Nineties Eastenders (17th November 1997)

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Nineties Eastenders (17th November 1997)
00:24I've got no...
00:26Steven, give Peter his orange juice back. I'll pour you some more.
00:30I said there's no need to all get cross, is there?
00:35Everyone all right?
00:37We don't want anybody bothering us while we have our breakfast.
00:40We want to be on our own, don't we?
00:50Sorry, Peggy, I was miles away.
00:52Oh, there's my little grandson.
00:55Are you all right?
00:57Yeah, you know, I've just got a lot of things on my mind.
00:59Oh, I'm sure. You've certainly got to hand it to Cindy.
01:01The girl's got some guts.
01:03Oh, and what are you, her fan club?
01:05Oh, I'm sorry, Peggy, I didn't...
01:06No, that's all right, love.
01:08Anyone heard on Peter's Friday night?
01:10Actually, I'd rather not talk about it.
01:12But how's he? Is he coping all right?
01:14I wish I knew.
01:19Please let me boil you an egg, love.
01:20Look, I'm fine. I just want to get over and then get started.
01:23Look, you're going to make an exhibition of yourself in a minute.
01:26I'll make something special for you too, all right?
01:27Fine, fine.
01:29Yeah, it must have been like one of them 50s films.
01:32You know, where Betty Davis walks in and everyone stops talking.
01:34I think they should have a straight fight, Cindy and Ian.
01:36Winner takes all.
01:37A fight?
01:38Just go for it. One on one.
01:40Yeah, I'm surprised no-one's thought of that.
01:41Saves trouble, saves money.
01:43No way to bring children up, though, is it?
01:45Yeah, I wonder whether Ian's going to tell them that she's back.
01:48Oh, well, don't stop on my account.
01:50What were you talking about, Simon?
01:51Um, we were just...
01:52I know what you were doing.
01:53You were having a laugh about my son, weren't you?
01:55Look, it wasn't like that.
01:56Well, you've had your problems, haven't you?
01:58Did you enjoy being gossiped about?
01:59Look, what we were saying was...
02:00Oh, forget it.
02:01Morning, Kath.
02:03Everything all right?
02:04Sticky moment, mate.
02:05Simon here was shooting his mouth off about the other night.
02:08Oh, and you weren't, I suppose?
02:09Tacked, son. That's what you need.
02:11Just a bit more tacked.
02:13I think I'll go and get a paper.
02:16Hey, what's all the fuss?
02:18Crisis talks.
02:19There is no crisis. We can handle this.
02:21Question is, can Ian handle it?
02:22This wife of his is going to walk all over him if we're not careful.
02:25So talk to him. Tell him it's going to be all right.
02:26Oh, that'll be a big help.
02:27Just find a way to reassure him.
02:29In May, if he gets in, everything will get easier.
02:32Now, keep your eyes on that.
02:33Just wait six months.
02:34Nobody gets elected this time.
02:35That's right.
02:36There's got to be a council already in office that we can approach.
02:39Oh, we're going to be cleverer than that.
02:40With Ian, we start getting our hooks in
02:42without him even knowing what's going on.
02:44You were always like this.
02:45Couldn't wait for Christmas.
02:47Found your presents, opened them a week early.
02:49That's initiative.
02:50I get it from you.
02:51It's a shame you never learn patience from me, isn't it?
02:53Now, start thinking a few months ahead.
02:56It may take longer to get the results,
02:58but it'll be more effective.
03:05How are you?
03:07Bad start to the day, this off.
03:09And how's Ian?
03:10He's not talking.
03:11I don't know what to do.
03:13Well, maybe I should go round and try.
03:14Yeah, OK. He probably won't even let you in, though.
03:17Hey, Ruth, just what I wanted.
03:18Don't make this sound, do you hear?
03:19Look, I've got so much to do and Bianca's been on me case all weekend.
03:21We can't keep asking people to hold back.
03:24What do you want?
03:25Can you find a place for Jack in the nursery?
03:27I don't know.
03:28Oh, please, Ruth, it'll only be temporary.
03:29I just can't get anything done with him under my feet all day.
