• el año pasado
Durante el siglo XI, Europa vivió un conflicto histórico marcado por las Cruzadas, una serie de campañas militares solicitadas por el Papa con el objetivo de recuperar Jerusalén de manos musulmanas. Esta lucha no solo fue una batalla por la Tierra Santa, sino que también planteó interrogantes sobre las verdaderas motivaciones de los combatientes. ¿Los cristianos luchaban exclusivamente por su fe, o había otros intereses en juego?

Las Cruzadas reflejan la complejidad de la época, donde los ideales religiosos se entrelazaban con intereses políticos y económicos. Los reyes y caballeros europeos veían en estas expediciones una forma de conseguir riquezas, poder y prestigio. A pesar de que la cruzada se proclamaba como una guerra santa, muchos combatientes perseguían fines personales, como la expansión territorial y la adquisición de la gloria.

Además, las Cruzadas tuvieron un impacto duradero en las relaciones entre cristianos y musulmanes, influyendo en la historia de Europa y el Medio Oriente. Este conflicto promovió no solo la interacción cultural y comercial, sino que también dejó huellas de violencia y tensiones que persisten hasta hoy.

Comprender la historia de las Cruzadas es fundamental para apreciar las raíces de muchos conflictos modernos. En esta serie de videos exploraremos todos los aspectos de este fascinante tema, desglosando las motivaciones, las batallas clave y las consecuencias de estas guerras.

#Cruzadas, #HistoriaMedieval, #TierraSanta

Keywords: Cruzadas, Jerusalén, siglo XI, guerra santa, cristianos, musulmanes, historia medieval, conflicto religioso, intereses económicos, impacto cultural


00:00September 11, 2001
00:04Terrorists who call themselves warriors of God against the crusaders of the West.
00:14Two religions that preach peace, however, make war throughout history.
00:31Times of confrontation and collaboration.
00:38Peoples and powers that fight in the name of God, but fight for supremacy on earth.
00:44The Holy War
00:55In the 11th century AD, a monumental conflict broke out over the control of the Holy Land.
01:01Christians are under threat.
01:04The Pope asks for a crusade in the name of God.
01:10The objective is the conquest of Jerusalem.
01:14But are Christian knights really fighting only for their faith?
01:20The so-called Holy War against Muslims will continue for two centuries.
01:26Crusade to Jerusalem
01:31Jerusalem, June 1099
01:35The crusaders reach the city walls.
01:38For the first time, these so-called armed pilgrims glimpse their final destination.
01:51They have been traveling for three years.
01:57Many thousands of crusaders had left for the Holy Land with a number ten times larger.
02:03Only a third have reached the Holy City.
02:07For now, all difficulties seem to have been forgotten.
02:16The Pope promised all the crusaders the remission of their sins,
02:20and they went to the aid of their Christian brothers in Palestine
02:24and liberated the sacred places of Muslim domination.
02:27Commanders such as Raimundo de Toulouse and Godofredo de Buillon have a burning desire in common.
02:38They are determined to restore the Christian dominion in the Holy Land,
02:44especially over Jerusalem and the tomb of Christ.
02:49According to contemporary belief, this was the land of the Lord and his legacy.
02:54Jerusalem had been ruled by Byzantine Christians for centuries.
02:59In 638, the city was conquered by the followers of Muhammad.
03:04Muslim domination was essentially tolerant with Jews and Christians,
03:09but in the 11th century there had been testimonies of repeated attacks against Christian pilgrims.
03:15The crusaders want to put an end to this situation.
03:19News of the siege reaches Damascus, 240 kilometers north.
03:31The Muslim herald Al-Sulami wants to receive information of the last hour of the Christian army.
03:38What do you want?
03:40A messenger informs him that the Christians are attacking Jerusalem.
03:44They carry crosses and pray to God to invoke his help, and they are very numerous.
03:49They have surrounded the city, praying and singing, and they ask for help from their God. There are many, sir.
03:55Al-Sulami is convinced that the attack of the European Christians is not an ordinary campaign.
