Sunday Podcast 91 with Bro Mike 072124 The Secret of Power with God-HD 720p

  • 3 months ago
Luke 18
00:24Good morning morning friends. Hey brother Mike back on Sunday morning podcast
00:32Hardcore christianity calm welcome to the Arizona Deliverance Center. This is our Sunday morning podcast for shut-ins. I
00:39Would appreciate it if you would refer this
00:43Podcast out to people who are shut-ins. I'd love to have to shut in ministry on Sunday mornings and
00:55I'd love to be able to you know
00:57Visit with people who are not physically or practically able to go to church on Sunday mornings, that would be great
01:04Please remember that the Arizona Deliverance Center. We're downtown on 15th Avenue, just south of Osborne Road downtown Phoenix
01:13It's the red brick building there on the the west side and
01:20We have to serve two live services every week Thursday and Friday nights at 7 o'clock
01:24And we have preaching teaching healing and deliverance at both of those services
01:31We have several zoom services now every week
01:35We've got one on Monday nights for the ladies Wednesday night for everybody and Saturday night for everybody
01:41At 6 and 6 30 p.m
01:44And you can pick this up off the website hardcore christianity calm
01:52We also have special services like women's seminars
01:55The Children's Deliverance Service is coming up again in August. If you have a preteen who needs prayer, please
02:02My goodness, please bring them
02:06We have a unique ministry different from any other ministry anywhere in the southwestern part of the United States
02:11The Holy Spirit moves in 100% of the services. It's very strange
02:16very strange to most churches, but
02:20That was a major desire prayer desire mine when I first started the ministry in 2005
02:26I wanted to see the Holy Spirit move and
02:30By God's grace and mercy. He granted it. And so every single service you come to
02:35the Holy Spirit's moving
02:38people are either getting healed or delivered or
02:41Healed of soul wounds or something's happening in the service and he's moving to heal
02:47We're uh, we're like a hospital in Phoenix
02:51We're not a church. We don't try to
02:53We're not trying to build a church or develop a big congregation. We're trying to be a hospital that people bring
03:00Sick people too, and they've been doing it for several years now and it has been
03:05It's been fantastic. Thank you. Got a got another good one for you today
03:11People often ask me and have asked ministers literally
03:16Since for 2,000 years
03:18How can I?
03:21Develop the power of God. How do I do that?
03:26Is there a key a key ingredient something that I could kind of look to?
03:31Is there a how-to?
03:35List is there a
03:37Map, is there a pattern the answer to all those questions is yes, and
03:44God wants you to do it. He wants you to be part of it
03:52You can be sure that
03:54What is that pattern? What is that map? Let's take a look at it Luke chapter 18
04:01This is one of the stories in the Bible that doesn't get a lot of doesn't get a lot of play
04:08That's because the devil hates this story. It drives him crazy
04:13Scales start falling off or something when you when he has to listen to this story
04:17I hope that happens to him today because I'm gonna read it out loud to him
04:23Luke chapter 18 verse 9 God's miracle working power. Here it is. Do you want to be used by God?
