4M0R-PU3R74-L4D0 : EP 002 Español Audio Latino

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4M0R-PU3R74-L4D0 : EP 002 Español Audio Latino


00:00:30What the hell am I doing here?
00:00:59Did you forget?
00:01:01Hey, scrub those edges.
00:01:03Better check the ones you already cleaned.
00:01:05Oh, you're a pain in the ass.
00:01:06You told me we were going to a nice place.
00:01:09Isn't it?
00:01:10You exercise and delight in the smell.
00:01:14Oh, pork shoulder and neck.
00:01:18Pork belly.
00:01:19I wish I had a perfume that smells like that.
00:01:21I don't know if you're positive or just crazy.
00:01:23Maybe my madness is positive.
00:01:26You must be tired.
00:01:31You know what?
00:01:33This is less work than usual.
00:01:40Good luck.
00:01:52Good luck.
00:01:54You're leaving?
00:01:56You're really leaving me?
00:01:59Let go.
00:01:59I won't.
00:02:00First, you'll have to walk over me.
00:02:02Don't make me wait.
00:02:03No, stay.
00:02:05You're not going anywhere.
00:02:06Come on.
00:02:07Let me go.
00:02:08We already started.
00:02:09And if I fall, you'll fall with me.
00:02:11My pants are coming off.
00:02:13I'll put them on if you don't leave.
00:02:15All right, let me go.
00:02:16I'm not leaving.
00:02:16I'm falling.
00:02:17You're really not going?
00:02:18I'm not leaving.
00:02:19I swear.
00:02:50It was a great idea.
00:02:52What's the point if you're going to spend it all?
00:02:54The money is to be spent.
00:03:08I guessed it.
00:03:10I knew I'd find it first if I hid it here.
00:03:13Mrs. Namizook, this is real gold, so don't give it away.
00:03:19Oh, how nice.
00:04:49I'm going to tell the moon, since there will be a full moon.
00:04:52However, it is not known if the event will be visible due to the forecasts.
00:04:56The food is ready.
00:04:57We will have a clear weather or…
00:05:00I should…
00:05:02I should go wake up Sonia.
00:05:06Or maybe we should let her sleep, right?
00:05:13Good morning.
00:05:16Did you sleep well, dear?
00:05:17I slept like a baby.
00:05:19¿Qué es esto?
00:05:21¡Mamá, hiciste gochujang!
00:05:25Solo con olerlo me hace sentir en casa.
00:05:28¿Verdad? Tu madre es una experta en esto.
00:05:30Toma, querido.
00:05:31¿Por qué solo hay tres tazones?
00:05:33Mamá, ¿y mi tazón?
00:05:40¿Me aplicas la ley del hielo?
00:05:42Bien. ¿Puedo lidiar con eso o yo me sirvo sola?
00:05:44Sí, toma un tazón.
00:05:47Ay, solo mírala. Es una ramita.
00:05:49No puedes dejarla sin...
00:05:54Es la última vez que pregunto.
00:05:56¿Lo que dijiste anoche fue la verdad?
00:06:01Sea honesta.
00:06:02No creo que engañaras a tu prometido.
00:06:04No puede ser.
00:06:05Engañar es para gente descarada.
00:06:07No puedo creerlo.
00:06:08No me subestimes.
00:06:09Tal vez tengo lo suficiente para seducir a un hombre.
00:06:12¡No seas...!
00:06:14No, tal vez hagas locuras.
00:06:16Pero no por eso eres una loca.
00:06:18Tú no cruzarías una línea así.
00:06:20¿Recuerdas cuando te escapaste de la casa y seguiste yendo a la escuela?
00:06:23Mira, para renunciar y cancelar tu boda,
00:06:27debe haber una razón.
00:06:29Así que dinos.
00:06:32Solo me harté de todo.
00:06:35Ya no podía soportar trabajar para esa empresa por más años.
00:06:38Me tenía harta.
00:06:39Y por eso es que me pregunté.
00:06:41¿Y si al casarme me canso de vivir con la misma persona?
00:06:44Así que renuncié a los dos.
00:06:46Niña insolente.
00:06:49Entonces, ¿cuál es tu plan para el futuro ahora?
00:06:53¿Debiste tener algo en mente antes de hacer algo tan estúpido?
00:06:57Sí, lo tengo.
00:06:58Por supuesto que tiene un plan.
00:06:59Ella es esa cosa MBTI.
00:07:00Jay, pues dime.
00:07:02¿Qué vas a hacer ahora?
00:07:04De entrada, voy a dormir.
00:07:09Se va a dormir.
00:07:10Y además, voy a dormir por varios días.
00:07:13Y quiero comer muchas cosas ricas.
00:07:15Solo comida coreana.
00:07:16Nada más.
00:07:22¿Y luego?
00:07:23Y luego...
00:07:25Quiero desconectarme.
00:07:26No quiero hacer nada.
00:07:28Entonces, ¿ese es tu plan?
00:07:33Voy a ser una nini feliz.
00:07:36¡Ya deja de tocarme!
00:07:38¿Lo decías en serio?
00:07:42Y la queso.
00:07:44Pues no comerás.
00:07:45Alguien como tú no merece comer.
00:07:48Ay, negar la comida a alguien es muy bajo.
00:07:51Llamé a despertar.
00:07:52Este muchacho.
00:07:53Qué ruidosos son.
00:07:54Despiertan más temprano, abuelo.
00:07:55Uy, bajo al cavernícola.
00:07:57Ponte algo de ropa.
00:07:58¿Por qué taparía estos músculos?
00:07:59¿Son para ver?
00:08:01Siéntate y corre.
00:08:05¿Alguien llegó?
00:08:08¡Tú, abre la puerta, tarzonzo!
00:08:10Voy a abrir la puerta.
00:08:12¿Quién es?
00:08:13Es un gyo.
00:08:14¡Oye, abre la puerta! ¡Ábrela!
00:08:17¿Trajo a Mom?
00:08:19Oye, Don Jin, ve a ponerte ropa.
00:08:21Sí, señora.
00:08:22Escucha a tu mamá.
00:08:23Tienes que cubrirte ese pecho.
00:08:26Buenos días.
00:08:27Hola, tía, ¿cómo estás?
00:08:28Que los traigo de aquí.
00:08:29No te hubieras molestado.
00:08:31No, mira hacia arriba.
00:08:32Es un gyo.
00:08:33A ver, la lengua.
00:08:34¿Qué, Mom?
00:08:35Temperatura y presión son normales.
00:08:37¿Tienes alguna emergencia?
00:08:38¡Ay, por favor, ya! ¿Qué?
00:08:39¿Crees que la golpearía hasta matarla?
00:08:41Ay, es que...
00:08:43Usted casi le rompe una pierna cuando escapó de casa.
00:08:45Ojalá le hubiera servido.
00:08:47¿Dormiste bien, tía Misuf?
00:08:49¿Con esa hija que tengo?
00:08:50Sí, es comprensible.
00:08:52Por eso te traje comida caliente.
00:08:53Papilla de calabaza, tu favorita.
00:08:56Eres el único que se preocupa por mí.
00:08:58¿No trajiste algo para mí?
00:08:59Yo me desmayé anoche.
00:09:00No se queden parados, siéntense.
00:09:02Seguro no han comido nada.
00:09:03Es cierto.
00:09:04Yo ya comí, pero no me llené.
00:09:06Muy bien.
00:09:08Ese es mi lugar.
00:09:09Qué hospitalarios resultaron todos.
00:09:11Excepto con su hija, la que matan de hambre.
00:09:14Coman con gusto, todo lo que quieran.
