Sunday Podcast 96 with Bro Mike 090824 Gods Garden for You - SD 480p

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God's Garden for You
00:00Hey, good morning, friends.
00:26Yes, sir.
00:28It's Sunday morning podcast time with Brother Mike.
00:30It's nine o'clock Pacific time.
00:32It's nine o'clock in Arizona.
00:34It's noon on the East Coast.
00:37And thank you for tuning in.
00:42Welcome to my shut-ins.
00:44Love you.
00:46Got a good Bible study for you today.
00:49Got another good one for you.
00:52Really worth listening to.
00:53Please remember all of our wonderful services at the Deliverance Center.
01:00We just had a children's deliverance service.
01:03We have them once a month.
01:04It's usually on the first Saturday of the month at 10 o'clock.
01:07They are just fantastic.
01:10You wouldn't believe the number of kids getting healed and delivered in these services.
01:15It's very heartwarming.
01:16We have two live services every week, Thursday and Friday nights at seven o'clock.
01:21Brother Rick smashes grand slams on Thursday night.
01:25He's fantastic.
01:27He knows more about the spirit world than five guys put together on YouTube.
01:32So he should have a huge number of people listening tonight.
01:37He's freaky.
01:38He's an odd speaker like I am.
01:41You know, neither of us have a lot of cross-sectional glorious appeal to people.
01:48If you can get past our presentation, I'll tell you what, the material is fantastic.
01:55It really is.
01:57And usually God-seekers like us, casual Christians do not.
02:02Thursday, Friday night, seven o'clock, two services live at the Arizona Deliverance Center
02:07on 15th Avenue, just south of Osborne Road.
02:09It's a red brick building, as I tell you every week.
02:14When you go to work Monday through Friday, you can catch me on the radio, 1010 AM,
02:18Christian Radio.
02:21You can also catch me on Sunday afternoon and Saturday afternoon.
02:24The schedules are on the home page of the website,
02:31We got Zoom services and they are so annoying.
02:34It's ridiculous.
02:35Mondays is for the ladies.
02:38Wednesday and Saturday is for everybody.
02:41You can send me an email,
02:44I'll send you all the information about the services.
02:49Tuesdays, Julie is teaching a class on the book I wrote, Planos Spirits, the Root Cause
02:59and Cure of Mental Illness.
03:02Every Tuesday, that's at 630.
03:04Her Zoom is Mondays at 630.
03:06The other two Zooms, Wednesday and Saturday, are six o'clock Pacific and Arizona time.
03:11I hope you'll take advantage of those things and invite somebody to the Zoom.
03:16That's the most important thing.
03:18Find somebody who needs to be healed or delivered and invite them to the services.
03:23That's the best thing to do.
03:25That's why we have the services, so we can reach as many people as we possibly can.
03:32You can contact me at
03:36I answer 100% of my emails, even the bad ones or the critical ones.
03:40Really happy to hear what you have to say, positive or negative.
03:45Please remember to order the Miracle List, Step-by-Step Guide to Healing and Deliverance
03:49that works 100% of the time.
03:50You've got to have that.
03:52One is for troubled Christians.
03:54The other one is for mentally ill Christians.
03:57If you have an anxiety disorder, clinical depression, bipolar, whatever it is, you can
04:04get a copy of the Miracle List and go through the steps and you can be healed and delivered.
04:19Let's take a hard target look at the Word of God today.
04:23If you go to Luke chapter 22, I mean, this thing is a bombshell.
04:30This thing is a lightning strike.
04:31It's unbelievable.
04:33How powerful this chapter in the Bible is.
04:37It's one of the most powerful chapters anywhere, Old or New Testament.
04:42It is Jesus's last day with his disciples before he's arrested.
04:51He's got to get this last minute information through because he's not going to be with
05:01them much longer.
05:02He's going to be arrested and murdered.
05:04So Jesus goes through a series of instructions with the disciples, knowing this is the end.
