses, but...
37:28I would like us to regain the good harmony with which we started.
37:34That will depend mainly on you.
37:36I know.
37:38You will not regret it, I assure you.
37:40Now, if you don't mind, I have things to do.
37:43Of course, of course.
37:51I had to have put myself in his place before denying him the change of shift.
37:56I'm not like Jesus.
37:58You know?
38:00Well, the truth is that I couldn't be happier, Joaquín.
38:03And although it is hard for me to admit it,
38:08I have seen that you are not as useless as I thought.
38:11Well, coming from you, I appreciate the compliment.
38:14Come on, Casio.
38:15Leave the compliments.
38:17López explained to me what happened the other day.
38:20You didn't sleep.
38:22José Mari covered you up and got distracted.
38:25But let me finish.
38:28That honors you.
38:30It honors you for not discovering him.
38:33Look, Joaquín, it was my responsibility anyway.
38:36I didn't want that man to have any kind of retaliation.
38:39So, I really appreciate it.
38:40Hey, before I finish this honey moon we're having,
38:45what do you think if I propose a new project for the factory?
38:49A new project?
38:52Let's see, enlighten me.
38:54What do you think if we make a school here in the factory?
38:58A school?
39:00Look, the thing would be something like the most veterans
39:02provide training to the youngest,
39:04as long as they are regular workers.
39:06Ah, that is, charging.
39:07Of course.
39:08Let's see, Joaquín, if the company wins.
39:10Remember all the drama there was when Braulio wanted to retire,
39:13José Manuel.
39:14Well, with the school, the drama is over.
39:15Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
39:17I see where you're going.
39:18Well, look, what I was thinking is to make a block
39:20and put it in all the parts of the factory where it is seen,
39:22so that all the workers who want it...
39:23Stop, stop, stop, Casio.
39:24Don't go so fast.
39:27Am I going fast for the bad way or the good way?
39:31The good way.
39:33Am I going fast for the bad way or the good way?
39:38Look, let's do something.
39:41You introduce me to the project
39:43and I promise I'll look at it with affection.
39:48Deal, boss.
39:57Tegoña, please, calm down.
39:58Oh, yes, Andrés.
40:00Yes, I agree with you
40:01that María has crossed all limits with her lie,
40:03but that doesn't make me feel guilty.
40:05And having to accept that her marriage is pure facade
40:07is not going to help her at all.
40:08For my part, she knows that she will never lack anything.
40:11But she also knows that she will never be able to love her again.
40:13Oh my God, I can't take it anymore.
40:15What a situation.
40:17No, Begoña.
40:18If we doubt what we have, we are lost.
40:21I guess you're right.
40:23Well, I don't see you very convinced.
40:26Let's see, let's see, what worries you?
40:29I was thinking about Dina.
40:38I've already cleaned the car four times,
40:40so I got ready and I said,
40:41let's go see the bride.
40:42Now, if you don't mind, I'll go and clean it again.
40:45You're going to leave it smaller, so much to wash it.
40:46Come on, come in.
40:50Everything is ready,
40:51but I have the nerves at full blast.
40:53Ah, as it should be for every bride to be appreciated.
40:55I was preparing an apple, do you want one?
40:57You don't even ask that.
41:01Come on, and this box,
41:03it looks like the treasure chest.
41:06They are the few memories that remain of a lifetime.
41:09Lately, I really like to look at it.
41:12I'm sure that after the ceremony,
41:14you will have your chance to save some more things.
41:21These pendants,
41:23Gervasio gave them to me on my wedding day.
41:27It was the happiest day of my life.
41:30We were very far from imagining
41:32what would happen to us years later.
41:34Yes, it was a sad ending,
41:35but a great man.
41:37The worst of endings.
41:39Well, but today we are at the beginning,
41:41and I am very happy
41:42about what you and Damián are going to start.
41:45And me too.
41:46I am too.
42:05I have tried to face Jesus,
42:07but if Edina doesn't intervene,
42:09I don't know how we would have ended up.
42:13She entered the room in the middle of the discussion
42:15and put Jesus in his place.
42:18That woman is an angel.
42:20She is a woman.
42:22She is a woman.
42:24She is a woman.
42:25That woman is an angel.
42:27Yes, an angel surrounded by demons.
