Sueños de libertad Cap 147 (19-09-24)

  • last week


00:12Teresa told me you were looking for me.
00:18You're scaring me.
00:19I need you to be very honest with me.
00:22Of course.
00:23Did you know how my husband really was?
00:26What are you talking about?
00:29Did you know that Gervasio liked men?
00:32What? I don't understand.
00:35That question is very easy.
00:38But how could he like men if he was your husband?
00:42Answer me, Damian. Answer me.
00:45I don't know. I never had any idea about that.
00:48Ah, that's why you told me the other day that your marriage had been a farce.
00:53Do you mean that?
00:54You took advantage of his condition to blackmail him and force him to sell his part of the factory.
00:58How can you say that? You are accusing me of something very mean.
01:01I couldn't do that, first, because I didn't know anything,
01:04and second, because I still don't believe that Gervasio was a...
01:06Come on, I don't even dare to say the word.
01:08Well, he was.
01:11He was, Damian.
01:12And how did you come to that conclusion?
01:15Ah, I see.
01:17That Mario has filled your head with nonsense.
01:23Gervasio fell in love with him.
01:25They had a relationship.
01:28Are you insinuating that Jesus moved Valentín's body out of place?
01:32I talked to the engineer who did the roadwork.
01:35They moved him to the last inch of the earth.
01:39Jesus knew they were going to do that.
01:41He was on the lookout.
01:43Getting him out of there was the only way to prevent the body from appearing.
01:47And pointing out how he killed him.
01:49You know what scares me the most about all this?
01:52That Jesus is capable of doing it.
01:55Begoña, look at me.
01:57I promise you he'll pay for what he's done.
02:00We'll find the evidence.
02:02But I don't even know how.
02:04If he moved the body, he had to leave a trace.
02:07We have to be alert to see it.
02:09Nothing more.
02:10And don't raise your suspicions.
02:12I'm tired of living on alert.
02:14I need to be calm.
02:15Please, hold on a little longer.
02:17I can't take it anymore.
02:19I can't take it anymore.
02:21I can't take it anymore.
02:25Begoña, what is this?
02:28Did he do it?
02:34He found out I tried to sedate him.
02:36Son of a bitch!
02:38I can't let you go back to that animal.
02:40Please, calm down.
02:42I'll hold on until we find what we need to make him fall.
02:45Begoña, he's a murderer.
02:47He'll kill you.
02:48No, he won't.
02:50How do you know he won't do the same to you?
02:52Just like he did to Valentina and Clotilde.
02:54Because he's not stupid.
02:56And he knows he can't hide another dead wife.
03:00Please, calm down.
03:02And leave.
03:04It's dangerous for them to see us together.
03:20And what is he doing to defame me like this?
03:25He got to know Gervasio very well.
03:27He says he would never have sold his part of the factory
03:30if he hadn't felt forced to do it.
03:33And I believe that too.
03:38the factory was everything to Gervasio,
03:40but in his last days
03:42he was very melancholic.
03:44He had a problem with alcohol, you know that.
03:47And I tried to make him see that if he kept drinking,
03:51he would ruin the business.
03:54If I'm guilty of anything,
03:55it's the tremendous arguments we had over that subject.
03:58Nothing else.
04:00Then remember
04:03that I told you
04:04that a week or so before
04:08he finished everything,
04:10he sat down with me and offered me his share of the company.
04:15I refused.
04:16But he threatened to sell it to the competition if I didn't buy it.
04:20He looked very lost.
04:26I shouldn't have agreed.
04:29But I didn't see his intentions.
04:32And that's all the truth.
04:34I understand that
04:36it's hard to accept a reality like this,
04:39and maybe that's why
04:41that Mario
04:43has made up another one.
04:47Do you think he took his own life?
04:51Prisoner of guilt?
04:53Who knows?
04:54Maybe it was in his head.
04:56It was never very communicative.
04:59Why are you crying?
05:04Because I didn't get to see him in time.
05:07Neither of us got to see him.
05:09But we shouldn't blame ourselves for it.
05:12He took his path.
05:13I was his wife, for God's sake.
05:16I should have realized
05:19that I had the reality in front of me.
05:24He just couldn't live with me.
05:28And he yelled it at me with his gestures.
05:34When I couldn't hold his hand,
05:36or when we walked down the street.
05:41Or when he slept on the couch in the lab.
05:46I'll do it, Digna.
