Sunday Podcast 92 with Bro Mike 072824 To Whom Much Is Given-HD 720p

  • 3 months ago
To Whom Much Is Given
00:00Hey, good morning friends.
00:28Guess what today is?
00:29Of course, it's Sunday podcast day.
00:32It's nine o'clock on the West Coast.
00:35It's nine o'clock here in Arizona.
00:39It's noon on the East Coast.
00:41Hey, thank you for joining me.
00:44I'm Brother Mike.
00:46I'm with the Arizona Deliverance Center and
00:49That's the name of the website.
00:53Please remember the Arizona Deliverance Center.
00:55We have all kinds of services available.
01:00Many pod zoom services available for women on Mondays, everybody on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
01:08We have two live services every week, Thursday and Friday nights at seven o'clock.
01:15All these services have preaching, teaching, healing and deliverance at every service.
01:21It's really amazing.
01:23We also have a counseling center in the ministry.
01:26If you'll call me at 602-636-5800, I'll put you on the counseling schedule.
01:34There's no charge for born again Christians.
01:38No charge for born again Christians.
01:41We have a deliverance training class on Saturday of every month at noon.
01:48We have all kinds of other services.
01:50Deliverance ministry is next Saturday.
01:53Man, I hope you won't miss that.
01:54It's going to be awesome.
01:55If you have a preteen that's being demonized, we see them delivered all the time by the
02:04grace of God.
02:05I hope you'll take advantage of all these services.
02:08You can contact me, Mike, at or call 602-636-5800.
02:18Thank you for tuning in today.
02:25Last Friday night, man, I revealed two or three of the most important revelations I
02:32ever got from God at Friday night's teaching.
02:35You might want to check that out on Rumble and YouTube.
02:39But I touched on one thing there that got some reactions.
02:46I think I better clarify it a little bit.
02:48I was telling everybody Friday night that this is just my experience.
02:55In my experience over the years doing deliverance, I noticed that the deeper a person goes into
03:05sin, they have to go that far up into their spiritual walk with Christ to offset it.
03:17So in other words, somebody who is a massive sinner, a raging drug addict, a prostitute,
03:24a murderer, a pathological liar, an alcoholic, all kinds of different horrible sins, deep-seated
03:33I noticed that they cannot, after they're born again, just be kind of like a casual
03:40Christian or just like somebody who goes to church who's a regular Christian.
03:44They can't live like that.
03:47And I noticed that the demons keep torturing them, and they never find relief.
03:53They never find total freedom.
03:59So if you were a nine on the scale of sinning, after you're born again, you've got to become
04:05a nine on the scale of serving God in order for you to be free.
04:11If you're only a two-level sinner, well then, yeah, you can lead a kind of a casual Christian
04:19life that's done all the time at churches and you just kind of float through your Christianity
04:24and then you die.
04:26No big deal.
04:29But if you're a bad sinner, man, you cannot do that.
04:32I got that information from my personal experience and from reading, pardon me, from reading
04:40the Word of God.
04:41Check this out.
04:44Matthew chapter 11, verse 20, then Jesus began, well, excuse me, in that previous chapter
04:5411, Jesus was talking about the great ministry of John the Baptist and his impact and the
05:07revelation John brought to the world.
05:14And then Jesus switches gears, but he stays on the same subject in a way.
05:18He says, now he starts to rebuke certain cities who had received an enormous exposure
05:28to the gospel.
05:30Verse 20.
05:31Then Jesus began to upbraid cities where most of his mighty works were done because they
05:41did not repent.
05:44Now check this out.
05:45As you know, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth, but when he started his
05:56ministry after he was baptized and tempted of the devil, he moved and he moved to the
06:02north end of the Sea of Galilee, right near the coast there in a city called Capernaum.
06:09That was his headquarters.
06:11That was his new home, and that was his residence until he was butchered and murdered in Jerusalem.
06:21And he starts to rebuke the cities like Capernaum and Chorazin and Bethsaida that were near
06:38Chorazin was a couple of miles north of Capernaum, and then Bethsaida was about four and a half
06:50miles east of there.