00:09:16Denme sus tazones, les daré gochujang.
00:09:18Ya, denmelo.
00:09:19Lo suporto muy bien, gracias, tía.
00:09:25Eso, compartanlas.
00:09:27Gracias por la comida.
00:09:28Tenemos que hablar.
00:09:29No quiero gracias.
00:09:30Vine a ver a la tía Misuk.
00:09:31Baja, Don Jin.
00:09:32Deberías venir a desayunar.
00:09:33No me hagas servir dos veces.
00:09:35No voy a comer.
00:09:37A ver, otro.
00:09:38Los carbohidratos son pecado y el sodio es mi cruz.
00:09:41Ya no caeré en las tentaciones del diablo.
00:09:43Qué disparate.
00:09:44Mira, hay tofu, kimchi, verduras y carne.
00:09:48Esta comida es lo más saludable que hay.
00:09:50¿No tienes clases de nutrición para ser entrenador personal?
00:09:53No empieces a molestar a esta hora.
00:09:55Creo que por eso sigues reprobando esos exámenes.
00:09:59¿Quién lo dice?
00:10:00La perdedora es entrenador.
00:10:01¿Cómo que sí?
00:10:02Y aquí vamos.
00:10:04¿A quién le llamas perdedora, eh?
00:10:07Ya, hermanita.
00:10:08Disculpa mi agresividad.
00:10:10No me la creo.
00:10:11¿Quieres retarme?
00:10:13Tú primero.
00:10:14Además de perdedora, te dejo pelona.
00:10:16No lo voy a repetir.
00:10:23¿Adónde vas, mamá?
00:10:24Mi pobre pelo.
00:10:25Es una salvaje.
00:10:27Es una salvaje.
00:10:29¿Adónde vas, mamá?
00:10:30Muy pronto los abrazo.
00:10:32Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno.
00:10:50¿Eso viene del cuarto de abajo?
00:10:52No, en nuestro sótano.
00:10:54Se vuelve una baterista legendaria.
00:10:56Que solo aparece cuando su ida está por los cielos.
00:10:59¿Esa batería es la que compraste cuando te creías músico en secundaria?
00:11:04Ah, esa es mi mamá.
00:11:06Tiene un don para golpear cosas.
00:11:08Es cierto.
00:11:09Es increíble.
00:11:10Ni el mismo Ringo Starr se le compara.
00:11:13Estoy de acuerdo.
00:11:14Es muy buena para golpear gente y para golpear la batería.
00:11:33Dime la verdad.
00:11:36¿Qué fue lo que pasó?
00:11:39Adiós trabajo y boda.
00:11:42¡Ay, Noche Sal!
00:11:44¿Cómo puedes ser tan insensible?
00:11:46¿No trabajas ayudando gente?
00:11:47Eso luego.
00:11:48Primero quiero el chisme completo.
00:11:50¿Por qué lo hiciste?
00:11:51Tell me everything in detail.
00:11:54What? Mom's request?
00:11:57Uh-huh. In the death room.
00:11:59I'll let it pass because you were honest.
00:12:02Oh, it doesn't make any sense.
00:12:04Why would you leave everything aside having a perfect life, huh?
00:12:09A perfect life?
00:12:12You're the most diligent person I've ever met.
00:12:15You're a meticulous planner.
00:12:18And an entrepreneur with determination and other achievements.
00:12:21You're like a hexagonal threat.
00:12:23Tecae? You're going to make me blush.
00:12:27That wasn't a compliment.
00:12:28You're obsessed with your reputation.
00:12:30And then there's the desire for glory.
00:12:32And also the desire for power.
00:12:34She knows how to judge people.
00:12:36And despite all that, you left behind everything you achieved and returned to Korea.
00:12:41These are things that happen.
00:12:44It happens to other people.
00:12:46But not to people like you.
00:12:50So, tell us.
00:12:52Hurry up and tell me the truth!
00:12:54Oh, God.
00:12:55Five to nine.
00:12:56So what?
00:12:57You're going to be late.
00:12:58Go, go, go.
00:13:01I'll be back.
00:13:03You hear me?
00:13:05You stay in bed all day.
00:13:07Hell awaits you for being lazy.
00:13:09Oh, I don't care. Now I'm in glory.
00:13:12If this is glory, I pass.
00:13:14Don't you get sleep paralysis?
00:13:16Come here for a moment.
00:13:18What for?
00:13:19I'll tell you something.
00:13:20You get up.
00:13:21Just come. You won't be long.
00:13:23No way.
00:13:24Don't be like that. Hurry up. It's important.
00:13:26Come on.
00:13:28Stop acting like a lunatic.
00:13:31What? What do you want?
00:13:32Come closer.
00:13:36You know what's crazy?
00:13:37I'm going to kill you, traitor.
00:13:39How dare you turn me over to my mom?
00:13:42I'm going to kill you.
00:13:43I only did it for you.
00:13:44Oh, so for me?
00:13:48The late George Orwell said that the fastest way to end a war is to lose it.
00:13:54And the great Bessonnia also said something.
00:13:56Sopranos get hit by bullets.
00:13:58I can't breathe anymore, Tia Mizzou.
00:14:00Don't move. If you move, I'll kill you.
00:14:02You've gone crazy. Let go.
00:14:05It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
00:14:06Oh, God.
00:14:07Oh, it's gone.
00:14:08Oh, my God.
00:14:09Are you crazy?
00:14:10I wanted to kill myself.
00:14:11Oh, it's gone. Poor thing.
00:14:13Are you hurt?
00:14:14No, no, no. I'm fine.
00:14:15Poor thing.
00:14:16Oh, he looks more like your son than me.
00:14:18Oh, I wish instead of this daughter.
00:14:20Well, then let's change places.
00:14:23It wouldn't be bad.
00:14:24Do you want me to be your son from today?
00:14:26I think it's very good.
00:14:28And the job?
00:14:29I'm on my way.
00:14:30Oh, it hurts.
00:14:32Hey, get up now.
00:14:34Oh, you can't kick people.
00:14:36Don't answer me.
00:14:37It's funny that I don't kick you.
00:14:38Yes, and you don't get tired of mistreating me.
00:14:40I'm tired of you.
00:14:41I need you to take some cakes to Sunghyo's company now.
00:14:44Oh, let him do it.
00:14:46Yes, I prepared some delicious shirutok.
00:14:49Go to the neighborhood and distribute them for the inauguration.
00:14:52Oh, I would do without you, Aunt Mizuk.
00:14:55Oh, how moving.
00:14:56A great mother.
00:14:57Hey, I took a picture of them.
00:14:59Get up now.
00:15:02What a great picture.
00:15:03Hey, Najun.
00:15:05Is it true that the owner of the building asked us to change the window?
00:15:09At first, he wanted an east-facing window to see the sunrise.
00:15:13But now he wants it to the southwest to see the sunset.
00:15:16Oh, and you keep changing your mind every time you can.
00:15:18We've been with you for years.
00:15:20Hey, I told you to organize the table, but you spend it organizing pictures of Sunghyo?
00:15:27My love.
00:15:29What exactly did the client of Buria say?
00:15:30Well, they said, ah, she's a new client.
00:15:33Hello, nice to meet you.
00:15:35Welcome, excuse me.
00:15:37What is this?
00:15:38It's heavy.
00:15:41Ah, well, Sunghyo is answering a call, so she'll have to wait.
00:15:46Ah, don't worry.
00:15:47I was going to leave after delivering the cakes.
00:15:49Oh, no, please.
00:15:50I'll serve you a cup of tea as a thank you for that.
00:15:53Well, actually, my mom made them.
00:15:55I just brought them.
