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00:00Ludwig Barga, the Hellraiser from Helsinki on a mission to dishonor America.
00:09This foreign fanatic shocked the world with his brutal defeat of
00:13the Native American Tatanka.
00:15Now he's ready to add another casualty to his list.
00:18Scott Steiner, impassioned All-American athlete,
00:24who along with his brother Rick, has won countless times.
00:28Is he ready to face the brutal force of Ludwig Barga one-on-one?
00:35Scott Steiner, I'm gonna finish you like I finished all the other lousy
00:41American wrestlers, because I'm superior and you ain't nothing.
00:47Ludwig Barga, I don't like you coming to the United States and
00:50bad-mouthing me and bad-mouthing my country.
00:53Tonight, I shut you up.
00:55Tonight, Ludwig Barga tries to
01:00eliminate Scott Steiner on Monday Night Raw.
01:07Welcome everyone to the Ferry Lord Resort in
01:12Briskell, Pennsylvania, nestled in the beautiful
01:18Ferry Lord Resort, the home of the Ferry Lord family.
01:25Welcome everyone to the Ferry Lord Resort in
01:31Briskell, Pennsylvania,
01:35nestled in the beautiful Pocono Mountains.
01:39Welcome to Monday Night Raw.
01:43Have a good night.
01:45I'm Vince McMahon, I wanna applaud to get right here to the Macho Man Randy Savage.
01:50What is that ridiculous looking thing you have on?
01:52What is that?
01:53I think I'm gonna be pardoned.
01:54What is that?
01:55My buddy Daredevil, Dennis and I are going to Las Vegas.
02:00We're going to the Riddickville Holyfield fight.
02:03I'm gonna parachute in from the west.
02:05He's gonna be coming from the east, right over the ring, boom.
02:09I got news for you, the fight is over and your buddy didn't do too well at all.
02:13He was arrested.
02:14Did he?
02:15I don't really know him that well.
02:16He's not really a good friend of mine.
02:17Forget that.
02:18What happens tonight when you get Ludwig Barga one on one with Scott Steiner?
02:22Well, when the foreign fanatics make it to Survivor Series and
02:26look across the ring, they're not gonna be seeing any All-American team.
02:30Because they've already put Tonto on the shelf, and
02:33now Scott Steiner's gonna join, really.
02:36All right, Randy Savage,
02:37what happens when Crush shows his face here tonight on Monday Night Raw?
02:41Well, Crush has got the guts to show up in this arena.
02:45All hell's gonna break loose, I promise.
02:48All what?
02:49All hell's gonna break loose.
02:51I've got lots of action for you this week, and we've got action for you next week,
02:54and you can be a part of it.
02:55Ladies and gentlemen, easy, guys.
02:58All you have to do to select just who will face Pierre the Pebecker one-on-one
03:03next week, it's cast your vote.
03:05That's all you have to do.
03:06Will it be the one, two, three kid?
03:09Will you select as a matchmaker the likes of Doink the Clown?
03:13Will it be Marty Jannetty, or will you say no, next week I want one-on-one,
03:18Pierre the Pebecker against the American original Lex Luger.
03:23A reminder, ladies and gentlemen, it's 99 cents per vote.
03:27And kids, if you're under 18 years of age, you must have your parents' permission.
03:31Wait a minute, what's this?
03:33Don't pull that.
03:34McMahon, don't do that.
03:36Now I know what Mr. Bobbitt feels like.
03:40It's scheduled for a one-on-one, to be told the aisle from Helsinki, Finland.
03:46Weighing 308 pounds, Ludwig Borga.
03:54This man is a powerhouse, Ludwig Borga.
03:57What a matchup this is going to be to open up things here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
04:09And here we go.
04:11His opponent, from Detroit, Michigan,
04:16weighing 255 pounds, Scott Steiner.
04:21Here we go.
04:23Scott Steiner, one-on-one with Ludwig Borga.
04:29That was the most ridiculous looking thing I've ever seen.
04:34He even has a parachute on backwards, Bobby.
04:35He just goes in the back, not the front.
04:38No, not if he's in the back of the plane.
04:41You wouldn't know about that.
04:42Look at this, wait a minute.
04:43Borga going to work on Scott Steiner.
04:45Steiner didn't even have an opportunity to get his coat off.
04:47Look at this, typical Ludwig Borga.
04:49Well, Steiner should have known that.
04:50Borga comes to the ring, he walks right by the official, right by the announcer.
04:54He's there for business.
04:55Steiner knows that.
04:56If he can't compete, well, maybe he shouldn't be in there.
04:59Hard right hand by a former boxing champion.
05:03Look at this, Ludwig Borga.
05:04Again, Scott Steiner, Ludwig Borga, very accustomed to single competition.
05:14Obviously, Scott Steiner normally teaming up with his brother, Rick.
05:17You wonder just how good will Scott be in single competition, Randy Savage?
05:22Think he'll be real good at eating.
05:24I got a couple of words to say to you later, brother,
05:26after I take care of Cross, if he's got the guts to show up to Mr. Reed.
05:29Don't get hot on me, Savage.
05:30Don't worry, I already heard what you said about me when I was hurt.
05:32Don't worry. I made jest of it, I tried to cheer you up.
05:35To the buckle, boom, get that, my, a clothesline and to the outside.
05:40Ladies and gentlemen, going up, look at this, going up to the top rope.
05:45It's Ludwig Borga, Borga now trying to time this one perfectly, and he does indeed.
05:53What a clothesline that could do it right there.
05:55No, Ludwig wants to eliminate yet another All-American.
06:01If Ludwig can eliminate Scott Steiner,
06:04then it would just be brother Rick along with Lex Luger.
06:07Look at that right hand.