06:53So Jesus did most of his miracles in that area.
07:00He concentrated in that area.
07:03He used the Sea of Galilee, so to speak, as Uber.
07:07They traveled by boat and he hit all of the cities and the cities close to there all along
07:11the coast over a period of about three years.
07:16Remember that?
07:17Well, he says here in verse 21, something shocking, woe unto you, Chorazin, woe unto
07:26you, Bethsaida.
07:30For if the mighty works, the mighty works, Greek word dunamis, supernatural power, if
07:37the supernatural power which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, those
07:46were two Phoenician cities, loaded in sin, he says they would have repented long ago
07:54in sackcloth and ashes.
07:57Then he says in verse 23, this gets, this keeps getting ramped up crazy.
08:05I say to you, it would be, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of
08:13judgment than for you.
08:17More tolerable.
08:19People don't realize this, but there are degrees of punishment in hell.
08:24Not everybody gets the same punishment.
08:29And then he says, again, this keeps ramping up and you, Capernaum, you, which are exalted
08:42to heaven, meaning he was there, he lived there.
08:47You will be brought down to hell.
08:51Hadas is a Greek word for hell.
08:54In English we pronounce it Hades, but hadas is the Greek word for hell.
09:00The hell is in the center of the earth.
09:01Heaven is above the earth.
09:03When you die, if you're a born again Christian, you go to heaven up and you go, if you're
09:07not, you go to hell down there, the Bible says.
09:12He says, for if the mighty works which were done in you, dunamis, the supernatural power
09:19that was demonstrated in you, had it been done in Sodom and it would have remained till
09:30this day, Sodom, now listen to me carefully, Sodom was a city that was almost 100% sold
09:41into sexual perversion.
09:45They were so perverted, they wanted to rape two angels that showed up there one day.
09:52They preferred the angels over Lot's two virgin daughters.
10:01This was a level of perversion that was literally shocking.
10:07And they're better off in hell than Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida.
10:16They're better off.
10:20Verse 24, but I say to you that it should be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in
10:32the day of judgment than for you.
10:36This is hard to believe.
10:40It's hard to believe.
10:44Let me share another thought with you.
10:46In Luke 11, Jesus told the people a parable about these servants, and he says in verse
10:5648, but he that did not know and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with
11:11fewer stripes.
11:16So he was comparing people who have knowledge.
11:22A person that has more knowledge about God is responsible for more.
11:31People who have less knowledge about God are responsible for less.
11:36People who are more horrible sinners, such as Stalin and Hitler, receive more punishment
11:45than people that are sinning at this level.
11:58Now what's going on here?
11:59How do I see that in practicality?
12:10How's that work?
12:14The more truth you get, the worse off you are if you don't take advantage of it.
12:22I have literally spent years teaching people the deep things of God.
12:36I came out of the Assembly of God religion.
12:38I watched TV preachers literally for years.
12:43I saw how that system worked, and when I got in the ministry in 2005, I decided to go the
12:50opposite direction.
12:53I shunned how it's done at church or how it's done on TV.
13:01I went the other direction.
13:04Foolishly at that time, I thought that would make me extremely popular, a minister and
13:08teacher and so on.
13:10I thought I'd have a huge following, but it actually went the opposite of what I thought.
13:15I actually got rejected more than them because I wasn't presenting the gospel the way they
13:23did it.
13:25I would just read the text and go with that no matter what it said.
13:30So obviously, when I go out, I don't sign a lot of autographs, but it's better to do
13:38the right thing in life than it is to have fame, fortune, money, and autographs.
13:44Those things are stuff that'll perish at the end by the flames of God.
13:53When the earth is renovated, everything gets burnt up, all the material things of humanity.
13:58It's all renovated.
13:59It's all done.
14:00That's in the end of Revelation.
14:05So I kind of put it into perspective.
14:07I kind of saw a big picture scenario.
14:12Now how's that play here?
14:14I am one of the most dangerous Bible teachers in the entire country.
14:25Here's why.
14:27If you come hear me teach, you will be getting the deep things of God, deep truths.
