Kuroi 10-nin no Onna - 黒い十人の女 - E3

  • last week


00:00All in all, there are 9 Aijin.
00:02Jumata Furin producer, Kaze Matsukichi.
00:06Those 9 Aijin did not know each other well,
00:10and lived a peaceful life as Aijin.
00:13But, thanks to the work of stage actress Yukino Kaya,
00:16various things happened, but the 3 Aijin became close.
00:22Drummer AP, Yagami Miwawa awakened,
00:25and found out that the actress Aiba Shino
00:28and the screenwriter Koyama Natsuki were Aijin.
00:34he finally decided to meet the real Kaze's wife.
00:47I don't have any problem with that.
00:50Yes, yes.
00:52Mr. Yamaoka, who is famous for being a guest of Furin,
00:55is currently in this studio.
00:57And, about the casting of Yukino Kaya,
01:00who appeared in the meeting the other day.
01:05Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
01:10Then, can I make an official offer?
01:13Yes, I understand.
01:16the story will change,
01:19do you remember the promise?
01:22when you calm down, let's go eat together.
01:28I see.
01:29Yagami Miwa is the assistant producer of the drama.
01:33I've been dating him for 5 years.
01:36At first, it was just a relationship between a boss and a subordinate.
01:40Don't be so depressed.
01:42Of course, I knew he was married.
01:45But, he didn't care about that,
01:47and he flirted with me.
01:49Normally, he would say,
01:50you have a wife, don't you?
01:53Mr. Yamaoka.
01:54It's decided.
01:56Let's go home.
01:57Are we going home?
01:59He flirted with me so openly,
02:01that I couldn't say anything.
02:03Rather than that,
02:04I felt there was no point in going there.
02:08at that point,
02:09I think it wasn't even a manzara.
02:12And I just...
02:17fell in love with an unforgivable love.
02:22Everyone loved it.
02:25Episode 2
02:41This program is brought to you by Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals.
02:46Episode 3
02:51This is the third time I've come to stay at Mr. Uragami's house.
02:55Mr. Yamaoka.
02:56Please comment.
02:57No, no.
02:58What do you think about Purin?
03:00No, I'm sorry.
03:01What's the truth?
03:02Mr. Yamaoka.
03:03When I look at him,
03:04he looks like he's dating,
03:06but he's not dating yet.
03:08Just one more word.
03:11Just one more word.
03:12Please come back.
03:14I like Mr. Uragami,
03:17but to be honest,
03:19I feel like there are some parts of him that I can't get over.
03:22I wonder if he'll change if I go out with him.
03:26Good morning.
03:27Oh, good morning.
03:28Oh, I'm sorry.
03:29You were folding?
03:31I just left it there.
03:33Was it better not to do it?
03:38I'm glad.
03:40It's a couple who have just started dating.
03:51Where is your wife?
04:10I wonder if he'll change if I go out with him.
04:30Are you okay now?
04:33I'm talking about the three guys I mentioned last time..
04:36I was wondering if Kayo-san could play a different role.
04:41It's the 28th, right?
04:44If you don't mind...
04:46Oh, is that okay?
04:48Thank you very much.
04:50I don't think it's a good role.
04:54If you don't mind,
04:56you can read the script and make a decision.
05:03Oh, is that okay?
05:05Thank you very much.
05:08I'll do it.
05:10Oh, really?
05:11Thank you very much.
05:14By the way, what's the name of the role?
05:21Yes, I understand.
05:23Thank you very much.
05:25Excuse me.
05:27Of course, I don't think it's okay as it is now.
05:35Rather, I want to end the affair as soon as possible.
05:38But why do I have an affair?
05:42Why do adults have an affair?
05:47I wonder why.
05:49In my opinion, an affair can be divided into two patterns.
05:53Two patterns?
05:54That's right.
05:55The first one is the desire to have an affair.
05:59What's the difference?
06:01The second one is the desire to have a baby.
06:05The desire to have a baby?
06:06The desire to be a wife.
06:09I see.
06:10For example,
06:12the desire to have an affair can be divided into two patterns.
06:16If you don't have an affair,
06:18you won't have an affair.
06:20Does it mean that the affair itself is the purpose?