05:13Last supper, the whole deal.
05:15And as you'll remember, he goes through servanthood, which is the height of being a Christian.
05:25It's not the five offices in the church that is the greatest for Christians.
05:32You got apostles and prophets and pastor and teachers and so on.
05:36Those things there are secondary to the number one spot in Christianity, which is being a
05:44And so Jesus illustrates that for them by washing their feet.
05:51And he explains to them that to be a leader in Christianity and to be great in the kingdom
05:57of God, the number one office to hold is an apostle or a prophet or pastor.
06:06It's being a servant.
06:11Then he goes on to explain to them, look, remember when I sent you out two by two?
06:19Remember, you you didn't take anything with it.
06:21Remember that?
06:23You know, all your needs were met.
06:26Remember that?
06:28Now, Jesus says.
06:32We're going to change it.
06:34I'm going to be gone now.
06:36So now when you go out to do missions work, prepare, take supplies.
06:45Plan ahead.
06:47You wouldn't believe how many people over the years that I have counseled, truly shocking
06:53number who have had their ministries destroyed because they didn't know how to interpret
07:00the Bible.
07:01And here's how you interpret the Bible.
07:03Never forget this as long as you live.
07:08The way you interpret the Bible is you read all the texts in every book, in every chapter,
07:13in every verse, literally.
07:17Take it literally.
07:19Where figurative language is used in verses, chapters, books.
07:27Look for the literal meaning the figurative language is trying to display.
07:36If you will, if you will keep those two things in your mind when looking at the scripture,
07:44you'll almost never get involved in false doctrines.
07:50Number three, you have to look at the word of God in context, because if you take the
07:57scripture out.
07:59You will be creating a false doctrine, and that's what TV preachers do.
08:04They have an agenda like a politician, and so they want to have these scriptures fulfill
08:12that agenda.
08:13So they'll pull them out of context, and they'll throw it at you like mud on a wall, hoping
08:18something sticks.
08:20That's not how you study the word of God, and that's not how you avoid giving off on
08:25false doctrines.
08:26You have to read the Bible in context, the entirety of the text.
08:33And so today, we're going to go over the Garden of Gethsemane, but we have to look
08:38at it in context.
08:42And in the context of it, Jesus is giving the disciples his last series of instructions
08:49before he's arrested, and he gives them the good news and the bad news.
08:56He tells them good news.
08:57He says, I have preserved a kingdom for you.
09:06We will be at the Mary's Supper of the Lamb, and you will be in glory, and you disciples
09:15will be in charge of each tribe of Israel.
09:24The nation of Israel will be restored.
09:26There'll be 12 gates on the New Jerusalem, and you'll be supervising every one of them.
09:39There's the good news.
09:40The bad news is I'm going to get murdered, butchered, arrested.
09:45You people are going to abandon me.
09:47Judas is going to betray me.
09:49I'm going to be murdered in cold blood.
09:53The bad news, Simon, Satan wants to sift you like wheat, but I prayed for you.
10:02After you backslide, after you fail, after you turn your back on me, come home.
10:11That's exactly what happened.
10:14Then he told Simon he was going to deny him.
10:17He heard it, the whole group, the Last Supper.
10:23He said, not only you, Simon, all of you are going to forsake me.
10:29You're all leaving.
10:31Hell is coming to breakfast.
10:34So human nature, the way we were born in sin, the way we're built, here's how humans do
10:42If you give them a bunch of good news and then a bunch of bad news, human beings will
10:45by nature genetically drift over to the bad news.
10:53Center of nature.
10:54Only when the person becomes a true born again Christian, receives the indwelling of the
11:02Holy Ghost and renews their mind on the Word of God is this old man, so to speak, taken
11:11out and executed.
11:14The old man needs to be shotgunned in the head.
11:23Just die.
11:26So naturally, the disciples heard all of these horrible things.