14:40That means when you're done listening, you know more than you would know if you went
14:47to hear a pastor at a church or you saw somebody on TV.
14:53Therefore, if you ignore the teachings, you end up worse off than had you not come in
15:05the first place.
15:09To whom much is given, much is required.
15:16The person that didn't know and did wrong will be punished at a lower level than the
15:23person that does know and didn't repent.
15:28They will be punished at a higher level, even though they both did the same thing.
15:35That's all based on your previous knowledge.
15:40We have a number of people that come to our ministry and have had literally thousands
15:44over the years, and they've left worse or they've gotten worse because they came to
15:53see us.
15:58Why is that?
15:59Because I, you know, I don't dress right.
16:02The more truth you receive, the more you are responsible for it.
16:11Let me give you an idea how bad this is.
16:13And I mean, this this was a shocking to me is it's going to be to you right now.
16:18I was I couldn't believe this when I originally got exposed to it.
16:22I was stunned.
16:26Mark chapter eight, after Jesus said this about Bethsaida.
16:33Yeah, by the way, Philip, Peter and Andrew were from Bethsaida.
16:38Remember that?
16:40That could even save them.
16:43Mark chapter eight, verse twenty two.
16:45Check this out.
16:46Jesus came to Bethsaida and they brought to him.
16:53A blind man.
16:56And begged him.
16:59To touch him.
17:01And so Jesus is going back to Capernaum.
17:03He's on Bethsaida was, as I mentioned, was about four and a half miles east where he's
17:08walking through Bethsaida to go to Capernaum.
17:11He's passing through.
17:13Well, while he's passing through there, somebody brought a blind man to him.
17:20Doesn't say anything about the guy.
17:23Doesn't say if he had any faith, nothing.
17:27And they begged him.
17:28They said, please touch this guy because they the people that brought him knew that if he
17:33would touch him, the dunamis power of the Holy Ghost was there and the guy would be
17:37able to see again.
17:40Jesus, it says, took.
17:44The blind man.
17:49You believe that?
17:51He took him.
17:54That's a Greek word, epileptomy.
17:58It means to physically grab somebody and pull them, yank them a certain direction.
18:06He reaches out and grabs a guy and pulls him.
18:11By the hand, boom, he's pulling the guy.
18:16He's blind.
18:18And led him out of town.
18:23He spits on the ground, makes a little puddle.
18:27And anoints the guy's eyes.
18:31And ask him if he saw anything.
18:34Well, this guy doesn't know what's going on.
18:37He's probably not a believer.
18:39He's struggling with his faith.
18:42And he looks out.
18:44And he sees men like trees walking.
18:46The guy wasn't healed.
18:47Well, the Lord didn't give up on him.
18:50He kept after him.
18:54Went through the deal again.
18:55The guy looked up.
18:58I see everything clearly.
19:02And Jesus sent him away to his house.
19:06And he says to the guy, check this out.
19:09I'm in verse 26.
19:12Don't go into the town.
19:16And don't tell anyone in the town.
19:29The maniac of Gadara got healed.
19:32Remember that?
19:33And all the people came out of town to see him.
19:37And when they started to leave, the maniac of Gadara wanted to get on the boat and stay
19:43with Jesus.
19:44And Jesus told the guy, no, you can't come with us.
19:47You go home and you tell your family and friends.
19:51You tell them about all the wonderful mercy that God had on your life.
19:58God had that on your life.
19:59Go tell them about it.
20:01This guy in Bethsaida, he tells him not to say anything.
20:10Don't go into the town and don't tell anybody you got healed.
20:14Why is that?
20:18If you are a servant of God and you don't know to do something and you do it wrong.
20:26If you are a sinner, you don't know something and you do it wrong.
20:32You are treated differently than someone who knows better and does the same thing wrong.
20:41Bethsaida and Chorazin had seen so many miracles, it was unbelievable.
20:53The rottenest perverts in Sodom, had they seen those same miracles, would have repented
21:06and the town, that was a major metropolitan area back then, I mean that city would still
21:14be alive today, Jesus said.
