• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Gruppo Bper da sempre è impegnato nella promozione e nella divulgazione dell’arte e della cultura. Con questa mostra continuiamo nel solco di questa nostra tradizione ma rivolgiamo anche uno sguardo al futuro”. Così Serena Morgagni, direttore comunicazione del Gruppo Bper, in occasione della presentazione della mostra ‘Picasso. Lo straniero’, di cui Bper Banca è sponsor. L’esposizione è visitabile a Palazzo Reale, a Milano, dal 20 settembre 2024 fino al 2 febbraio 2025.


00:00Viper has always been committed to promoting art and culture, and we continue in this direction, which for us is a tradition, but also a look to the future.
00:18We welcomed with great enthusiasm and I must say also with pride, we decided to participate in this great artistic event, one of the most important of 2024 on the territory, because Picasso in this case is certainly the great artist that we all know,
00:37but in this particular exhibition a reflection is highlighted, a reflection that obviously puts on the same identity the artist but also the man, a man who has had a very important life, a life of great artistic wealth in a country that was not his.
00:54So here are born reflections on the immigrant Picasso man, the Picasso man who lives in France, who tries to be welcomed in every way until he repeatedly asks to be a French citizen and this thing will never be recognized.
01:10Despite this, a great artist, a great free man who has been able to make his art something really important within his identity, but also in the search of a collective that has always sought and always desired.
01:25Culture for us is an essential value, both in our activity as a bank, but above all in our relationship with communities, with territories, with cities, with customers, in general with the community.
01:40Culture gives rise to reflection, a common reflection, it helps us to read the past, to know how to interpret, to read the present, and then we all hope to have a vision of the future, a vision of a better future, more inclusive, more attentive to people.
01:57In this case, the values ​​of inclusion and the welcome of others and of the different, therefore the foreign Picasso, are fundamental for us. We will continue to invest in culture, we will obviously continue to promote our collection through our gallery project.
02:14We have just inaugurated a Modena exhibition dedicated to Psyche, on the theme that was also presented at the Festival of Philosophy and will be open until February. We will continue to promote exhibitions, making our works available to the community and we will continue to open up to these sponsorships that I see in the public and the private sector together,
02:36precisely to continue to be close to the territories and to support culture, which certainly needs it and we need culture.
