• last year


00:00All right, guys, it is time for the phone script.
00:04If you guys are thinking about maybe making phone calls to connect us, then let me just
00:10show you probably the best way that you could go about that.
00:15And in order for me to do that, I'm going to introduce you to our very own lead software
00:23that is called Search for Locals.
00:27So the big why here that we're giving you is that you'll never have to pay for another
00:34lead again.
00:36So if your lead generation is going to be an issue, then don't worry.
00:41We have this one-time fee of $99.
00:46You can get unlimited leads, guys.
00:48Look, this is me right here.
00:49Actually, let me make sure I transition so you guys can see.
00:52This is me right here.
00:55I'll show you right now.
00:56Look, leads for local, never pay for another lead again.
01:00Lifetime access.
01:01Okay, guys, I don't know how long I'm going to keep the lifetime access, but right now
01:05is a $99, like I said, one-time fee.
01:09These are the leads that I started landing because I was able to find these businesses
01:17that didn't have, for example, a website.
01:20That's what I wanted.
01:21I wanted to find businesses that didn't have what I was offering.
01:24So again, $99 right now, one-time offer.
01:29You can go ahead and just fill out this information right here, and you can opt if you want to
01:34do the international version.
01:37If you want to search in other countries, you would just click this right here.
01:41But this is what I used, right?
01:43Honestly, we built it for our company, but now we are extending it to you guys to use
01:48if you want to speed the process of getting in touch with people.
01:57So that is that.
01:58That is leads for local.
01:59So let's get into the phone script.
02:00The phone script have three parts.
02:02It has the intro, right?
02:04When you call, it has the content of the conversation, and then it has the close, which is booking
02:13the meeting, right?
02:14So let me show you.
02:15The intro that we use, since we are calling businesses that don't have websites, it makes
02:25it a lot easier for us to communicate with them or to get through the resistance because
02:34we are already calling them, and we're touching the need that they have.
02:41Remember, we, my company, Rapid Leads, right, we build websites, we automate websites, we
02:50automate social media, and we automate phone systems.
02:53So most likely, a lot of these companies won't have one or the other.
02:58Let me show you what that looks like in Rapid Leads real quick in Search for Locals.
03:02Search for Locals.
03:03This is what it looks like in Search for Locals.
03:04You can see here, all I did was I selected a state, so I can do anywhere in America,
03:10so you'll never run out of leads.
03:12I can do zip code, or I can do by city, right, since I'm in Worcester, I'll put Worcester.
03:17Then I'll just choose a category.
03:18I can do landscapers, and if I just hit the letter A, these are all the categories under
03:22the letter A that we have, okay?
03:25I can choose any of these categories.
03:28I can hit Check Websites, right, and what's going to happen is a list is going to come
03:31up, and here I can see it says, No website found, No website found, No website found,
03:39No website found, No website found.
03:42Do you guys see it?
03:43There's a lot of opportunity, especially if you're a web designer.
03:48Even if you have a media marketing company, social media marketing company, this is a
03:53great way to get in touch with them.
03:55Anyways, guys, now that you know that, the intro, right, the intro, obviously is, hey,
04:02can I speak to, is this Joe at Bob's Plumbing, or is this Bob at Bob's Plumbing?
04:09He's going to say, yeah or no, but that's what you're going to do.
04:11You're going to add confused.
04:12You're going to say, hey, I was doing a Google search, right, and I came across your guys'
04:18Google listing, but it seemed like you guys are closed.
04:23I didn't see you guys had a website.
04:25You guys still in business?
04:27Now what is that doing?
04:28That is putting insecurity in the listener's point of view.
04:33You let them know, I thought you guys were closed, practically because I didn't see you
04:37guys have a website.
04:39Are you still in business?
04:40So the script goes like this, hey, I was searching on Google and I came across your profile.
04:47Are you guys still in business?
04:49And they're going to tell you, of course we are.
04:51You know, how can I help you?
04:52You say, yeah, I just know that you didn't have a website.
04:55So I thought I'd give it a shot anyways, but hey, really it's out of the blue here, but
05:01we actually built you guys a website.
05:03Is that something you would even consider looking at or be interested in?
05:09Would you like to have your own website?
05:12So what am I doing now?
05:13I'm letting them know, hey, we built this for you.
05:16We are going at a value adding approach.
05:19We're not calling them, give me your money.