21:18Had they seen all these miracles that Capernaum saw.
21:24But on Judgment Day, Capernaum, Chorazin, Bethsaida, would be more severely punished
21:40in hell than Tyre and Sidon and Sodom.
21:47The more you know, the more you're responsible for.
21:51Why do we see people come to our ministry and they get sicker?
21:54Why is that?
21:57Because when we give them the hardcore, blatant, unfiltered truth, which is what I do and I've
22:11been doing this for years and I don't care who likes it.
22:17Once you get the truth unfiltered, now you're in trouble.
22:24Why is that?
22:25You're responsible for it.
22:36Brother Mike, why are you saying this?
22:39I'm talking to the people that come to our ministry and they go home and they get worse
22:44because they had the miracle list, they heard the preaching, they heard the teaching and
22:50they don't do it.
22:52So therefore the demons have legal rights greater than they had before they came here.
23:00I know this sounds crazy.
23:02I know I sound crazy.
23:07You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
23:12If you know the truth and you don't obey it, your bondage is greater.
23:19Your sickness is greater.
23:21You die sooner.
23:29He told that blind man not to go back into the town because Bethsaida was cursed.
23:42The more you know, the more you are responsible to God for what you know.
23:53He that knows less, that servant got beaten with fewer stripes.
24:00The servants that knew more were beaten with many stripes.
24:11Who's the worst person in this category?
24:14People that have religious demons.
24:17They're number one.
24:20Jesus rebuked the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees.
24:24He rebuked them more than anyone.
24:30Because they were religious people.
24:31They claimed to know the truth, but they were hypocrites.
24:36What was Jesus really saying there?
24:40Well, a lot.
24:44Maybe the worst sin of all.
24:50Hearing the truth and temporarily receiving it and then rejecting it may be the worst
24:57sin of all.
25:00That's why Lucifer is at the bottom of the fires of hell.
25:03He gets in the lake of fire and he's cooking more than anybody.
25:07Because he knew better than everybody else, and he did worse than anybody else.
25:16Human beings are treated exactly the same way.
25:21Whatever a man or woman sows, that's what they also reap.
25:28What's the flip side of it?
25:31The more truth you receive and implement and keep, the more God keeps giving you.
25:38Then you sing that song, Fill My Cup, Lord, fill it up.
25:44The more you receive truth, the more God keeps giving it to you.
25:50The more you do deliverances, the greater the anointing comes to you to do more deliverances.
25:58The more you listen, the more you get.
26:05That's how the system works.
26:09The saddest people in the world are the people who get lots of truth.
26:14They get lots of teaching and do nothing with it.
26:22Back in 2000, something like six or something, a couple, an elderly couple from Sun City
26:30West used to come to our services.
26:36The woman eventually joined our ministry team, and they used to sit on the front row at the
26:41House of Healing years ago.
26:45They sat right there and listened to one teaching after the other.
26:51If you look on my YouTube channel, all those early teachings, they heard all of them.
26:55They were there every single night.
27:01I taught once a week at the House of Healing, didn't hold anything back.
27:07They sat through all the teaching.
27:09The husband sat through all the teaching.
27:12He just sat there and looked and listened.
27:14He was a very intelligent man, high IQ.
27:18It all went like this.
27:21Guy never got born again.
27:25To this day, the guy's not saved.
27:27He sat there week after week, month after month, year after year.
27:33Now his punishment on Judgment Day will be far greater than a crack addict in South Phoenix
27:38who died under a tree.
27:41How can that be, Brother Mike?
27:46I just told you.
27:49The more you get from God and reject it and not do anything with it, the more responsible
27:54you are and the greater judgment you will face.
27:58In the deliverance ministry, the more these people receive truth that come to us and not
28:04apply it, they go back home.
28:06They actually get sicker than they were before they came.
28:12Matthew 12 and Luke 11 tells you clearly that when a spirit leaves a body, it comes
28:21back to the person.
28:23And when it sees that the person is better off, it goes and gets more demons and they
28:30all come back to the person.
28:33And Jesus said the last state of the man is worse than the first.
28:38He's sicker now than he was then.