05:48What are you going to do?
05:51I'll help you hold his hand down the street.
05:55And I'll come home every night to be with you.
06:16Come in.
06:18Did you want to see me?
06:20Yes, come in.
06:24Can you explain to me why one of the machines
06:26has been stopped since yesterday?
06:28The serpentine has been broken.
06:29The serpentine.
06:30And that's it?
06:31I don't understand.
06:32I can't believe that nothing has been done
06:34to repair it.
06:35How long has it been?
06:36We asked the spare parts store
06:38as soon as we learned that it had broken.
06:40And it hasn't arrived, right?
06:41As if it had.
06:42And it hasn't arrived, right?
06:43As if it had.
06:44Well, nothing.
06:45I'm going to ask them to pay me for the losses
06:47that I'm supposed to have
06:49but they didn't give me gas.
06:50Jesus, hang up.
06:51The package arrived this morning,
06:53but we didn't find it.
06:56You didn't find the package?
06:58We think someone could have stolen it from the warehouse.
07:01Who was on guard that shift?
07:06Who else would it be?
07:09It was a mislead.
07:10It was a mislead.
07:11You want to say something else?
07:12What I don't understand is why he's still working here.
07:15He's a good guy.
07:16A vagabond.
07:17That's what he is.
07:18A vagabond who knows how to play his cards well
07:20to win the favor of my father.
07:22And that's his problem.
07:23Lately, he gets involved with anyone he wants
07:26making him believe that he cares
07:27when all he really wants is to take advantage of him.
07:31Don't you think so?
07:33Something tells me
07:34that you're not only referring to Tassio.
07:36No, I was also talking about your mother.
07:39And you don't know what to do to meddle
07:41and if you've thought of using your holy mother.
07:44But I'm warning you now that she won't be of any use to you.
07:46She'll never inherit anything.
07:48Not even the money she now cleans.
07:55Why are you so grateful, Joaquin?
07:58You don't have to thank me.
08:02You, Jesus.
08:06You're scared to death.
08:13Because you know that when my mother becomes your father's wife
08:17things are going to change.
08:19And you won't be able to humiliate us like you've done so far.
08:23Yes, we'll be sitting at your table
08:26sharing with your family,
08:27giving our opinions about your business.
08:31We'll be part of your life.
08:34And you won't be able to do anything to change that.
08:57Don't you think it's too green?
09:01Well, it's a beautiful bouquet.
09:04I don't know.
09:06I still have to tell Isidro to cut a few more roses.
09:10As you wish, auntie.
09:12Are you leaving?
09:14Yes, I have a lot of work to do today.
09:17So much that you can't stay with your aunt for a few minutes?
09:20On a day like today?
09:22So much that you can't stay with your aunt for a few minutes?
09:25On a day like today?
09:27I have new orders and there's a broken machine.
09:29Besides, it's not going to help her much
09:31because I don't understand flowers.
09:33It's not about flowers.
09:34It's about what I wanted to talk about.
09:37When I saw you arrive,
09:38I thought you were coming to congratulate me on my wedding.
09:42I already did.
09:44With the little mouth I know you by.
09:46And I haven't overlooked your father's looks either.
09:50You're right, I'm sorry.
09:52I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, auntie.
09:55And I want my father to make her as happy as she deserves.
09:57You say that again out of commitment.
10:01Andrés, what's wrong?
10:03Aren't you happy about this wedding?
10:05No, no, it's not that I'm not happy.
10:08I don't know, I think they're rushing it a bit.
10:11Don't you think?
10:12Son, at my age, I can't waste time on eternal romances.
10:16I mean, maybe it's not the time for news like this.
10:22If you're referring to Jaime,
10:24I want you to know that he's aware.
10:27And that he and Marta encourage us.
10:32Andrés, when death approaches,
10:35it's when there's more need to hold on to life with force.
10:39And that's what your father and I are doing.
10:42I see.
10:43I see.
10:45But it doesn't convince you.
10:49Son, I myself have had some reluctance to maintain a relationship with your father.
10:56And why?
10:58Because he's a difficult man.
11:02Because the situation in this family is complex.
11:06Because we have been distant at times.
11:09And above all, because I thought my sister was failing.
11:13My mother would have wanted you to be happy.
11:17That's precisely why I'm marrying Damián.
11:21I know that this union has surprised you all.
11:26But you must understand that when we grow older,
11:29we can't waste the opportunities that life offers us.