06:22That's right.
06:24There are many people who put emphasis on physical relationships.
06:32Are you different?
06:33In my opinion,
06:36it's useful.
06:38It means that you have a desire to have an affair.
06:40It may be a little extreme to say that it is useful,
06:43but in short,
06:44just because the person you like happens to be a married man,
06:47it doesn't mean that the affair is not the purpose.
06:51I just want to marry the person I like and be happy.
06:54Even though it's someone else's affair?
06:57That's why I have a strong sense of guilt about the affair,
07:00and I want to get out of here as soon as possible.
07:03You have a sense of guilt, but you don't care about it?
07:06Yes, that's right.
07:07Why? Because it's a scum?
07:08I think it's because I can't forget the other person more than that.
07:12You prioritize your desire over the happiness of others.
07:15That's right.
07:16Why? Because it's a scum?
07:21It's not maybe, it's a scum.
07:23Anyway, it's not good to have an affair,
07:25so don't have an affair.
07:27I won't.
07:45I'm sorry. Did you wait?
07:50Excuse me.
07:53Welcome. Here is your menu.
07:57Why do you go to see your wife?
08:00I do want to see my wife, but I don't want to see her.
08:04And it's not good to see her.
08:06I have a bad feeling about this.
08:09One iced cafe latte.
08:11Yes, ma'am.
08:21How about next weekend?
08:23Next weekend?
08:25Oh, I'm sorry.
08:27I have plans.
08:29I see.
08:31And your wife?
08:34Well, I'll make time for her again.
08:40Don't you know her?
08:43Your wife.
08:50You're lying.
08:51I'm not that kind of woman.
08:54Oh, I see.
08:56One iced cafe latte.
08:57Yes, ma'am.
09:05I see.
09:06So you knew her later.
09:10After we started dating, she started calling me wife.
09:14I was surprised.
09:16You didn't hide it from her, did you?
09:19No, I didn't.
09:20I was so excited.
09:22I see.
09:23I was so excited.
09:25I kept talking to her.
09:27At first, I didn't notice her at all.
09:29And then...
09:30No, no, no.
09:31I see.
09:32She doesn't have a bad feeling about you.
09:36If you fall in love with the woman in front of you, it means you have a lot of it.
09:40It's an animal.
09:42Yes, it is.
10:01So, are you going out with me?
10:04I didn't say it clearly, but...
10:07If I go out with you, it might be like that.
10:10That's good.
10:11Are you a variety show director?
10:14What kind of show are you on?
10:15If you say that, people will find out.
10:17That's good. Tell me about it.
10:20I'll tell you when we go out to eat.
10:24Is there such a cool person in this play?
10:27Yes, there is.
10:28No, there isn't.
10:31He is certainly a good person.
10:33He is a good person, but...
10:35He has a long history of love affairs.
10:37It's a little strange.
10:39Is that so?
10:42You don't think it's okay to be like this, do you?
10:46I don't think so.
10:47Me neither.
10:48That's a normal feeling, isn't it?
10:50But he's more comfortable than that.
10:54It's good.
10:55It's really good.
10:57What's good, Clementine?
10:59It's comfortable.
11:05I found out recently.
11:07He's getting along with all the lovers, including us.
11:12He's trying to make a group.
11:16What kind of group?
11:18It's a friendly group.
11:20Friendly group?
11:23What's that?
11:24Don't you know?
11:26It's a friendly group.
11:29Friendly group?
11:32Maybe it's because he's the oldest and he can make a big face.
11:38But they're lovers, aren't they?
11:40Of course, at first, he wanted to be with you like us.
11:46That's normal, isn't it?
11:48But he's getting old and he can't make a new love now.
11:54And there's no reason to break up.
11:56If you break up, you'll be completely alone.
11:58You can't act as an actress.
12:00You don't know what to do.
12:01In the end, he gathered his juniors and loved ones and tried to make a place for himself in it.
12:09I finally found it.
12:11This is my place.
12:14Don't be fooled, Clementine.
12:16The future is hell.
12:19It's hell.
12:22Well, it's your fault.
12:25You're a sinful man.
12:27That's right.
12:29If I were you, I'd kill him.
12:34Me too.