03:31Look, I'll try a few, but I'm not making any promises, OK?
03:33Oh, thanks. I owe you one.
03:36Hey, how's it going?
03:37You all right?
03:38So, what's the latest from Ian?
03:40Nothing, Lou.
03:41I'm going to go round and see him.
03:42Look, we've just come round to wish you luck at the doctor's later.
03:45Oh, and we've decided to have our tea in here this evening, haven't we?
03:49Bit of a treat.
03:50That'll be nice.
03:51You all right?
03:53You know how it is.
03:54Doesn't matter how well things are going.
03:56I could come with you.
03:57No, you silly. I'll be fine.
03:59It's just routine.
04:00See you later on.
04:04Yeah, I brought you a cuppa.
04:05Well, I ain't that cheap.
04:07You can't get round me with a cup of tea.
04:08I'm not trying to get round you.
04:09Well, you should.
04:10When I come back from resting up with my family,
04:12I didn't expect to find that we'd moved into a new flat
04:14and been lumbered with your nephew.
04:16Look, I've just spoke to Ruth and she's going to get him into the nursery.
04:18Yeah, well, I should hope so too.
04:19I'm trying to put things right. None of this is my fault.
04:21Oh, it's funny how it's never your fault.
04:23It ain't. Look, it weren't easy while you were away.
04:25I had Jack to deal with.
04:26I was missing you.
04:28But I still managed to find us a place to live, didn't I?
04:30Yeah, without asking, mate.
04:31I thought you'd be pleased.
04:33Well, I am pleased, I suppose.
04:34It's just hard to get my head round.
04:36Did you really miss me?
04:37Of course I did.
04:38Listen, I was thinking we could use this spare room as a nursery.
04:42Yeah, we'll put a cot in there and slap a bit of paint up.
04:44No, you won't.
04:46We're going to change that spare room into the best nursery in the world.
04:48Hold on, Phil's only given me a week off to settle in.
04:50And what do you think that meant?
04:51Sitting at home with your feet up while I'm working?
04:52Oh, yeah. I want to mind a bit of rest.
04:54Yeah, well, think again.
04:55Look, you just go and get the place straight,
04:56and then tonight I'll tell you what we're going to do, all right?
04:58All right, Sarah?
04:59See anything you fancy?
05:02You all right?
05:04Not really.
05:05What's that?
05:07It's 200 miles.
05:08Bolt and I looked it up.
05:11What's that about?
05:12Young lavericky.
05:13Don't you remember it?
05:15Stephen asked me where his mum was this morning.
05:18I can't hide it from them.
05:19They're knowing something's wrong.
05:21It's worth it, aren't it?
05:22It's all for their sake.
05:23I suppose everyone's yapping about it.
05:24Yeah, well, next week it'll be something else.
05:26You reckon?
05:27I don't reckon, Ian, I know.
05:28I mean, look at my family.
05:29All the scandal with Michelle and me dad.
05:31Martin's problems, my problems.
05:33Yeah, but Martin's...
05:35You get this feeling that everybody's talking about you.
05:37Everybody's looking at you.
05:39But I know all about that.
05:41But it eventually settles, mate.
05:43It goes away.
05:44Yeah, Cindy's not going to go away, is she?
05:46You've got your kids back.
05:48And you're going to do everything you can to keep them, right?
05:50I snatched them from her.
05:52Now she's going to try and get them back from me.
05:55Claire, isn't it time you were...
05:56Yeah, right.
05:58Look, I know it's going to be difficult keeping away from those girls.
06:03But it's going to work out fine, I promise you.
06:05How do you know?
06:06Because I'm older and wiser, of course.
06:08Plus, I know you're strong enough to get through this.
06:11Can't I get through it next week?
06:13Say I've got the flu?
06:15I remember. I used to try and kid my mum I was sick.
06:18Once, I got her lipstick to make it look like I had measles,
06:21to get her worried.
06:23Did it work?
06:24Well, when she saw me sitting in front of the mirror with her make-up,
06:26she was worried.
06:29Come on, it's time to go.
06:30Yeah, see you later.
06:33See you.
06:35Shouldn't you be in school by now?