11:37Let me finish.
11:39Son, at my age, it's very difficult to find love again.
11:44And I've been lucky enough to find it in a man who loves me and respects me.
11:48Who knows me.
11:50And whom I know from the right and from the wrong.
11:53You never know someone enough.
11:57Yes, that's true.
12:00But I know what I need to know about your father.
12:03What do you need to know?
12:08Or is there something else?
12:12That marriage is great news for everyone.
12:15And I hope it helps us to be the united family we were years ago.
12:20Thank you very much, son.
12:22And now I have to go.
12:24If there's anything new...
12:25Don't worry.
12:26If anything happens, I'll let you know.
13:02You're gonna make a hell of...
13:06I should have found a solution to what you have.
13:10No, I should have looked for another specialist.
13:13Maybe outside of Spain.
13:14You couldn't have done anything.
13:20Death is a part of life.
13:24And it doesn't have to be beautiful.
13:30The warmth of your skin.
13:31It's one of the things I'm going to miss the most.
13:36Wherever I go.
13:42I know what you're thinking.
13:45How can a man of science believe in the beyond?
13:52You know me too well.
13:56I don't know.
13:58I don't know.
13:59I want to think that this is the end.
14:03And that we will meet again.
14:09I would also like to believe that not everything ends here.
14:13But you don't have to hurry.
14:18You have many things to live.
14:22Many lives to save.
14:25You are the best doctor I know.
14:31Maybe because I'm the only one.
14:36Maybe that has influenced you a little.
14:41I doubt I can recover from this easily.
14:45Of course you will.
14:49You have risen so many times from your ashes.
14:54That you will do it again.
14:57I hope so.
15:01And this time you won't be alone.
15:04Luis will be with you.
15:09What's wrong?
15:13I'm a little cold.
15:17You have a fever.
15:19I'm going to inject you an antibiotic.
15:24You promised you would let me go.
15:48How much?
15:50Please, but that piece is worth less than half.
15:55All right.
15:56Discount the transport.
15:57I'll send someone to pick it up.
16:00To you.
16:04Do you want something?
16:06I came for the warranty with the shipments this afternoon.
16:11All yours.
16:15Anything else?
16:17No. I'll be in the warehouse in case it's worthy.
16:20I just checked to see if there is any news about Jaime.
16:25Poor brother-in-law.
16:26He must be going through hell in his last days.
16:28Especially if he is aware of what is happening around him.
16:32What do you mean?
16:34This inopportune wedding, for example.
16:35Not to say that it is a complete mess.
16:38They will know what they are doing, Jesus.
16:41Anyway, stop trying to destroy the lives of others.
16:44And focus on your suppliers.
16:48What are you getting at, little brother?
16:50That you always have something to say.
16:52As you are not exactly someone who can set an example.
16:55I can give that gentooza.
16:57They are used.
16:58The first worthy.
16:59Because she is going to marry our father, if not.
17:01Because he loves her.
17:03And we don't have to get involved.
17:05We can get in if the heritage of our family is in danger.
17:08Andres, you may not see it, but Digna comes with a package included.
17:12His children, his daughter-in-law's harp,
17:14four vultures waiting for their moment to take away
17:17what we have achieved for years working like beasts.
17:20They have also given up their skin to get this company ahead.
17:23How much do you have to learn, little brother?
17:25Poor incautious.
17:29Don't look at me like that.
17:31You have a lot to thank me for.
17:32Oh yeah? Thank you for what?
17:35For example, that Miranda has signed the contract with Perfumerías de la Reina.
17:40Yes, we had lunch this morning and I convinced him to do it.
17:46You won't expect me to congratulate you, will you?
17:48No, I never expect you to be fulfilled.
17:51Although to be honest, to congratulate someone should be my wife.
17:56She was the one who decided to organize that meeting with Miranda.
17:59And she was not wrong.
18:02In the end, you are teaching us all a lot about your way of doing things, Jesus.
18:07I will have no choice but to thank you.
18:30Is that you, Marta?
18:33I'm Maria.
18:40Do you need something?
18:42Some water?
18:43No, no.
18:45What do you want?
18:52I need to tell you something before ...
18:54Before I die?
18:58You can say it, with all tranquility.
19:01Jaime, I need you to understand why I did what I did.
19:04To blackmail me.
19:07That said, it sounds very bad.
19:08What did you do?
19:10I was afraid you would tell Andrés ...