04:30Supernaturally and miraculously with signs and wonders. Is that a true statement? Yes or no if it's a yes, please listen to me carefully today
04:39Verse 9 Jesus spoke a parable
04:45To people he said and the people that he was speaking it to
04:50Were individuals who trusted not in God, but themselves
04:57They trusted themselves that what they were doing
05:01Led to righteousness and that other people who didn't do what they did
05:06They despised them
05:09They despised them
05:12That's what verse 9 says verse 10 two men went up to the temple to pray
05:21One was a Pharisee
05:25Greek word for a size
05:29Pharisees were very unique people
05:32They were very intelligent had huge IQs who were very highly educated they all had doctor's degree
05:39Paul was a Pharisee and
05:43They were very bright Paul was exceptionally bright had an Einstein level or higher IQ
05:50Extremely well educated and unlike the other Pharisees was far more active in service to God
05:56He was a Pharisee of Pharisees. So Paul said
06:00And the other guy that went up there was a public and it says
06:05Greek word telonious
06:07That means a tax farmer now
06:10These publicans were at the bottom of Jewish society just above them were whores
06:16Yeah, Pharisee here. Yeah whore here. They were at the bottom of this Jewish society and
06:32they had sold their soul to the Romans and they collected taxes from the other Jews and
06:39So they would increase the tax amount on certain things
06:43You know, I guess gangsters call that skimming and they would skim off the surplus and put it in their pockets
06:51Remember the story of Zechariah's
06:55He was a
06:57He was rich the Bible said he was a he was a
07:03Publican supervisor or like a regional manager or a district manager
07:10so the skim
07:13that the publicans stole
07:16from the Jews
07:18That part of that skim had to be turned over to
07:21Zacharias because he was
07:24excuse me Zacchaeus he was at the top of the
07:27tax farmers
07:29Remember that story Zacchaeus. Yeah, he was short
07:33and then Jesus said look the Pharisee came into the temple and he stood there and
07:40prayed with himself
07:44He said this
07:47The Pharisee said 37 words
07:51In his prayer
07:53And he said God, I thank you that I'm not like other men extortioners
08:00unjust people
08:02Adulterers or that publican over there. He points his finger over there
08:07the tax farmer
08:09He was already in the temple before the Pharisee got there
08:13The tax farmer was already there
08:17the guy at the bottom of our society in
08:20Jewish society
08:22Was already in the temple before the Pharisee got there
08:26The Pharisee points over there at him. He goes. Hey
08:30See that scumbucket over there. See that human garbage right there. I'm not like that
08:38And then he says explains why he's not like that guy he says I
08:46Twice a week I
08:50Tithe on everything I
09:00Self-justification he's praying with himself. You know, he's not praying to God. He's praying with himself
09:07That's what religious hypocrites do that's what religious people do
09:12They always look to what they do as their justification in the eyes of a God. They don't know
09:20Then it says the public and the tax farmer
09:24He was standing afar off he didn't come up to the front of the temple he just stayed in the back
09:31And he wouldn't even lift up his eyes
09:34To see the grandeur of Herod's temple wouldn't even lift his eyes up. It says
09:41Wouldn't even come close to all the
09:48sculptings that was in the temple just
09:52one of the great wonders of the world
09:55Herod's temple
09:58He wouldn't even look up he wouldn't even come down there
10:04He wouldn't even lift up his eyes to heaven he would just look down he was down
10:12Tax farmer knew what he was doing
10:14See when you go on porn when you yell at your family when you curse and swear when you pitch a fit when you go nuts
10:21Your conscience is screaming at you. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. That is wrong
10:28That is wrong
10:31This tax farmer
10:33This public and live 24-7 with the knowledge in his soul
10:39That what he was doing was a sin
10:44He was wrong he knew it
10:48Right here when you go back on porn
10:51You know, that's wrong
10:53When you scream at somebody spouse kids, whatever, you know, that's wrong when you cheat at school at work, whatever
11:04You know, that's wrong
11:07Well, he knew it was wrong
11:10He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't stop why obviously
11:14The love of money is the root of all evil. Hey, you got to do what you got to do to survive
11:20So the publican stands over there and he smotes his his breast
11:26Like that
11:28He smote upon his breath breast
11:30Stethos is the Greek word chest. He went like this. That was a that was a pattern a society
11:39Societal pattern back then of illustrating grief. I'm so sorry, you know
11:44Right. For example, if you speak sign language
11:48When you go like this that that's a sign of expression certain emotion back then when you pounded on your chest you were
11:56expressing an emotion
11:59Expressing an emotion the emotion was Greece when an Ella when a gorilla pounds on his chest
12:05He's expressing an emotion
12:08Warning, he's issuing a warning to somebody
12:11If you come into this area, you're going to get your face kicked in
12:17So a gorilla pounds on his that was a method of expressing emotions. Okay
12:23Same way with sign language or any other language. He was pounding on his breast here
12:29You know, it's it's similar to habits that our society has developed, you know, something goes bad you go. Oh, no
12:36You know you put your hands on your head
12:38Almost like a reaction. Hey, I'm having an emotion. Here's how I'm expressing it. Oh, no watch it
12:47Well, he would pound on his chest in the back showing
12:49He was grieving
12:54And he said
12:56Seven words the Pharisee spoke 34 words
13:01And the publican spoke seven he said Lord be merciful to me a sinner
13:15Jesus said
13:17Jesus said in verse 14, I tell you this man this man went down to his home
13:26Decay, oh, it's a Greek verb. That means to be declared innocent
13:31You see you and I are as guilty as sin
13:36And there's nothing we can do about it
13:39And there's nothing we can do about it
13:43You and I and every human being that ever lived all have sinned and come short of the glory of God
13:48Are guaranteed to go to hell?