06:37I've got a free period.
06:39You look like a wet day in Grimsby.
06:41You didn't used to believe there was any such place, did you?
06:43They'd call the place Grimsby, you'd say.
06:45Mum, I don't want cheering up, OK?
06:47This isn't just some bad mood.
06:48It's much better to break up than let anyone break yours.
06:51Is that right?
06:52It stands to reason.
06:53Look, you think this is just some joke, don't you?
06:56You've got no idea at all.
06:57He's gone. You've just got to try and forget him.
07:00I'm going to school.
07:01Oh, Sarah!
07:03We were running for the plane in Italy,
07:05and I just felt like I got my life back.
07:07Look, this is Cindy we're talking about.
07:09Don't tell me you didn't expect her to put up a fight.
07:11No, I knew she would.
07:13I just hoped you wouldn't be as quickly as this.
07:16Sometimes I envy you.
07:17How do you figure that out?
07:19You're not having kids.
07:22That's not my choice.
07:23I'd love to have kids, you know that.
07:25But I can't with my situation.
07:28If only you knew the number of times
07:30I've seen you playing with little Lucy
07:32and how much I wished I was you.
07:34I'm sorry, Martin.
07:35That was a really thoughtless thing to say.
07:38My head's all over the place.
07:39Yeah, well, some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
07:41They don't have the love or commitment that's needed.
07:43And that's left for people like me and Ruth to pick up the pieces.
07:46I couldn't bear them growing up hating me.
07:48They won't.
07:50You're a good dad, cos whatever choices you make,
07:54whatever happens in that courtroom,
07:56your kids are the priority.
08:00Oh, hello. Um, could I speak to Miss Hay, please?
08:03Julie Hay.
08:05Oh, er, nothing serious, I hope.
08:08Oh, right.
08:10Yeah, I just wanted to talk to her about my daughter, Claire Tyler.
08:14Would it be possible to have her home phone number?
08:18No, yeah, of course I understand, yeah.
08:20All right, Ricky.
08:22Um, right.
08:24Well, will she be in tomorrow?
08:26Right. OK.
08:28Thanks very much. Cheers. Bye.
08:32All right. Ah, Die Hard 3. Great film.
08:35Granger's choice, was it?
08:37I'd love seeing her there somewhere. Yeah, bound to be.
08:40Yeah, Ricky, um...
08:42How would you feel if some geezer came round
08:45to ask you about a car when you were at home?
08:47You ain't got a car. No, no, it's just like a for instance.
08:50For instance what?
08:52You're off work, say you're sick or something,
08:55and someone comes round, they've got an important problem,
08:57but they come round to your house.
08:59Why would they come round to my house? All my stuff's at the garage.
09:01Yeah, all I'm saying is, would you be hacked off with them?
09:03What, has a mate of yours got a car problem? No.
09:05No, I'm off at the moment. Phil's round the arches.
09:07Yeah, never mind, Ricky. All right, cheers.
09:09I'll bring you back tomorrow, yeah? Yeah.
09:14See you. Bye.
09:26What? Yeah, what about?
09:28About the nursery, you know, sorting out a place for Jack.
09:30Oh, that. Oh, don't tell me you've forgotten.
09:32Bianca's gonna go mad. I've already told her it's all right.
09:34It's a bit premature. What am I gonna do?
09:36Look, it's all right, Ricky. I'm just kidding.
09:38You didn't like one of the kids who's going off on holiday.
09:40But you'd better work something better, too.
09:42Oh, brilliant. Can we start tomorrow? Yeah, of course.
09:44Oh, thanks, Ruth. You've saved my life. See you later.
09:46I don't know what Ian did to deserve a wife like that.
09:48The thing is, you've got to see both sides, don't you?
09:50Both sides? Well, what's he done to her?
09:52See, me and you, we might not have the whole story.
09:55Well, one thing's for sure.
09:57I bet we won't be seeing either of them in here today.
09:59Sure. I like a bit of excitement.
10:02It's been a development. I need to talk to you.
10:0412.12? Oh, hang on. I'm gonna have to go.
10:08See you later, yeah? All right.