04:07He realizes that we are not alone.
04:11He realizes that they have not only come to plunder, but to make war, in the name of God.
04:26The siege of Jerusalem is in its fifth week.
04:30There are no negotiations for a peaceful surrender.
04:34The defenders of Jerusalem have powerful weapons to avoid a breach in the city walls.
04:41The Greek fire consists of burning oil that cannot be extinguished with water.
04:52The leader of the crusaders, Godfrey of Bouillon, knows that his knights are being pushed to their limits.
05:04Many of his men die outside the city walls.
05:14They will go straight to paradise, or so the crusaders believe.
05:20Soon you will be with God. Intercede for us.
05:25If Jerusalem is taken by the Christians, the Muslims will be taken by the Greeks.
05:30If Jerusalem is taken by the Christians, the Muslims will lose one of their most sacred places.
05:36They will also look bad in the eyes of Allah.
05:39According to the Islamic law of war, the territories conquered by the Muslims should never be lost.
05:47In the 11th century, the Islamic empires extend from India to Spain.
05:52The Holy Land and Asia Minor, formerly ruled by Byzantine Christians, have been conquered step by step.
06:00When the Christians of the East ask the Christians of the West for help,
06:04the Pope of Rome takes the initiative while he is visiting a city in France.
06:11It is the year 1095, in Clermont, four years before the siege of Jerusalem.
06:15In a passionate speech, the head of the Catholic Church will call a crusade against the Muslim conquerors.
06:22It is the Pope Urban II.
06:30In November 1095, the successor of St. Peter gathers more than 200 bishops from France, Italy and Spain.
06:38The culminating point of the papal synod is a ceremonial service.
06:42Several thousand believers, including nobles and gentlemen, have responded to the Pope's call.
06:48The competition is so great that the service is carried out in a meadow, outside the cathedral.
06:54Urban paints a panorama of intimidation and threats.
06:57Appeal to the faithful and their brothers and sisters in Christ.
07:01The unfaithful are stealing the territories of the Christians.
07:05Many of them are murdered or deported, without mercy.
07:10They have our churches, our churches.
07:14They have our churches, our churches.
07:18They have our churches, our churches.
07:22They have our churches, our churches.
07:25They have our churches, our churches.
07:29The churches are on fire and Jerusalem has been devastated.
07:33The Christian Byzantium is in danger.
07:37It is the duty of every Christian to go to the aid of his brothers in the East.
07:43The term brothers and sisters refers to the Byzantine Eastern Church.
07:48In reality, at that time, Christianity is deeply divided between Catholic Christians and Orthodox Christians,
07:53whose center is Constantinople.
07:58Since the Seljuk Turks expelled the Byzantines from Asia Minor,
08:03the Christian world feels threatened.
08:06The nomadic riders constitute the new great force of the Islamic world.
08:11As they advance, local Christians and pilgrims heading to the Holy Land are attacked.
08:17The Seljuks also threaten the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople.
08:23The metropolis of Bosphorus was in the past the center of power of the Christian world.
08:30It is the reason why the Byzantine emperor Alejo
08:34has repeatedly asked the Pope for help in the fight against the Seljuks.
08:38In the summer of 1095, he writes to Urban II.
08:42His letter does not go unnoticed.
08:51Any type of military protection.
08:54Alejo asks the Pope Urban for military support against the Muslims
08:58to save his empire and all Christianity.
09:02For our empire and for all Christianity.
09:06In Clermont, the Pope places the call for Byzantine aid in the center of his sermon.
09:14According to Urban, he is attacking the Christians of the East.
09:18They are being enslaved and the men and women are being outraged.
09:22The Muslim pagans have reached the gates of Constantinople.
09:26All the Christians are indignant.
09:29They want to destroy the Byzantine Empire.
09:31If you do not stop them, they will end up subduing us too.
09:40The Pope, evidently, gave a very effective sermon.
09:45Full of great gestures and very well argued.
09:49No, I'm not the one who gets it, it's God.
