• last year


00:00Hello sir, how are you? I need you to stop this vehicle now. Where are your keys? Where's
00:08the keys? There. OK, I'm here about the manner of your driving. OK, and I can smell alcohol
00:16coming off you really badly at the moment, sir, OK? OK, for that reason I'm going to
00:20require you to provide me a specimen of breath for analysis, OK? I'm going to get the machine,
00:24bear with me a second. Have you got any identification on you? No, I haven't. Have you got any ID?
00:29ID, yes. ID. How old are these two young men? He's 16. 16? No. 13. 13, sir. OK, thank you.
00:43Can we stand at the back of your vehicle for me please, sir? OK. Right, can we stand over
00:55on the path for me? Can you just keep an eye on the kids for me, mate, make sure they're
00:58all right. OK, how old are you, sir? I'm 23. 23? 33. 33, OK. Keep going, keep going,
01:10keep going, keep going, keep going. Well done. Spot on, mate. Perfect, thank you. OK. OK,
01:16so the drink drive limit is 35. OK. OK, and the machine will tell you how much you've
01:21got in your system. OK. OK, that's 103. OK, so the time now is 21.41. I'm arresting you
01:29for driving a motor vehicle while over the prescribed limit. You don't have to say anything,
01:32but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, so at your later
01:35line in court, anything you do say may be given in evidence, OK? The necessity of your
01:39arrest is so we can take you to the police station and you can give an evidential sample
01:43on the machine at the police station, OK? So when I'm going to... You're going to go
01:48to the police station now and we're going to look after your children, OK?