06:09They better start running an ad in the one ad section of the paper,
06:12looking for another partner.
06:13Because I don't think there's gonna be any All-Americans left.
06:16These humanoids can chant USA all they want.
06:18It's not doing Steiner any good.
06:21Scott Steiner coming off the rope, back body.
06:22No, look at this, down the rope to hook.
06:25Can Scott Steiner get the big man out?
06:28Yes, look at the unbelievable strength on the part of Scott Steiner.
06:31I can't believe that.
06:32What a feat of strength.
06:34I don't see, I think I've seen Borgo off his feet.
06:37And look at this, and that will really stretch out Ludwig Borga.
06:44And the big man rolls to the outside.
06:46You're making him mad now.
06:48And when he gets mad, he takes it out on everyone.
06:54Ludwig Borga against Scott Steiner here on Monday Night Raw.
06:59I gotta go with Borga, because he's a single wrestler.
07:03Steiner's always relied on his brothers, brothers always relied on him.
07:06Single competition, I don't think he's got much in him.
07:10Well, thus far, I would beg to differ on that point of view, Mr. Heenan.
07:16And again, perhaps strategy on the part of Ludwig Borga on the outside,
07:21employing some psychological tactics, perhaps trying to frustrate Scott Steiner.
07:26Speaking of frustrated, that would take us to the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
07:30Randy Savage, what did you mean earlier on when you said that if Crush shows his
07:33face, all hell was gonna break loose?
07:35Just listen to what I say, I'm promising.
07:38Expect the unexpected, brother.
07:40I'm on a roll, I'm back no more, Mr. Nice Guy.
07:43And I'm gonna do what I say I'm gonna do.
07:45And Crush's history, if you know what I mean.
07:47Bet on him, you're betting on a loser, you're gonna be broke overnight.
07:50And Heenan, I'll deal with you later.
07:53That man probably ain't it, man.
07:55What? He doesn't sound like me.
07:57Yeah, well, you can't blame him.
07:59Don't forget, Borga's the man that defeated Tataka.
08:02He's the man that snapped his win streak.
08:04And he's also the man that put Tataka out.
08:07That's very, very true, with a little help, if you will,
08:09recall from the WWF Champion, Yokozuna, and Randy Savage.
08:14I would like to remind you of the clause in your contract,
08:17which you are very familiar with, in terms of your duties here as an announcer.
08:23Let me tell you what I think about clauses.
08:24And if you interfere in anything that goes on in the ring,
08:26you are subject to discipline, as you well know.
08:29Yeah, is that the way it goes?
08:30Let me tell you what I think about legal papers.
08:32Let me tell you what I think about attorneys.
08:34Let me tell you what I think about red tape.
08:36And what about, let's see, President Jack Toney, if he wants to come over here,
08:39I'll slap his face too.
08:41Going back to the old days, brother, swinging free and easy, brother.
08:45And I'm gonna tell you the way it's gonna be.
08:47Ludwig Borga now, collision and right there, they collide.
08:49However, look at this, unbelievable maneuver.
08:54Unbelievable all the way around, let's put it to a higher gear.
08:58Belly to belly, and a cover here, hook and a leg, one, two, and no.
09:01Can't quite get him.
09:05Scott Steiner against Ludwig Borga, what a matchup this is.
09:09And yes, you're right, Bobby Heenan, it was Ludwig Borga who defeated the former
09:14undefeated Tataka, the Native American who is recuperating.
09:18Look at that, a right hand doubling up.
09:21And what a right hand that man possesses.
09:22Yeah, a clenched fist, I might add, Bobby Heenan.
09:25Off the rope, clothesline missing, collision, yeah, ho, ho, ho, ho.
09:32And Borga taking his time for the cover, one, two, and a kick out by Scott Steiner.
09:39Borga obviously stunning Scott Steiner.
09:42Well, Borga also mentioned to me earlier that he did not like the officiating here.
09:46He says these dumb Americans can barely count to three.
09:49It takes them eight seconds to count to three.
09:53Borga off the rope, lift the elbow, and out of the mix.
09:56Scott Steiner with a drop kick, and got some of him, not a lot of him.
10:02And Borga decides to go to the outside.
10:04I think Borga was halfway out anyway, gonna take a breather.
10:06He knows what he's doing.
10:08Earlier on, Ludwig Borga was on the outside, and Ludwig Borga, and
10:13again, employing some psychological strategy is, wait a minute, wait just a minute.
10:21The Quebecers are on their way here to ringside.
10:24Well, they have a right.
10:25Pierre, who sees action next week, along with, what is going on?
10:31Well, they're having a little meeting.
10:32They have a right to do that.
10:34This is absurd.
10:35This is patently absurd.
10:37The Quebecers here with Borga.
10:38We'll be back with more Monday Night Raw as we continue.
10:44We're back, ladies and gentlemen.
10:45We are back in Bushkill, Pennsylvania.
10:47We're back for more Monday Night Raw.
10:49Where are we?
10:50Bushkill, Pennsylvania.
10:51What kill?
10:52Never mind, Bobby Hayden.
10:54Bush, as in- As in former president.
10:57And there you see a nice maneuver by Scott Steiner.
11:00The Quebecers, beside themselves, on the outside.
11:03They can't believe what's going on.
11:04Scott Steiner is taking it to the big man, Borga.
11:08I'll tell you, Steiner's gotta be worried, too.
11:10Yeah, trying to get him over now to the Boston.
11:11Trying to get him down now.
11:13Wait a minute.
11:14Trying to get him, come on, ref.
11:17Look at that big man.
11:18Here comes Rick Steiner.
11:20Rick Steiner.
11:22We may have Survivor Series right here.
11:26Rick Steiner, who took it to Jacques the Quebecer just this past weekend,
11:31ladies and gentlemen, and took it to him quite nicely.