13:54Mercy through the blood of Christ has yielded you and I
13:59Justification dkio
14:02Means you have been declared innocent when you were guilty
14:09And like in our criminal justice system, you can have certain crimes expunged
14:17Expunged that means the things taken off your record
14:21That's what justification is you have been declared innocent when you were guilty dkio. Boom. It's done
14:31Jesus said the the tax farmer
14:34Who wouldn't even come to the front who kept us wouldn't even lift his head up he was down
14:39Beating his breast with grief
14:42He left
14:44Because he was praying to god not himself
14:48religious people
14:50Are usually gut-wrenching hypocrites and they don't know it
14:53They don't know god, but they think they know him
14:58I've had that happen to me dozens of times over the years in the deliverance ministry where i've had people come to me for
15:04And then start telling me how to do deliverance
15:08When they came to me
15:15Then jesus lets out
15:19The big step toward your desire signs wonders and miracles he says
15:26Everyone who exalts themselves
15:30Oops, uh-oh is the greek word. It means to elevate yourself. It's almost like letting go of a
15:37Hot air balloon it just goes up to itself. There it goes. There you go
15:44Everyone who exalts himself shall be what?
15:48Abased it says in the king james
15:51It means to be depressed or humbled
15:56If you exalt yourself
15:58you will eventually be
16:01brought down
16:04What goes up must come down
16:07He that humbles himself
16:10Humbles himself
16:11Same greek word tapenao. He presses himself humbles himself brings himself low
16:18Shall be hoops. Uh-oh
16:24Here you see god showing you something
16:27Just incredible one of the keys to
16:33The incredible power of god and then the next story in this chapter
16:39Almost this entire story has this theme this chapter has the same theme i'm sharing with you right now
16:47In the next story in that chapter luke 18
16:50Incredible chapter if you're interested in god's miracle working power
16:57Are the story of the parents
17:00Who brought their babies?
17:02For jesus to touch them and bless them
17:06verse 15
17:07They brought him to jesus infants greek word brefus means a
17:16That he would touch them and
17:18Bless them and his disciples saw it and they rebuked the parents
17:23And here's how sick this is again, the disciples were like the pharisees just bankrupt religious people
17:32Epitomized the greek word he would that is used in the bible almost exclusively to rebuke demons
17:39That's the greek word used when jesus rebuked demons
17:43epitomized it means to
17:46To forbid them to bind them
17:48to rebuke their behavior their words
17:52They rebuke these parents for bringing their babies to jesus now
17:56Parents who love their kids if you met christ, the first thing you do is bring the baby over there
18:03Parents want their children blessed even if they aren't blessed
18:07People want their children in heaven even if they are going to hell
18:11parental love covers things that it doesn't cover of the self
18:17And jesus called them over and he said listen
18:20Suffer these little children to come to me first and do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of god
18:26You're looking for signs wonders miracles. You're looking for the power of god
18:31And the moving of the spirit
18:34This is what you're looking for the kingdom of god. That's what you're looking for
18:38Well to get it
18:40You have to become as a little child verse 17. Verily I say to you whoever shall
18:46shall not receive the kingdom of god as
18:49A little child now he switches over
18:54He uses the greek word
18:59Okay pideon
19:01Is not a brefus a baby an infant now. He switches over to a toddler a three-year-old
19:09a two a two or three or four-year-old kid a pideon
19:13Whoever will not receive the kingdom of god as a little kid a toddler a youngster
19:25Shall never enter it
19:31So you can see how far the pharisee was he
19:34Elevated himself, but he was brought down to hell just like lucifer
19:39isaiah chapter 14
19:41I will exalt myself to the start. Boom. You shall be brought down to hell
19:50Sheol hebrew word
19:55Our greek word uh hottest hell the fires of hell
20:01I will exalt myself. No, you're going to be brought down
20:07You got to get into the kingdom of god and make it
20:10Like a little child what's the story on little children?