12:40I want to do that, too.
12:43Yama Yama?
12:44But I can't do it.
12:46Who are you, Clementine?
12:49I have a suggestion.
12:52Why don't you join hands with me?
12:55Join hands?
12:56You don't want to be in a one-tenth situation, do you?
13:00Well, that's right.
13:02That's why we're going to join hands here.
13:06You mean...
13:07Of course, it's ideal to keep Mr. Kaze to yourself.
13:11But it's not that easy, is it?
13:15But if you cooperate with each other, I don't think it's that difficult to get rid of the others.
13:24Get rid of the others?
13:25Kayo, too?
13:27She's a good person, but I wonder if she'll get in the way someday.
13:32Of course, she's on our side now.
13:35I see.
13:36For now, let's start with your wife.
13:41My wife?
13:43Is that why you're going to see her?
13:49Let's go.
13:50Are we finally going, Clementine?
13:54What's going to happen?
14:00Don't you think the situation will change if we break up here?
14:04But how are we going to break up?
14:07It's simple.
14:08Just tell her that her lover is here.
14:11Does that mean we're going to tell her that we're lovers, too?
14:15Of course.
14:16Are you sure?
14:17About what?
14:18I'm sure we'll find out.
14:20That's why we're going together.
14:22Are we going to fight?
14:24No, no, no.
14:25We're not going to attack them from here, but if we do, they'll feel better, right?
14:30You're really inviting us as a physical force, aren't you?
14:33Just in case.
14:35Of course, that's not all.
14:37But I don't think it's going to end well.
14:41No matter what happens, if your wife finds out that you have a lot of lovers,
14:46there's no doubt that you'll break up.
14:50There's no doubt.
14:52We're going to break up.
14:54We're going to break up.
14:57What have you done to me?
15:00Everything is going to collapse.
15:10Let's take a break.
15:15In the end, I was involved in something good,
15:19and I ended up going to see Kaze's wife.
15:22I wonder what kind of person she is.
15:26You can think of two patterns.
15:28Two patterns?
15:30A wife who is so stupid that she makes a lot of lovers,
15:34or a wife who is so scared that she wants to make a lot of lovers and run away from reality.
15:39A wife who is so scared that she wants to run away from reality.
15:46I want you to meet her in the car.
15:52I don't want to see her, either way.
15:58I don't want to see her, either way.
16:03Thank you for waiting. Please wait inside.
16:06I don't want to see her, either way. Please wait inside.
16:27He really came.
16:30I wonder what kind of person his wife is.
16:37I wonder what kind of person his wife is.
16:39Is he really a lover?
16:41That's definitely going to be a big problem.
16:49I can't do this. I'm scared. I want to go home.
17:07This person is Kaze-san's wife?
17:17This person is Kaze-san's wife?
17:24This person is Kaze-san's wife?
17:36This person is the last boss.
17:41Are you Kaze-san's wife?
17:46I'm sorry for the sudden visit.
17:48I'm Yagami Miwa.
17:53Please have a seat.
18:00It's different from what I imagined.
18:02It's surprisingly normal.
18:05Excuse me.
18:10I'm the assistant producer of a drama on Tozai TV.
18:15This is...
18:17I'm Kanda Kumi, the receptionist on Tozai TV.
18:25I'm always in your care.
18:39If you don't wake up, it's already noon.
18:45It's not noon.
18:47Let's wake up.
18:49One, two...
18:53I'm in your care.
18:57I always hear from Kaze-san.
19:01Is that so?
19:04I'm glad you came to see me.
19:06Please get along with me.
19:13What are you talking about?
19:16Actually, five years ago, my husband dumped me.
19:23I thought I would be lost with my son.
19:28But thanks to Kaze-san, I got a job regularly.
19:32I'm able to manage somehow.
19:34Your son? A middle school student?
19:36Kaze-san is a very kind person.
19:41Here's a tomato.
19:45It's sweet.
19:50Kaze-san is a very kind man.
19:57It's weird to say this suddenly.
20:03We are Kaze-san's lovers.
20:07Wow, she said it!
20:09Dodel, Kireru, Shirabakuru...
20:14Yes, I know.
20:19Did you know?
20:21I don't know at all.
