Actress Sonakshi Sinha, who was last seen in the streaming movie ‘Kakuda’, is annoyed by her husband Zaheer Iqbal’s shenanigans. On Wednesday, the actress took to the Stories section of her Instagram, and re-shard a video from her husband in which he could be seen talking to the camera about his wife's penchant for taking long shots in the camera. The actress wrote on the video, “You are a VVIP, very very irritating person”.
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#SonakshiSinha #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Actress Sonakshi Sinha, who was last seen in the streaming movie Kaku Rai, is annoyed
00:04by her husband Zaheer Iqbal.
00:05On Wednesday, the actress took to Story section to her Instagram and re-shared a video from
00:10her husband's Instagram in which he could be seen talking to the camera about his wife
00:14taking long shots in the camera.
00:16The actress wrote on the video,
00:18You are a VVIP, very very irritating person.
00:21Earlier, the actress saw the boxing day test between India and Australia in Melbourne.
00:26Actress was seen among the homogenous crowd of fans at Melbourne Cricket Ground.
00:32Sonakshi and Zaheer tied the knot on June 23 in Mumbai after 7 years of dating.
00:38They first met at a party hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan.
00:42Interestingly, both Sonakshi and Zaheer started their career with Salman.
00:46While Sonakshi made her debut opposite Salman in box office phenomenon The Bunk, Zaheer
00:51made his debut with Salman Khan's Home Production Notebook.
00:54The couple reportedly dated for 7 years and lived together for a year before tying the
01:00Their wedding ceremony was followed by a grand reception ceremony that was attended by several
01:05Bollywood celebrities including Salman Khan, Sanjay Leela Bansali, Kajol, Tabu, Honey Singh
01:11and more.
01:12Meanwhile, on the work front, actress is said to share the screen with her husband in Tu
01:17Hai Meri Kiran.
01:18The two have previously worked together in the film Double Axel which also stars Huma
01:24Qureshi and a music video titled Blockbuster.