11:31They didn't hear the good things, the kingdom of heaven is theirs, the new Jerusalem, their
11:38wonderful future.
11:39They didn't hear that.
11:42They heard all these horrible, I'm going to fail you.
11:45We're all going to forsake you.
11:47You gots to be kidding.
11:50So the disciples after the Last Supper are now down in the dumps.
11:54Judas ran off.
11:57He had had enough and he ran off to betray the Lord and stab him in the back.
12:04Let's go to verse 39 in Luke chapter 22.
12:07That's our text today.
12:08In the context of what I just shared, got to read the Bible in context.
12:14Don't pull verses out and throw them at people.
12:17Verse 39, Jesus came out and as was his custom, he went to the Mount of Olives.
12:23That was his favorite place.
12:25And you should have a favorite place to do you have some place that you kind of sneak
12:30over and do your devotionals?
12:33I do.
12:34I live on a lake in Sun City, Arizona, and I go out in the mornings, sometimes very early.
12:42I just sit there staring at the lake and I have my devotional time.
12:47You have a place where you can go to have devotionals, where you feel comfortable and
12:51you kind of relax a little, kind of getting away from your insane family, your deranged
12:56co-workers, your whacked out church people.
12:59You have a place to go where you can kind of relax and enjoy yourself and settle down
13:06and get your mind right and refocus on your devotional time.
13:10Do you have that?
13:11Well, I hope you do.
13:12Jesus had it and he set the example for it.
13:16He'd love to go to the Mount, the Mount of Olive Trees.
13:21That's what that means in Greek, olive trees.
13:23It was right near the walls of Jerusalem.
13:28It wasn't that far.
13:30And his disciples followed him.
13:31Now, remember the disciples, verse 39, they're down in the dumps because they focused on
13:38the bad, not the good.
13:39That's human nature.
13:40Once you renew your mind on the word of God, once you get the Holy Ghost, you're able to
13:45break that curse that Adam put on all of us and you're able to now develop the mind of
13:55But they hadn't done it yet.
13:56They were still Adam's disciples and they all crashed.
14:04And Jesus was at the place and he said to them, pray that you enter not into temptation.
14:09Now here, here is the context of the text.
14:14Remember this.
14:15Parasmos is a Greek word for temptation.
14:19It means to be put to the test, to prove yourself, prove it.
14:28Jesus said, pray that you enter not into temptation.
14:31Why did he say that?
14:33Because at that time, the context of the text, they were down in the dumps.
14:38When you get down in the dumps, when you go down and you're feeling low and your mind's
14:46filled with negative thoughts and they're affecting your emotions negatively, you are
14:51very susceptible to Satan tempting you and attacking you.
14:58So Jesus is saying here, while you're down in the dumps and you're not and you're unhappy
15:02and you're sad, that's an opening for demonic attacks.
15:07Pray that you enter not into your testing period.
15:11Pray that it doesn't happen because you're down in the dumps and haven't renewed your
15:17And it says he, he left them.
15:22And remember, he only took his big three there.
15:24Who is that?
15:26James, Peter, John.
15:28They were the only ones that got to go with him into the depths of the, of the Garden
15:34of Gethsemane.
15:35The other ones stayed on the outside.
15:39And it says he kneeled down and prayed.
15:45And he said, Father, if you'd be willing, remove, remove this cup from me, nevertheless,
16:00not my will, but thine be done.
16:03Now here you see, your salvation was bought and paid for on Calvary and guaranteed in
16:10the resurrection of Christ.
16:11But it was actually won in the Garden of Gethsemane.
16:16Here's where Jesus won our salvation when he uttered these words and the devil and the
16:23most powerful demons he had available were in the garden with him.
16:28They were attacking him.
16:29You've got to understand something that 24 seven, you're being stalked by demons and
16:35that will not stop until you're dead and removed to glory.
16:39It never goes away.