19:14that I wasn't pregnant.
19:15No, it's the daughter of a decorated military man.
19:21I know.
19:23And I'm not proud of it.
19:26But I was afraid to lose him.
19:29And you couldn't think of a better way to stop it than to pretend to be pregnant.
19:35I really wanted that baby to come, Jaime.
19:39And you came out of a lie with another lie.
19:42That climbing up the stairs could have been something serious.
19:46But it wasn't.
19:47And the important thing is that ...
19:48The important thing is that you shut up.
19:53Is that what you've come to tell me, Maria?
19:56Look, Jaime, if Andrés found out ...
20:00If he knew what I've been able to do ...
20:03No husband wants to share a roof with a liar.
20:08I was afraid to lose him.
20:09I was afraid to lose him.
20:12And I still have that fear.
20:14I love him and ...
20:15Love is freedom, Maria.
20:19I'm sorry I put you in this situation, really.
20:23You used me.
20:26Yes, I used you.
20:28And now, please, I need you to be quiet.
20:33Even if you can't forgive me or understand me, but please.
20:37Of course I understand you.
21:10It's me, Marta.
21:18I just saw Maria leave the bedroom.
21:22Yes, she has come ...
21:26To say goodbye.
21:28What a detail.
21:32Do I bring you a sedative or something?
21:36I'm fine.
21:37I'm fine.
21:42I need you to do something for me.
21:47Ah, you are his wife.
21:49I am delighted to greet you, ma'am.
21:52No, I just wanted to talk to Mario.
21:56He is not in town.
21:58And where is he?
22:01Ah, in Toledo.
22:04Well, I don't know if he will talk to you.
22:06Well, if he gets in touch with you, it would be so kind to tell you that I have called him.
22:12Yes, no, just that.
22:15Thank you very much.
22:16Yes, at your feet, ma'am.
22:22In Toledo.
22:30Mr. Damián, Carmen Recas has come.
22:32The new store manager wants to see you.
22:34Let him in.
22:36Come in, please.
22:39Maria Carmen.
22:41Mr. Damián, excuse this intrusion, but I have something to tell you.
22:46And I don't know why, I imagine the reason.
22:49At this rate, we are going to be intimate, you and me.
22:52With all due respect.
22:54You are going to make me blush.
22:56Sit down, please.
22:57Thank you very much.
23:05What are we going to do with Tassio, Maria Carmen?
23:09I see that he is aware.
23:11Yes, he himself has told me his carelessness with the order.
23:14Look, he fell asleep.
23:16He must have seen.
23:18Well, that's what he told him, but it really wasn't like that.
23:21He didn't fall asleep.
23:24He spent the whole night cleaning the market.
23:28He was going to be late and asked a colleague to cover him so that he could pick up the order.
23:33But the colleague failed him.
23:36I don't understand.
23:37And why didn't he tell me the truth?
23:40Well, because it was his responsibility to be there.
23:43And because he didn't want to blame the colleague either.
23:46So he's cleaning the market at night.
23:53Do you need so much for him to have two jobs?
23:57No, none, Mr. Damián.
23:59But it seems that it is difficult for him for me to earn more money than him.
24:03And you know, he wants to get high.
24:06For God's sake.
24:23Wow, it's good to see you, because I wanted to talk to you.
24:26You find me by chance. I was going to go down to Toledo.
24:29I'll be brief.
24:31Maria, I know that you and I have barely spoken to each other because you have just joined the family, like the one who says.
24:39Yes, yes, yes.
24:41But I thought you were a smart woman.
24:43And above all, aware of the place where you have to be.
24:46I think I am, yes.
24:48Yes, except when it gives you to get involved in factory matters and contact clients on your own.
24:53Do you mean lunch with Miranda?
24:55I mean lunch with Miranda, yes.
24:57You had no right to organize anything.
24:59And much less without informing me before.
25:01I just wanted to help, really.
25:03Putting Miranda in the tray, your husband's panties?
25:07Look, my husband's panties have been well done.
25:12You would have been proud if you had seen it.
25:15Yes, you make a great team, if you look very committed.
25:19But don't do it again.
25:21I understand that it should not be easy to want to be listened to and not to get it.
25:25I'm sorry.
25:27I'm very sorry to have disappointed you.
25:30But I will continue to do whatever is convenient to help my husband.
25:34Because I would be arrested for him.
25:37I would die for him.
25:40Just like Begoña for you, right?