42:29Your father is one of them.
42:30And that's why it seems so unfair to me
42:31that she is going to marry him
42:32without really knowing what kind of person he is.
42:34Pegoña, no, no.
42:35I don't know what we can do.
42:37The wedding is within a few hours.
42:39And we don't know for sure
42:41if my father could collaborate
42:42when it came to hiding the body.
42:43Okay, we don't know that.
42:45But what we do know
42:46is that he hid that Jesus tried to kill me in cold blood
42:49and that he threatens to report us
42:51if we go to the authorities.
42:52Where are you going?
42:54Where are you going?
42:55I'm going to talk to my aunt before it's too late.
42:58From the beginning, this wedding has seemed like an accident.
43:02Are you sure?
43:03It will be another blow for her.
43:05But she deserves to know the truth, Pegoña.
43:10My father is not a good person.
43:11I'm sorry.
43:21My mother's pillbox,
43:22my father's pillbox.
43:24And this ring.
43:26Is it from Gervasio?
43:28It's the only memory I have of him in this box.
43:31I have the rest in another one.
43:34Did you give it to him?
43:35No, his father gave it to him.
43:38It was a tradition in the Merino family.
43:41To give the firstborn a ring with his initials
43:44on his birthday.
43:46Nice tradition.
43:49My son Valentín wore one
43:50that his father had given him.
43:53It was a great pride for them to wear it.
43:56They didn't take it off under any circumstances.
43:59Valentín didn't either?
44:01No, neither.
44:03In fact, he wore it on the last day I saw him.
44:08The same day Clotilde died.
44:11I remember it because I had to put the cuff
44:14of the jacket I was wearing back on him.
44:17It was a bit of a mess for those things.
44:21A few months ago,
44:23Jesus went up to the attic
44:25and found among Clotilde's things
44:27several memories of Valentín.
44:30Pictures, love letters,
44:33and that ring.
44:36That's when Jesus realized
44:38that Valentín and Clotilde had been lovers.
44:41I see.
44:42You think Valentín gave that ring to Clotilde?
44:45It seems more than obvious, doesn't it?
44:48Where he is buried,
44:51my son will wear the family ring.
45:00What's wrong?
45:02No, nothing.
45:03Forgive me.
45:05It's just that the memories,
45:07even if they are alien,
45:09they awaken things.
45:11But what am I going to tell you that you don't know?
45:14Yes, what are you going to tell me that I don't know?
45:27Have you seen Andrés?
45:29He's been missing too much lately.
45:32No idea.
45:34I don't see Begoña around here either.
45:36What do you want, María?
45:38Would you mind preparing one for me?
45:41I'm sorry, I'm more of a drinker.
45:44Then you will have the opportunity to do it at all hours,
45:47just as your family treats you.
45:51You don't look like the soul of any party either.
45:56It's true.
46:00That's why I prefer to drown my sorrows in company.
46:03Well, look, you're lucky.
46:05Surely my father and Dina will be delighted to toast with you
46:08after the circus number they are going to set up.
46:11Aren't you going to the wedding?
46:14But I hope you do and let me drink in peace.
46:17Close the door when you leave, please.
46:21I have been told that you are no longer the director of the queen's perfumeries.
46:25No, and your dear husband will not be either.
46:28The queen will luckily be left without a crown.
46:30Welcome to the losers' club.
46:33Without a doubt, you have entered through the big door.
46:49What the hell is going on now? Didn't I tell you I wanted to drink?
46:51Excuse me.
46:53Man, Isabel.
46:55You here?
46:59Are you tired of dancing to my sister's water?
47:01You just had to play a fanfare at her entrance.
47:03I can come back at another time if you want.
47:05Well, yes. Run and go to the sun that warms you the most.
47:07I'm just a secretary, Mr. Jesus.
47:10I have to respect the pedestal that I would win by facing your sister.
47:14Well, the truth is that nothing.
47:16Especially after what you have done against her.
47:20And I would surely lose my job.
47:22And you the opportunity that I help you when you need me the most.
47:27A new report has arrived from the detective about Mario Garcés.
47:31Let's see.
47:43Does this man really frequent these places?
47:47And he has been lying, it seems.
47:55Let's see who has the time to lose here.
48:01Worthy is the woman.