00:15:58Are you the friend of your neighbor who has always talked to us so much?
00:16:02Ah, I think so.
00:16:03Do you know who I am?
00:16:04Of course.
00:16:05Ah, I finally meet you.
00:16:06I'm very excited.
00:16:08Ah, I'm sure you already know.
00:16:10We are organizing a party to inaugurate the company.
00:16:12You should come.
00:16:13Ah, yes.
00:16:14It's fine.
00:16:15Oh, have some tea.
00:16:17So you've known Sunghyo since you were little?
00:16:19Well, I guess we have a history.
00:16:22You can summarize it for us in chronological order since you met.
00:16:26Oh, don't say that.
00:16:27That's something complicated.
00:16:31Did you know that Chae Sung was born in France?
00:16:35It was the year 1995.
00:16:38A hot summer day with the sand of the park as hot as a sauna.
00:16:46I ran back home after playing in the park.
00:16:49And there was that new boy.
00:16:52It was Chae Sunghyo.
00:16:55Sunghyo, say hello.
00:16:57Hi, what's your name?
00:16:59It was a little thing that didn't speak any Spanish.
00:17:02Hidden behind her mother and clinging to her.
00:17:04And a thought formed in my head.
00:17:06Oh, God.
00:17:07It's my duty to help this poor boy.
00:17:10Take good care of Sunghyo, please.
00:17:12Don't worry about anything.
00:17:13Aunt Hyesook always left him in our house when I went to work at the consulate.
00:17:17Ah, because my mother took care of the kids in the neighborhood.
00:17:20Oh, how cute you are.
00:17:22You are so adorable.
00:17:24That's when I started taking care of him.
00:17:26What would you like to be, a king or a prince?
00:17:28Oh, I know.
00:17:29A princess is better.
00:17:31I made him participate in many creative games.
00:17:34It's huge, right?
00:17:36Oh, no.
00:17:37The baby wants to pee.
00:17:40I protected his childhood dignity and his health.
00:17:45This makes you taller.
00:17:47This makes your teeth stronger.
00:17:49I encouraged him to a healthy diet to get the necessary nutrients.
00:17:53It gives you energy.
00:17:55Eat a lot, baby.
00:18:00He's the special player, and that's why they'll treat him well.
00:18:06I not only helped him develop his social skills.
00:18:12Enough ammunition.
00:18:14Let's go.
00:18:15Also the basic concepts of economy.
00:18:18And, well, I made him eat a lot.
00:18:22And, well, you could say that I raised Che Sung Hyo on my own.
00:18:28You don't listen to anything I say.
00:18:32Why do you start rumors in someone else's workplace?
00:18:36Do you want a defamation complaint?
00:18:38Do you thank me for my hard work?
00:18:40In any case, I would report you for betrayal.
00:18:43You're right.
00:18:44Hey, honey, she's a compulsive liar.
00:18:46You don't believe anything she says.
00:18:48She's sick.
00:18:49Why do you say that?
00:18:50I just heard her story and everything.
00:18:52It sounds pretty plausible.
00:18:54That's because she's an expert.
00:18:55She manipulates everything.
00:18:57She's the first psychopath I've ever met in my life.
00:19:13Hello, what's your name?
00:19:16Silly doctor.
00:19:21Good morning.
00:19:24How nice.
00:19:26Mr. Coxton.
00:19:41This is for you.
00:19:44It's true, it's huge!
00:19:49Does the baby want to pee?
00:20:00When I sexually harassed her,
00:20:02I said my first words in Spanish.
00:20:04I hate you, Coxton.
00:20:05Since then, she said she taught me to speak Spanish.
00:20:08Aha, soya.
00:20:10Sung Hyo eats soya.
00:20:13I always put everything she didn't want to eat on my plate.
00:20:16I don't want this.
00:20:18Don't be picky with food.
00:20:20Eat well, baby.
00:20:23Who will be the chosen one?
00:20:24The baby.
00:20:26He will be the chosen one.
00:20:28Our baby will do well.
00:20:30I use the status of special player to make sure I'm always chosen.
00:20:41Come on, follow me.
00:20:43How can I forget that he took my money?
00:20:45You're going to pay for it.
00:20:48It was my savings.
00:20:49He used them for chocolates and ice cream.
00:20:51And he went to stop this mouth that comes here.
00:20:54How dare you? You couldn't even go to the bathroom alone.
00:20:56Oh no, look who says it.
00:20:58The pervert who followed me to the bathroom.
00:21:00I wanted to help you.
00:21:01Because you couldn't even lower the zipper
00:21:03without letting your pants get wet.
00:21:05What do you mean you were helping me?
00:21:07I already told you that was just water.
00:21:09Water is not that color.
00:21:13There's no way I can help you.
00:21:15You see, Angel?
00:21:16I've never acted so immature.
00:21:18I know, right?
00:21:20But with a story in common about going to the bathroom,
00:21:22it shows that you're best friends.
00:21:24In the field of romance.
00:21:26I've been more than 10 years.
00:21:27So you could say I'm a veteran.
00:21:29And there's a cliché in the genre that I never get tired of.
00:21:33A romance from childhood.
00:21:35What does that mean?
00:21:38If it were her, I'd look for a nursery.
00:21:40Do you have any idea how expensive they are?
00:21:42But Heenan insists that we send the twins to one.
00:21:46Hey, hey, don't leave me talking to myself.
00:21:48Where are you going?
00:21:52Me, my love?
00:21:53Yes, what happened?
00:22:02Did you hear?
00:22:03Ruth Diner's owner, her daughter, cheated on her boyfriend
00:22:06and canceled the wedding.
00:22:08Of course.
00:22:09That's news all over the neighborhood.
00:22:11I'm not surprised.
00:22:12No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:22:13Didn't your daughter work for an American company?
00:22:16They fired her from there.
00:22:17What a shame for Mizuk after how much he bragged about her.
00:22:20Life gives so many turns.
00:22:22Oh, Jesus.
00:22:23Oh, Mrs. Mizuk.
00:22:25Are you here to do the shopping?
00:22:27And I was going to prepare something.
00:22:31And what are you going to prepare?
00:22:33Well, I'll see if I make kimchi or some ataúdes.
00:22:37I haven't decided yet.
00:22:52Of course, I understand.
00:22:53I'll talk to them.
00:22:56I'll talk to you later.
00:23:03No, why do you have such a red face?
00:23:06They had fun talking behind my back.
00:23:08They talked so much about me that I feel like my ears are buzzing.
00:23:13But, let's see.
00:23:14What were you thinking when you beat your daughter in the middle of the street?
00:23:19Oh, but no.
00:23:20If I had stayed in the privacy of your house,
00:23:23you would have saved all this.
00:23:27What's up, Mizuk?
00:23:30It seems that he invited the He sisters
00:23:32to the inauguration of Sunghyo this month.
00:23:34Junghee, Sunghee, Junghee, and Minhee?
00:23:36What did he think when he invited those shameless people?
00:23:38Well, he escaped saying it at a school meeting,
00:23:41and he had to invite them.
00:23:44He had to tell them everything about the inauguration.
00:23:47Didn't I tell you?
00:23:49My daughter, Sun Yu, works at GRIB.
00:23:52She's about to get married, but the wedding will be in the United States.
00:23:56My future son-in-law is an international lawyer.
00:23:59Oh, what's up with the weather?
00:24:01It's very hot.
00:24:02I never said I was an international lawyer with that tone.
00:24:05International lawyer, GRIB.
00:24:07International lawyer.
00:24:08I can't take it anymore.
00:24:09Stop it!
00:24:10Now yes, huh?