20:23What are you going to do, Miwa-san?
20:26But there are other lovers.
20:29There are other lovers.
20:31A trump card.
20:32This is...
20:35There are nine of them.
20:39Some of them are like friends.
20:47I see.
20:51This attack doesn't work at all.
20:54As expected of the last boss.
21:00Stop it!
21:03Stop it!
21:06Aren't you going to get a divorce?
21:08There are nine lovers.
21:10Drink it before it gets cold.
21:21I thought about getting a divorce many times.
21:25Why didn't you?
21:29In the end, it's the same thing.
21:33Whether you get a divorce or not.
21:37The same thing?
21:39While I'm worried about Kaze,
21:44it's the same thing.
21:47It's the same thing.
21:50I wish someone would kill me.
22:00It doesn't work.
22:02As expected of the last boss.
22:06The human vessel is different.
22:10Stop it!
22:13Stop it!
22:18This is the worst.
22:21What's wrong?
22:22I'm sick of the last boss.
22:27One more time.
22:29It was a complete defeat.
22:31In this way, Miwa-san's strategy fell at the first step.
22:36It's okay. There are still seven of them.
22:40Do you still have time?
22:45Let's discuss the strategy.
22:48This person's obsession is also amazing.
22:54I think I know him.
22:57I think I've seen him in a drama before.
23:04This person.
23:05Let me see.
23:09I've seen him before.
23:11He's cool.
23:13That's good. I'll support you.
23:17You're dating him, right?
23:20What? Are you hesitating?
23:22That's right.
23:24Let's talk about Kaze-san.
23:31Yume-san seems to have a hard mouth, so I think it's okay.
23:35I'll talk about this next time.
23:38Wait a minute.
23:40What about Yume-san's boyfriend?
23:45I have a boyfriend.
23:47What kind of person?
23:50It's a secret.
23:52I'll keep it a secret.
23:58Producer Kaze.
24:02It's a secret.
24:08I'll keep it a secret.
24:14What do you mean?
24:16I'm not in a relationship where I can say it to anyone.
24:20Shino-chan is definitely in a relationship.
24:23Do your best.
24:27What's wrong with that man?
24:29It was hard just to have a wife.
24:31There was another one.
24:33And it was so close.
24:36By the way.
24:39How long have you been dating?
24:44About three years.
24:47That's before me.
24:51I see.
24:59Do you want to eat something?
25:01I'm fine.
25:03I'm going to eat cake.
25:04Excuse me.
25:05Please give me the menu.
25:08Here's the menu.
25:12I've been in a relationship for a long time.
25:15It's the same for actors.
25:17But it's surprising that there are a lot of staff members.
25:20I see.
25:21I used to date a bus driver.
25:26After all, I tend to like people who have been together for a long time.
25:31I see.
25:33I'm so shocked about Kaze-san.
25:35I can't talk to him at all.
25:40You had a child.
25:43I was surprised.
25:44Yes, I did.
25:46I'm a junior high school student.
25:48I'm attached to Kaze-san.
25:50Kaze-san said that I could be a new father.
25:54I see.
25:55But Kaze-san has a wife.
25:58I can't say that he has nine lovers.
26:01Don't pretend to be a child.
26:06Don't turn around.
26:08Listen to me.
26:10Aiba Shino is sitting over there.
26:13Aiba Shino?
26:16She is a cast member of a new drama.
26:20She is also a lover of Kaze-san.
26:26And she has another man.
26:30I see.
26:31She is a popular actress.
26:34I want her to help me.
26:37I think so.
26:39Let's go.
26:41What are you going to do?
26:43It's terrible to sleep for less than an hour.
26:47Yes, it's terrible.
26:48I know it's the most difficult time.
26:51But it's still an hour early.
26:52It's not a business hotel.
26:54Yes, it's not a business hotel.
26:57You talk a lot while keeping it a secret.
26:59I don't know what to do.
27:01Good morning.
27:05Good morning.
27:09Good morning.
27:10Good morning.
27:11Did you have tea together?
27:14Miwa-san, too?
27:16I had tea with my friend.
27:20She is a receptionist of Tozai TV.
27:23Good morning.
27:24Good morning.