20:14They're humble. They're eager to learn they listen
20:18They have natural joy
20:21What are little kids like you know exactly what they're like
20:25What's what jesus was telling you he knew they knew exactly what little kids are like and he was using that illustration
20:30the emotions of a child the attitude of a child
20:35The attitude of the pharisee no
20:37Never going to work then
20:40Remarkably in the same chapter luke 18. This is so great. It's hard to believe
20:46the story of the rich young ruler
20:50This young rich rich young ruler raised in a
20:54orthodox jewish family
20:59Meticulously kept the commandments of god
21:05Don't do this. Don't do that. Don't do this. Don't do that
21:09Do this do that do that do this
21:14His entire life and he followed the rules
21:18followed the rules
21:21And he was either a very good businessman or he inherited a lot from his parents who were very good businessmen
21:26But it doesn't give the revelation here, but we know one thing
21:31Uh, it says here
21:33He was wealthy
21:38Jesus said to him
21:41You know what the commandments are don't do this that this and that and this and that and this and that and this and that
21:46and the guy goes
21:48I have kept all these commandments from the time. I was a youth
21:56Till now
21:59And then jesus looked at him
22:02The gift of knowledge working at maximum capacity sees into the guy's soul he says you lack one thing
22:10You've got greed in your soul
22:13Money and material things mean something to you for the love of money is the root of all evil. You've got it
22:21And jesus looked at him lovingly and caringly and said look go home
22:27Have a big old yard sale
22:32Donate give away sell whatever you got to do
22:40Come and follow me
22:43Why jesus said that because this guy had the personality that christ liked the guy was a sincere person
22:51He loved god, but
22:55He was contaminated by the cancer of greed
23:01Jesus said fix this greed thing and you've got all the ingredients to be a powerful man of god come and follow me
23:08And you're going to have treasure in heaven. You're not even going to believe
23:12In the long run you will have given up nothing, but you have gained so much more
23:17Everything you sacrifice in this life for christ
23:21Is a gain in heaven exponentially greater
23:25Follow me. He said and the guy who saw heard him say that he was very sour sour fall because he
23:33was rich
23:39Wealthy he had a lot of material possessions. He had a lot of money
23:46The guy went away sorrowful jesus said
23:49Jesus said
23:54Sorrowful, oh he was sick
23:59And jesus said how hardly how rarely
24:04How how difficult it is for people
24:09To enter the kingdom of god
24:11Who have riches
24:14That sounds like a contradiction, but it isn't the greek word echo means to be
24:19gripping something hard like
24:22Like for example, otani grabs the bat
24:25And he grips it hard when he knocks another home run
24:29Echo when a carpenter hits a hammer he echo he grabs that hammer if you lose it
24:35If you loosely you can't use it
24:39That's what jesus is saying here people who have clutched on
24:46Pluseus riches
24:51Wealth money
24:55It's going to be very difficult if not impossible for them to enter heaven
25:03And the disciples as you know were shocked they couldn't believe it
25:09Then in the same chapter
25:12Starting at verse 31. Luke 18. Jesus then tells same theme here
25:19He starts to tell the disciples about him dying
25:26And being tortured and butchered and murdered by the jews and the romans
25:33The disciples couldn't believe it they were already literally
25:38When he told them about people who were wealthy
25:42Clutching their riches echo gripping it
25:47How rare if not impossible for them to get into heaven
25:51It is possible because with god all things are possible at the probability
25:55very very low
25:58They were stunned from that mind numbed
26:01then he's
26:03Drops another bomb on same theme
26:09And bringing yourself he that humbles himself shall be exalted that was
26:15the life of christ
26:16He lived a life of servanthood and now he is exalted
26:21In glory at the right hand of father
26:24king of kings and lord of lords
26:28And the and the disciples are like oh my this is nuts we were building a great religion here
26:35We could have had a massive movement that would stretch from one country to the other and you're going to get killed and you're leaving
26:42They freaked
26:44They fell apart
26:46Again same theme
26:48rich lung ruler
26:50Humble yourself jesus dying humbled himself
26:57The sinner and the pharisee
27:00humble yourself
27:02And then at the end of the chapter luke 18 absolute brilliance holy ghost brilliance here he put this thing together like a masterpiece