00:24:14Korea still has the best sunsets.
00:24:33I'm hungry.
00:24:52It's done.
00:25:05That was something special.
00:25:07Oh, it's nothing.
00:25:08It's just a skill I learned abroad.
00:25:11Oh, really?
00:25:13Where's Sunghee?
00:25:14She's not coming?
00:25:15Why would she invite that idiot?
00:25:17Hey, Sunghee, where are you?
00:25:18Why are you calling him?
00:25:19When you leave, come to Sun Yu's house.
00:25:22Why else?
00:25:23So we can have dinner together.
00:25:25Okay, then.
00:25:26I'm going.
00:25:33Is he coming?
00:25:34No, he's not.
00:25:35But he said we should have dinner in Sonar.
00:25:37Sun Yu, do you have any alcohol?
00:25:40No, I don't.
00:25:42Oh, my God.
00:25:43You could have gone home and had a drink.
00:25:45Do you really have to be an inventor?
00:25:52I can't even look at Sun Yu.
00:25:54Well, I...
00:25:55I'm happy to see her again.
00:25:59Don't tell me.
00:26:01Are you happy to see Olga cleaning all day?
00:26:05I can feel my bowels burning.
00:26:07Well, there's a raging storm inside of me.
00:26:10And I feel like everything is overflowing inside of me.
00:26:14Honey, you should try to talk to Sun Yu.
00:26:18He hasn't told us the whole story.
00:26:20Come on, make it possible for him to tell you.
00:26:22Why don't you just leave her alone and that's it?
00:26:24Leave her.
00:26:25Oh, I'm sick of your apathy.
00:26:27You never give importance to what you owe.
00:26:29Did you hate her alone?
00:26:30Didn't you participate?
00:26:31Be more careful with what you say.
00:26:33But it's true.
00:26:34I've struggled to pick up the pieces while you look.
00:26:37You're not even worried.
00:26:42And you stay quiet again.
00:26:44I don't know what I expected.
00:26:45You always run away from the slightest problem.
00:26:57I'm afraid to ask you.
00:27:00I heard your in-laws are rich.
00:27:03What if it's canceled because of me?
00:27:14I can't believe it.
00:27:15I'm very good, right?
00:27:16You're amazing.
00:27:17I impressed you.
00:27:18Of course. It was like watching a circus performance.
00:27:20Was it hard to do?
00:27:21Yes, it looked hard.
00:27:23You have to repeat it. Come on, do it again.
00:27:24So noisy.
00:27:25Their voices can be heard even in the other alley.
00:27:28Oh, and the party water came to steal food.
00:27:32Hey, did you bring alcohol?
00:27:34No, I don't bring anything.
00:27:35Oh, they're really bad at this.
00:27:39A barbecue night without beer has no joke.
00:27:44I'll get some.
00:27:45No, I'm going.
00:27:46I'll be back soon.
00:27:48Well, thank you.
00:27:49Oh, by the way.
00:27:50A McGoley would be good for that.
00:27:52Will you bring me a beer?
00:27:53Yes, whatever you want.
00:27:56Hey, weren't you too busy for a meeting like this?
00:28:00Do you want to fight?
00:28:01It's not like that.
00:28:03I just thought something was going on.
00:28:06Hey, if you're going to say nonsense, better go home.
00:28:09Why did you have to follow me here?
00:28:11Do you hear what you say?
00:28:12I just brought a box full of cakes and you thank me like that?
00:28:16Co-director, we have a matter.
00:28:24Do you want to postpone the construction project?
00:28:27The price of raw materials has skyrocketed.
00:28:29They want to suspend it.
00:28:31So they won't pay us the design fees without the construction.
00:28:34What do we do?
00:28:35I really needed that money.
00:28:38They still owe us the other design.
00:28:40For the Songjin Youth Center.
00:28:41They postponed the payment because they spent all their annual budget.
00:28:44I guess the market situation is really as bad as they said.
00:28:49Something happened, right?
00:28:51Rather, something is happening to you.
00:28:53It's burning.
00:28:59Oh, it burned a little.
00:29:06Well, if nothing happens, that's good.
00:29:08Do you want some?
00:29:09Do you expect me to eat that?
00:29:11Oh, I'll make you a new one.
00:29:12Don't be delicate.
00:29:14Give it to me.
00:29:15I'll do mine.
00:29:16No, no, no.
00:29:17You just hurt my pride.
00:29:19I was a master chef in the United States.
00:29:22You're in front of someone with their own Korean cuisine blog.
00:29:27Don't tell me.
00:29:29Again, doubting me.
00:29:32I have proof, I'll show you.
00:29:35How long are you going to keep this up?
00:29:39You may have avoided the question today,
00:29:42but your parents and Chonmu won't stop asking you
00:29:47until you give an answer.
00:29:50And you?
00:29:54You won't ask?
00:29:58I'm not that curious.
00:30:01Hey, forget it.
00:30:04You're the last person in the world to whom I could tell anything.
00:30:08For my own good?
00:30:13But later, in the not-too-distant future, tell Aunt Misook.
00:30:21She's your mom.
00:30:39What happened?
00:30:41My mom put you in this.
00:30:47It's time for the second round, idiot.
00:30:49Let me go, psychopath!
00:30:51I taught you not to lower your guard, did you forget?
00:30:53You're hurting me.
00:30:55You're crazy.
00:30:56You won't get away.
00:30:59That hurts.
00:31:00You're going too far.
00:31:08I'm sorry.
00:31:25He's not answering.
00:31:30Why are you hiding the phone?
00:31:32Who were you calling?
00:31:36He's still not answering.
00:31:39What's wrong with you?
00:31:40Are you losing your hearing or what?
00:31:44Mom, mom, tomorrow is Chesung's inauguration.
00:31:47Are you going too?
00:31:48Of course I'm going.
00:31:53Are you going too?
00:31:54Well, I was invited to go.
00:31:58Although I won't go.
00:31:59Why the hell would I go?
00:32:02I haven't seen Chesung in a few days, but I don't miss him.
00:32:05He's the kind of person I miss.
00:32:07He's the kind of person that gets tired.
00:32:10Hey, hey, hey!
00:32:11What are you doing?
00:32:12Are you listening to who you were talking to?
00:32:13Give me that.
00:32:14It's serious.
00:32:15Give it to me.
00:32:19Did you want to call him?
00:32:20Well, yes.
00:32:22So what?
00:32:23What's wrong with that?
00:32:25I told you we were done.
00:32:27I did it to make you shut up.
00:32:29You don't say anything, so I have to ask him.
00:32:32What are you doing?
00:32:33Hey, let go of that!
00:32:35Don't ever call him again.
00:32:37Why are you so...
00:32:40What did he do?
00:32:42Did he erase everything?
00:32:43Oh, it's not true.
00:32:48Do I really have to do this?
00:32:50It's not a public relations interview.
00:32:52It's for a special article.
00:32:53It's a report on the Center for Older People by John.
00:32:59What are you reading with such interest?
00:33:02I'm looking for a president.
00:33:03We can't let him skip our schedules.
00:33:06I'll ask my colleagues, and I'll meet with my lawyer friend.
00:33:10Are you sure it's going to work?
00:33:13If you think about it, the payment date wasn't on the contract.
00:33:16We have to do everything we can.
00:33:19What worries me the most are the loans.
00:33:22Sunghyo, do you think it was too much to set up a company?
00:33:29I think it's the reporter.
00:33:31Sunghyo, let's meet at that cafe. Where are you going?
00:33:38Ma'am, it's dangerous to be in the middle of the street.
00:33:40I need to pick this up.
00:33:41What am I going to do? I can't lose it.