11:34And right now, his brother Scott is doing very well
11:38against the powerhouse from Helsinki, the Hellraiser, indeed.
11:42Ludwig Borga.
11:45Look at the guts of this Ludwig Borga.
11:46He just looked at the referee and said, I said no.
11:49I said no.
11:50There's not a quitting bone in this man's body.
11:54Borga, inch by inch, trying to make his way over to the rope.
12:00The Quebecers on the outside yelling instructions to Ludwig Borga.
12:04The Quebecers will be teaming up with Ludwig Borga and
12:07the WWF Champion Yokozuna in the tag team elimination matchup.
12:11One of the two main events headed your way Thanksgiving Eve.
12:16Wednesday night, November 24th, it's the Survivor Series on pay-per-view.
12:21But right now, there, he finally makes it, and the hold will be broken.
12:25See, now, he shouldn't have broke the hold.
12:26He should have sat on him and at least got the five count.
12:29He put five more seconds of pressure on the man's back.
12:31He's not smart enough to do that.
12:33Scott Steiner, reverse to the buckle.
12:35Borga moving in, and a little too slow.
12:38A foot right in the basket, and look at this.
12:40To the buckle, from behind, one, two.
12:44My, so close.
12:47Scott Steiner.
12:48There it is, small package, two and three, he gets it.
12:51Not quite, not quite.
12:53You can bet, ladies and gentlemen, somewhere looking on,
12:55recuperating quite nicely, I might add, is the Native American, Tataka.
12:59Well, I know he's watching tonight, because I heard from my sources in
13:03Lumber, is he a dummy tenor, Lumberton, South Carolina, wherever he's from.
13:08Lumberton, whatever, he just bought a new antenna for his TV in his teepee.
13:14He's watching right now, but he's prone, though.
13:18Stop it, you're absurd.
13:20Off the rope, drop kick, and that one got a little bit more of Borga.
13:23Got a lot of him, one, two, almost.
13:29Rick Steiner on the outside, watching his brother Scott do very well,
13:33I believe, against Luke Big Borga.
13:34What a matchup this is here on Monday Night Raw.
13:37It is the World Wrestling Federation.
13:39Up to the top now, quick as a cat.
13:42Scott Steiner, and Steiner timing this one.
13:47A drop kick and caught him in the midsection.
13:49One, two, and, no, Steiner did not hook the leg.
13:54I think that actually took a great deal out of Scott Steiner as well.
13:58I believe that, he came off that top rope, that's five, six,
14:01seven feet in the air, landed flat on his back.
14:03High risk maneuver that did not pay off for Scott Steiner.
14:06Power slam, that may pay off for Borga.
14:08Borga with a cover, and no.
14:12Nip and tuck matchup, back and forth, look at this.
14:15I'll tell you, Borga has taken quite a beating.
14:18He's taken the best Steiner could give, and he's still on his feet.
14:21That was a right hand that knocked Scott Steiner all the way to the outside of
14:23the ring.
14:25Riddick Bowe would have had that hand, maybe he'd have done better.
14:28I missed the whole fight, huh?
14:30I can't believe you, Bobby Hannon.
14:33Always a day late and a dollar short.
14:34And Borga bleeding from the nose.
14:40Scott Steiner on the outside, brother Rick on the outside as well.
14:45Borga, right back over, my, come on, ref moving back.
14:50Ludwig Borga, wait a minute, Rick now.
14:53Rick Steiner has no business being up on the apron, but he's up there anyhow.
14:56Now, you don't see the club members up on the apron, do you?
14:59They're not doing a thing.
15:00Wait a minute, Pierre's over there next to him, and look out from behind.
15:05Look at this, I can't believe that.
15:07They're hauling Rick Steiner in the ring, look, gold.
15:09Wait a minute, three on one, look at that.
15:13Rick Steiner started it, he got into the ring first.
15:16And here comes Scott Steiner.
15:21Scott and Rick Steiner against the Quebecers.
15:23Pierre, Jeff, and against Ludwig Borga.
15:27The Steiner's trying to clean house in there.
15:30And look at this, two on one now, Ludwig Borga.
15:33It's gonna go back to Helsinki, my, maybe after that.
15:37Ladies and gentlemen- Let's get the ring announcement on this one.
15:45Disqualified both Ludwig Borga and
15:47Scott Steiner due to outside interference.
15:52Rick Steiner started it, he was the first one in the ring.
15:55Wait a minute, Borga hauled him into the ring, you saw that yourself.
15:58But he asked for it, you didn't hear what he said to Borga on the outside, I did.
16:01So nonetheless, no one thus far eliminated, as was Tatanka.
16:07And ladies and gentlemen, you have an opportunity, as we said it before,
16:10next week to select a match.
16:11You be the matchmaker.
16:13Just who will square off against Pierre, the Quebecer?
16:18Will your choice be the one, two, three, kick?
16:21Will your choice be Marty Jannetty?
16:23Will it be Doink the Clown?
16:26Or will it be an American original, Lex Luger?
16:30To cast your vote, ladies and gentlemen, pick up the phone and
16:34dial the number, 1-900-454-4RAW.
16:38And again, a reminder, the call costs 99 cents.
16:41And kids, if you're under 18, you must have your parents' permission.
16:48All right, let's take you from Bushkill, Pennsylvania,
16:50all the way to Nashville, Tennessee, to the original home of the Grand Ole Opry.
16:55Let's take you to the Ryman Auditorium and Double J.
16:59Howdy, folks, Double J here again.
17:12That's J-E-F-F, J-A-R-R-E-T.
17:17That's Double J, Jeff Jarrett.
17:19Got my driver here, Billy Ray Brooks.