16:42Oppression attacks from the outside are something that come from demons to Christians and it
16:48never changes or stops, so to speak.
16:54Everyone is subject to being attacked and subject to oppression.
17:00Not everyone is required to be infected or possessed by demons.
17:06That is not required.
17:08But oppression, it never stops.
17:12It happened to the Apostle Paul, the greatest Christian that ever lived, to the moment he
17:17was executed as a martyr, they murdered him in cold blood for preaching the good news
17:23of Christ.
17:24It never stops.
17:26It does stop in glory when you go there for your rewards and your judgment.
17:34Right here is where our salvation was won when Jesus said, nevertheless.
17:40Not my will.
17:42But thine be done.
17:43Here's the key to it all.
17:46If you had any desire at all to, I hate to use this word because it's a terrible word
17:52to use.
17:54If you want to be special to God, and again, I'm qualifying that term, it's a rotten term.
18:03Special meaning used with the moving of the spirit.
18:09Used with the intimate, dunamis power of God.
18:15And very few Christians ever, just a tiny number of Christians ever become disciples
18:20that ever get the powerful moving of the spirit.
18:24Very, very few.
18:26The vast majority, 98%, never get there.
18:30But I'm asking you, would you by any chance have an interest in being in the 2%?
18:37The 2% of Christians who have the anointing and the power of God, is that any interest
18:43of yours?
18:44If it is, you have to follow this example.
18:48You got to go to the garden and the garden is when you reach that moment where you no
18:58longer matter and you have quit serving yourself and you are a broken, broken person.
19:13Everybody who wants to get into, to use this term, again, it's a bad one, holy of holies.
19:19The holy of holies is that 2% of Christians get into that little section where the moving
19:26of the spirit and the power of God is a common reality.
19:32It's common.
19:36But nobody can get there until they have gone to the garden.
19:42And Jesus could not pay for our sins on Calvary until he won our salvation in the garden of
19:54And Jesus said, Father, you can do everything.
19:57I know you can do anything.
20:00Take this cup from me.
20:04Take it away.
20:06Because Jesus suffered more than any human being in history.
20:10Not just because of a physical torture and his obvious murder, but because the sins of
20:16the world were loaded upon him before his death.
20:23And that caused agony no human being has ever suffered.
20:31He was wounded for our transgression.
20:33He was bruised for our iniquities.
20:36The punishment for our peace was upon him.
20:40And that's why by his stripes we are healed.
20:43Jesus suffered more than any man ever has because the physical torture was bad, but
20:53many human beings have been tortured physically over the years.
20:57But the spiritual torture was beyond belief because it got so bad, the Holy Ghost left
21:03him and Jesus cried out on the cross, Father, why have you forsaken me?
21:12The horror of what Jesus had become.
21:15He became our sin was beyond Father's ability to look at him anymore.
21:25He couldn't do it.
21:28When Jesus said, nevertheless, that was the worst word the devil ever heard, he never
21:33heard a word more painful than that.
21:37He had to take this cup from me.
21:40The devil was rejoicing in the garden, standing there high fiving some fallen angel or something.
21:46But when he heard these words, nevertheless, he loaded his depends overflowing.
21:54Not my will, but thine be done.
21:55You must go to the garden and surrender your will.
22:02There's no other way.
22:03You want to be in the 2%?
22:07Go to the garden.
22:09You have to do it.
22:13And these attacks from Satan in the garden and the pain and the agony and the emotional
22:17pain he was suffering was so astronomical.
22:22That an angel, verse 43, had to come and strengthen him to get through it.
22:30That's how bad it was.
22:33I've been through some bad trials in my life, and I'm sure you have.
22:38I never had an angel appear in my room trying to help me out because I never suffered as
22:45bad as Jesus, not even close.
22:49An angel had to come and strengthen him, verse 43.
22:53And then verse 44, Agony is where we get our English word agony.
22:59He was suffering emotional agony to suffer emotional pain.
