Sunday Podcast 89 with Bro Mike Luke 7

  • 3 months ago
Luke 7 Roadway to Miracles
00:00Well, hi, friends, and brother Mike back on the podcast.
00:29On and time for the deep things of God with brother Mike.
00:39Okay, got another really good one for you today.
00:43Couple of quick reminders.
00:45Of course, we have two live services every week at the Deliverance Center.
00:48We're on 15th Avenue just south of Osborne Road in the downtown area.
00:52It's the red brick building on Mulberry.
00:56You can't miss it when you go down 15th Avenue there.
00:58Try it at the bus stop.
01:01Two live services every week.
01:03Brother Rick and kills it on Thursday night.
01:09If you haven't been taking advantage of his services, that's a big mistake.
01:12He knows more about demons than 10 YouTube guys added together.
01:20It's quite remarkable.
01:22Very knowledgeable.
01:24I usually teach on Friday nights.
01:26So we're all on YouTube.
01:28You just go to slash.
01:32House of healing AZ and you're on our YouTube broadcasts every Thursday and
01:37Friday night life.
01:40We're on a couple other platforms as well.
01:43Please remember we have a counseling center there.
01:47For born-again Christians.
01:49If you're a born-again Christian.
01:52You can come for free counseling services.
01:55No insurance necessary.
02:01Give me a call and I'll get you on the counseling schedule ASAP.
02:06Please remember our zoom services there.
02:09They've got massive anointings on both of them.
02:13630 Monday nights with Julie.
02:16And the gang.
02:19I believe Jennifer is there too.
02:22Wednesday night, Stephanie and Rick.
02:24Just remarkable.
02:27Remarkable zoom service.
02:28I'm telling you.
02:30I tuned in there one time.
02:33I popped in and there were like 40 people going through deliverance all at once.
02:38I mean it was huge.
02:40So that's something that.
02:44You know, you probably need to avail yourself of for sure.
02:49For sure.
02:50In addition, we have children's deliverance services.
02:57We've got another one coming up in.
02:59In July next Saturday the 13th at 10 o'clock preteens.
03:07You have a preteen who needs to be prayed for and delivered.
03:13You have to be at these services.
03:15Please bring them before Satan gets them 10 o'clock.
03:18Saturday the 13th.
03:22We also have women's seminars.
03:23We also have quarterly healing services.
03:27The last one we had with Peter Valenzuela.
03:30That's spectacular.
03:32That was last Saturday night.
03:34Really impressive.
03:35So there's lots of great things going on.
03:39It's a deliverance Center.
03:40If you need help.
03:41You can get it there for free.
03:44If you go to Luke chapter 7, you'll see a remarkable story and what we know about the Holy Ghost is this when he puts a story in the New Testament and the old when he puts the story in the New Testament.
04:03It's a story designed to increase your faith and to establish.
04:13Of markers in the road for your travel your journey to miracles.
04:23And the purpose of these stories is to give you a roadmap on how to get a miracle.
04:30How do you actually get a miracle?
04:35This is how you do it.
04:37This is how you do it Luke chapter 7.
04:40One of the Pharisees.
04:43Desired that Jesus would come have lunch with him.
04:47And this was Simon the Pharisee.
04:52And it says and behold a woman in the city.
04:57Which was a sinner.
05:00She knew that Jesus was at Simon's house having lunch.
05:03It says in verse 38.
05:05She came there.
05:07And brought with her her alabaster box.
05:13And she came there.
05:16And she's stood behind him.
05:20And what does that mean standing behind him?
05:21Was he seated in a chair at a table?
05:23No back in those days people didn't didn't have chairs and a lot of furniture in most homes.
05:30And because everybody walked everywhere and they were exhausted.
05:34What happened was.
05:37Everybody laid down when they ate.
05:41And it says that she came up behind him while he was laying down.
05:47And she started weeping and her tears started to fall on his feet.
05:52And so what she did was she unwrapped her hair.
05:57And back in those days women didn't cut their hair.
05:59They kept it up in buns.
06:01If you pulled the pin out the hair would like fall down like four or five feet.
06:07So she pulled out her hair.
06:09And she started to clean off his feet with her hairs.
06:13And then after she cleaned off his feet.
06:16She started kissing his feet.
06:20And it says she brought some ointment.
06:23Greek word Greek word is moron.
06:25That was a very very expensive oil-based perfume from India.
06:32Excuse me, Italy.
06:34It was imported and it was extremely expensive.