09:53I'm the one who gets it.
09:56I'm the one who gets it.
09:58No, I'm not the one who gets it, it's God.
10:01The Pope insists that it is God himself
10:04who is asking all Christians to take the cross
10:07and go to war against non-believing Muslims.
10:10Expel those unworthy infidels.
10:18An assistant to the synod, Bishop Lamberto de Arras,
10:21writes a story about the Pope's speech in Clermont.
10:25He describes how Urbano promotes the campaign to the Holy Land.
10:31Those who march to Jerusalem for reasons of piety,
10:35not to earn honor or money, can expect heavenly rewards.
10:43After the speech, those present burst into a warm applause.
10:50They embroidered cloth crosses on their clothes
10:52to show that they had taken the cross for the love of God.
10:58According to ancient sources, they shouted,
11:01this is the will of God.
11:04God wants it.
11:09God wants it.
11:13God wants it.
11:16Urbano declares the liberation of the Holy Land
11:19a penitential pilgrimage.
11:22He wants to unite Christians divided under one banner.
11:26The power of the Church must reign over the secular power.
11:30The Pope will be the protector of all Christianity,
11:34the true representative of Christ on earth.
11:38Urbano's plan worked,
11:41perhaps better than the others.
11:43The response was massive.
11:46When the participants in the Council returned to their dioceses,
11:51they made sure that the news of the Pope's call
11:54was spread throughout the region.
12:03The Christian pastors call for a crusade to Jerusalem,
12:07the land of the children of the Israelites.
12:09Bishops and preachers announce the Pope's message in their churches.
12:13Itinerant preachers take him to the field.
12:16There is no doubt that Urbano II
12:19touched the sensitive fiber of the time.
12:22There is no other way to explain the movement of masses
12:26that even surprised the contemporaries.
12:29Hundreds of thousands,
12:32guests or not guests, are on their way.
12:35They are with us.
12:37Everywhere Christians are asked to liberate Jerusalem
12:40in the name of God.
12:43Fanatic monks assume the responsibility
12:46of promoting the crusade in the name of Christ.
12:49People come to them en masse,
12:52citizens on foot, peasants,
12:55artisans and members of the low nobility.
12:58Not exactly the knights requested by Byzantium,
13:02nor the warriors of God that Urbano II
13:04had in mind.
13:07It is an improvised army,
13:10without a previous plan,
13:13of about 15,000 people in total.
13:16The so-called crusade of the poor
13:19was a reaction to the advertising
13:22for the crusade,
13:25which the itinerant preachers
13:28and others took to the north of France,
13:31the Netherlands,
13:34and Renania.
13:37This army of plebeians
13:40does not want to wait until the day of departure
13:43marked by the Pope.
13:46Some nobles also want to leave immediately.
13:49The desire to achieve salvation
13:52was shared by rich and poor alike.
13:55It seemed to be an increasing concern
13:58in the 11th century.
14:01The notion of penance for personal sins
14:04in order to redeem oneself.
14:10It is a time of fear at the end of the world
14:13and the final judgment,
14:16but also of hope in salvation.
14:21To fight for the honor of Christ,
14:24to take revenge on any dishonor
14:27that may have been caused to him.
14:30These are beliefs
14:33that had gained ground in the 11th century
14:36and that paved the way
14:39for the surprisingly powerful reaction.
14:44The so-called crusade of the people
14:47crosses cities like Spira,
14:50which are shopping centers along the Rhine.
14:53They house numerous Jewish communities.
14:56Suddenly they are in danger.
15:00In the Middle Ages,
15:03many Jewish communities had established themselves
15:06in obituary cities like Colonia, Maguncia, Worms or Spira.
15:10The Jews played a preponderant role
15:13in the economic growth of these cities.
15:19As merchants and lenders,
15:22the Jews play an important role in the medieval economy.
15:25They pay taxes to the emperor
15:27and receive their protection in return.
15:30At least, in theory.
15:33We know that many of the participants
15:36in the first crusade were not nobles or rich gentlemen,
15:40but people without resources.