28:45What's the overall point of this teaching?
28:49That was Jesus's point.
28:52The truth is the most atomic, volcanic thing a person could ever receive, truth.
29:03Because once I give you truth or once you give someone else truth, it's now off of
29:13It's now on you.
29:17Once you give truth to someone else, it's off of you and it's now on them.
29:24Their blood is not in your hands.
29:27Your blood's not on my hand.
29:30The blood of other people, yeah, they're still on the hands of those pastors at the church
29:37or those TV guys and gals.
29:41Their blood of other people is still on their hands because God told them to tell them the
29:47truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and they didn't do it.
29:52They told them stuff.
29:53They wanted them to hear.
29:54Paul called it teachers with itching ears, tingling ears.
30:04Once you give someone the truth and they don't do it, it's off you, and now their judgment
30:12will be worse than the guy over here you didn't share the truth with.
30:18The person that doesn't get any truth, believe it or not, I know it sounds crazy, they're
30:23actually better off than a person that's been in church for 15 years and doesn't apply
30:30what God told him or her.
30:37You imagine that?
30:38Woe unto you.
30:42You're worse than Sodom.
30:47Are you kidding me?
30:49Total perversion running every which way but loose, and these people are worse than them
30:59because they received truth and didn't do anything with it.
31:03To whom much is given, much is required, right?
31:07That's what it says in Luke.
31:08I'll read it again for you.
31:11It's right here.
31:14It's right here in Luke chapter 11, right?
31:19And Jesus says, to whom much is given, much is required.
31:35The more you receive, the more you're responsible for.
31:42But the more you receive and the more you apply, the more God gives you.
31:51He never stops giving you.
31:54Remember that story about Wigglesworth?
31:57He'd been in the ministry for years, and he had seen thousands of people miraculously
32:03healed, most of them right in front of his eyes.
32:09He was at a rally one day, and he was outside, and he had to yell at the people.
32:13And there were 3,000 people there, 3,000 people showed up at a church.
32:18So Wigglesworth went outside, and he stood on a stump.
32:23And he was yelling at the people, 3,000 of them.
32:26And then he was praying.
32:28He was praying and asking God, what do I do?
32:31How am I going to get these people healed?
32:36What's going to happen?
32:38And he says, God tells him, have that woman stand up over there on this tree, on these
32:50She climbed up.
32:51They put her up on this elevated spot.
32:53She was sick.
32:54She needed to be healed.
32:56And then she put her hand where she needed to be healed.
33:01She put her hand there.
33:02And as she put her hand there, Wigglesworth yelled at the people to look at that woman
33:11and believe God for their healing.
33:16And that was the first day that God taught Wigglesworth retail healings.
33:28Hundreds and hundreds of people got healed instantly because he knew he couldn't get
33:33to each one of them individually.
33:34He didn't know how to do it.
33:40Wigglesworth had been given so much.
33:44And he kept it all and loved it.
33:47And then God kept giving him more.
33:53But to whom much is given, much is required.
33:58Your responsibility goes from here to there when you receive truth and don't do anything
34:05about it.
34:06I've been working with many mentally ill people for years, as you know, and I have gone over
34:13truth after truth after truth with most of them.
34:16And I keep sharing truth, truth, truth.
34:20And what's exhausting about it is some of them don't apply it.
34:26So I have to tell them the same thing over and over again.
34:31I have to keep reminding them over and over again.
34:37Take the thoughts captive.
34:39Replace the negative thoughts with the word of God.
34:43Stop listening to demons.
34:46Stop repeating negative things out of your mouth.
34:51Stop saying negative things.
34:58And some of these people, I have told that to a hundred times, OK, you got to have the
35:02patience of Job to be in the kind of ministry I'm in.
35:08But the ones that eventually get it receive healing and deliverance.
35:15The ones that don't, they get worse.
35:22I eventually lose them and they're gone.
35:30Which side are you going to be?
35:32You know what I think?
35:34You're going to be on God's side and you're going to do the right thing.
35:37I really do.
35:40I'll see you next time.
35:41Love you.