27:25Good morning.
27:26She is cute.
27:27But she is annoying.
27:28I'm sorry.
27:29It's not the time for that.
27:32I'm looking forward to your next drama.
27:33Me, too.
27:34Yume-chan, too?
27:36I'm looking forward to it.
27:38We couldn't go to dinner last time.
27:40Let's go this time.
27:43Let's go.
27:44By the way,
27:45I didn't know your contact information.
27:49Can you go over there?
27:52I got her contact information naturally.
27:55She is completely locked on.
27:59I'll call you later.
28:03Oh, right.
28:10At this timing?
28:11What is it this time?
28:14Oh, right.
28:21At this timing?
28:23What is it this time?
28:27Be careful.
28:28About what?
28:30You don't know about that, do you?
28:35I'm on your side.
28:37I'll keep it a secret.
28:39You're my biggest enemy.
28:41What is it?
28:44Are you lying?
28:47Are you...
28:49Did you hear that, Yume-chan?
28:52We were just talking about love today.
28:55I see.
28:57I like Shino-chan too.
28:59I want to support her if it's a normal relationship.
29:02But I'm afraid it will affect her work.
29:05I knew it.
29:06This is bad.
29:10It's not a normal relationship?
29:14I'll be careful.
29:15It's okay.
29:16So go over there.
29:19Do you know that Kaze-san has a wife?
29:27Is he stupid?
29:30If he finds out, he'll get hurt as an actress.
29:35Right, Yume-chan?
29:39I asked for other staff's consent.
29:43I'm afraid of Yume-san.
29:46I'm on Shino-chan's side.
29:50See you next time.
29:51See you.
29:59What should I do?
30:01This is the worst.
30:07I want to confirm something.
30:10She's here.
30:11I knew it.
30:14Kaze-san is that Kaze-san?
30:24I'm sorry.
30:25I'm confused.
30:28I know.
30:30Let's be honest with Yume-san.
30:37I'm sorry.
30:40I'll be honest with you.
30:44I think that's enough for today.
30:47I agree.
30:48If the staff finds out that you're hiding something from your manager,
30:52it'll be a lot of pressure.
30:54I was very upset.
30:55When we meet again,
30:57it'll be perfect if you tell them about another man.
31:00Yagami Miwa.
31:02A woman who doesn't want her enemies to see her.
31:06It's delicious.
31:08I see.
31:11I was going to talk to Yume-san about it.
31:16But she told me first.
31:19You must have been very surprised.
31:24Me too.
31:27But we didn't know each other.
31:31Thank you for being honest with me.
31:36So, Shino-chan...
31:40You're shaking.
31:44I know that I should date Uragami-san.
31:48I see.
31:50It may be contradictory,
31:55but let's do our best.
32:01We're not bad.
32:03He's the bad guy.
32:17What's wrong?
32:18I have to say this.
32:20It's a script.
32:23I see.
32:25Are you going to say hello?
32:26Just in case.
32:28I'm not good at that.
32:30It's okay.
32:31First, you say hello.
32:33Then, you say something like that.
32:36I can't do that.
32:40It's strange.
32:45Did you tell Kaze-san?
32:49I couldn't.
32:51Me too.
32:55I'm over there.
32:58Let's get closer.
33:03Will he be surprised?
33:05I think so.
33:27Nice to meet you.
33:29Nice to meet you, too.
33:30What are you doing here?
33:32I heard from Kaze-san.
33:35I don't have to come here.
33:38I want to say hello.
33:40That's why I'm here.
33:43I see.
33:45Thank you for coming.
33:47I met Kumi-chan downstairs.
33:51Let's have dinner together.
33:55By the way.
33:57Our play will start next week.
34:00Would you like to come with me?
34:02Yes, please.
34:04It's a little surreal.
34:08But I think Miwa-san will like it.
34:10It looks interesting.
34:13It doesn't look interesting.
34:18The show time is 3 hours and 40 minutes.
34:22This play is for professional actors.
34:24So I want the staff to see it.
34:27I see.
34:29I'm in the script, too.
34:36She's in the script.
34:48Let me introduce you.
34:50She's an actress.
34:52I'm Yukino.
34:54Nice to meet you.