15:43The attack on Jewish communities
15:46was an easy way for them to get rich.
15:49Jewish neighborhoods in several cities are attacked.
15:53A systematic manhunt begins.
15:55Despite the official protection of the emperor
15:58and the local bishops,
16:01the authorities fail to prevent the looting
16:04and mass execution of Jews.
16:07Around 5,000 people are victims of the pogroms of 1096.
16:17The Jews were portrayed
16:20as the descendants of the murderers of Christ.
16:22It may sound cynical,
16:25but the people of the time believed that they would please God
16:28if they attacked the so-called infidels or pagans in their country.
16:32But this particular crusade also has suicidal qualities.
16:37Most of the crusaders are poorly armed
16:40and poorly prepared for a long march.
16:44Few participants in the Crusade of the Poor will arrive in Jerusalem.
16:53This makes it more important
16:56for the clergy and the high nobility
16:59to make sure they are well prepared themselves.
17:07In the castle of the Duke of Baja Lorena,
17:10preparations are made for the long journey to the unknown.
17:14Sewing crosses on the clothing for the march to Baja Lorena
17:18is also a symbol of a new beginning.
17:28One of the people to take the step is Godofredo de Bullón.
17:32The Duke is impressed by the spirit of the monasteries.
17:37They are places of contemplation
17:40at a time when many are waiting for the coming of the Lord.
17:43It is said that wearing the suit of a knight
17:46is like wearing the tunic of a monk.
17:54Previously, Godofredo had paid little attention
17:57to the advice of the Pope
18:00and was not reluctant to mundane temptations.
18:03However, he is full of doubts
18:06in these times of spiritual turbulence.
18:09He decides to continue the journey to Baja Lorena
18:12He decides to follow the call of the Pope to the Holy Land.
18:16His brothers Eustachio and Balduino join him.
18:21Are you ready, Godofredo?
18:24It will be a long journey.
18:27Godofredo is aware of the dangers that lie ahead.
18:30If he dies on the way to Jerusalem,
18:33he wants to be buried with the mantle of the Crusader
18:36who wears the cross of Christ embroidered.
18:39Leave it.
18:42Take care of your business.
18:47No one knows if any of them will return.
18:50While preparing for the trip,
18:53they also liquidate their goods.
18:55I have engaged our castle with the bishop of Liege.
18:58You have sold our castle?
19:01It was wise to sell the castle of the family.
19:04The brothers agree that they will not return.
19:07Why are we going back?
19:10They will find their own sacred kingdom in the Holy Land.
19:13A Christian kingdom.
19:16God wants it.
19:19God wants it.
19:22God wants it.
19:25God wants it.
19:28God wants it.
19:31God wants it.
19:33God wants it.
19:40It is the will of God.
19:43That is the motto of the Pope when he declares
19:46that the campaign to Palestine is a holy war.
19:49Many are willing to follow his call
19:52in search of salvation, but also in search of fame,
19:55glory, power and wealth.
19:57The personal motivations that trigger the beginning
20:00of the period of 200 years of the Crusades
20:03are full of contradictions,
20:06but many people participate from all levels of society
20:09and from all over Europe.
20:18Finally, hundreds of thousands of people
20:21embark on the dangerous journey,
20:24rich and poor,
20:27gentlemen and nobles,
20:30gentlemen and workers, peasants and urbanites,
20:33men and women.
20:36The summer of 1096 marks the beginning
20:39of the greatest military effort of the Middle Ages.
20:44Tens of thousands of Crusaders,
20:47mostly French and Germans,
20:50follow three different routes,
20:53through Italy, bordering the Adriatic
20:55and the mountain range of the Balkans.
20:58Their first common destination, the path of the Holy Land,
21:01is Constantinople.
21:04Since the 4th century AD,
21:07the city has been the capital of the Byzantine Empire
21:10and the metropolis of all Orthodox Christians.
21:13It was here that Emperor Alejo
21:16wrote his call for help to the Pope Urban.