00:33:43I'll do it. Just step aside.
00:33:47Stay here.
00:33:49Excuse me.
00:33:54Thank you very much.
00:33:58Is that Mr. Sunghyo?
00:34:07Oh, God.
00:34:09His wheels are worn out, and the axle is deformed.
00:34:12I balanced it for the moment, but it won't last much longer.
00:34:16Where were you going with all this?
00:34:18I was going to sell it to Chatarrero.
00:34:21And tell me, how much do they pay you for all this?
00:34:23They used to pay us 130 won per kilo in the past,
00:34:27but they don't pay me 100 anymore.
00:34:31But really, I'm sorry I took your time like this.
00:34:35I appreciate your help.
00:34:38You can't get there alone with your cart in those conditions.
00:34:41I'll be fine. I do this every day.
00:34:45Please be careful on the road.
00:34:47Mr. Che, let's start the interview.
00:34:50Are you going to drag or push?
00:34:52I'll push him.
00:34:57Don't worry, I'll help you.
00:35:00All set.
00:35:03Go ahead.
00:35:09Why is it taking so long?
00:35:19That seems cruel to me.
00:35:22Do you want some water? I said I didn't want any.
00:35:25I wasn't talking about that.
00:35:27He only offered 3,000 won for that cart.
00:35:32I know.
00:35:34We're men, and yet we have a hard time.
00:35:37Just imagine.
00:35:40Life can be hard, don't you think?
00:35:58You're not needed here anymore.
00:36:01Does So-nyu always work alone?
00:36:03She thinks she can solve everything on her own, doesn't she?
00:36:07She's a selfish whore.
00:36:09A typical Korean.
00:36:11Our colleague believes that everything is a competition,
00:36:14and she never takes it easy.
00:36:22I left a message for you.
00:36:25I left a message after the tone.
00:36:32Hey, Hyun-jun.
00:36:39The truth is...
00:36:43I really need you right now.
00:37:24Last stop. Aren't you getting off?
00:37:28Oh, yes.
00:37:33Have a good day.
00:37:41Good morning.
00:37:42Good morning.
00:37:52We know that you worked for Chang-Yu Architecture,
00:37:55which is the country's number one office of architects,
00:37:58and the 11th in the world.
00:38:00May I ask why you decided to leave it?
00:38:05I learned the foundations of architecture in Chang-Yu.
00:38:08You could say that thanks to my experience,
00:38:10I can live from this.
00:38:13However, it's such a big company,
00:38:15and with so much division of labor,
00:38:17that we practically had no voice or vote.
00:38:20Yes, it's true.
00:38:21Time passed, and I was more bothered by that fact.
00:38:25I wanted to get involved in each step of the process.
00:38:29You have managed to make a hole in a very competitive industry,
00:38:32and I heard that you are about to celebrate its inauguration.
00:38:35Any comments on that?
00:38:37I sincerely regret it.
00:38:41Hey, what the hell are you saying?
00:38:44I regret my decision several times a day,
00:38:47because I don't know if it was the right decision.
00:38:49But it's better to regret trying it,
00:38:52than to regret not doing anything.
00:38:54Or don't you agree?
00:39:00I'm sorry, I have to answer this.
00:39:02Sure, go ahead.
00:39:05I swear he didn't mean what he said.
00:39:08Of course.
00:39:21When are you coming home, if you're going to work?
00:39:26The day after tomorrow.
00:39:27I also have other preparations.
00:39:29The inauguration of Sung Hyo is tomorrow.
00:39:32Couldn't you change your schedule?
00:39:34It was impossible.
00:39:35I'll make a floral arrangement, and I'll call Sung Hyo.
00:39:40Do whatever you want.
00:39:45And when are you moving?
00:39:47You came back from Tunisia a few days ago.
00:39:49I'll go when the time is right.
00:39:52Is it so urgent that I'm not here?
00:39:54Let me know when they tell you.
00:40:33Why are you leaving my house?
00:40:35Why are you coming back so late?
00:40:37I asked first.
00:40:39To wash your feet.
00:40:45Keep this.
00:40:51A pomegranate tree.
00:40:53Tomorrow is your inauguration.
00:40:55A tree of money is a cliché,
00:40:57and that's a little more personal.
00:40:59Can I throw it away?
00:41:00You can, but listen carefully.
00:41:02Pomegranates give prosperity.
00:41:04When a leaf falls, your company will share its fate,
00:41:07and it will wither slowly.
00:41:09You're cursing me.
00:41:10I'll give it back to you.
00:41:11You can't give a gift back, ingrato.
00:41:13Bring it back tomorrow yourself.
00:41:15It's too heavy.
00:41:16I'm not going.
00:41:20Did something happen?
00:41:22Something happened.
00:41:23Say hello to Mr. Joon on my behalf.
00:41:27Say hello to Mr. Joon on my behalf.
00:41:44Where did I put it?
00:41:46I swear I put it here.
00:41:49What are you doing?
00:41:50You said you were leaving.
00:41:51What are you looking for?
00:41:52My brooch.
00:41:53You know,
00:41:54the one you bought a while ago with a pearl in the center.
00:41:56Oh, that one.
00:41:57Why are you looking for it?
00:41:59I have to take something to the inauguration.
00:42:02Classmates will go,
00:42:04and they always have a lot of jewelry on them.
00:42:07Don't you think the brooch is outdated?
00:42:09But that gold.
00:42:11It's fine.
00:42:12The gold doesn't fail.
00:42:14By the way, Mom,
00:42:15are you going to wear that at the event?
00:42:17Don't you like it?
00:42:18Did you change it for me?
00:42:20No, you look good.
00:42:22Oh, where did you put it?
00:42:24If I knew, I would have found it.
00:42:26I wouldn't have grown legs.
00:42:27That's the weirdest thing.
00:42:29They say lost objects
00:42:31appear when someone else looks for them.
00:42:33Did you look for it here?
00:42:34I remember I wore it with a hanbok at my cousin's wedding.
00:42:38It was with a hanbok.
00:42:40Let's see, here.
00:42:42It should be here.
00:42:47you didn't wear any of the cosmetics I sent you?
00:42:50It's not that I didn't use them.
00:42:51I was saving them.
00:42:52I bought them a long time ago.
00:42:54They should all be expired by now.
00:42:56I'll take care of that later.
00:42:58You had to come and interrupt.
00:42:59What time is it?
00:43:00Oh no, it's late.
00:43:01I have to go.
00:43:02I'll be back later.
00:43:13Oh, really?
00:43:21Congratulations, my love.
00:43:23Architecture treasure.
00:43:24It's so nice to see you.
00:43:26Come this way, come.
00:43:28Oh, he's here.
00:43:30Oh, my God.
00:43:35The interior design?
00:43:36How impressive.
00:43:38Oh, it looks so elegant here.
00:43:40Come in.
00:43:41Come in, please.
00:43:42He's such a small man.
00:43:43He's grown up and has his own business.
00:43:45I'm proud.
00:43:47I'm just the owner of the name.
00:43:49He's the driving force of the project.
00:43:50Nice to meet you, Ms. So.
00:43:52I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself before.
00:43:54Actually, she's Ms. So.
00:43:56I'm just her friend.
00:43:58I'm So Hee Sook.
00:44:00Nice to meet you.
00:44:01Oh, God, I apologize.
00:44:03I'm Yu, my love, to serve you.
00:44:05Don't worry.
00:44:06But now that I see you up close,
00:44:07I can see that you two look alike.
00:44:09You have the same image.
00:44:10Oh, really?
00:44:12They tell us that a lot.