10:11It's nice of you to let me in this time.
10:14What is this, visit Ian day?
10:16I haven't come here to argue.
10:18Oh, no, I'm sorry, Mum. It's just a bad time.
10:20I can't take you for a drink? I'm gonna leave the kids with Pauline.
10:23I'm joking. If you're sitting here worrying, you're letting Cindy win.
10:27It's not as simple as that, though, is it?
10:29Why isn't it? You're not helping yourself or the kids like this.
10:33You want to make their lives stable, don't you?
10:35All I'm doing is thinking what's best for them.
10:37What about schools? Maybe you should make a decision about that.
10:40I know. I know you're right. I'll make some calls.
10:43Well, that's number one. Number two is deal with Cindy.
10:46Use the system, love. You've always been good at that.
10:49I'm working on it. I've just spoken to Ros.
10:51Great. She's coming over.
10:53We'll meet her in the Vic.
10:55I'll call her back.
10:58You know I'm proud of you, didn't you?
11:00The way you keep fighting for your family.
11:04Oh, where have you been?
11:05I've just been sorting something out for Tiffany.
11:07What? Have you got a present for her at last?
11:09You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?
11:11You can give it to her tomorrow night at the party, after the toast.
11:14I might have to give it to her in private.
11:16What is it? Something a bit saucy?
11:18Doesn't matter. Anyway, it's her anniversary and it's our business.
11:22Grant, people are going to a lot of trouble to help you and Tiff celebrate.
11:25It would be nice to enter into the spirit.
11:28Yeah, because you invited them.
11:31Pampering, that's what it's all about.
11:33Yeah, you should take her away somewhere.
11:35A nice posh hotel with a jacuzzi and a mini-bar.
11:38Only I like the sound of all that.
11:40I once spilled a plain beer in a jacuzzi. It caused no end of fuss.
11:43Look, I've been stabbed.
11:45How you doing?
11:46Slowly going out of my mind.
11:48No change there, then?
11:49Orange juice?
11:50Yeah, it's hot.
11:51So, you got any more dramas lined up for us like last Friday night?
11:54I hope not.
11:56I thought Italy might have finished her off, but she pulled some strokes on me, didn't she?
12:00She's a tart.
12:01Well, Ian better watch himself, that's all I'm saying.
12:04I ain't bothered about Cindy. I was thinking more about Kev. She must be having a hard time.
12:07Well, that's where me and you differ.
12:09I'm trying not to think about her.
12:11Have you had a bad morning?
12:12I've been working non-stop.
12:14I started early just to get out of the flat.
12:16Well, you've only just moved in. It's going to take some time to get used to it.
12:19Get used to what? Being on me own?
12:23Vodka tonic, thanks.
12:24Coming up.
12:27Never better. And living on your own?
12:29What do you think? It's freedom, innit?
12:31Good. Glad it's working out.
12:33Like I said, never better.
12:36Can't talk. Too busy. Working out some orders.
12:39Do you fancy coming for a drink, then?
12:41What's it look like?
12:42Do you need a break?
12:43If you take a break, you lose a customer. Now, did you want anything?
12:46Oh, only to talk to me husband, and I think it's fine with him, isn't it?
12:50Oh, told ya.
12:53Thought I'd go for a drink. I'm having it.
12:54Yeah, that's fine.
12:56What have you done with Jack, then?
12:57Oh, Robbie's got him on the stall.
12:59You're not going to start him about the nursery again, are you?
13:01Oh, no. Have a look at this. Look, what do you think?
13:03Yeah, lovely.
13:04It's no good. I need more catalogues.
13:06Look, we're talking about a baby. It's not going to know the difference.
13:11I'm not sure about it.
13:12Ian, good to see you.
13:14Hello, Kev.
13:16Look, why don't you two sit down. Go on, I'll get the drinks.
13:17Here's a surprise.
13:20Nice to see you again, Ian.
13:21And what does that mean?
13:22Nothing, nothing at all.
13:23Just keep your nose out, all right?
13:25I'm just keeping up with family business.
13:26Oh, don't give me that.
13:27Bit touchy, isn't she?