17:21Brought me down here today in my vintage 68 Cadillac.
17:25You know, fine cars, like fine wine, they just seem to get better with age.
17:29Isn't that right, Billy Ray?
17:30Yes, sir.
17:31Yes, sir.
17:32You know, old Double J here, he takes care of his property,
17:35unlike the corrupt country music business.
17:38You know, they say proof's in the pudding.
17:40Well, I got the pudding right here.
17:41Take a look.
17:44Here it is, the finest example of the corrupt country music business.
17:51The Ryman Auditorium, home of the Grand Ole Opry.
17:55Well, look at this place.
17:56Graffiti on the walls.
17:58This place is run down.
17:59It's in shambles.
18:00It's condemned.
18:02Well, this place is dead.
18:04Just like two of the greatest country music stars ever to play on that stage
18:08in there, right here on this stage, Conway Twitty.
18:11Why, he's dead and buried.
18:13Oh, Lord.
18:14And another guy, George Jones.
18:16He's still breathing all right, but his career's been dead for years.
18:20Oh, neither one of them guys can sing, unlike Double J here.
18:24Speaking of dead, hey, Billy Ray, what's that dead boy's name in the WWF?
18:29Yeah, the Undertaker.
18:30This place reminds me of the Undertaker.
18:32Dead, decrepit, run down, in shambles.
18:36Undertaker boy, I'm going to use you.
18:39And I'm going to use the WWF.
18:41And when I get done, oh, after it's all said and done,
18:45they're going to rename the WWF.
18:47That's right.
18:48They're going to rename it the Double J-F. Oh, that's right.
18:53And then they're going to come back here.
18:55That's right.
18:56Look at this sign.
18:56It's not going to say Ryman Auditorium.
18:59It's not going to say home of the Grand Ole Opry.
19:02It's going to say the Double J Auditorium.
19:05That's right, the home of the greatest country music singer that ever lived.
19:10That's right, Jeff Jarrett.
19:12Oh, Double J. That's Double J, J-E, Double F, J-A, Double R, E, Double T.
19:20It's Double J, Jeff Jarrett.
19:22Ha, ha, ha.
19:25Give me a break.
19:26All right, ladies and gentlemen, scheduled later on.
19:29To be here with us will be Crush.
19:32A warning, if he shows his face an eye for an eye,
19:35he's through with the WWF forever.
19:39We'll be back with more Monday Night Raw.
19:43Woo, baby.
19:46Woo, baby.
19:47Oh, yeah.
19:48Woo, baby.
19:50Everybody, woo, baby.
19:52Come on, woo, baby.
19:54Yeah, here he comes.
19:55Woo, baby.
19:59And men from a mission.
20:01Everybody, nobody, nobody, nobody.
20:04Bitches do it like this.
20:06Swaggin' out a mission.
20:07Boom to the left.
20:08Take a look at the size of Mabel.
20:11Ready for the fight.
20:12Do it like this.
20:13Swaggin' out a mission.
20:14Who's in the house?
20:16It's men on a mission.
20:18Boom, Mabel.
20:20Men on a mission.
20:22Boy, that's a trispector you don't want to win.
20:24Everybody, woo.
20:26Everybody, woo.
20:28Oh, yeah, we're rockin' in Bushkill.
20:31Well, they say, whoopsie, there it is.
20:33Listen to him.
20:34Woo, baby.
20:36Oh, yeah.
20:39You don't stop.
20:40You don't stop.
20:42Oh, wow.
20:43Asuka is moving tonight.
20:46Men on a mission in the house.
20:48Come on, let's get going.
20:49This is the bull train.
20:50Ha, ha, ha, ha.
20:53Having some fun here on Monday Night Raw.
20:56Doesn't Asuka have a pair of pants that fit?
20:59Was he expecting a flood, or did he come on a bike?
21:02At least he didn't come in via parachute.
21:04Men on a mission.
21:06In the ring, ladies and gentlemen, Mabel.
21:09Mabel is huge.
21:11I mean, I don't really think you can fathom just how large Mabel is.
21:15Stevie Wonder can tell you that.
21:17Look at this now.
21:19Mabel and Steve Smith is calling Mabel out.
21:23And maybe he's sorry he did.
21:26Smith locking back up with Mabel.
21:29Down goes Smith for the second time.
21:31So you're not gonna go toe-to-toe with him?
21:33No, I wouldn't think he'd be too advisable, as Smith is learning right now.
21:37Randy Savage not having a whole lot to say thus far here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
21:41And obviously-
21:43Very much concerned, I would suggest, with the likely presence of Crush.
21:47Expect the unexpected, or maybe I should say,
21:51yeah, just read between the lines, whatever's whatever.
21:54Double dropkick.
21:56Again, Randy Savage, please, a reminder of how much we appreciate and enjoy your commentary
22:00here on Monday Night Raw and the clause in the contract.
22:03And again, no one is allowed to get involved physically in the action.
22:08Wouldn't think of it.
22:10I'll tell you one thing, I'll tell you one thing, McMahon.
22:12What's that?
22:13The people that are calling in right now,
22:15that are voting for Lex Luger in this match coming up-
22:17You mean next week?
22:18Yeah, next week.
22:19If they pick Lex Luger-
22:20They're the matchmaker, Bobby.
22:22In one of four, they can choose one of four.
22:24That's right.
22:25But if they pick Luger, they're not only gonna be the matchmaker,
22:27they're gonna be the executioner.
22:28What do you mean by that?
22:29Because I know what's gonna happen.
22:31Borga will take him out.
22:32I know Pierre will take him out.
22:34Jacques will take him out.
22:35He's got his hands full.
22:36But you never know who's gonna attack.
22:38I don't know about that, Bobby.
22:40Two and almost a count of three.