00:44:13By the way, Auntie,
00:44:14did Sonny come?
00:44:15Nice to meet you.
00:44:16Hee Sook.
00:44:18Oh, Yong Hee.
00:44:19You made it.
00:44:20Hi, girls.
00:44:21Nice to see you.
00:44:23He's my son, Sung Hyo.
00:44:24Introduce yourselves.
00:44:25Nice to meet you.
00:44:26They're my friends.
00:44:27Thank you for coming.
00:44:28Do you remember them?
00:44:29And Mr. Yun.
00:44:30Nice to meet you.
00:44:31Hee Sook, Mi Sook, Ye Sook, In Sook.
00:44:33It's been a long time since we saw you.
00:44:35Yes, it's true.
00:44:36I know.
00:44:37It's been a long time
00:44:38since we last saw each other.
00:44:39You two are so old-fashioned.
00:44:40You two are so old-fashioned.
00:44:41You two are so old-fashioned.
00:44:42What did our parents think
00:44:43when they called us that?
00:44:44Oh, Jesus.
00:44:45Oh, Jesus.
00:44:46Oh, Jesus.
00:44:47Oh, Jesus.
00:44:48Thank you for coming here, girls.
00:44:49It's a happy occasion for our friend.
00:44:50It's a happy occasion for our friend.
00:44:51I also heard good news from Mi Sook.
00:44:52She's getting married.
00:44:53She's getting married.
00:44:54Oh, that's true.
00:44:56You didn't know?
00:44:57I heard her daughter cancelled it.
00:44:58Oh, no.
00:45:00Oh, no.
00:45:02Oh, my goodness.
00:45:03Oh, my goodness.
00:45:04I had no idea.
00:45:05I had no idea.
00:45:06I had no idea.
00:45:07I had no idea.
00:45:08I had no idea.
00:45:09I had no idea.
00:45:10I had no idea.
00:45:11I had no idea.
00:45:12I had no idea.
00:45:13I had no idea.
00:45:14I had no idea.
00:45:15I had no idea.
00:45:16I had no idea.
00:45:17I had no idea.
00:45:18I had no idea.
00:45:19I had no idea.
00:45:20I had no idea.
00:45:21I had no idea.
00:45:22I had no idea.
00:45:23I had no idea.
00:45:24I had no idea.
00:45:25I had no idea.
00:45:26I had no idea.
00:45:27I had no idea.
00:45:28I had no idea.
00:45:29I had no idea.
00:45:30I had no idea.
00:45:31I had no idea.
00:45:32I had no idea.
00:45:33I had no idea.
00:45:34I had no idea.
00:45:35I had no idea.
00:45:36I had no idea.
00:45:37I had no idea.
00:45:38I had no idea.
00:45:39I had no idea.
00:45:40I had no idea.
00:45:41I had no idea.
00:45:42I had no idea.
00:45:43I had no idea.
00:45:44I had no idea.
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00:45:46I had no idea.
00:45:47I had no idea.
00:45:48I had no idea.
00:45:49I had no idea.
00:45:50I had no idea.
00:45:51I had no idea.
00:45:52I had no idea.
00:45:53I had no idea.
00:45:54I had no idea.
00:45:55I had no idea.
00:45:56I had no idea.
00:45:57I had no idea.
00:45:58I had no idea.
00:45:59I had no idea.
00:46:00I had no idea.
00:46:01I had no idea.
00:46:02I had no idea.
00:46:03I had no idea.
00:46:04I had no idea.
00:46:05I had no idea.
00:46:06I had no idea.
00:46:07I had no idea.
00:46:08I had no idea.
00:46:10I'm sorry.
00:46:11I should have been there.
00:46:13Don't worry.
00:46:14I know you're busy.
00:46:17We'll talk later.
00:46:20Just don't forget to eat.
00:46:40Did you see Misuk's face when we talked about that?
00:46:46She's always been like that.
00:46:48She doesn't have money, but she's proud.
00:46:50I'm so sorry.
00:46:52She was a good student, but so poor she couldn't go to college.
00:46:56And now, here she is, always in the background in front of someone like Jisuk.
00:47:00Did she think her life would get better because her daughter was doing well?
00:47:03Doing well?
00:47:05How did her wedding get canceled?
00:47:07That girl is expecting a difficult future.
00:47:09You're right.
00:47:10For some reason, they say daughters follow in their mothers' footsteps.
00:47:30Didn't you say you weren't coming?
00:47:32You know.
00:47:33Instead of coming, I preferred to be on the move.
00:47:36I don't see the difference.
00:47:38There are a lot of people.
00:47:40Good for you, I guess.
00:47:42How kind.
00:47:43I'm going to stay on this side.
00:47:45Call my mom for me.
00:47:46That's not how you treat a guest.
00:47:48And less with a gift like this.
00:47:50Oh, you put it here?
00:47:52I couldn't throw it away.
00:47:54Did you eat?
00:47:55We have food there.
00:47:56It's not necessary.
00:47:57I just want to see my mom.
00:48:01What are you doing?
00:48:02Something's wrong.
00:48:03You look around as if you had done something wrong.
00:48:06I didn't do that.
00:48:07Oh, you did it again.
00:48:08Is someone chasing you or what?
00:48:10I already told you no.
00:48:13Wait for me here.
00:48:15I'll go get the aunt and I'll bring you a drink.
00:48:17Seriously, I'm fine.
00:48:18You just enjoy it.
00:48:20It's catering.
00:48:32Why did you come?
00:48:33I brought you this.
00:48:34I found it when you left.
00:48:35Why the hell did you have to bring it?
00:48:37Well, because you looked very disappointed.
00:48:39And I thought this would improve your mood.
00:48:41Yes, thank you.
00:48:42Go away.
00:48:45Chesun went to get something.
00:48:46Just go away.
00:48:49No one here speaks well of you.
00:48:50So you better go.
00:48:55Do I embarrass you?
00:49:00Oh, Soniu.
00:49:01Soniu is here.
00:49:04They said you had to go, so we came down.
00:49:10Oh, my God.
00:49:11You came.
00:49:12So this is Mizuc's daughter.
00:49:14Nice to meet you.
00:49:16We went to high school with your mother.
00:49:18How lucky.
00:49:19Just arrived by surprise.
00:49:21Introduce yourself to my friends.
00:49:23A pleasure to meet you.
00:49:24I'm Bessonio.
00:49:25How pretty.
00:49:27I had already told you that you work for GRIP, right?
00:49:30Well, I quit.
00:49:32You didn't quit that company?
00:49:35It's a vacancy.
00:49:38Hey, I was just kidding.
00:49:42In fact, he received an even better offer.
00:49:44And he came back for a break before his new job.
00:49:48What company?
00:49:49Oh, there are so many offers that you don't decide.
00:49:51But I'll tell you when he chooses one.
00:49:53Will he return to the United States?
00:49:55Of course.
00:49:56That's his new home.
00:49:57That's why I plan to spend time with my daughter while she's in Korea.
00:50:01And prepare a lot of food for her.
00:50:03Oh, just look at her.
00:50:04She's so thin.
00:50:05Yes, she needs to eat a lot.
00:50:07And listen to this.
00:50:08GRIP tried to convince her to stay,
00:50:10offering an increase and things like that.
00:50:12But what could I do?
00:50:13I already had a better offer.
00:50:15You must be happy.
00:50:27I'm so happy.
00:50:39You lied very well, Mom.
00:50:41Did you practice?
00:50:42So that your good name wouldn't be stained?
00:50:44I didn't lie.
00:50:45You'll go back to the United States.
00:50:47What did you say?
00:50:48I'll give you the money.