06:39And what looks like in this verse is that.
06:44It appears that this woman was a prostitute.
06:50Because she was mentioned as a sinner.
06:53Everybody's a sinner.
06:55But this woman was mentioned as an outstanding hardcore sinner.
07:01She was a nasty sinner.
07:03So my guess is this was a prostitute and because she had moron which is what
07:08prostitutes only broke out for their best Johns the ones that paid the most
07:14Usually people of note or people of high Society.
07:18They would come to prostitutes and they had money to pay.
07:22And so they would break out the moron the special ointments and the perfumes
07:27for their high-priced Johns.
07:31And when Simon the Pharisee saw verse 39.
07:37He started thinking in his mind.
07:39It says he spoke within himself.
07:43The Holy Spirit is omniscient.
07:45So he knows what everybody's thinking 100% of the time.
07:49But here Jesus.
07:51After he had emptied himself.
07:52He was no longer omniscient, but he had the gifts of the spirit running at
07:55maximum capacity.
07:57So he had the gift of knowledge.
08:01Higher than anybody's ever had it.
08:05And it says.
08:08He could
08:10see their thoughts.
08:15Jesus knew what Simon was thinking.
08:17And Simon, so listen, if this man were a property said if he was questioning
08:20his authority
08:22and questioning whether or not he was a prophet every time you see an if
08:27you can either go this way or that way on an if
08:31I taught a Bible study on that just a couple of weeks ago.
08:34If then
08:38be worth your look worth you taking a look.
08:41Well, if he were a prophet, he would have known what man was thinking.
08:45If he were a prophet, he would have known what manner of woman this is.
08:50Patapas is what kind of a person she is.
08:54Well, she was she was a whore.
08:55She was a prostitute.
08:59And she's touching him.
09:01Simon the Pharisee couldn't believe
09:03this that a scumbag human being like this woman
09:08a came into his house.
09:10He didn't do anything about it because Jesus was there.
09:13So he wanted to put up a front of his
09:18piousness miss
09:19whatever the term is.
09:20I just made that up.
09:22He wanted to keep that front up
09:24and translation.
09:25He goes to church.
09:27That's what happens when you go to church.
09:29Everybody kind of puts on their best God face
09:32when they're in church and the person you're talking to a church is not
09:35really that person.
09:36That's just a
09:37social construct almost like AI.
09:42He said my God just he ought to know what kind of a
09:44piece of garbage is touching him.
09:45She's actually touching him
09:47and on top of that she was kissing his feet
09:51on top of that.
09:51She brought out moron, which is a
09:54extremely expensive perfume
09:56that Simon the Pharisee recognized probably because he'd probably been to
10:00So as you can imagine several other people there in the room had also been
10:04to this prostitute.
10:05I mean the everybody's nerves were on edge
10:09when this woman walked in it took more courage than Moses splitting the Red
10:13to walk into that house that day
10:16knowing what everybody thought of her
10:19and how critical they were of her and knowing her
10:22status in society.
10:24She was at the bottom of the barrel with the exception of
10:28tax collectors.
10:30They were at the bottom
10:31but just above that
10:36and Jesus says to Simon because he
10:38he was reading his thoughts.
10:40He said Simon.
10:41I want to ask you a question.
10:43And Simon goes
10:45master say on the Greek word master.
10:48the Doscalus
10:49it means teacher.
10:51So Simon did not think he was a prophet
10:54at all.
10:55But he thought he was some itinerant
10:58roaming around teaching people.
11:00So he used the term teacher
11:03and Jesus said listen, there was there was a couple of creditors.
11:08There was a creditor with a couple of debtors
11:10and he said they owed him a bunch of money.
11:13One of them owed him
11:15500 Denarian.
11:17That was a
11:18that was a coin.
11:21Small coin about size of a quarter
11:26and the other one owed him 50 Denarian
11:29which by our standards today was very little money.
11:34And Jesus said look both of them were broke
11:37and neither of them had anything to pay.
11:40They couldn't pay anything.
11:43And Simon's
11:45he asked Simon
11:48look the creditor decided to have mercy on both of them.
11:54And he just forgave them their debt.
11:56He forgave this one 500 Denarian forgave that one
12:01and then Jesus asked him a question.
12:03He said which of them
12:05will love him the most and that's a Greek word akapao.
12:07It's a Greek verb
12:09not a noun
12:11agape is the noun akapao is the verb for
12:15for agape and it means to show love to someone.
