Shraddha Kapoor has a new hairstyle! She cut her hair short and added bangs. The actress shared two cute photos of herself on Instagram. One picture shows her taking a selfie at the salon right after getting her hair cut. The next photograph was of Shraddha taking an elevator selfie. In the picture, the actress, who sported a denim shirt paired with dark blue pants and a Bottega Veneta tote bag, is seen smiling as she took a picture of her new look. For the caption, she wrote: “Baal baal jach gayi.”
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#ShraddhaKapoor #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Shraddha Kapoor has a new hairstyle.
00:03She cut her hair short and added bangs.
00:06The actress shared two cute photos of herself on Instagram.
00:10One picture shows her taking a selfie at the salon right after getting her hair cut.
00:15The next photograph was of Shraddha taking an elevator selfie.
00:19In the picture, the actress, who sported a denim shirt paired with dark blue pants and
00:24a Bottega Veneta tote bag, is seen smiling as she took a picture of her new look.
00:30For the caption, she wrote,
00:32Baal, Baal, Jachh, Gaayi.
00:35Last month, Shraddha shared a major throwback video featuring all her 2024 moments.
00:42The video showed the actress enjoying some lip-smacking food, posing in front of a mic
00:47during a recording session, celebrating Holi with her friends, and enjoying the company
00:52of her loved ones.
00:54She wrote in the caption,
00:55Koi mat bolna ke late aaya post, Christmas aur New Year ke beech mein sab maaf hai.
01:01Feb plus maar, 24th throwback.
01:04Meanwhile, 2024 has been an incredible year for Shraddha as Street 2 Raced become the
01:10biggest hit in Hindi cinema.
01:12On the work front, the actress will reportedly star in the next installment of the Doom franchise
01:18alongside actor Ranbir Kapoor, with whom she worked in the 2023 film To Joothi Mein Makaar.