23:09In agony, it says he prayed more earnestly and suddenly sweat like great drops of blood,
23:19a thrombus, the Greek word for great drops.
23:23There is thrombus.
23:26And it means a blood clot.
23:30He was in such hideous agony, mentally and emotionally.
23:35And the stress was so great from the satanic attacks upon him in the garden that he had
23:42blood clots coming out of his forehead, his skull, wherever they were.
23:53And there was these clots were so heavy, they plunked, they would drop to the ground.
23:59When he rose up from prayer.
24:02He came back to his disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow, verse 45.
24:07Now, this is important.
24:09Sleeping for what?
24:12Lupe, Greek word, sadness, grief, grieving.
24:21What was happening there?
24:25The disciples were emotionally exhausted.
24:30Because they were focusing on all the bad things Jesus had told them prior to going
24:36to the Mount of Olives.
24:43You know, a lot of people have counseled over the years that had clinical depression.
24:48One of the symptoms of it is they sleep a lot.
24:56It's a method of demonic withdrawal.
24:59The demons tell you, hey, listen, if you sleep, you're going to be able to avoid all this.
25:04But the demons know that if you're sleeping all the time, you're not going to do anything for God.
25:08You're not going to be effective and you're not going to get healed.
25:11So they want you to sleep all the time.
25:13In addition to that, because you're sleeping all the time, sometimes they attack you in your
25:17dreams with bad, bad dreams or nightmares.
25:21It's all a trick.
25:21It's all a process they use to crush human beings.
25:27In order for you to get out of the 98% and into the 2%,
25:31you're going to have to go to the garden and become a broken person.
25:42No garden, no Calvary, no Calvary, no resurrection, no resurrection, no me, no you.
26:01Are you a 2% or are you a 98%?
26:0998% of the Christians are all in one big group.
26:14They amount to nothing spiritually, usually very, very weak, useless, gutless failures.
26:212%'ers, the disciples, you know how they got into that 2% group?
26:27They went to the garden.
26:31There's no way around it.
26:35Come on, come on, friend.
26:37I love you.
26:39I'm trying to help you.
26:43See, the prophetic movement in the United States is a sham.
26:46It's just awful.
26:47Here's why.
26:48People want cheap miracles.
26:52Oh, look, there's gold dust.
26:53There, there, there's a gem on the floor.
26:55Oh, look, there's a glory cloud.
27:01Don't want an easy, easy fix.
27:04Let's go to the courts of heaven.
27:06All that crap all goes to the same place.
27:1198% group.
27:13It accomplishes nothing.
27:14Cheap miracles aren't worth it.
27:19Gosh, Mike, that's kind of harsh.
27:22Yeah, my whole ministry is hard.
27:24You want a 2%?
27:26You want a 2%?
27:29Excuse me, I've still, I've still got a throat thing.
27:36You want 2%?
27:41The road to the 2% goes through the garden.
27:48That's where you're going to have to go.
27:52That's where you go to die.
27:54That's where you go when it becomes not about you anymore.
28:05The fivefold offices of the church, oops.
28:10There's one greater.
28:13You know what it is?
28:15Of course you do.
28:17Being a servant.
28:18Of course you do.
28:19Being a servant.
28:22Jesus said a son of man did not come to rule.
28:26He came to serve.
28:31The road to the power of the spirit
28:38goes through the garden.
28:46went to the garden.
28:48He loved his wife so much, it was unbelievable.
28:52He just couldn't believe it.
28:55She was his favorite person.
28:58It was kind of like Abraham and Isaac.
29:01Wigglesworth adored his wife.
29:03She was the greatest thing in the world.
29:04He absolutely loved the living heck out of her.
29:09I don't even know how to describe it.
29:11It was love on steroids.
29:16And guess what happened?
29:18He lost his wife in the garden.
29:24She was gone.
29:28What happened after that?
29:29Wigglesworth entered the two percent.