12:21Jesus said which of these two
12:25do you think would show love more
12:27to the creditor?
12:30And Simon said well, I suppose the one that was forgiven 500
12:35and Jesus said that's the correct answer.
12:39Thank you.
12:41You got it.
12:44you got the right answer.
12:46And then it says verse 44.
12:48He turned
12:52he turns around
12:54Greek word strefo means to
12:56bend backwards.
12:57He looks backwards at the woman at his feet.
13:01And he says to Simon, do you see this woman?
13:04I entered your house
13:07and you gave me no water for my feet, but she has washed my
13:10feet with her tears.
13:12She wiped them down with her hair.
13:13Now, what was he saying there?
13:14Well back then back in the day,
13:17it was
13:19it was customary.
13:21Everybody did it
13:23when you had a guest come to your house a stranger
13:26the servants that lived in your house.
13:29They always wash their feet.
13:31They always wipe their feet clean because everybody walked
13:34everywhere and they all wore sandals.
13:37Sandals was a big business back then.
13:41you know, like Nike or something.
13:43Everybody wore sandals.
13:47And you took your sandals off and your and the host of the
13:50just customarily did it for everybody.
13:53Wash your feet,
13:54clean your feet.
13:54Well, but you see Simon
13:57didn't want to be seen doing that because he was afraid of
13:59peer pressure.
14:02That's one of the things that destroys Christians is peer
14:06They're always worried about what somebody thinks about
14:10Really bothersome.
14:13Well, he couldn't be seen washing Jesus feet because this
14:15was a very controversial figure.
14:17He thought he was a prophet Simon knew he wasn't.
14:23So the tensions mounting here.
14:27You know, it's it's very much like our tradition of shaking
14:32Everybody has certain traditions, you know, like the
14:36And they like to give kisses on the cheek when they greet
14:40Well back then they would always wash your feet.
14:43And he says, look, you didn't give me any water
14:47and you had no
14:49one wash my feet.
14:51Verse 45,
14:52but he rolls back and he looks back at her
14:55and he says see this woman since I came in here.
14:59She has not stopped kissing my feet.
15:02Then he says you didn't give me any oil for my head.
15:07That was another common custom
15:10strangers or guests in their home.
15:13They would anoint them with oil
15:17he didn't do that.
15:20But she anointed his feet
15:24with the Muran.
15:27The very expensive ointment from Italy,
15:30from Italy imported,
15:32cost a lot of money.
15:36Therefore I say to you Simon, now he rolls back and looks at
15:42Is I say to you
15:44that this woman sins which are many
15:47which again leads me to believe she was a prostitute.
15:52She was a hardcore
15:53level one sinner.
15:57He says this
15:58this prostitute here
16:00has many many many sins.
16:06You see that?
16:08Those sins are forgiven for her
16:10for her.
16:12Greek word a theomy, it means to release.
16:14When God forgives you of your sin, he releases you from it.
16:18A theomy, to release.
16:19Jesus looks at the girl and goes
16:22your sins are released from you.
16:26Because he said she loved much Agapao.
16:29She shows
16:30much love
16:31but those who are
16:34forgiven or released of little
16:37they also show
16:39little love.
16:41They show little.
16:43He said the same loveth Agapao
16:47shows love
16:55little bit
17:00And he turns to the woman and rolls back and says
17:03your sins are released from you
17:06a family.
17:07Well now Jesus stepped in it
17:11that triggered
17:14a huge response.
17:19They all started thinking again.
17:21Well, Jesus had having the maximum
17:24gift of knowledge.
17:30them thinking
17:31who is this verse 49
17:34that forgives or releases sins.
17:38Only God can do that.
17:41And he said to the woman he ignores Simon's thoughts.
17:46He says to the woman
17:50your faith
17:56saved you so-so delivered you
17:59go in
18:05be at peace.
18:08Wow, what a story.
18:10Why is this story in the Bible?
18:12What's going on here?
18:13Well, God laid out a pattern for you
18:16how to get a miracle from God.
18:18Now, you may not
18:19need to be forgiven.
18:20You may have already been forgiven.
18:21If you're a born-again Christian you have
18:24but you may need to be delivered from spirits.
18:26You may need to be healed.
18:29You may need
18:30a miracle in your finances.
18:32You may need a miracle in your family.
18:35Your family's out sinning or being oppressed by demons or
18:39Satan is
18:41wreaking Havoc
18:42somewhere in your life.