27:14A blind man gets healed at the end of the chapter your eyes are open and now you see spiritually
27:28All these stories about humbling yourself and then your blind eyes open and now you can see
27:37What a great chapter friend
27:40It's your ticket to
27:44Miracles from god
27:49Unfortunately sacrifices have to be made and there isn't anybody else to make them except you
27:55You're it
27:57Don't go to your church and expect this to happen there. It's not going to happen
28:01Those are sheep running through the church sitting in the pew they're sitting in the chairs
28:07Hanging around the
28:10coffee shop at the church
28:13Coming and watching a movie at the church a chosen or something
28:18Okay, that that group there is not going to make it. The only person is going to make it is you
28:27You're going to have to make major changes in your life to humble yourself
28:33Selfishness and self-centeredness is the polar opposite of
28:37These stories in Luke 18 the miracles of Luke 18
28:44And that's you that's what you're going to do
28:50That's how you're going to live just like that
28:56You're going to come through just like the Lord said you are not going to be a rich young ruler
29:01Are you well brother Mike, I know I'm not like a rich the rich young ruler. I don't have any money anyway
29:09No, but you've got other things
29:14You got relationships friends hobbies addictions vices
29:23And they all need to go
29:26Sell all that you have
29:29Sell all that you have
29:31Come follow me get rid of what you have your crummy friends
29:37your insane relatives
29:39your idiotic habits your crazy addictions all of it all of it and
29:46Yet let my dog Lexi's yelling in the background saying amen. That's her way of saying amen
29:53You got a bag all this stuff friend it's got to go I
29:57Don't know if you've looked around in our country lately, but the whole country's going to hell in a handbasket
30:04There's no way to stop it, it's not going to stop it's all going to get worse. There's a great financial crisis coming
30:10Everything's going to happen to us
30:13Well, we're gonna get Trump in okay
30:15We have yeah Trump's coming in and a lot of things will probably get better for a while, but the overall picture
30:21Satan's got this thing in his palm of his hand
30:24And the church gave it to him
30:30Satan demons sinners
30:36They're not at fault for this country
30:41Churches are
30:43Churches did not fulfill the Great Commission. They did not follow the Great Commandments of evangelism
30:50They left out Matthew 28
30:52Mark 16 Luke 24 threw it out and
30:56Decided we'll do it the denominational way. We'll do it the denominational way
31:04The country went just like this. I mean absolutely down a rattle
31:12Jesus said here's how you do it this way
31:17And the churches went that way
31:22But not you you're gonna break out of the pack
31:30You're gonna leave the rest behind
31:36You're gonna get rid of all you have
31:40You're gonna humble yourself and then you're gonna get your eyes open
31:46Your spiritual eyes are gonna be healed and you're gonna follow the Lord
31:54You got to be a lonely person to follow the Lord because you got a used got to be used to being by yourself
32:01Much of the time I
32:04Was living in delusions when I got into the ministry years ago I
32:10Entered the deliverance ministry the healing ministry in one day
32:16It happened to me in one day. I
32:19Was at a jail service in Maricopa County. I was at the Estrella unit
32:25for women
32:29It was my first visit there. It was my first service and
32:33The director of our jail ministry program at the Dream Center in Scottsdale
32:38Brought me along that day. So it was just she and I
32:44She got up and gave a short little Bible study and said a few things I can't remember what she said
32:49The day was so traumatic
32:52It's actually happening to me it happened to me exactly what I'm telling to you
32:58She got done and said now brother Mike
33:02This is first day here he wants to say a few words I
33:06I didn't know what to say. It was a bunch of women in the service. They were all wearing orange outfits
33:13Some of them look demon-possessed. Some of them
33:16Looked like normal people
33:18Some of the women were really ugly. Some of them were
33:21Very attractive. I mean it was a it was a box of chalk. So you didn't know what you're gonna get
33:29They were all there. I
33:31Got up and I started I had recently been delivered from demons when this happened I
33:37started sharing some of my testimony and
33:42The Holy Ghost jumped on me
33:45That had never happened to me before
