Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, who was last seen in the theatrical movie 'Jigra', has shared her December photo dump. On Thursday, the actress took to her Instagram, and shared an array of pictures in which she can be seen having a great time. One of the pictures also shows her husband, Bollywood superstar Ranbir Kapoor wearing a T-shirt with their daughter Raha's name. Another picture shows her playing the game of teen patti. She can also be seen posing with Pandas and working out in the gym. She wrote in the caption, "Bits of here and there".
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00:00Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, who was last seen in the theatrical movie Jigra, has shared
00:06her December photo dump.
00:08On Thursday, the actress took to her Instagram and shared an array of pictures in which she
00:13can be seen having a great time.
00:15One of the pictures also shows her husband, Bollywood superstar Ranbir Kapoor, wearing
00:20a T-shirt with their daughter Raha's name.
00:23Another picture shows her playing the game of teen patty.
00:27She can also be seen posing with pandas and working out in the gym.
00:31She wrote in the caption, Bits of here and there.
00:34Earlier, the actress was spotted at the Versova jetty in Mumbai, as she got down from the
00:39boat and took an auto rickshaw.
00:42She was seen wearing an oversized striped shirt and a pair of wenge-coloured pants.
00:47Alia kick-started the month of December by installing a Christmas tree at her home.
00:52The actress took to the stories of her Instagram and shared a video which showed the Christmas
00:58The Christmas tree was adorned with ornaments bearing the names of her family, husband Ranbir
01:04Kapoor and their daughter Raha, who turned two years old last month.
01:09She wrote on the video, And it's up.
01:11December is a special month for Alia and Ranbir as they also participate in the customary
01:17Christmas celebrations of the Kapoor family, which takes place at Kunal Kapoor's, the
01:23elder son of late actors Shashi Kapoor and Jennifer Kendall House.
01:29The entire Kapoor family gathers at Kunal's home for the celebrations.