00:50:49So buy a ticket and pack.
00:50:51You have to go back.
00:50:53Do you hate me so much that I'm here?
00:50:55I'm sure you didn't want me to come back,
00:50:57and that's why you left my room.
00:50:59You're behaving like a child.
00:51:01You're old enough to be complaining about things like this.
00:51:03Just look at the state of this room.
00:51:05It's proof that you didn't want me back.
00:51:07You're right.
00:51:08So pack your things.
00:51:10You won't do it?
00:51:11Very well.
00:51:12Well, I'll do it.
00:51:13Where's your luggage?
00:51:14Mom, what?
00:51:16Let go!
00:51:17Let go of that!
00:51:18I'm going back!
00:51:20You're going to leave.
00:51:21I'm staying!
00:51:22No, Mom!
00:51:23Let her go!
00:51:33Did you go crazy?
00:51:36Who wouldn't go crazy after seeing their daughter
00:51:39throw their life away?
00:51:40What did I do?
00:51:42You really don't understand?
00:51:43Then tell me!
00:51:44I don't know what I did to deserve to be treated so badly!
00:51:48How could you do this to me?
00:51:51Did I really raise you so badly?
00:51:53It doesn't matter how horrible my life was.
00:51:57I didn't feel sorry for myself because I thought your life would be better.
00:52:01I mean, what did my horrible life matter if my daughter's life was wonderful?
00:52:06And yet you decided to give up everything.
00:52:09How could you betray me like that?
00:52:11Canceling my wedding was a betrayal of your trust.
00:52:13Do you think I gave up just to ruin your life?
00:52:16That's right.
00:52:17And besides, you were sleeping all day,
00:52:19as if you didn't have a care in the world.
00:52:22Maybe I haven't slept well in years.
00:52:25That never occurred to you.
00:52:28Didn't it occur to you that it was because I hadn't been happy in my life for a long time?
00:52:32Not only you have a hard time.
00:52:33Don't be so dramatic.
00:52:34Maybe it's not just me.
00:52:37But is it wrong to expect my mother's compassion?
00:52:44I came back because I couldn't take it anymore.
00:52:48You know how hard I've worked all my life.
00:52:54Can't you just tell me that everything will be fine and that I'll have some free time?
00:52:58I know.
00:52:59I know how hard you've worked.
00:53:01That's why I'm doing this.
00:53:03Many go abroad to study.
00:53:05Because they're rich.
00:53:06But you left with a full scholarship.
00:53:08You got everything with work.
00:53:10How could I allow you to throw away so much effort?
00:53:14You mean a lot to me.
00:53:15You're my pride and my joy.
00:53:17Why do I always have to be the one to bring you pride and joy?
00:53:23Why can't you just let me be your daughter with all my flaws?
00:53:31Why do I have to be your golden brooch to make you shine?
00:53:47I'm sorry.
00:54:18Oh, God.
00:54:20I thought you were Laro's daughter.
00:54:22You almost scared me to death.
00:54:26How did you know I'd be here?
00:54:28With your little imagination, I didn't have to look far.
00:54:33The park has improved a lot since I left.
00:54:36Now it looks like Disneyland.
00:54:39What game should I try now?
00:54:42Hey, do you want to go up and down?
00:54:44No way, you're alone.
00:54:45There are two ways to go up and down.
00:54:48What about the jungle?
00:54:50Oh, you're right.
00:54:51You were always afraid of the jungle.
00:54:53You're lying, it's not true.
00:54:54You're still afraid, huh?
00:54:55Of course not.
00:54:56Yes, you are.
00:55:02Hey, I don't know why you're afraid.
00:55:04Were you looking for me?
00:55:05And your fear?
00:55:07When did you get here?
00:55:09Do you still see me as the skinny kid, shorter than you?
00:55:13Now you're a tall daddy.
00:55:16Harder than good wines.
00:55:18Of course.
00:55:20I'm 34 years old.
00:55:23Me too.
00:55:29This game seemed very high to me when I was little.
00:55:38Hey, do you remember what you said up here?
00:55:42You said you wanted to tear pieces of clouds
00:55:44and eat them like cotton candy.
00:55:48That's true.
00:55:51I thought I could touch the sky once I was this big.
00:55:57Yes, how silly.
00:56:08It's raining.
00:56:13It can't be.
00:56:18Did you really just buy an umbrella?
00:56:21How cheap.
00:56:22Yes, I'm not going to buy another one.
00:56:24It would be a waste of money.
00:56:26And it's the smallest one.
00:56:28Share it with me.
00:56:29No, buy yours.
00:56:30Don't be selfish.
00:56:32I love you.
00:56:33I love you.
00:56:34I love you.
00:56:35I love you.
00:56:36I love you.
00:56:37I love you.
00:56:38I love you.
00:56:39I love you.
00:56:40Don't be selfish.
00:56:41I told you to get off.
00:56:43I don't want to.
00:56:44I'm going to play here.
00:56:56Why are you laughing all of a sudden?
00:56:58I remembered something funny.
00:56:59Do you remember that time when I left you
00:57:04and I ran over there?
00:57:07Yes, crying all night without stopping
00:57:09until some guys rescued you
00:57:11who had come here to smoke.
00:57:13They were good guys.
00:57:14Good guys?
00:57:18They were almost criminals.
00:57:20They weren't criminals.
00:57:21Of course they were.
00:57:23That's what they were.
00:57:24They really liked to smoke.
00:57:25Do you remember this other one?
00:57:27There was a roulette right there.
00:57:29Do you remember?
00:57:30And I hit my head there
00:57:33while I was spinning
00:57:35and I ended up with a big bump up here.
00:57:38At that time I couldn't...
00:57:41I couldn't look at myself in the mirror.
00:57:43Someone told me
00:57:45that if I spun too fast
00:57:47I would become a time machine
00:57:50and I believed it.
00:57:52That's why I...
00:57:56I'm crying.
00:58:02What are you doing?
00:58:03We're getting wet.
00:58:05You just have to do one thing.
00:58:10Don't force yourself to laugh
00:58:11and focus on something.
00:58:33I love you.
00:59:03I love you.
00:59:33I love you.
01:00:04Crazy bitch.
01:00:08Really stupid.
01:00:33I love you.
01:00:35I love you.
01:01:01Don't clean yourself.
01:01:04It's not mucus.
01:01:05It's the rain.
01:01:06And I already cleaned all I had.
01:01:10Your makeup is messed up too.
01:01:12You look like a lunatic.
01:01:15So what?
01:01:16I don't want to look pretty for you.
01:01:25Did you hear everything a while ago?
01:01:27Of course not.
01:01:28You almost spit in my suit.
01:01:29This is the worst.
01:01:30Pretend you didn't hear me.
01:01:32I didn't see or hear anything.
01:01:41My mother hates me.
01:01:46Right now you hate her too.
01:01:49Don't you think it's pathetic
01:01:51that I still hate my mother at this age?
01:01:55Do you know something?
01:01:57Just like the moon is tied to the earth,
01:02:00hate also has satellites.
01:02:04The hopes you have for someone,
01:02:07the faith in them,
01:02:09the love for them,
01:02:11it's all a package.
01:02:13And when they deviate from orbit or go against the current,
01:02:16that's when you start to hate.
01:02:18I hate you.
01:02:20I hate you.
01:02:22That's when you start to hate.
01:02:26You can't hate without loving first.
01:02:35Who died?
01:02:37Did you see that?
01:02:39The shooting star.
01:02:41A shooting star just fell.
01:02:43Yes, of course.
01:02:44You're not seeing things.
01:02:45No, I'm telling you it fell.
01:02:47Look, there it is.