21:19Finally, the Crusader army is near.
21:22Alejo expects the Pope to send him
21:25some units of mounted mercenaries
21:28that will later be put under his command.
21:31Instead, a huge army has arrived
21:34at the gates of the city walls,
21:37which poses a threat to the capital.
21:42Alejo urges Godofredo and the Crusaders
21:45to sow fear among their people,
21:48to appropriate anything they need
21:51from the tyrants and plunderers.
21:54He brings the Crusaders without warning,
21:57but they do take into account
22:00the Emperor's requests.
22:03Alejo wants the Crusader leaders
22:06to swear loyalty to him
22:09and return all the territories
22:12conquered by Byzantium.
22:15The Emperor insists.
22:18He demands a oath of loyalty.
22:21Without any reservation.
22:24Why are we going to do it?
22:27The Crusaders have already sworn loyalty to the Pope.
22:34Alejo does not care.
22:39I will not allow you to continue the journey.
22:43Only if you swear allegiance to him,
22:46will the Emperor of Byzantium
22:48grant permission to cross the Bosphorus.
22:51No ship will pass without my consent,
22:54and in no case will it be yours.
23:02It is your choice.
23:10The Crusader leaders give in,
23:13at least for now.
23:19Let's go.
23:22Our destination is Holy Land.
23:25They have no choice if they want to reach Holy Land.
23:34The oath of loyalty of the Crusaders has been coerced.
23:39Later, they will not return any conquered territory,
23:43but they will try to establish their own kingdoms in Holy Land.
23:46The fraternal aid to Byzantium
23:49is overshadowed by imperial rivalry.
23:53But there is still a long way to Jerusalem.
23:56On the way to their final destination,
23:59the Crusaders find a strong resistance from the Seljuks.
24:03In Dorilea, the first Crusade is in danger of being annihilated.
24:09The troops of Sultan Kilic Arslan
24:12attack one of the units of the Crusader armies.
24:17From a distance, the Seljuk archers
24:20shoot the Christian warriors.
24:23The Muslim ruler has 50,000 men under his command.
24:27The situation of the defenders seems desperate.
24:31Thousands of Crusaders die in the narrow valley,
24:35but Christian messengers have been sent in search of help.
24:39The reinforcements arrive just in time.
24:42Godofredo de Buillon and his cavalry
24:45attack the attackers from the rear.
24:48They tilt the scale in their favor
24:51and obtain a key victory on the way to Jerusalem.
25:09Godofredo, the popular and respected leader of the Crusades,
25:13erects wooden crosses along the route
25:16to show the way to future pilgrims.
25:19But how do Muslims react to the advance of the Franks,
25:23a name that these Europeans who speak Latin receive?
25:27Only a few realize that the Crusade
25:30is different from ordinary campaigns,
25:33whose objective is looting and plundering.
25:39The Islamic erudite Al-Sulami
25:42explains the difference in the Great Mosque of Damascus.
25:52The spiritual leader of the Franks
25:55has called a crusade against the Muslims.
26:00It is a campaign in the name of faith, according to Al-Sulami,
26:04similar to an armed jihad.
26:06They want to get to Jerusalem,
26:09not as pilgrims of peace for prayer,
26:12but as armed warriors.
26:15Many Muslims feel outraged
26:18because foreigners eat pork and drink alcohol.
26:22And there is something worse.
26:25They want to expel all Muslims from the Holy City and enslave them.
26:29The Crusaders fight in the name of God
26:32and in the name of faith.
26:34They believe they will be rewarded with paradise.
26:37They are determined to wage war against the Muslims,
26:40by any means.
26:44But for Al-Sulami and his people,
26:47hell will be their real reward.
26:56The Crusaders have been traveling for three years.
27:00Many have died in combat or in battle.
27:02Many have succumbed to illness and exhaustion.
27:05Some have founded new settlements along the way.
27:09Less than a third of the original army
27:12arrives at their longed-for destination, Jerusalem.
27:17As they prepare to attack the fortified city,
27:21many expect salvation as a reward.
