• last year
झारखंड: जमशेदपुर से पटना जा रही वंदे भारत ट्रेन में कैटरिंग सेवा में काम करने वाली श्रण्या विश्वास ने कहा कि टाटानगर से पटना के लिए पहले ऐसी कोई ट्रेन नहीं थी। अब महिलाओं को काम करने का सुरक्षित माहौल और बेहतर टॉयलेट सुविधाएं मिल रही हैं। पहले कैटरिंग पूरी तरह पुरुष-प्रधान था, लेकिन अब महिलाओं को भी मौका मिल रहा है, जो महिला सशक्तिकरण की दिशा में एक बड़ा कदम है। श्रण्या ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को धन्यवाद देते हुए कहा कि इस ट्रेन में सुविधाएं बेहतरीन हैं, जैसे ऑटोमेटिक दरवाजे, साफ-सुथरे टॉयलेट, और रिवॉल्विंग सीट्स।

#PMModiInJharkhand #VandeBharatLaunch #TatanagarRailwayStation #ModiForDevelopment


00:00First of all, there was no such train to Patna from Tata, which has opened today, Vande Bharat.
00:06So, it is very helpful for everyone that such a train has opened.
00:10And when it comes to the work of girls, we used to have a lot of problems,
00:14we catering staff used to have a lot of issues with the toilet.
00:17There are a lot of issues in the train too, but we can also go very safe in this train.
00:22And the environment is also very good, and the toilet related issues are also over.
00:28So, it is a very good place for the girls to work.
00:32And I think that in the future, a train like this should also come,
00:35in which the girls should get a chance.
00:37Because catering was such a part, in which there was always a male-dominated portion,
00:42in which girls are coming now.
00:44So, I think that in the future, a train like this should open more,
00:47so that the girls get a chance to work.
00:49The security issue that you are talking about, which was there before,
00:53but I don't think there will be any such problem on this train.
00:57Because we have not yet faced such a problem.
01:00So, I don't think there can be such a problem.
01:02Women Empowerment is a good step, for which we thank Modi ji,
01:08for opening such a train, which is giving the girls a chance.
01:12The first thing is that its seat is a little different.
01:16There is a chair trainee, but the seat is a little different.
01:20It also has revolving seats.
01:22And its toilet is very clean from all the other trains.
01:26And there are many other facilities like this.
01:29The catering is also very good.
01:31I don't have any words to thank him.
01:35But I want to say thank you from my heart for this.
