• last year


00:00Oh, oh, oh, great balls of fire, I'm bodacious.
00:18Oh, oh, oh, great balls of fire, I'm a fright.
00:22Oh, oh, oh, great balls of fire, goodness gracious.
00:27I'll chop, chop, chop, chop, chop away with all of my might.
00:39He pretty near wrecked the store that time.
00:42Now all we gotta do is figure out a way to get rid of him.
00:45But how, Pa? Nobody'd buy him. He's too ornery.
00:50Son, we're giving this goat away to the first customer that walks in the store today.
00:58But Pa, Louise Smith's the only customer we ever gets.
01:03Howdy, Gertrude. Howdy, Elmer.
01:07Congratulations, Louise, for being the first customer of the day, and you gets a free souvenir.
01:17Oh, that's right nice of you, fellas, but I couldn't rightly take that goat.
01:22I just came by for a yard of patching cloth.
01:25Here's your patching cloth, free of charge. Hurry back.
01:30Oh, thanks, fellas. Oh, that's right neighborly of you.
01:33Bye now.
01:35Oh, we've got to figure some way to get you on the bus.
01:47My, ain't he cute? Looks just like his ma.
01:51Coochie! Ow!
01:53Sorry, ma'am. I guess he's a mite hungry.
01:59My shopping, the bag is empty.
02:02My new alarm clock and my soap.
02:05Snuffy be surprised when he sees you.
02:11Oh, I so hate to wake him up.
02:14Oh, I so hate to wake him.
02:16He is sleeping so peaceably.
02:20Balls of fire! What's that?
02:23Land of gooshen. Sounds like you ate the lady's alarm clock.
02:27Did you eat the soap too?
02:31Why, that's Jethro's ornery goat.
02:34What are you doing with him, Louise?
02:36Jethro give him to me free of charge. Oh, weren't that nice.
02:41He's been trying to get rid of that ornery critter for years now.
02:45That no good varmint's got to get off this here property.
02:48And that's all there is to it.
02:53What happened?
02:55That darn goat tried to kill me.
02:57Now, Snuff, all you got to do to keep a goat out of harm
03:00is tie him with a rope and attach it to a good strong stake.
03:05There. Now he can't go any farther than the rope allows.
03:10You see, handling goats is easy once you get the hang of it.
03:14Besides, they're real inexpensive to feed.
03:17They eat just about any kind of thing.
03:20Give me my hat, you flea-bitten cannibal.
03:25That goat's got to go.
03:28Now remember, Snuff, you pull the string and he'll come when he hears the can move.
03:33They love cans. He'll follow the can inside and I'll close the trap.
03:38You got that?
03:39Gotcha, Barney.
03:44Keep pulling the string, Snuff. Here he comes.
03:51You see, Snuffy, it's all so easy when you figure things out.
03:55I sure got to hand it to you, Barney boy.
03:59It's easy outsmarting a goat if you think like he does.
04:08There's only one way to handle that varmint.
04:16Let's rest a while.
04:20Let's get going.
04:22Great boulder fire.
04:26Oh, we've been bushwhacked.
04:29Now remember, you is just a nanny goat.
04:33And goats got to have respect for people.
04:41Look, Louisa, you don't have to take it out on me.
04:45That goat's making chores for me.
04:47And any goat that gets my goat has got to get.
04:51But he'll murder me.
04:53He won't get the chance. You're just the bait.
04:57He's so fort intense, he'll never get past this magnet.
05:11That's my Louisa.
05:14And to think I just married her for her good looks.
05:18Oh, Paul.