27:25Masses are held and psalms and songs of praise are sung
27:28as the Crusaders prepare to assault the city walls.
27:47The procession in front of the gates of Jerusalem,
27:51shortly before the attack on the city,
27:54says a lot about the mentality of the Crusaders
27:56and about the vision they had of themselves.
28:03The defenders of Jerusalem, the Fatimids of Egypt,
28:07are surprised by the Christian rituals.
28:10It is evident that the Crusaders are not ordinary conquerors.
28:14They saw themselves, and some sources show it,
28:18as the new people of Israel.
28:21They followed the tradition of the Old Testament.
28:26But Godofredo de Buillon knows that prayers
28:30will not be enough to tear down the city walls.
28:38The defenders are superior in number.
28:41However, the Crusaders consider the attack on the Holy City
28:45a divine mission.
28:49They surrounded the city three times in a process of purification.
28:53This is how they cleaned themselves.
28:56This is how they cleaned themselves.
29:05The Muslim defenders also invoke the help of Allah.
29:13The Christians have little water and food.
29:16Many Crusaders have fallen ill.
29:18The time has come to attack.
29:21We have to attack.
29:23I think he's right.
29:26They also lack wood to build the siege machines.
29:30The only thing they have been able to gather is two towers of assault.
29:34They will have to settle for that.
29:37Mother of God, may the Lord help us.
29:40In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
29:43None of their previous battles has been fought in such adverse conditions.
29:48The beginning of the conquest was very difficult.
29:51The Crusader army had been significantly reduced in number.
29:54And Jerusalem was a large and well fortified city.
29:57Organizing a classic siege, in which the city is subdued by hunger,
30:01was a very complicated undertaking.
30:04And the Christians knew that the Muslim defenders of the city
30:08would have asked for reinforcements.
30:11They assumed that an Egyptian relief army, Fatimid,
30:14would soon be on its way.
30:16This implies that the Crusaders had little time.
30:20The attack on Jerusalem has begun.
30:23It is July 15, 1099.
30:26The defenders use devastating weapons against their attackers.
30:38The Greek fire, as it is known,
30:41makes it difficult to climb the walls of the city.
30:45Do not retreat!
30:47Do not retreat, men!
30:50God wants it!
30:52Come on!
30:54Everyone up!
30:59As the attackers are outnumbered,
31:02they direct the attack towers towards some sections of the city walls.
31:06With one of the siege towers,
31:08the Duke of Baja Lorena and his men
31:11manage to place themselves short distance from the city walls.
31:14Finally, the troops led by Godofredo de Buillon
31:18achieve their goal.
31:20It seems that Godofredo was in the tower,
31:23but contrary to what is written sometimes,
31:26he was not the first to reach the city wall.
31:29There were two of his followers.
31:39Despite suffering numerous casualties,
31:41the Duke and his men charge against the Almenas.
31:55A few crucial minutes will be decisive
31:58for the defeat or victory of the crusaders.
32:05The fate of the sacred city,
32:07for both Muslims and Christians,
32:09hangs by a thread.
32:12Both sides trust in their faith
32:15and hope to receive the help of their God.
32:21For both religions, peace is sacred.
32:29But for the faithful of both sides,
32:32war is a way to defend their own true religion
32:35against enemies and unbelievers.
32:41However, the Christians have declared
32:44their own crusade against the Muslims,
32:46a holy war ordered by God.
32:54This triggers the bloodiest religious war
32:57the world has seen so far.
33:03And turns the battle for Jerusalem
33:06into an orgy of violence.
33:11What happened later inside the city
33:14was a massacre.
33:17The population was exterminated,
33:20Jews and Muslims alike.
33:24At the same time,
33:27the leaders of the crusade
33:30tried to secure the important enclaves
33:33of the city.
33:36The massacre in the narrow streets of Jerusalem
33:38was absolutely horrible.
33:41There was no respect
33:44for gender or age.
33:52Even the Christian witnesses
33:55do not hide what happens.
