• 2 months ago
मुंबई: केंद्रीय मंत्री प्रल्हाद जोशी मुंबई में अक्षय ऊर्जा पर आधारित एक वर्कशॉप में शामिल हुए। हमने यहां मुंबई क्षेत्र के मंत्री और अधिकारियों को बुलाया है। इसका उद्देश्य है कि प्रधानमंत्री जी ने जो हमको निर्देश दिया है और देश को, दुनिया को कमिट किया है कि 50% जो हमारी एनर्जी है वो 2030 तक वो गैर जीवाश्म ईंधन से होगा। वो ग्रीन एनर्जी से होगा तो इसके लिए जो कुछ भी करना है उसके लिए भारत तैयार होना चाहिए ये प्रधानमंत्री जी की सोच है। वहीं दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव को लेकर उन्होंने कहा कि इंडी गठबंधन अपने आप में अप्राकृतिक है। ये फोटोशूट है और कुछ नहीं है। कांग्रेस दूसरी पार्टियों के साथ गठबंधन नहीं बना सकती। ये कभी गठबंधन था ही नहीं।

#pralhadjoshi #unionminister #renewableenergy #indialliance #greenenergy #pmmodi


00:00Mumbai, we have called the ministers and officials of this region.
00:11There are ministers of Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa.
00:17Additional chief secretary, principal secretary level officers, and DSCOM officers from the other three states have come here.
00:26The aim of this is, as per the Prime Minister's instructions, and as per the commitment of the country and the world,
00:3450% of our energy by 2030 will be from non-fossil fuels.
00:43So it will be from green energy and renewable energy.
00:47So whatever preparation has to be done for this, and in the coming days,
00:54the demand for products made using green energy is very high.
01:02There will be restrictions in many places.
01:05So India should be prepared for this.
01:07India should use the advantage because we have a lot of renewable sources.
01:12This is the Prime Minister's thought.
01:15Therefore, the Prime Minister has given a lot of strength to take this forward.
01:23And all of us, as per the Prime Minister's instructions, have to work very fast.
01:29That is why we have organized a regional workshop here.
01:33All the state governments have come with a lot of enthusiasm.
01:36As I said, there are three ministers here.
01:38Desai ji is here, Save from Maharashtra, Dalvilkar from Goa.
01:44All of them have come.
01:46I am very happy.
01:47This is the beginning of the workshop.
01:49This is the best start of this region.
01:53Look, I can't tell you the budget expectations right now.
01:56But whatever proposal we have to give,
02:00we have given it to the Minister of Agriculture.
02:04So we hope that under the leadership of the Prime Minister,
02:09we will get good budgetary support from the Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture to move forward in this area.
02:16No, first of all, we have to understand all of you.
02:20This Indi-Gatbandhan, that itself was unnatural.
02:26Because they were fighting, you take for example,
02:30the Communist Party is one of the Indian partners.
02:34So they fight among themselves in Kerala.
02:37They fight in West Bengal.
02:39So once Amit Shah said this, all of you will remember.
02:44This is a photo-op.
02:46This is a photo-shoot, nothing else.
02:48At that time, everyone was jumping.
02:52No, no, how do you say this?
02:54That is what is happening now.
02:56And second thing is, Congress can never go with other parties.
03:01It's not in their nature, it's not in their blood.
03:05The Congress Party thinks they are superior to everyone.
03:09And the people of the fake Gandhi family think that
03:14we were born in this country to sit on the chair of this Prime Minister.
03:19This is their problem, what can we do?
03:21That's why they keep fighting.
03:23This is never a gatbandhan.
03:25This was a never alliance.
03:27This was a show-off.
03:29Because they understood that
03:32India can't face Modi ji's leadership,
03:35Modi ji's leadership can't face the Bharatiya Jinta Party.
03:40That's why.
03:42They started a drama, that drama is ending.
03:45This drama is ending tragically.
03:47This language is not right.
03:49It shows their culture.
03:52This language shows their personality.
03:57That's all I want to say.
03:59But, about them,
04:02the party you are talking about,
04:06the people of Maharashtra have taught them everything.
04:10They have shown their place to them.