25:43The wife for her husband.
25:45Just like Begoña for you, right?
25:48The perfect wife.
25:50The perfect marriage.
25:53That's what the magazines say, of course.
26:09Don Damián, I've never wanted to get involved in your relationship.
26:13But if you were given a position of greater responsibility,
26:18you are the owner.
26:20Yes, I am the owner.
26:23But I also have three children with whom I agree on all the decisions that affect the factory.
26:28Do you understand?
26:30Yes, yes, I understand perfectly.
26:33Don Damián Tassio has always been a tarambana.
26:36But then he changed and reformed.
26:39Until he discovered that you were his father.
26:42Since then, it seems that every step he takes is to show the world and himself that he is not a scoundrel.
26:50Sometimes I think I shouldn't have told him.
26:53Well, I don't quite agree with that, Don Damián.
26:57What I'm trying to tell you is that Tassio got what he so longed for, which was to meet his father.
27:03And now what I want most is that his father, who is precisely not just anyone,
27:09feels proud of him.
27:12That's why I beg you to at least think about it.
27:18I promise I'll think about it.
27:20I'll try to do something.
27:22Thank you very much, Don Damián.
27:25Excuse me.
27:27Oh, one last thing.
27:29I beg you not to tell Tassio anything about this visit.
27:32Otherwise, he's going to kick me out.
27:34Be careful.
27:36Thank you very much.
27:55Andres, I didn't want to leave without telling you anything.
28:01That's why I asked Marta to let you know.
28:05What do you mean?
28:07What do you mean?
28:08Jaime, Maria is not the person you think she is.
28:16What do you mean?
28:18She was never pregnant.
28:24But that's impossible, Jaime.
28:26You yourself certified the abortion when I ran down the stairs.
28:30I was blackmailed.
28:34I was forced to confirm the abortion.
28:38On the contrary.
28:41On the contrary, what?
28:44Maria published a relationship.
28:47She was with...
28:51With someone.
28:54And you kept quiet so Marta wouldn't find out.
28:58To protect your marriage and your good name.
29:02I did it to protect her.
29:05Your lover.
29:07I was in love with her.
29:10And I didn't like it.
29:13That this happened.
29:18It was easy to tell you, Andres.
29:20But I didn't want to leave like this.
29:24I thought about taking him to the grave, but...
29:29Why are you telling me now?
29:35You and I have been through a lot together.
29:39And I've always had you for a good man.
29:43It wasn't fair for me to go with this inside.
29:50I understand.
29:52And I thank you.
29:55Deep down, I feel a little sorry for Maria.
30:00She came to the room to see me.
30:04What was the fear that led her to pretend to love you?
30:09But deep down, I think she just wanted my silence.
30:16I don't know.
30:18Maybe I could have taken her to that point, Jaime, no.
30:23I don't take part of the blame.
30:26I'm very sorry to have put you in this situation.
30:30No, no, no.
30:32You don't have to feel anything, Jaime.
30:35I thank you.
30:52Come in.
30:54Did you call me?
30:56Yes, come in.
31:00Sit down, come on.
31:02Look, Mr. Damián, if you're going to read me the letter,
31:04because the purification machine doesn't work, I...
31:06Don't worry, Otasio.
31:07Sit down.
31:12I just want us to talk for a while.
31:15And you tell me how your life is going.
31:19I start to miss those conversations we had.
31:22Our hunting afternoons and confidences.
31:26Look, Mr. Damián, you've already done with me.
31:28No, really, you don't have to try harder.
31:31Besides, I would have loved it if my first business had gone well
31:34and I had been an entrepreneur like you.
31:36But in the end, they swindled me like an idiot.
31:38I'm not even able to do things right in front of my wife.
31:40I'm making a mistake behind another
31:42and with you, it's as if instead of a son,
31:44a grain would have come out of his ass.
31:46Speaking badly, I'm sorry.
31:47I'd better get back to work.
31:49Otasio, do you have anything else to tell me?
31:53No, it's all said and done.
31:54Well, sit down.
31:58You know,
32:00I've been thinking.
32:02Joaquín has too much work
32:04and it would be good for him to have someone by his side.
32:07Would you be interested in being his assistant?
32:11Yes, you know how things work,
32:13you're from the house,
32:15you're a good worker, loyal to your colleagues.
32:19What do you think?
32:21Well, Joaquín will scream when he finds out where Damián is
32:24after losing the shipment.