34:03Immediately after crossing the walls
34:05the knights rushed to the streets
34:08and public places.
34:11All the enemies they encountered
34:14were stabbed.
34:17No one was saved.
34:20Everything was covered in blood.
34:23The news of the fall of Jerusalem
34:26spreads like wildfire.
34:29The French have killed everyone in Jerusalem.
34:32It has been a real massacre.
34:35They spent several days killing everyone they found.
34:39Al-Sulami considers the French
34:42wild beasts.
34:4730,000 people die,
34:50including the Jewish residents of the city.
34:53Even the Christians of the place are murdered,
34:56accused of collaborating with the Muslims.
34:59Memories of the bloody siege of Jerusalem
35:02exert a permanent pressure
35:05on the relations between the two religions.
35:13One of the most common reasons
35:16to explain the thirst for blood
35:19that the crusaders showed during the capture of Jerusalem
35:22in the year 1099
35:25was their inability to control their religious enthusiasm
35:28and the prolonged efforts and tensions of the journey.
35:34But the real reasons behind the crusades
35:37may have played an even more important role.
35:42If we examine more closely
35:45the reports on the proclamation of the crusade
35:48of Pope Urbanus,
35:51we discover that in it he called for revenge
35:54against the non-believers who had occupied
35:56and in his opinion profaned
35:59the sacred places of Christianity.
36:06Shortly after the conquest of the Holy City,
36:09Godfrey of Bouillon will be crowned
36:12first king of Jerusalem.
36:15But there are certain reservations,
36:18since it was here that Christ had worn the crown of thorns.
36:21In his place, the conqueror accepts the title
36:23of protector of the Holy Sepulchre.
36:26He renounces the throne, but not the claim of power.
36:29He has saved us from the wrath of our enemies.
36:34In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
36:40However, the reign of Godfrey does not last long.
36:43He will die a year after the conquest of Jerusalem,
36:46being buried in his favorite place,
36:49the church of the Holy Sepulchre.
36:54His legacy will not remain intact.
36:57Can the Muslim forces accept
37:00that this sacred ground will be taken away from them forever?
37:03After the conquest of Jerusalem by the Christian forces,
37:06most of the Arabs were astonished.
37:09What should be done? The Muslim world was divided.
37:12How should they react to the capture by the Christians
37:15of one of the most important Arab cities?
37:20In Damascus, al-Sulami extracts conclusions
37:23from recent events.
37:26Why has Allah denied us victory?
37:29Allah is testing us.
37:32According to al-Sulami, God uses the defeat of the Muslims
37:35to test them.
37:38They have sinned, they have disobeyed their orders,
37:41and they have disputed among themselves.
37:44They have not been able to defend the Holy Land.
37:47Only in the event that the Muslims overcome their divisions
37:49and fight shoulder to shoulder,
37:52the enemy will be defeated.
37:55If we fight together,
37:58we can defeat our enemies.
38:01Al-Sulami is an interesting figure.
38:04He is not only a religious erudite,
38:07who sometimes gives sermons in Damascus.
38:10He is also one of the few contemporaries
38:13of the time
38:15who understands that Christian military expeditions,
38:18whether in Sicily,
38:21in the Iberian Peninsula,
38:24or in the Middle East,
38:27have religious motives.
38:30At least this is what he writes
38:33in a treatise on the Jihad,
38:36which he wrote based on his conclusions.
38:39In his book, Kitab,
38:41Al-Sulami describes the attack on Jerusalem
38:44as an attack on Islam.
38:47There were calls,
38:50mainly among the Muslim erudites,
38:53to the unity of the Muslim world
38:56and to the expulsion of the Christians from Jerusalem.
38:59But it had to pass time
39:02before they were heard.
39:05Islam was now being used
39:08as a political instrument.
39:11Several decades will pass
39:14before a Muslim force
39:17is able to reconquer Jerusalem.
39:20Towards the end of the twelfth century,
39:23an experienced warlord
39:26turns his declared objective
39:29the expulsion of Christians from the Holy Land.