13:29How are you feeling?
13:31Everybody's on your side.
13:32Yeah, apart from the ones who were laughing at me.
13:34So, what are you going to do about it?
13:36I don't know.
13:37The thing about Cindy is you never know what's going to happen next.
13:39How would you deal with it if it was business?
13:42If Cindy was trying to outsmart you on a business deal.
13:44I know what I'd do.
13:46Take the initiative.
13:47Try and find out my opponent's weakness.
13:49Yeah, just find her a bit of style.
13:52Over here.
13:53Oh, thanks for coming.
13:54Can I get you a drink?
13:55Orange juice, please.
13:57Roz, this is Annie.
13:58Annie, this is Roz.
13:59She's my private detective and she's a lifesaver.
14:02Oh, watch it!
14:03Oh, sorry.
14:05How are you?
14:06I'll manage.
14:07Don't do too much of that managing business.
14:09Why not?
14:10I just think it's better to let your feelings out.
14:13No, look, I'm sorry.
14:14I shouldn't be angry with you.
14:16Be angry if it helps.
14:17Some girls wouldn't even speak to me.
14:18No, I should be apologising.
14:20And you're the one who told me nothing happened
14:22and I was the one who got it all wrong, so...
14:24Anyway, let's leave it in the past.
14:26We're both going to miss him.
14:28You know, it's actually quite nice to talk to you.
14:30I just feel as if no-one understands how I really felt for Joe.
14:33I understand.
14:35I just keep thinking about him.
14:37Yeah, you will.
14:38You lie awake all night sometimes.
14:40And then, odd times during the day, you'll just suddenly see his face.
14:44Mum wants me to forget him.
14:46You'll never do that.
14:47So what can I do?
14:48Keep busy, maybe, so there's less time for thinking about him.
14:51Eventually, it will get less painful.
14:53You look very comforting.
14:55Thought you'd want the truth.
14:56There's not much you can do, really, so you might as well just get on with it.
15:02I'm worn out.
15:03I've my cousin, Mark, me mum and now Annie.
15:06They're telling me to be strong and do this, don't do that.
15:09And meanwhile, you're wondering what you might tell the children.
15:12That's what's worrying me.
15:14What's worrying me?
15:15Come on, Ian.
15:17Something's changed.
15:18When we were in Italy, you were set on getting them back, completely focused.
15:23Now that you've got them, it suddenly looks like you're not sure anymore.
15:26Be honest.
15:27What's worrying you?
15:28Problem is, you know Ian.
15:29He just clams up.
15:31That's not Ian, love.
15:32That's me.
15:33I mean, we're always the same.
15:34He's rushing about, he's getting things done,
15:36but he hasn't stopped for one minute to talk about what's happened.
15:38But I'm Ian's mum.
15:39I'm meant to be there for him.
15:41Listen, lady, don't even start that.
15:44Blaming yourself.
15:45I'm not having it.
15:46All right, we'll make a pact then, shall we?
15:48We'll give up guilt.
15:50We can try.
15:52Mark, hi.
15:53Sorry to keep you waiting.
15:55Things are a bit hectic around here at the moment.
15:57Christine Jennings, remember?
15:59Yeah, of course.
16:00How are you feeling?
16:01Yeah, I'm not too bad.
16:02Yes, you're looking fit.
16:04Now, take me through it.
16:08We put you on the combination back in July.
16:10Yeah, July the 30th.
16:11The 30th, yeah.
16:13And no recurrence of the side effects?
16:15I've cleared up.
16:17Well, I can't say anything conclusive
16:20until we have the results of your viral load test in two weeks.
16:23Two weeks?
16:24I know, but there's every reason for optimism.
16:27I don't like getting optimistic.
16:28It makes me feel like I'm pushing me luck.
16:30You're in good shape.
16:31I'm pleased with your progress.
16:33Now, if I'm pleased, I think you should be too.
16:35Yeah, it's just...
16:36There you go, then.
16:37You have a two-week wait, but in the meantime,
16:39you've got every reason to feel good, right?
16:44I can't hide anything from you.
16:46Having the kids back must have changed things.