32:25Joaquín will accept whatever I say.
32:31I don't understand, Mr. Damián.
32:33What do you have to understand?
32:35He just sent me for a walk when I asked him for Braulio's position
32:37and now he offers me a higher-class position.
32:39I don't know what could have changed.
32:40Well, every time I know you a little more,
32:42although you insist on considering yourself less than what you are.
32:47So stop asking me questions and accept the position.
32:51You're not going to charge much more than what you were charging until now,
32:54at least at the beginning,
32:56but you will win in position.
32:59And being in a good position means
33:01being able to continue to ascend the company.
33:08You are an awake man
33:10and it wouldn't cost you much.
33:18Of course I want the job, Mr. Damián.
33:21And I assure you, you won't regret it.
33:27You can go.
33:45No, it's wonderful.
33:48The what?
33:51To be here, together,
33:55feeling the warmth of the sun on my face
34:00and knowing that all the bad things are going to disappear.
34:05It's wonderful.
34:07It's wonderful.
34:09It's wonderful.
34:11It's wonderful.
34:12And knowing that all the bad things are going to end.
34:18The bad things will start when you leave.
34:23Don't say that.
34:26Sometimes I regret not spending more time together,
34:30not having accompanied you on any other trip.
34:33You would have gotten bored
34:37of leaving the seas in a merchant.
34:41It's good for the soap operas.
34:44But we would have spent more time together.
34:48It's a shame that you'll be with me all my life.
34:51Don't think about what we have left to do,
34:57but about everything we lived together.
35:01Do you know what I keep as a treasure?
35:08This last stage in which we met again
35:12with sincerity,
35:15without pretending, without hiding,
35:18without fear.
35:21In true love.
35:24I think so.
35:28I should have been honest with you before.
35:33You did it when you could, Marta.
35:37When you could make a hole in the wall
35:40to let some light in.
35:42Don't let anything or anyone
35:45lift that wall again.
35:48Promise me.
35:53I promise.
36:05This notebook.
36:11Do you want me to read you something I wrote for you?
36:14Of course.
36:16What is it?
36:18The story you lost.
36:24You wrote it again.
36:26I hope I remembered everything.
36:30Read it to me.
36:38Like every morning,
36:40she sat on the beach and looked at the horizon.
36:44Like every morning,
36:46he looked up at the bow of his boat
36:49and looked at the horizon.
36:51And without knowing it, they both thought the same thing.
36:54That the wind was favourable
36:56and that the miles that separated them were shortened
36:59to be together again.
37:01And the wind granted them that wish.
37:04And before nightfall,
37:06his boat arrived at the shore where she was waiting.
37:09And when she saw him get off,
37:11she knew what she wanted to tell him.
37:13And he, without her knowing it,
37:15had also been keeping some words in his memory
37:18for a long time.
37:20When they finally got together at the foot of the ship,
37:22under the sunset that painted the sky with orange and pink,
37:26they couldn't help but tell each other
37:29what they had been keeping inside for a long time.
37:40I can't see you
37:42or have you.
37:45But knowing that you love me
37:49makes me want to keep living.
37:50Makes me want to keep living.
37:55And so, under the starry mantle of the sky,
37:59she and he
38:01began a new chapter in their story.
38:04Knowing that
38:07no matter where the wind took them,
38:10they would always have each other.
38:20I love you.
38:50I'm glad to see you again.
38:53Why did you call my house?
38:55Because I knew that if I spoke to your wife,
38:58that would bring you to me.
39:01Sit down.
39:05What are you looking for, Lamiad?
39:08No, what are you looking for,
39:10filling your head with absurd theories
39:13about the reason why Gervasio sold me his shares?
39:16He told you.
39:18What did you expect?
39:20His fiancé.
39:25I think I made it clear to you
39:27that you're not welcome here.
39:29But it's not just that you don't care.
39:31You've come back
39:33to try to hurt me with lies.
39:35I haven't lied.
39:36You haven't?
39:38I know you threatened Gervasio
39:40with making his homosexuality public
39:43if he didn't sell you those shares.
39:45Did he tell you?
39:48But what he did tell me
39:50is how much he cared about this factory.
39:52That's why I don't think he would have sold his shares
39:55if he hadn't been forced to do so.
40:00He sold them
40:02because he couldn't stay sober.
40:05I don't think he was the only one
40:08who couldn't help committing excesses.
40:14Do you know
40:15how much I hate you?