01:02:48They're falling.
01:02:49Another one just fell.
01:02:50I saw it.
01:02:53Make a wish.
01:02:55A wish?
01:02:56That's cheesy.
01:03:15So, what did you wish for?
01:03:17That our company doesn't go bankrupt.
01:03:19Oh, you're such a snob.
01:03:21Why would your company go bankrupt?
01:03:26If something happened, then...
01:03:29Tell me!
01:03:30Oh, stop hitting people.
01:03:34It's just that I...
01:03:37I started something pretty big.
01:03:41And getting it up seems like a joke.
01:03:45We haven't gotten...
01:03:47any new contracts, nor have they paid us.
01:03:50Let's go.
01:03:53Let's see.
01:03:54Tell me who it is, and I'll get your money.
01:03:58And how will you do it?
01:03:59I won't move until they pay me.
01:04:01Oh, if I knew I was going to do something like this,
01:04:03I would have gotten a tattoo.
01:04:04Oh, hey, how about this?
01:04:06Let's get dressed in animal prints.
01:04:08I'm sure my mom has clothes with tiger or zebra prints.
01:04:11Oh, really? You're weird.
01:04:13Well, where are we going?
01:04:14To a street car.
01:04:16Let's go get Udon.
01:04:20Are you mental?
01:04:22When I asked for my wish,
01:04:24I asked for the street car at the station to stay open.
01:04:27That's the dumbest wish I've ever heard.
01:04:29Not for me.
01:04:30Let's eat Udon, and let's go get your money.
01:04:33Oh, I really don't want my business to go bankrupt.
01:04:36But I plan to overcome any storm that life throws at me.
01:04:39And what was that?
01:04:41Uh, I just don't want to see you dressed in tiger prints.
01:04:44Why? Are you afraid I'll look too sexy?
01:04:46Oh, no.
01:04:47It's just that if you came out dressed like that,
01:04:50I'm sure they'd marry you for sports.
01:04:52I can kill you or lick you. You choose.
01:04:54I choose Udon.
01:05:01It rang.
01:05:05Where did he go so early?
01:05:15Buri Undon. Buri Undon.
01:05:18Buri Undon.
01:05:22I just spoke to the owner of Buri Undon.
01:05:24He decided to go for the east-facing window.
01:05:26Really? How did you convince him?
01:05:28Very easy.
01:05:29I told him that the east-facing window would absorb all the energy that would make him rich.
01:05:33And that really worked?
01:05:40By the way, where is Sung Hyo?
01:05:42Oh, I'm dying to see his face.
01:05:44I don't know. I haven't seen him all day.
01:05:46Let's see. Can you put that on that side?
01:05:48Yes, that. Right there. And also...
01:05:55Ah! Sung Hyo's here!
01:05:56Hey, daughter. Go to your room and get changed.
01:05:58We're going to eat.
01:05:59I'm not in the mood.
01:06:23Mom! Mom!
01:06:26Mom! Mom! Mom!
01:06:27And there you go again, after your mom.
01:06:29Why am I never the one you call?
01:06:31Not right now. Mom!
01:06:32What happened to the room? What did you do to it?
01:06:34Shh, girl. So noisy. Go wash your hands.
01:06:36Come on. If you want to eat.
01:06:38Your mother asked Sung Hyo a favor.
01:06:47Aunt Misook, is something wrong?
01:06:49Hi, Sung Hyo. I have a job for you.
01:06:52I'd like you to renovate Soniu's room.
01:06:55She's not a cabbage, so she can't sleep between kimchi containers.
01:07:00I don't know if she'll stay a few days or a few months, but it should be habitable.
01:07:04I think it's an excellent idea.
01:07:12Let's go!
01:07:20It was green wallpaper, with these designs I have here as an example.
01:07:24I want something that looks like this.
01:07:26Sure, no problem.
01:07:27Very well.
01:07:28It's a fairly old design, but I'd like it to look as similar as possible.
01:07:33If you want something like that, I have it over here.
01:07:43Where should I put this?
01:07:45Over there, against that wall.
01:07:47As far as you can.
01:07:48Yes, there.
01:07:49You could have told me you were going to redecorate.
01:07:52I was going to tell you this morning, but you left.
01:07:55You were out all day. Where were you?
01:07:57In several places.
01:07:58I'm sure I had things to do.
01:08:00Come on, let's eat.
01:08:15Yes, thank you.
01:08:16Thank you for the food.
01:08:17Rice with abalone? Isn't that a little expensive?
01:08:20Don't think about that. We care more about your diet.
01:08:23Eat up.
01:08:29Oh my God.
01:08:30This is delicious!
01:08:33Try this, eat.
01:08:37Yes, and here's your favorite.
01:08:39Give him the eggplant.
01:08:41What else would you like? This?
01:08:43That's enough, you're going to choke on it.
01:08:45Can't you let a minute go by without hitting me?
01:08:47What is this? Why do I feel shortness of breath?
01:08:49You're just in time, go wash your hands.
01:08:52Mom, I told you I'm on a diet.
01:08:55Shut your mouth and sit down to eat.
01:08:57And if you two fight again, I'll kick you out of the house myself.
01:09:01Sit down.
01:09:03Sit down.
01:09:05Try some of this too.
01:09:07Your mom told you to wash your hands first.
01:09:09What's that on top?
01:09:10Look, you wash your hands where...
01:09:12Give him this, Antonio.
01:09:14That's it.
01:09:15You have a good appetite.
01:09:17It's delicious.
01:09:18It is, right?
01:10:10I love you.
01:10:12I love you too.
01:10:39I love you too.
01:10:57Why are you calling me so late at night?
01:10:59Hey, what about those stars on my roof?
01:11:01Shouldn't you at least thank me first?
01:11:04Wow, what a detail.
01:11:06How did you come up with putting those stars as I remember them?
01:11:09Just the stars?
01:11:10And what about everything else?
01:11:11Everything is identical.
01:11:13Did you also scatter fairy dust?
01:11:15I only put it back in time.
01:11:17The desk where you wrote your love letters.
01:11:20The bed you cried in when they rejected you.
01:11:22And the blankets you always kicked.
01:11:24A shameful moment of your past.
01:11:26Oh, I'm already seeing it.
01:11:28Oh, no, no, no, no.
01:11:30Go back to my subconscious, I have a bad memory.
01:11:32Please, please, get out of my head again.
01:11:35I would like to ask you something.
01:11:37Make sure to close the curtains well from now on.
01:11:40Oh, what?
01:11:42Oh, my head, what a heat.
01:11:51But, were you there?
01:11:53That's exactly what I was talking about.
01:11:55I would rather not have such a horrible sight when I open my windows.
01:11:58You with a headband and no makeup.
01:12:04And I, what?
01:12:05I was starting to feel grateful.
01:12:07But wait there, I'm coming.
01:12:13It's not an obligation for you to see me from your room.
01:12:16You don't live in your house anymore.
01:12:18I just got back.
01:12:21Now I live here again.
01:14:00Koreans with a job do something called work during the day.
01:14:03All right, and now what's next?
01:14:05Are you really going to leave me here?
01:14:07I want to do this, my love.
01:14:09Did you apply for the design contest for the remodeling of the gymnasium?
01:14:13What was your dream? Tell me.
01:14:15My dream?
01:14:16We have an emergency patient.
01:14:18I think that person is trying to clear the way.
01:14:21Would you continue with your work as an architect if you could swim again?
01:14:25What does a time capsule matter, completely forgotten?
01:14:28Aren't you curious to know what you wrote?
01:14:30You warned me to stop!
01:14:32Come get her if you love her so much.