39:32His name, Saladin, Sultan of Egypt,
39:35not only recovers the land lost in Palestine.
39:38In 1187,
39:41he also forces Christians
39:44to leave the Holy City.
39:47Saladin trusts in the power of his faith.
39:50He convinces the high cleric
39:53to declare the fight against the Crusaders.
39:56A Jihad.
39:59Buried in a large mausoleum in Damascus,
40:02he is revered as a hero to this day.
40:05Is the Muslim Jihad comparable
40:08to the Christian Crusades?
40:11The Crusades and the Jihad
40:14are often compared.
40:17Although experts in the Middle East
40:20and in Islam
40:23have clearly shown that the Jihad
40:26is based on a much broader concept.
40:29Not only to promote military campaigns
40:32like the Crusades,
40:35but also the spiritual advance of Islam.
40:42The fall of Jerusalem triggers new Crusades.
40:45But all Christian attempts
40:48to reconquer the Holy City
40:51end in failure.
40:54The German emperor Frederick II
40:57of the Staufer dynasty
41:00chooses a different path as a mediator between cultures.
41:03He denies the sword,
41:06knowing that he cannot conquer Jerusalem by force.
41:08During negotiations
41:11with the Sultan Al-Kamil of Cairo,
41:14a compromise is reached.
41:25There will be peace for 10 years,
41:285 months and 40 days,
41:31as commanded by the Muslim calendar.
41:34Tablas, my friend.
41:42In this truce between Christians and Muslims,
41:45Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth
41:48are supervised by Christians.
41:51Frederick II has achieved his goal
41:54without shedding blood.
42:04Thanks to his education,
42:07Frederick is different from other European kings.
42:10He grew up in Palermo,
42:13a crystal of cultures.
42:16His royal palace is a meeting point
42:19for Byzantines, Italians, Arabs and Germans.
42:22Both for Christians and Muslims.
42:28The cultural exchange
42:30between the representatives
42:33of the different religious communities
42:36began to appear early.
42:39It is well documented in terms of material culture,
42:42including architecture and confection,
42:45as well as in terms of music,
42:48literature and poetry.
42:51Also everyday objects and luxury items.
42:55All this makes it clear
42:57that the Crusaders brought elements
43:00of material culture,
43:03from the Islamic world to the Christian world.
43:09Arab technology was clearly superior to European.
43:12For example,
43:15the fruitful supply of fresh water
43:18to the cities that were surrounded by arid land.
43:21It was the precondition for economic growth
43:24and prosperity.
43:27Works of art, science and literature
43:30were created.
43:33There are new publications,
43:36research and experimentation in the fields of physics,
43:39mathematics, medicine and astronomy.
43:42The exchange between the East and the West
43:45produces a unique flow of knowledge.
43:52But the memories of the religious war
43:54are usually more powerful than the knowledge
43:57of the common cultural roots.
44:00For 200 years,
44:03Christian knights remained in the Holy Land.
44:06Hundreds of thousands of people died in the Crusades.
44:09Christians, Muslims and Jews.
44:13The result of the Crusades is ambivalent,
44:16although the events of the time
44:19were marked by violence.
44:21Violence that emanates
44:24mainly from Christians,
44:27although the historical context must be taken into account.
44:30The Seljuks had blocked the route
44:33of pilgrims from Europe to Palestine,
44:36so that Christians do not use
44:39violence in a totally arbitrary way.
44:42The Crusades were part of a history
44:45of centuries of conquest and counter-conquest.
44:48Powerful fortresses still bear witness
44:51to ancient battles.
44:54They were considered part of a holy war
44:57and shaped the relations between the two religions
45:00for many centuries.
45:03The historical memory of the Crusades
45:06was rescued during the period of European colonialism.
45:09Especially during the 19th and 20th centuries,
45:12the stories of the Crusades
45:14were resurrected and updated.
45:17As a result, they are still very much alive today.
45:22Not only for some Muslims,
45:25the period of the Crusades
45:28has not yet come to an end.