29:31He went into the holy of holies.
29:34His worldwide ministry started there.
29:40Catherine Kuhlman loved her dad so much.
29:42It was unbelievable.
29:43She was a daddy's girl, huge.
29:44She loved everything about him.
29:47Just one little compliment from him, just her heart.
29:53Loved every second of it.
29:56She's preaching at a Baptist church
29:59a couple of states away from Missouri
30:02and gets word her dad is sick.
30:07Guess what happened?
30:09Catherine went to the garden.
30:11Catherine went to the garden.
30:15Her dad died.
30:33A hundred years ago, they wrote a song called
30:36In the Garden, remember that?
30:37I go to the garden alone
30:42where the dew is still on the rose.
30:48Yeah, there you go.
30:50I know there's a lot of envy right now
30:52all over the United States
30:53because of my ability to sing,
30:55but let's just repent of it and listen carefully.
30:59If you don't go to the garden,
31:02your Mickey Mouse Christian life
31:05will never change.
31:11And that's not what you want here.
31:12It's not what you want here.
31:14You know what you want?
31:16You want to be a killer, a cold-blooded killer.
31:19You want the devil busted.
31:23You want to see him destroyed.
31:27Nevertheless, not what I will, but thine be done.
31:32When you go to the garden, you end.
31:37Jesus came back to see a support group
31:39and you know what they had done?
31:42They had all developed clinical depression.
31:44They were all sleeping.
31:46They were sleeping because of all the sadness
31:50Jesus told them because their minds excluded
31:56all the positive things he told them.
31:59And that's the way human beings are.
32:00They look at the negative first, positive later.
32:04That's why all these power of positive thinking people
32:07all make such a great living,
32:08have these conventions and get all this.
32:12They pump you up.
32:15The person buys the books.
32:18They study the principles and they go out and fail.
32:23Here's how this thing works.
32:26You got to make a reservation today
32:28and I'm asking you to do it.
32:31Verse 46, why are you sleeping?
32:34Jesus said, rise, pray that you enter not into temptation.
32:42Why do you say that?
32:43Because they were down in the dumps.
32:44Being down in the dumps is a, as preachers say,
32:47a door opening event for you getting attacked.
32:55For you getting attacked.
32:56When your mind goes negative, your emotions follow.
32:59You tank, you're tanking.
33:05That's when you need to pray.
33:06Oh my God, I don't want to go into temptation.
33:09Now I'm emotionally and mentally unable to overcome it.
33:15That's why he said it.
33:16Everything Jesus said has to be taken in the context.
33:20The context of what he said has to be included.
33:25Has to be included and that's what I'm doing today.
33:27I always do that every Sunday morning.
33:28I look at the text and I include the context for you.
33:36I'm just praying right now that you get sick of 98%.
33:39I hope you get tired of it.
33:41I really do.
33:43I hate to pray this prayer,
33:45but I'm going to pray that God makes you tired.
33:50I'm sorry I said that.
33:53You know, I hate to have to say it.
33:55I'm sorry.
33:59Father, you can do anything.
34:02Take this cup from me.
34:05I don't want to go through this raging hell.
34:10I don't want to be tortured by Satan, demons, fallen angels,
34:15Jews, Romans, butchered, murdered.
34:19I don't want to go through it.
34:21People don't understand that it was God manifested in the flesh.
34:25That's the mystery of godliness.
34:28It was God.
34:30A human being.
34:31And you could see him in the garden there.
34:34His humanity leaping from his soul.
34:38He was truly a human.
34:41And he suffered so we didn't have to.
34:44I'm praying that God makes you tired of a 98% or.
34:52Almost all Christian born again Christians fall into the 98% group.
34:56Only 2% ever get into the Holy of Holies with the moving of the spirit.
35:02Catherine got in there, but she went to the garden.
35:06Wigglesworth got in there.
35:09He went to the garden.