22:42Corey Student is having his problems in there with Moe.
22:46By the way, here on USA, ladies and gentlemen,
22:48they were a family united in a world divided.
22:52Martin Sheen, John Shea, and Blair Brown
22:55star in the dramatic true story of America's first family.
22:59Kennedy, a USA movie special Thursday and Friday night
23:03here on USA, 8 o'clock Eastern, 7 Central.
23:07Well, when you said they were a family united,
23:10I thought you were talking about Whoopi Goldberg and Ted Danson.
23:13Or are you talking about Stu and Helen Hart?
23:15I can't tell them apart, the four of them.
23:18Well, I must say that your comments, Mr. Heenan,
23:22will not fall on deaf ears.
23:23You know, I can't even tell Whoopi and Ted apart.
23:25I see.
23:26Well, unfortunately, it was rumored
23:29that they are apart right now.
23:32And it looks like, unfortunately, this poor individual
23:37student is gonna come apart.
23:41I hope this student's learning something.
23:46He's learning how to become black and blue.
23:49Might be better off if you gave him your parachute.
23:54I'd like to see Mabel in my parachute.
23:56Leave a 747 over Newark.
24:00Student to the buckle.
24:02And look out, here comes the big man.
24:04Mabel over the top now.
24:06Here we go.
24:08And do-si-do, Mabel.
24:15That student is out on his feet.
24:18Mabel's having some fun here tonight
24:20in the Fernwood Resort.
24:22I forgot about it.
24:25My goodness.
24:29And take a look at this, ladies and gentlemen.
24:32Oh, no.
24:34Pancake anyone?
24:36A count of two and a very easy victory
24:39for our men on a mission.
24:42That's right.
24:43That's right.
24:44That's right.
24:45The mission is in full effect.
24:47We are in full effect.
24:51Go ahead, Oscar.
24:57Men on a mission doing their thing.
24:59We go back to the replay.
25:01And look at that, Bobby Heenus.
25:03Boy, look at that.
25:04There's two against one.
25:05Like they really needed it.
25:07Successful nonetheless.
25:09Mo, Oscar, Mabel rocking the house here tonight.
25:13And standing by will be Todd Pettigill
25:16for a very special Survivor Series report.
25:19Stand by, Todd.
25:22Promotional consideration paid for by the following.
25:54Welcome, everyone, to your WWF Survivor Series report
25:57exclusively for Monday Night Raw.
26:00My name is Todd Pettigill, and the countdown is on.
26:04Two weeks from this Wednesday night,
26:068 o'clock Eastern, 5 Pacific,
26:08from the sold-out Boston Garden,
26:10there isn't a seat in the place.
26:12The 1993 WWF Survivor Series.
26:16Call your local cable system to place your order.
26:18There is no reason that you can't make that call right now.
26:22What a WWF Survivor Series it's gonna be
26:25with not one but two main events.
26:27Now, before we get into the specifics,
26:29let's talk about the eight-man elimination matches.
26:32Four ways a superstar can be eliminated.
26:35Pinfall, count-out, disqualification,
26:38or submission hold.
26:40That means when you're eliminated, you are gone.
26:43You're out.
26:44Thanksgiving starts a bit early,
26:46and you ride the pines the rest of the night.
26:48This opens up some very interesting scenarios.
26:51It could be four against four, certainly.
26:54Three against three, but it also could work out
26:56to be three against one.
26:58Four against one.
27:01The possibilities are endless, and anything can happen.
27:04Keeping that in mind, let's run the card.
27:07First, the big double main event.
27:09The All-Americans take on the Foreign Fanatics.
27:12The red, white, and blue powerhouse.
27:14Lex Luger will captain the All-Americans.
27:16He's joined by the popular Rick and Scott,
27:19the Steiner Brothers.
27:20Now, make sure you're watching WWF Superstars
27:23this coming weekend to find out
27:25who will replace the injured Tatanka.
27:28Now, the WWF champion Yokozuna
27:31will lead the Foreign Contingency.
27:33He's joined by the Hellraiser from Helsinki,
27:36Ludwig Borga, and the current
27:38WWF Tag Team Champions, the Quebeckers.
27:41The second half of the main event
27:43is the family feud match.
27:45The Hart family against the Lawler family.
27:48If Martha Rae wasn't already known as the Big Mouth,
27:51that nickname would certainly belong to Jerry Lawler.
27:54Introducing the Hart family.
27:56Brett, Owen, Bruce, and Keith
27:58with Dad Stew Hart in their corner
28:00taking on Jerry Lip Service Lawler
28:02and his Mystery Knights of the Squared Circle.
28:05No question that the Hart family
28:07is taking this match very, very personal.
28:10Let's check in now with Brett, the Hitman Hart.
28:13Jerry Lawler, man, oh, man,
28:15are you gonna be sorry that you ever,
28:18ever started this war, this feud
28:20with the Hart family?
28:22It's one thing to have me mad at you.
28:24It's one thing to have me ready
28:26to rip your legs right off your little body.
28:28But you've gone way too far.
28:30You've got four Harts now in the ring
28:32against you and your Knights.
28:34You've got Bruce, you've got Keith,
28:36you've got Owen, and you've got me.
28:38And you've got Stew at ringside,
28:40you've got my entire family in the building.
28:42You're gonna have the cats there, the dogs,
28:44you're gonna have everybody.
28:46You bit off more than you could chew, Jerry Lawler.
28:48And as far as your Knights go, I don't care.
28:50I don't care how big they are,
28:52how bad they are, how tough they are.
28:54You're all going down, especially you,
28:56Jerry Lawler.
28:58Obviously, Brett speaking for the entire Hart family
29:00with those comments.
29:02Now, some other great matches are set
29:04for the 1993 WWF Survivor Series,
29:06including this one.
