• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Questa è una mostra che abbiamo fortemente voluto non solo perché ripercorre la storia e la vita di un grande protagonista dell'arte del '900, ma anche perchè ci aiuta ad indagare su un altro Picasso, quello politico, e sul suo legame con Palazzo Reale, che è intimo e speciale”. Lo ha detto Tommaso Sacchi, assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano, a margine della presentazione della mostra ‘Picasso. Lo straniero’, di cui Bper Banca è sponsor. Ospitata da Palazzo Reale a Milano, l’esposizione è visitabile dal 20 settembre 2024 fino al 2 febbraio 2025.


00:00It is an exhibition that we strongly wanted, because it not only retraces the story, the life of a great protagonist of the art of the 20th century, but also helps us to investigate another Picasso.
00:18It was revealed, told, under many perspectives, Pablo Picasso and his connection with Palazzo Reale, an intimate and special connection.
00:28We all remember the image of Guernica who is camping in the middle of the Cariatini room.
00:34But this is a political Picasso, a Picasso that is told through his impossibility of being a citizen,
00:44the refusal by the Louvre Museum of the donation of the Demoiselles d'Avignon,
00:49historical facts that have to do with the political and social life of a great artist, of a giant like Pablo Picasso.
00:58I have to thank Cécile Debré and Nick Coen-Solal who have curated the exhibition with extraordinary loans from the Picasso Museum
01:08and who will allow us to open a great exhibition that will also and above all tell the irregular story of an extraordinary figure of the art of the past and of a recent past.
01:20It is a very rich season of views on art, on show, on lyricism.
01:27Milan is experiencing a very important moment from the center to the peripheries.
01:33I think that this opening of places, institutions and programs of great international value will remain in the memory of the citizens,
01:45as is the case with the exhibition we present today.
01:48In a few days I will be reciting the great exhibition dedicated to Enrico Bai and his art.
01:54We will celebrate a great Italian artist that we are very pleased to be able to tell inside the Palazzo Reale.