16:49Cindy and me, all that we're focused on is the kids.
16:52Everyone else worries about how I'm feeling
16:54or they think it's a big vendetta about how much I hate Cindy.
16:57But in the end, none of that matters.
16:59What it comes down to is what's best for Stephen, Peter and Lucy.
17:03And now that you've got them,
17:04you have to work out what's best for them.
17:06I've got to decide what to say.
17:08Cindy lied to them before and now I'm having to lie to them.
17:11I'm scared about what all this is going to do to them.
17:14All right, so having the kids is different to chasing after them.
17:17That's not a complete surprise.
17:19There's something else bothering you, isn't there?
17:21Seeing how shook you.
17:23Of course it did.
17:25What happened between you and her when you were alone together?
17:29We talked about her leaving.
17:32It was strange. I found myself making excuses.
17:35How I hadn't been much of a husband to her.
17:37And did you mean it?
17:39I don't know.
17:41There was a lot of stuff pouring out.
17:43How much I'd missed her and the boys.
17:46There was a moment when...
17:48A moment when you might have been ready to take her back.
17:52You're the only person I can talk to like this.
17:54I've seen it before in divorce cases.
17:57There's all that hate and good reason for it.
18:00But whatever got that marriage started in the first place,
18:03there's still some of that feeling left.
18:05I just wasn't expecting it.
18:07And how do you feel now?
18:09I'm focused on keeping the kids.
18:11Good. You've got to keep functioning.
18:14The basic situation hasn't changed.
18:16You need to see your solicitor for a start.
18:18Yeah, I know. I'm going to see him this afternoon.
18:20What I need you to do is...
18:22Find Cindy for you.
18:24You need to know where she is just in case you have to speak to her.
18:27That's why I like confiding in you.
18:29You understand.
18:31And if you do speak to her, what are you going to say?
18:41Nigel. Nigel Bates. Claire Tyler's stepdad.
18:44Yes, I know. What do you want?
18:46Yeah, sorry to bother you. I called the school, but...
18:49How did you find my address?
18:51Video shop.
18:53It's about Claire. Could I...?
18:55Ben, I don't understand what you're doing here.
18:57No, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have come.
18:59Just two minutes, I promise you. Please. That's all.
19:03What are you up to?
19:04I'd like Bianca to see me.
19:06She's been at me all day about getting this new flat straight.
19:08You've finished it, then? Don't you start.
19:10What do you think you're doing? I was just talking.
19:12What about? Decorating. I was just talking about decorating.
19:15I was just getting some tips.
19:17Tips, yeah. Well, ochre's really in. Yeah, definitely.
19:20Yeah, we'd better get a good start on it tomorrow. I've got a week.
19:23Son, you might get in your way come Wednesday. What?
19:25I've invited her to stay. Didn't I say before?
19:27You know you didn't. I don't believe this.
19:29You've been on to me ever since you got back about Jack.
19:31Yeah, well, it's different. How's it different?
19:33Cos I've invited Buck, his sister, to stay.
19:35Don't make a fuss. You've got lumber with Jack.
19:37Oh, I ain't got much choice, have I?
19:39Me and Tiff have decided, bunnies for the nursery.
19:41Make sure you unpack by the time we get in, yeah?
19:43Yeah, cos bunnies are really in too.
19:45I just wanted to tell you that Claire's got herself sorted.
19:49Yeah, it's just that if you were thinking of excluding some of the bullies,
19:52Claire doesn't hang around with them any more.
19:54All right, Mr Bates.
19:56Nigel. Er, Nigel.
19:58I am glad to hear it.
20:00Not all parents make so much effort.
20:02Oh, it's not an effort. Not for Claire.
20:04But please remember, my personal life and my job are separate.
20:08Yeah, of course. Yeah. It's just that...
20:10Well, er, I brought you this. It's sort of like a home delivery service.
20:16Oh. La Ronde.
20:18Yeah, you said you liked French films.
20:20My mate says that's a good'un.
20:22Yes, yeah. I believe there's plenty of action in it.
20:25Oh, do you know it? Er, what, is it a thriller?
20:28No, no. Not that sort of action.