40:17The more I look at you,
40:19the more guilty I feel.
40:22If not,
40:24you wouldn't bother me so much.
40:27And if you were a real man,
40:29you'd admit it.
40:32You're telling me
40:34that I'm not a real man?
40:39I'm warning you one more time,
40:41and it's the last one.
40:43If you keep ignoring me,
40:45I won't have mercy on you.
40:48I'll call your wife
40:50and tell her that her husband is a pervert
40:52who likes to walk around some parks
40:54at nightfall.
40:56Don't get her involved in this.
40:58I wouldn't have gotten you involved, Digna.
41:00Digna has the right to know the truth about her husband.
41:02The same as your wife, don't you think?
41:05It's up to you
41:07if you want your life to be like it is now
41:09or if you want it to fly.
41:12You don't leave me much choice.
41:15What do you want me to do?
41:17Talk to Digna.
41:19Tell her you were wrong,
41:21that you couldn't accept the truth,
41:24and that Gervasio killed himself
41:26because he was afraid of being what he was.
41:31I'm not going to do that.
41:36Then you must choose, Mario.
41:38And I don't have much patience.
41:43It's okay.
41:47And when you've done it,
41:49you'll leave this place forever.
41:53I'll look for you wherever you hide.
41:56And when I find you,
41:59I'll kill you with my own hands.
42:03And you know what's best?
42:06No one goes to the mental hospital
42:08because they don't know
42:10that no one will regret the death of a degenerate like you.
42:18Now, get out.
42:40What are you doing here at this hour?
42:43I've come to look for you
42:45because I've been unable to contact you on the phone.
42:47I was meeting...
42:49The man who just passed me in the corridor?
42:51Yes, an old employee who has come to ask for a job.
42:54What's up?
42:57It's Jaime.
43:10I've just heard the news.
43:15Yes, a while ago.
43:17I'm very sorry.
43:21How is your sister?
43:25Marta is a tough woman.
43:29Besides, I think she's been assimilated for a long time.
43:32It's admirable how strong she is.
43:34She's a tough woman.
43:35Besides, I think she's been assimilated for a long time.
43:38It's admirable how strong she is.
43:43Sometimes I'd like to be a bit more like her.
43:48Why do you say that?
43:50You're strong.
43:53I can be.
43:56But Marta has more courage
43:58to face some things than many of us.
44:05He's very affected.
44:08I could see that, Jaime.
44:12Me too.
44:14It's a shame I didn't treat him better.
44:18I'll never forget how well he behaved after you fell
44:22and the loss of our son.
44:24It was very delicate, yes.
44:26I'll always be very grateful to him.
44:32You were lucky that everything was a scare.
44:36Because we could have more children, right?
44:41That's what you said, yes.
44:45That's what I expect and what I want.
44:50Me too.
45:02You can't imagine how bad it was for him.
45:06I felt so guilty for your accident.
45:11For the loss of our son.
45:13Andres, there's a lot of pain in this house.
45:16Don't torture yourself with that.
45:20I don't want to be tortured again.
45:24Especially now that I know it was all a lie.
45:31What are you talking about?
45:32What am I talking about?
45:35Jaime told me everything before he died.
45:39Maria, stop making up numbers
45:41and put the curtain down.
45:42Your hypothesis works.
45:44Look, Andres...
45:46How could you lie about something like that?
45:49Pretend to be pregnant?
45:51And what's worse, blackmail Jaime?
45:56Look, I don't know what Jaime told you.
45:59But you shouldn't pay too much attention
46:01to the words of a dying man.
46:03Maria, please, have some dignity
46:06and respect his memory.
46:08Are you talking about respect?
46:11You've had me from second to last.
46:16Andres wanted me to get pregnant with all my strength.
46:19It was the only thing he thought about.
46:21But you only had eyes for Begoña
46:23and I thought that by pretending to be pregnant
46:25you'd get closer to me.
46:27I was wrong.
46:29That's why I jumped off the stairs
46:31and that's why I pretended to have an abortion
46:33to get your attention.
46:35I don't know...
46:37You jumped.
46:39And I would do it again,
46:41just to keep you.
46:43What sick mind would dare to risk its life
46:45just to keep a man?
46:50Andres, I've done everything for you.
46:52Do you understand me?
46:54I live to love you.
46:56I love you.
47:00you don't know how to love.
47:04And I wish
47:06you would learn
47:26Get up.