05:22We're calling them, letting them know, hey, we actually built you a website.
05:26And before you stop me, let me show you why we can say this.
05:31Okay, so we have a system where we can instantly create a website just like that.
05:36You just tell me the niche that you are calling, I'll put on the form, I'll put a little note
05:42there so that you can actually enter in what niche.
05:47Is it a restaurant?
05:49Is it a plumber?
05:50Is it an electrician?
05:51Is it a landscaper?
05:52So that we can be ready for that meeting, right?
05:55So you're going to tell them, yeah, we actually built you a website.
05:58Is that something you even, would you like to see it?
06:02And they're going to say yes or no.
06:04Okay, these are probing questions.
06:06We want to know where they're standing right now.
06:08Okay, so if they say yes, you're going to say, okay, awesome.
06:12So let me just pull up my calendar.
06:15It's going to be, we're going to book a quick 15, 20 minute Zoom meeting.
06:19We'll show you the website.
06:20If you like it, we can talk about the next steps.
06:24And if you don't, then it was at least something that you know that can be done for you.
06:30So you go ahead, you're going to pull up my calendar.
06:32As you guys already know, go check out that booking tutorial.
06:36It's going to teach you how to pull up my calendar.
06:39Just book them in, put in your username, right?
06:42As who referred you, you'll see that on the form and then that's it.
06:46But if they say no, what happens is they say, no, I'm not interested.
06:50Then you can click say, hey, wait, wait, wait a minute.
06:55You're going to ask what it is, you're going to ask what are called consequence questions.
07:01So you're going to say, hey, Joe, but let me ask you.
07:05What if other people like me find your profile page and think that you're not in business
07:12because you don't have one of the components that make you look professional?
07:18You know, was that something you guys want to take a risk on?
07:23You know, losing potential customers to other plumbing businesses simply because you don't
07:29have a full profile?
07:33That is a consequence question.
07:35Hey, if you do nothing about this, would you take the risk of losing more clients?
07:43So this is one of the, it's called consequence questions.
07:48And you can even ask this, hey, John, but if you do make an investment, you know you
07:53could potentially be getting more clients just because you have a full profile now?
08:00Now you gave him a reward, more clients if you do this, okay?
08:05So that is how that goes.
08:07And obviously it's just the closing is the meeting, right?
08:10Okay, awesome.
08:11Nada, you know, cool.
08:12Let's book a meeting.
08:13You're going to put in the name, their email, the phone number, you as a referrer, and we
08:17will get that information.
08:21We just follow up with them and, you know, let you know how that went.
08:26And that, guys, is the phone script, the intro, the content, the closing, right?
08:31And before I do go, I want to talk about real quick the tonality.
08:34I want you to realize, I want you to pay attention how I started.
08:37We're really skeptical.
08:40Hey, is this Bob's Plumbing?
08:44Hey, I found you guys on Google.
08:48Are you guys still open for business?
08:52Because I noticed you guys didn't have a website, so it made it seem that you guys were out
08:55of business.
08:56So I'm using a skeptical tone, which is going to create within them curiosity and insecurity.
09:05That is what we want, creating curiosity and insecurity on our listener's side, so they
09:10can be intrigued to stay in the conversation a little bit longer, and that is where you're
09:16going to now deliver the content.
09:18Hey, totally out of the blue, but actually, you know, we built you guys a website.
09:24Is that something you guys want?
09:26Would you like to see it?
09:28That is a straight to the point, kind of a challenging, hey, so we built you guys a website.
09:34Is that something you guys want to look at?
09:36You'd like to see it, right?
09:37So we go from a skeptical, you know, confused tone to more of like a direct, you know, this
09:44is what we did.
09:45Would you like to see it, right?
09:47And then, you know, you close the meeting.
09:50You book a meeting, and that's how you close the call.
09:54Guys, that is the phone script that we have that I use that works really well.
09:58You guys may be better salesmen than me.
10:00I don't know, probably, right?
10:02I believe you guys are great at what you do, but I know some people want to know, hey,
10:08give me something to work with, okay?
10:10So I showed you guys our system here, Search for Locals, which, again, you can purchase
10:17for a one-time fee of $99 on Limited Leads Forever.
10:23And then I showed you guys the phone script, you know, what we do, what we say.
10:28And yeah, so I'll see you on the next videos, guys.
10:34Keep going, guys.
10:35Passive income is there for you to grab and keep.