34:56I'm Natsuki Koyama.
34:58I'm in charge of the script.
35:00Nice to meet you.
35:02I've met you on stage before.
35:06You were in the play.
35:08I see.
35:12Nice to meet you.
35:14I'm glad to see you again.
35:16Me, too.
35:18I'm in the play, too.
35:20I'd like to see it.
35:22I see.
35:24It's for professional actors.
35:28I think Koyama-san will like it.
35:30I see.
35:36Nice to meet you.
35:38Nice to meet you, too.
35:44Good luck.
35:48See you later.
35:52I'm nervous now.
35:56I'm nervous because I haven't seen you for a long time.
35:59I don't know because I haven't confirmed it.
36:01Maybe my ears are red now.
36:28Good morning, everyone.
36:32At 22 o'clock on Tozai TV Monday,
36:36I'd like to start the meeting of three young men.
36:40I'm Kichu Kasematsu, the producer.
36:42Nice to meet you.
36:44This drama is about a girl who is drowning in forbidden love, and she can't be forgiven.
37:04Don't you dare say that!
37:06Oh, it's been a long time.
37:12I think about it every time, but I don't think I need to introduce myself to everyone.
37:18Because I can't remember everything at once.
37:21Well, that's true.
37:22I don't think it's necessary.
37:25Well, it's over, so it's okay.
37:28Well, yeah.
37:36Thank you for your hard work.
37:44I gave it to Miya-chan, so if you like, come and see it together.
37:51See you later.
37:52Thank you for your hard work.
37:55I don't feel like I can escape.
37:59Thank you for your hard work.
38:02Thank you for your hard work.
38:10It's Shino-chan. It's so cute.
38:13I don't want to be caught by a strange man.
38:16That's right.
38:18It's too late.
38:21Kayo-san, you didn't have to come today.
38:24That's what I said.
38:26I really want to say hello.
38:28I don't want to say I want to come.
38:31That's right.
38:33I was surprised that you were so determined to come.
38:36I'm just glad you're so motivated.
38:41Come to think of it, I met your wife the other day.
38:46What? Why?
38:49Don't worry. I just said hello.
38:53Your wife was a very nice person.
38:58I don't think I can beat her.
39:01Don't compare me to her.
39:09I don't want to get in the way of my wife.
39:19What if I'm the only lover?
39:23Then I won't complain.
39:26I won't force you.
39:33I'm sorry.
39:35I haven't seen you two lately.
39:37I was lonely and said something weird.
39:40I'll be right there.
39:48I promise.
39:52I'm sorry.
39:54So please take care of the shooting.
39:59I'm going to the bathroom.
40:15Long time no see.
40:18Long time no see.
40:21You're more energetic than when you were in the drama club.
40:25I like variety shows.
40:28I like comfort.
40:30I watch a lot of your dramas.
40:32Really? I'm glad.
40:34It's starting again, right?
40:37That's why there were so many people.
40:41By the way, Uragami-kun.
40:46Are you dating Aiba Shino-chan?
40:51I happened to see you two the other day.
40:55At a hot pot restaurant in Shinjuku.
41:03It's okay. I didn't tell anyone.
41:05We're friends.
41:07Of course we're friends.
41:09Are you dating her?
41:11I haven't told her yet.
41:15I see.
41:17Please keep it a secret.
41:19Of course.
41:21I'm rooting for you.
41:24Don't be fooled, Clementine.
41:26It's going to be hell.
41:28Hurry up and date her.
41:30If you don't, she'll go somewhere else.
41:33She's popular.
41:35You're right.
41:36I want to do that, too.
41:39To be honest, I don't know what to do.
41:45It's okay.
41:48If you don't, it'll be bad.
41:55Because Shino-chan...
42:05I'm going!
42:07There are other guys.
42:08You're kidding, right?
42:10It's true.
42:20He's my producer.
42:30There's no mistake.
42:32It's going to be hell.
42:34It's going to be hell!
42:37What did you do to me?
42:43Everything is going to be hell!
42:50We'll continue next week!
42:52It's better to be friends.
42:54Shut up!
42:55You're the biggest fool.
42:57Let's break up!
42:58What's wrong with you?
43:07To be continued...