29:08Intercontinental champion Razor Ramon
29:10teams with a couple of former IC champs,
29:12Mr. Perfect and Marty Jannetty,
29:14plus the 1-2-3 Kid
29:16to take on IRS, the new spokesman
29:18for the money store.
29:21Also joined by the awesome Diesel,
29:23the destructive Adam Bomb,
29:25and the model Rick Martell.
29:27Plus, you will see Bam Bam Bigelow
29:29and Bastion Booger teaming up
29:31with the Hedgerinkers to battle for doinks.
29:33Now, keep in mind, this past weekend
29:35on WWF Superstars, the Hedgerinkers
29:37were in the ring preparing for their match
29:39when all of a sudden,
29:41they got doinked.
29:43In the ring right now,
29:45the Hedgerinkers setting set
29:47for time team action.
29:49Hey, Hedgerinkers!
29:51I've got a partner for Survivor Series 2!
29:53I would like to take this time
29:55to introduce him to you.
29:57So, here's
30:01Hey, Doink!
30:03Hey, Hedgerinkers!
30:05See you in Survivor Series!
30:07See you in Survivor Series!
30:09In addition to that
30:11exciting WWF action,
30:13the Smoky Mountain Tag Team
30:15Championship is on the line
30:17between the Rock and Roll Express
30:19and Jim Cornette's Heavenly Body.
30:21Don't miss a minute of this exciting action
30:23exclusively on Pay-Per-View.
30:25Wednesday night, November 24th
30:27from the historic Boston Garden.
30:29Call the cable system you're watching
30:31right now to order the WWF
30:33Survivor Series.
30:35When we come back here on Monday Night Raw,
30:37it's the model Rick Martell.
30:39Alright, Todd, thank you very much.
30:41Just a model is scheduled to join us
30:43a little bit later on.
30:45Lex Luger is out in front.
30:47You have an opportunity to vote, ladies and gentlemen,
30:49on just who will face Pierre the Quebecer.
30:51You don't have an opportunity to vote
30:53as it relates to NAFTA
30:55after Pierre and Gore
30:57go at it. Maybe Congress will have
30:59their opportunity to vote, but you can
31:01continue to vote for just who will face
31:03Pierre the Quebecer. And when we return,
31:05it's scheduled to join us
31:07soon. We'll be crushed!
31:09Let's do it, brother!
31:11All the way live!
31:15If you drink and drive,
31:19sooner or later,
31:21you're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:23A very good idea, by the way,
31:25as we come up on the holidays,
31:27to remember the message
31:29from the Undertaker.
31:31And you know something?
31:33If you don't drink and drive,
31:35chances are you're going to run into him
31:37down the road anyway.
31:39You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:41You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:43You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:45You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:47You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:49You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:52You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:54You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:56You're going to meet the Undertaker.
31:58You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:00You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:02You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:04You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:06You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:08You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:10You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:12You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:14You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:16You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:18You're going to meet the Undertaker.
32:20Both men, the last two.
32:22Survivors, if you would.
32:24No pun intended.
32:26Survivor Series coming up.
32:28Last two men lasting in the Battle Royale.
32:30It was held right here on Monday Night Raw.
32:32And boy, did they have a go of it.
32:34The model, Rick Martel.
32:36Sleek physique.
32:38The model with the class here
32:40against John Paul.
32:42I don't know why he was telling me the other day,
32:44Rick Martel, he said,
32:46I don't know why they put Cindy Crawford's picture
32:48in the magazines.
32:50He says, I'm the one they're after.
32:52He said, I'm just holding out for more money.
32:54Regardless of the way you look in the ring.
32:56It is what you do in the ring.
33:00Correct, Macho Man?
33:04And it was mentioned earlier on
33:06by Todd Pettengill.
33:08Later on this coming weekend,
33:10we're going to find out just who will
33:12be the newest member of the All-American team.
33:14And I just wonder
33:16whether or not someone to my right
33:18might be up for the task.
33:20I pledge allegiance
33:22to the flag
33:24of the United States of America
33:26and to the Republic
33:28for which it stands.
33:30Ah, well, it could
33:32very well, ladies and gentlemen, be the Macho Man
33:34Randy Savage will be right there
33:36with the All-American.
33:38Is he trying to let us know that he's going to be
33:40an All-American? Is that what it is?
33:42He is certainly available, that's for sure.
33:44That was Bernie Kosar. They released him today.
33:46They fired him from the Cleveland Browns
33:48as quarterback. They dumped him, so maybe he could
33:50get a, you know, some work.
33:52Bernie Kosar, one of the All-Americans?
33:54I would think so. Is that a work?
33:58Mama Rick Martel
34:00warming up. Well, he won't be
34:02warming up because this coming weekend
34:04he will have his rematch
34:06with Reyes Ramon on
34:08WWF Superstars.
34:10And that will, by the way,
34:12be for the Intercontinental Championship.
34:14The title match on Superstars. Martel
34:16against Reyes Ramon.
34:18And Paul almost pinned himself there.
34:20You don't think lightning can strike
34:22twice, do you? I mean, Reyes
34:24is not going to beat Martel the second time. Anything can
34:26happen in the WWF.
34:28Nice maneuver on the part of the Mama Rick Martel.
34:30Took Paul's momentum, used it against him.
34:32Very proud of himself,
34:34playing to the crowd. The Mama Rick Martel.
34:38And got the right suplex.
34:40Nicely executed.
34:44And has he ever dressed nice? You ever seen some of the suits
34:46this guy has? Really?
34:48He may not be wearing a suit
34:50after that. He may need a new shoulder.
34:52Paul, with a series of left jabs.
34:54It's not Riddick Bowe. Come on, guys.
