BI Pangkas Suku Bunga 25 Basis Poin Jadi 6%

  • last week
Bank Indonesia memangkas suku bunga acuan atau BI rate, sebesar 25 basis poin menjadi 6% di pertemuan September 2024.


00:00The latest information from the Bank of Indonesia
00:07is that the interest rate of 25 basis points increased to 6%
00:12in the meeting in September 2024.
00:15And here is the statement of the Governor of the Bank of Indonesia,
00:17Mr. Warjio, regarding the decision.
00:20By considering the assessment, development,
00:26and economic, global, and domestic prospects,
00:32the meeting of the Governor of the Bank of Indonesia
00:37on 17 and 18 September 2024
00:43decided to reduce the interest rate of 25 basis points to 6%.
00:55The deposit facility of the flower family
00:59decreased by 25 basis points to 5.25%,
01:05and the landing facility of the flower family
01:08also decreased by 25 basis points to 6.75%.
01:16This decision is consistent
01:21with the low inflation rate in 2024 and 2025
01:29which is controlled by the Government's target of 2.5% plus or minus 1%.
01:38The strengthening and stability of the currency exchange value
01:42and efforts to strengthen the national economic growth are needed.