18:44There's all kinds of things you need to be so-so delivered
18:49and the Holy Spirit put this incredible story in the Bible.
18:53Right here in
18:59to give you a pattern of how to get a miracle from God.
19:02Now, I want you to notice something
19:04the worst person at that dinner was the prostitute.
19:09The best person at the dinner was
19:11the Savior of the world.
19:13Jesus didn't need to be forgiven of anything because he
19:16never sinned.
19:17She had done nothing but sin.
19:19She was a hardcore nasty filthy sinner
19:22level one sinner.
19:25But did you happen to notice that the religious people
19:27there the folks from the church?
19:31Not one of them got delivered that day.
19:35They were the church people.
19:39there from the synagogue.
19:41They were righteous religious people.
19:43None of them got forgiven.
19:47If you remember the story, I didn't finish reading it.
19:49The disciples
19:51they freaked when they saw that woman doing that because they
19:54said, hey, we should have sold this moron for
19:57truckload of money and give it to the poor.
20:01We could have fed a whole bunch of poor people with this moron
20:03money and stuff's expensive.
20:06It was probably her life savings
20:08what it was
20:11similar to the widow with two mites.
20:13Everybody brought their abundance into the Treasury
20:17and Jesus turned to his disciples said, hey
20:20see that widow there with two mites.
20:24That was a
20:25that was a coin smallest of all coins
20:28and the least valuable.
20:30It was only worth
20:32part of our penny
20:33less than a penny.
20:37Jesus said that woman there put in more than all the others.
20:44Because she put in all she had this
20:46woman that brought the moron
20:49brought her life savings
20:52and she saw there was a chance she could be forgiven and get
20:56a miracle from God.
20:59Little did she know the Holy Spirit was going to record this
21:02story in the New Testament.
21:04And she was going to teach us how to get a miracle from God.
21:08How do you get a miracle from God?
21:10Well, you don't do it the way Simon tried it
21:13being critical and listening to negative thoughts put in your
21:16mind by demons that isn't going to get you a miracle.
21:20And then what else happened?
21:23The disciples freaked they were critical
21:26and they were criticizing her.
21:29They didn't get any miracles.
21:31Now in the world can everybody in the synagogue not get a
21:35and everybody
21:36in the church not get a miracle
21:39and the disciples not get a miracle.
21:44how can that happen?
21:45How can a prostitute be the only person
21:48among the whole group that day
21:51that got delivered so-so?
21:53Now how in the world can that be?
21:55The last shall be first the first shall be last.
21:59Well, the way it works is this
22:04have got to come to God
22:08in desperation
22:10and you have to follow her steps.
22:13Her step one was desperation.
22:16She wanted a new life.
22:17She had been a whore for years.
22:20She couldn't take it anymore.
22:22She was loaded with demons.
22:23She needed a miracle.
22:24She wanted to be saved.
22:25She knew she was going to hell.
22:27She came in desperation for a miracle from God
22:31number two courage.
22:34This woman showed more courage than Moses did at the Red Sea.
22:38Walking into that room
22:40with everybody's eyes on her
22:42and all the eyelids were critical of her
22:46took more courage than you can even imagine
22:51She brought everything.
22:52She had her life saving was wrapped up in that alabaster box
22:55and that moron.
22:58And she brought it and gave it to Jesus just like the widow
23:00with two lights.
23:03The reason most people can't get a miracle is because they're
23:06not desperate enough to go for it.
23:09They're not desperate enough to push their way through.
23:16They don't care enough.
23:19They're busy with a pity party,
23:21you know, low self-esteem.
23:29They're too busy with
23:31for me
23:33to look at the great gift of God, which is a family to release
23:37you from your sins or sickness from demons from whatever it
23:43All that's covered in the gospel.
23:46All of it.
23:50The woman was desperate.
23:53She didn't care what anybody thought about it.
23:56She pushed her way through
23:58in the face of criticism and negativity.
24:03She broke into the miracle division of heaven.
24:09And that's why most Christians can't get a miracle.
24:12They don't follow the pattern the Holy Spirit laid out for
24:16Would you do that today?
24:18I told you about the Holy Spirit last week on the podcast.
24:21Remember the fight is fixed.
24:24Well today your fight will fix this mess.
24:27You're going to press your way in in the face of adversity and
24:32You're going to get to Jesus no matter what you have to do.
24:35And you're going to win.
24:39Just like she did.
24:43Woman, your faith has saved you.
24:46Go in peace.
24:50See you next time.