35:10You remember that guy?
35:12He went to the garden.
35:13You remember that day that that young minister asked him.
35:18The secret of his power.
35:19How did you get this massive anointing?
35:22And that young minister was expecting.
35:25You know, some kind of grandiose like.
35:28Well, I was praying and a meteor flew by me and 15 angels jumped off and came down.
35:35They all laid their hands on me.
35:37That's what that young minister was expecting to hear.
35:40You know what he actually heard?
35:44Wigglesworth said, I am a broken.
35:47Lonely man.
35:58Would you say?
36:01I went to the garden.
36:06I went to the garden.
36:09Thank God he did.
36:11Thank God, Catherine.
36:14Thank God, Sister Adder.
36:19Sister Adder was the most anointed human being that ever lived in the United States.
36:24Did you know that?
36:28She buried.
36:31All of her children, but one.
36:33Sister Adder used to help hold meetings.
36:42She was a traveling evangelist.
36:44And did you know that entire towns got saved?
36:49They would close down the whorehouses and the bars.
36:53Everything would close.
36:55They didn't have any customers anymore.
36:57Because the Holy Ghost stole everybody.
37:00How'd that happen?
37:02She went to the garden, friend.
37:05She became a broken woman.
37:17See, if you're not a broken person.
37:21You have a ministry, but it's actually a fake one.
37:26It's a backup ministry.
37:28It's a backup ministry.
37:31Yeah, you're in a backup ministry and don't even know it.
37:34See, God put you in the ministry.
37:36He wants to use you.
37:37He loves you.
37:39But he had you pegged here and you ended up here.
37:43Well, just because you don't fulfill your call from God here.
37:47It doesn't mean he's going to abandon you here.
37:50Let me ask yourself.
37:51Are you running the gauntlet with your Mickey Mouse ministry?
37:54Or the ministry that God gave you that you know wasn't quite all you were supposed to have?
38:11He's speaking to you right now.
38:12He's telling you.
38:14Let's leave your ministry here.
38:16Let's go to the garden and then I'll take you here.
38:24When Jesus left the Garden of Gethsemane, what was the first thing that happened to him?
38:29Judas showed up with hundreds of soldiers.
38:33And he gave him the kiss of death.
38:37But actually, that kiss of death that Judas gave him was a kiss we got to live.
38:46We got a shot.
38:48And Jesus said to him, you you betray the Son of Man with a kiss.
38:52Is that how you're going to do it?
38:55Listen, don't let the devil kiss you goodbye.
39:00Don't let don't let that happen.
39:04Do it, Catherine.
39:05And Wigglesworth did too.
39:06Do it, Sister Etter did.
39:09Go to the garden.
39:11Because God's got a spot in that garden for you.
39:15Because God's got a spot in that garden for you.
39:18He has a spot for every single born-again Christian, period.
39:23There's a spot reserved, almost like a seat on a bus.
39:32The seat's empty right now.
39:35Because you haven't gone.
39:41Father, you can do anything.
39:45Take this horrible nightmare from me.
39:57To this day, the devil still hears that.
40:02He still hears echo in his ears.
40:09Oh, he holds his head.
40:11He shakes it like that.
40:13A bunch of fire comes out of his face.
40:17Why did I have to hear that?
40:19No, you shouldn't have been in the Garden of Gethsemane, fool.
40:26Nevertheless, that's what you're going to say.
40:33Well, I'm serving the Lord, you know.
40:36I'm doing this and that and this.
40:37But something down here, there's a little itch down there.
40:40There's something in your gut right down there.
40:42Right down here.
40:45Saying, hey, this wasn't everything I was supposed to be.
40:49This wasn't where exactly I was supposed to be.
40:52You got a little itch down there.
40:54You got a pebble in your shoe.
40:55You got a little gnawing down there.
40:58Something's gnawing.
41:02You know, I'm really not supposed to be here.
41:05I'm going to have to go to the Garden.