33:48I've been in church for years, but in a certain way he jumped on me is weird. I
33:53start crying like a baby right in front of all these women and in front of the
33:59The jail ministry director who brought me that day
34:03She was just kind of staring at me staring at the women. I
34:07Slumped up against the wall. I
34:11Put my head down
34:13Like that sinner in the temple and I started crying on the wall with my head down
34:20Brick, excuse me block. It was everything made on block in the jail. Obviously. I got my head down. I'm weeping
34:28up against the wall
34:31This went on for about 60 seconds 120 seconds something like that I
34:36Turned around and looked up and the Holy Ghost had fallen on the room
34:42Like a Kathryn Kuhlman service in miniature
34:48All the women in the room were crying except two of them
34:54Everybody was crying
34:56The director of the jail program from the Dream Center could not believe her eyes I
35:04Didn't know what to do. I never had an altar call before like that
35:09so the jail
35:11Director lady got up and started leading people to Christ and leading them in sinners prayer
35:18Having them turn their hearts over to the Lord and it was just one end of the
35:23Room to the other
35:26Convicts everywhere crying and repenting to God crying and repenting to God
35:33What happened that day what would it happen because I was a great person I'm far from it I had adopted
35:42The venue of the publican
35:51And the Spirit of God
35:53took off
35:56And from that day to this day
36:00Every service I've ever had
36:03He took off
36:10I soon left that mega church the Dream Center. I soon I soon left there. I started my deliverance ministry there. I was
36:18Helping lots of people that church, but it started to get too big. So I got the boot
36:27The boot was the best thing that happened to me because I started the house of healing then went to the Arizona Deliverance Center
36:32Then opened the healing house and it all went that way
36:37But it all started in Luke chapter 18
36:46You don't want to be like a Pharisee do you
36:49Super intelligent so intelligent you have no anointing. Have you ever noticed that really intelligent Christians have zero anointing you ever notice that?
36:58Have anything. Oh, yeah
37:02People are too smart can't handle the gospel. They overthink and over process spiritual things and they end up dead
37:10People that are incredibly dumb
37:12Stupid imbecilic type people don't do well with the gospel either. They can't grasp the basics and apply it. It doesn't work
37:19It's better to be somewhere in the middle like you and I
37:24Kind of in the middle is good
37:27Because if you're in the middle you can read Luke 18 and go you know what I see a pattern here I
37:36Need to do this I
37:38Need to do this
37:44That would service that day in the jails, I'll never forget as long as I live it opened up my jail ministry
37:50I went there two or three times a week
37:53sometimes four
37:56For two years and
37:58every single service
38:01The Spirit of God moved I had packed services over there
38:04I had packed services over there men and women's services couldn't wait. They couldn't wait to get there
38:12because the Spirit of God
38:14was going to show and
38:17I was going to
38:19pull a
38:21tax collector
38:25And let the Lord do it and let me get out of the way how about you
38:31You might have to go this alone for a bit friends
38:35God will bring people to help you later. He did me I
38:39Got a wonderful staff at the Arizona Deliverance Center. Now. I had nobody in the beginning
38:44I just did everything myself and I picked up two people they helped
38:49God's not going to let you out there alone forever, but you may have to go it alone for a while
38:55You may have to take some hard decisions home with you
39:02Jesus had to take a very hard decision. He told him in Luke 18
39:07The Romans and the Jews are going to arrest me and spit on me beat me
39:11They're going to crucify me on the cross and murder me
39:15And I'm gonna die
39:18Yeah, now I could never do something like that
39:20I the thought of it wouldn't even come into my mind
39:22The thought of it wouldn't even come into my mind. He was
39:26Christ as you know was for so far into my league
39:29It's not even it it'd be a joke to even make any kind of a comparison at all. I would never do that
39:35But Jesus took the lonely road and
39:40He's not lonely anymore and you may have to take a lonely road now
39:48But you won't be alone for long
39:53He that elevates himself
39:57Shall be humbled
39:59He that humbles himself
40:03Shall be exalted
40:06Remember it's all contained in your free will
40:15Yeah, I love you, I'll see you next time thanks for recommending Sunday mornings