34:56Let's get it done. Drop kick.
34:58Right into the mush.
35:02And now Paul, playing to the crowd
35:04just a bit. If he can get away
35:06with it, that's all right.
35:08Again, we said before the name of the game,
35:12Underperforming on that last
35:14exchange is John Paul.
35:16John Paul's parents
35:18gave him two first names.
35:20What's wrong with that?
35:22And now, ladies and gentlemen,
35:24submission hug. The Mama
35:26Rick Martel. Yes, is
35:34Look at the teeth on Martel.
35:36Rick Martel.
35:38It's like a Steinway piano.
35:40They're shining so white, them keys.
35:44what's he doing? Spraying Mr. Paul?
35:46Did you ever smell that arrogance? It's excellent.
35:48I put some on the other day.
35:50I had eight flight attendants.
35:52They were on me like a
35:54cheap suit.
35:56Was that before or after
35:58you had the parachute on?
36:00What? Flight attendants?
36:02I assume you were in the plane. Yes.
36:04With arrogance. Yes.
36:06Yes. Okay,
36:08folks, if you want to vote,
36:10if you want to be the matchmaker,
36:12next week, right here on Monday Night Raw,
36:14you can decide who will face Pierre the Quebecer.
36:16Is it Marty Jannetty, the
36:181-2-3 Kid, Doink, or Lex Luger?
36:20And Bobby Heenan, I must say,
36:22Lex Luger is leading the pack.
36:24Well, if Lex Luger's
36:26smart, he better get on the phone and start calling
36:28it the 1-2-3 Kid's name, or
36:30Doink's name, or Jannetty. The last thing Luger
36:32needs is to get in that ring.
36:34A reminder, folks, it's 99 cents
36:36per vote, and kids, again,
36:38if you're under 18, please get your parents'
36:40permission. Okay, standing
36:42by, we are told Randy Savage,
36:44he's in the building, we're told
36:46scheduled up next is going to be
36:48Crush. Live it on the edge.
36:50Let's do it, brother. That's the way it's gonna
36:52be from now on.
36:54I like it like that. Stay with us.
37:14Well, McMahon has
37:16been trying to calm Savage down
37:18for the last
37:2045 minutes here, and Savage is
37:22beside himself.
37:24Buckle your seatbelts, everyone.
37:26Something's gonna happen here.
37:28From Kona, Hawaii,
37:32322 pounds,
37:36Look at this.
37:38Vince is trying to save Savage's
37:40job, because I know he's not
37:42we are not allowed to get involved
37:44physically with...
37:46Crush is out.
37:48He is out. He's made his...
37:50He's on his way to ringside, I believe.
37:52I see Mr. Fuji's flag
37:54from where I'm sitting, and I see Crush behind...
37:56Oh, he's thrown McMahon to the floor!
37:58He's after Crush!
38:00He's lost it! He has lost it!
38:02They better
38:04get some help out here for Crush.
38:06They better get some help out here for Savage,
38:08because Savage is gonna suck...
38:10Are you all right?
38:12He can't even talk. McMahon was thrown
38:14to the floor. Savage has lost it.
38:16Are you okay, McMahon?
38:18I can't believe that.
38:20He's trying to help him.
38:22Randy Savage is...
38:24Randy Savage is a maniac.
38:26Oh, he's got...
38:28Oh, hell did break loose here.
38:30Randy Savage is a lunatic out here.
38:32Randy Savage going after Crush.
38:34Come on, Randy.
38:36He's trying to choke the life out of him. Look at that.
38:38I believe every official from the World Wrestling
38:40Federation is out here right now.
38:42Savage is in deep trouble.
38:44Everybody, look at Crush.
38:46Crush is going after Savage now.
38:48Crush catching up with Randy Savage.
38:50Oh, this thing's not gonna end right now.
38:52I doubt if a fight like this
38:54is ever gonna end. There's so much hatred
38:56inside Crush and Savage for each other.
38:58You can't blame Randy Savage for all that pent-up
39:00emotion and some of the remarks you made
39:02certainly were inflammatory.
39:04You can't blame Savage. The way he turned his back
39:06on a friend that was hurt. The way he stabbed
39:08Crush in the back. Fucci called him every day.
39:10Savage called him twice.
39:12That's ballin'. Look at this.
39:14Trying to get control.
39:16Things really added line here.
39:20They are really going at it.
39:22Look at this.
39:24I would've jumped up and helped him, McMahon,
39:26but I had to be out here. Thank you very much.
39:28It doesn't matter.
39:30Come on.
39:34Savage and Crush having a go
39:36on the Monday Night Raw.
39:38Randy Savage off.
39:42Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to my
39:44Monday Night Raw. We are live
39:46from the Fernwood Resort
39:48in Bushkill, Pennsylvania.
39:50In the Pocono Mountain.
39:52And Randy Savage is
39:54really alive here this week.
39:56Randy Savage stated
39:58earlier on that if Crush
40:00showed his face, all hell was gonna
40:02break loose, and that's exactly what happened.
40:04Okay, let me ask you, but who the hell
40:06does Savage think he is?
40:08Crush has a match. Just to interfere,
40:10leave his announced position, thinks he can just
40:12do it. He's got something to do with that man.
40:14Do it after Raw. Don't interfere with that man's match.
40:16Yeah, sure, Bobby.
40:18Big mouth. I mean, after Raw,
40:20how much of this did you add?
40:22How much did you add to the temperament of Randy Savage?
40:24You saw him when he first came out here.
40:26He was ready to explode from the very beginning.
40:28You even said it yourself.
40:30I know that. I know that man's a time bomb.
40:32But I'll tell you, I just said that
40:34out of jest, just to make him feel good.
40:36I know he was down and happy. I'm a kind guy.
