• last year


00:00What is he doing?
00:18He's going to run, he's going to run, he's going to run!
00:21At least I'm still in Taser! Stay there!
00:25Stay on the floor! Stay where you are!
00:28We've got the runner, we've got him detained.
00:30Do not move!
00:32Drunk by any chance?
00:35I'm down for probably a little bit, aren't you?
00:38Top of that road, turn left.
00:40In the last 20 minutes, have you had any alcohol?
00:46And in the last 20 minutes, I know you mentioned you had a vape, how long ago was that?
00:50Well, it'll be longer than 20 minutes.
00:53And what about cigarettes?
00:55Yeah, again, I don't smoke cigarettes.
00:58OK, I'm going to require you to do some breath analysis on the roadside, OK?
01:02Because we've seen you drinking alcohol, drunk at one point.
01:05All I need you to do is just take a big long breath, blow into that, and then stop.
01:09So literally, deep breath, seal, and just steady.
01:12Don't overdo it, just slow and steady.
01:15I've done it once before.
01:17And it'll click.
01:21That's it, keep going. Job done.
01:32OK, you've blown 78.
01:34OK, the legal limit's 35.
01:36So the time is 22.29, and I'm arresting you for driving whilst over the prescribed limit of alcohol.
01:41OK, so you do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention or inquestion someone
01:45which may last round the court, and if you do say anything, you'll be given evidence.
01:47OK, the reason why you're arresting me is to take you to a police station to obtain an evidential sample of breath.
01:52Do you understand all that?
01:53Yeah, completely understand.
