حملة لجمع المسلمين حول العالم لنصرة غزة !! | برنامج بصائر

  • 3 days ago
قناة الشيخ محمد الصغير، رئيس الهيئة العالمية لأنصار النبي ﷺ، ومؤسس وقف الأنصار، مستشار وزير الأوقاف الأسبق، وكيل اللجنة الدينية بمجلس الشعب وعضو مجلس الشورى الأسبق.

هيئة علماء #فلسطين تنظم أكبر فعالية لجمع المسلمين حول العالم نصرةً لــ #غزة ..
من #برنامج_بصائر، لمشاهدة الحلقة كاملة:


00:30And if the Qur'an is true, then the heads of the people of the nations will tremble
00:40It is evident from the images that this initiative was held with a large audience
00:46Why did you invite them to this campaign and what are their most prominent features?
00:49This was an invitation from young people who love Palestine and Gaza
00:54From different associations and under the supervision of the Palestinian Scholars Association
00:59The International Organization for the Support of the Prophet, peace be upon him, was one of the supporting groups for this invitation
01:06And I participated in the prayer in front of the central mosque of Kaya Shaheer
01:12The central mosque is located in the area of Kaya Shaheer
01:16And the crowd was very large
01:19And the crowd, from my point of view, as you can see in the pictures, is a family
01:24The family came with their children
01:27So it was a scene of Eid, as if we were in Eid prayer
01:32And it was a prayer of two rak'ahs and a prayer for the people of Gaza
01:36And this was repeated in more than 20 countries, as far as I know, a day before the prayer
01:43I do not know the numbers after that
01:45But it was proven to me that there were 20 squares around the world at the same time praying this prayer
01:52And perhaps in this scene in the central mosque of Kaya Shaheer
01:57Perhaps it will be fixed every Thursday, as far as it is organized
02:02At the same time?
02:03Yes, after the evening prayer, as far as it is organized by the Palestinian Scholars Association with the Turkish officials
02:11It is a good initiative, without a doubt
02:13Let me tell you, some will say, does Gaza win with prayers and invocations?
02:18Does this have any impact on your estimation?
02:21Yes, of course, Gaza wins with invocations, and invocations are the most important weapons
02:26The Prophet, peace be upon him, began the Battle of Badr with invocations
02:30When he had soldiers, he had ranks, but he used the weapons of invocation
02:35So the Ummah uses all the weapons, and this is a matter of education, not only in Gaza
02:40First, the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine feel that the Muslims are with them
02:44They share them
02:47Yes, they share them, that the Ummah still remembers them
02:50Raising their significance
02:52Then the issue remains in the hearts of the generations, of the children who are present
02:57They know what Gaza means, they know what the fate of the Ummah means
03:00And that the Ummah is one, and that the head of the Hizb al-Huda speaks in Turkish
03:07And the head of the Palestinian Scholars Association speaks in Arabic
03:11This is an embodiment of the significance of the Ummah behind the cause of justice, the cause of Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa Mosque