40:38Making fun of him.
40:40You mean when they talk like that with their tongue?
40:42I'm sorry.
40:44I hope Randy Savage somehow
40:46joins us. We don't have a
40:48report as of yet.
40:50Well, there's a mess load of security
40:52back there. It looks like
40:54Waco, Texas back there.
40:56We're told now that Crush
40:58has been locked
41:00in his locker room, I believe.
41:02So in any event,
41:04they have them apart.
41:06Well, that's what they have to. They gotta put one on one
41:08side of the building, one on the other.
41:10I don't even think that's gonna work.
41:12Former WWF champion,
41:14Bob Backman, in the squared circle right now
41:16against Barry Horowitz.
41:18We apologize for not calling the
41:20action here in the ring. We are live
41:22on Monday Night Raw.
41:24And, well, anything can happen.
41:26I can attest to that.
41:28I got the same claws in my contract. I can't get in the ring
41:30and fight somebody if I'm mad. You know how many times
41:32I went in and get my hands on a guy, and I could just
41:34tear him up. Kind of like Razor Ramon
41:36and snap him around a bit. But, you know, I can't do that.
41:38You want to get into the ring?
41:40Well, I have a feeling
41:42inside of it.
41:44Set up by Horowitz. Uh-oh. Wait a minute.
41:46Here comes Randy Savage. Randy Savage is
41:48coming back.
41:50Listen to this.
41:52Hey, hey, don't let him get a hold of me.
41:56And look at that look.
41:58You alright?
42:00Yeah, let's do it, brother.
42:02I'm back, Heenan.
42:04I was hoping you'd be back.
42:06You got something to say to me?
42:08What are you doing, making fun of me last week?
42:10How about the week before?
42:12Talk like I was talking when my tongue was back.
42:14But that was just to make you happy.
42:16I wanted to make you feel good.
42:18Hey, he's nuts, McMahon. Get him away from me.
42:20This guy needs to be put in an institution.
42:22He needs shock treatment.
42:24Ain't nothing running me out of here, Heenan.
42:26Pass the word.
42:28Hey, I'm glad you're back.
42:30I don't mean any trouble to anybody.
42:36Randy Savage back here in the broadcast booth.
42:38Thank you very much for returning, Randy Savage.
42:40Can you give us some idea of what was going on back there?
42:42No problem. Just doing the thing.
42:46He won't answer me.
42:48Ask him what condition Crush is in or what happened.
42:50What is the condition of Crush?
42:52We can obviously see that you're shaking.
42:54I'll tell you something. If they wouldn't have
42:56me and him, he'd be in a lot worse shape right now.
43:00Did you hear that, Heenan?
43:02I heard it.
43:04Don't bet against me, brother.
43:06I'm not. I'm not.
43:08I'm on a roll. Nobody's going to stop me.
43:10I know that.
43:12By the way, we will have, a little bit later on,
43:14the results of your vote.
43:16You being the matchmaker, we will have those results
43:18later on here on Monday Night Raw.
43:20Nicely executed by Bob Backlund.
43:22Harlot's down to the canvas once again.
43:24Wait a minute. We are, uh...
43:26Where are we? Where is that camera?
43:30That's Crush's dressing room?
43:32I believe it is.
43:38Randy Savage.
43:40Let him go, McMahon.
43:42Let him go. Let him go.
43:44He's nuts.
43:46He's nuts, McMahon.
43:48He's crazy.
43:50Let him go get his butt kicked. Who cares?
43:52Randy Savage is going...
43:54Wait a minute. From behind.
43:56Look at this. Randy Savage.
43:58He's all over Crush.
44:00Randy Savage taking it to Crush.
44:02We'll be back as we continue with more Monday Night Raw.
44:04Randy Savage down with Crush.
44:06It's crazy. The man's nuts.
44:08You know he's nuts.
44:10We're back with more Monday Night Raw, ladies and gentlemen.
44:12We are tabulating the final results, and we'll have those results for you
44:14momentarily on the vote line,
44:16just to whom you chose to face.
44:18Pierre, the Quebecer, one-on-one.
44:20Randy Savage, we believe now, has been locked out of the building.
44:22He should be locked out of the country.
44:24That man is crazy.
44:26I knew he had a short fuse.
44:28I knew the guy's nuts for years.
44:30But when I looked in his eyes, it was like looking at Charles Manson.
44:32I mean, his eyes were smoking.
44:34There was fire. He's sick.
44:36He needs help.
44:38All right. We'll be right back with the vote line results.
44:40Stay with us, if you would.
44:42Will you talk to me?
44:44Promotional consideration paid for by the following.
44:46New WWF figure.
44:48The Mania, the now controversial,
44:50the audacity of IRS, and the madness of the Macho Man.
44:52Collect new WWF figures now.
44:54Sold separately.
44:56Okay. Thank you, Lord Alfred Hayes.
44:58Again, back with you.
45:00And ladies and gentlemen, it is a landslide.
45:02Lex Luger with a whopping
45:0462% of the vote.
45:06So next week,
45:08right here, ladies and gentlemen,
45:10the match that you made for the first time ever,
45:12Monday Night Raw history
45:14being made once again.
45:16You voted for it, and you'll get it.
45:18Lex Luger squaring off against
45:20Pierre the Quebecer in Pick'em Time, Bobby.
45:22Well, I gotta go with Pierre the Quebecer
45:24because he's a Quebecer.
45:26That man has so much intestinal fortitude.
45:28That man has so much stamina.
45:30Wait a minute. They're outside.
45:32Randy Savage and Crush.
45:34They're outside.
45:36I'm going outside.
45:38I gotta see this.
45:40Join us next week. Look at this.
45:42Savage with a hard right hand.
45:44Crush going all out.