41:07That's where I should be.
41:09On my face in tears.
41:13After the funeral of her father,
41:16Catherine Coleman sat in the funeral parlor alone.
41:20She sat right up front.
41:21The casket was right in front of her.
41:25And she just sat there weeping.
41:27She couldn't stop.
41:31The most important person she ever knew.
41:33The best friend she ever had.
41:35The only person she ever wanted to get a wink from.
41:40A smile.
41:42A pat.
41:43Oh, her dad would pat her.
41:46And it was like she hit the Arizona lottery.
41:50145 billion trillion dollars.
41:52George, you got the right number.
41:54A pat.
41:56And she was a new person.
42:05Her garden was in that funeral parlor that day.
42:08And she said in her autobiography,
42:10that was the day I died.
42:17See, if you run into people and we see them all the time,
42:20they come in for deliverance.
42:21And they come in and they start telling us
42:25about all the wonderful things God's doing with their life.
42:27And that they're supposed to be in the ministry.
42:29And God's got a call.
42:30And they want to do this ministry.
42:32They want to do that ministry.
42:33And you know what the sum and substance of that is?
42:36They're never going to do it.
42:40Let me sum it up again for you.
42:44You know why they're failing?
42:48They hadn't been to the garden.
42:54You got to go to the garden alone.
42:55You can't take anybody with you.
42:57This is between you and the Lord.
43:00Nobody else.
43:02Can you go in with me?
43:03Jesus went into the garden alone.
43:07He knelt and prayed.
43:08Blood clots coming out of his skull.
43:15The disciples exhausted emotionally from depression,
43:20Lupeo is the Greek word.
43:22Sorrow, it says.
43:26They fell asleep because of depression.
43:31Just like people do today.
43:34They want to go to sleep and get away with it.
43:36Get away from it.
43:37Stop it.
43:38I don't want to hear it.
43:41I'll sleep it off.
43:53Is it scary to go into the garden?
43:55Is it tough?
43:57Is it hard?
44:03Was it hard for Jesus?
44:05Oh, it was so hard.
44:06It's unbelievable.
44:07An angel had to come help him.
44:09Imagine that.
44:11It's hard to believe.
44:17You got to go to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses.
44:29He's waiting for you there.
44:35Oh, I know the Bible.
44:36I studied the Bible.
44:37I got a degree.
44:38I got a certificate online.
44:39Oh, I got this and that.
44:41Find a trash can and put it in.
44:43Go to the garden.
44:49I've been doing this ministry for years.
44:50Well, I don't get it.
44:53Stop it and go in.
44:58Stop it and go in.
45:00If you don't, you will die in the 98 percent.
45:06You'll never be in the 2 percent.
45:09Oh, that's crazy.
45:14Now, listen to me carefully.
45:15You're not getting any younger.
45:16You're getting older.
45:18You're almost as old as me.
45:19You're pushing it.
45:21You've wasted so many years.
45:22It's unbelievable.
45:23It's got to stop right now.
45:26Somebody's got to stop the blood.
45:28You're bleeding, friend.
45:31Get it stitched up.
45:32Go to the garden and get your miraculous anointing.
45:39Now, this isn't going to be a popular message.
45:41And, you know, there's not going to be a lot of likes and shares on this thing.
45:46I know that.
45:46I get it.
45:48But I'm not looking for that.
45:52What I'm looking for is a miracle.
45:53I'm looking for a miracle.
45:55I'm looking for that.
45:57What I'm looking for is maybe one or two or three people that heard this message and said,
46:01oh, my gosh, I never went to the garden.
46:05I am not a broken person.
46:12I haven't cried in 15 years.
46:14I don't know what's wrong with me.
46:16I do.
46:17You never went to the garden.
46:18Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done.
46:24You go to the garden alone.
46:28You lose your will.
46:33You gots to go.
46:37I'll see you next time.
46:38Love you.