20:34Everyone sort of does it with everyone else.
20:36You're kidding. I brought you a French porn film.
20:39Max Offalls.
20:42He was the director.
20:44This is a classic.
20:46Yeah, but, um, it probably isn't...
20:48I'm really sorry. Look, I'll take it back.
20:50No, no, I was going to have a very boring evening.
20:52This'll be lovely, thank you.
20:54It was very thoughtful of you.
20:56Well, it's the least I could do.
20:59Well, it was very nice to see you again.
21:01Yeah, likewise.
21:06Right, I'd better get going, then.
21:08Um, thanks very much.
21:10Thank you for seeing me.
21:12I'm afraid there's, er, not really an awful lot we can discuss at the minute.
21:16I want some advice.
21:18I need to know what I have to do to safeguard my kids.
21:22My advice to you is to carry on with your normal life
21:25and establish yourself as the prime carer of the children.
21:28Your wife's return shouldn't affect that.
21:30I'm sorry, I don't think you understand me.
21:32Of course I'm the prime carer, I just need some idea
21:34of what Cindy's going to try and do next.
21:36Well, we can expect her to apply for a date for the main hearing fairly shortly.
21:39Hold on a minute. The main hearing?
21:41That's right. You currently have residency of the children
21:44and we can now expect...
21:45She gets to go into court and ask for my kids back?
21:48That's correct.
21:49But I'm going to try and have you granted permanent residency of your children.
21:53And she hasn't got hope in hell, has she?
21:55There will be a lot of emphasis laid on character.
21:57Oh, well, it'll be all right, then.
21:59I mean, she stole my kids. How's that going to look?
22:01And you've stolen back.
22:02Now, that episode is going to be used against you.
22:04I must tell you, Mr Beale, that there is generally a degree of bias
22:08towards the mother in cases like these.
22:10Yeah, well, not this mother.
22:12I want to portray you as a reasonable man,
22:15someone who doesn't bear grudges
22:17and who has the best interests of his children at heart.
22:20It would be wise not to appear vindictive.
22:22She tried to have me shot. I'm not supposed to mind about that.
22:25Your wife is no longer a suspect in the shooting.
22:28And that's it, is it? I mean, that is your advice?
22:30You're saying, be a good boy and hope for the best?
22:32I'm saying, help me to persuade the court
22:35that you are a good father living a normal life with his children.
22:39I was expecting more than this.
22:40I mean, how can I live a normal life with this hanging over me?
22:43Mr Beale, I'm a civil lawyer.
22:46And the advice I've given you is appropriate for a civil case.
22:50My feeling is it's best for you and it's best for your children.
22:55There is another avenue you could explore under criminal law.
22:58What is it?
23:00I wouldn't necessarily advise this.
23:02It would require a certain ruthlessness on your part.
23:07No, you're not listening. Thursday won't do.
23:10I want them tomorrow.
23:12Now, look, I'm running a business here.
23:14Yeah, well, you're not dealing with Barry.
23:17No, and I don't do second chances, do you understand?
23:20Yeah, you call me back when you've thought about it.
23:23Can we talk now?
23:25Yeah, I'll call back in a minute.
23:26Was that wise?
23:28We need friends. You're going to lose friends if you're not careful.
23:31I don't have any friends in this business.
23:33That's not true, Roy. I've seen you at them junkets you go on.
23:35We have a drink together, don't we? I've seen.
23:37This don't sound like you.
23:39When I started out, I tried to be best friends with everybody.
23:42Yeah, there was this one character, Mickey Booker.
23:44I want you to come home right now. We've got to talk about the hours you're putting in.
23:47Let me tell you about Mickey.
23:48We need to talk, Roy.
23:49We are talking.
23:51You're not listening to me.
23:54See? I know what I'm doing.
23:59Yeah, I thought you'd see it my way.
24:04Shouldn't you be at the shop?
24:06I wanted to be here when you got back.
24:10How did it go?
24:11All right.
24:12Did those girls give you any trouble?
24:14I got a few looks. I just stayed out of their way.
24:16They were talking about me, though.
24:18Well, that's bullies for you. All mouth and trousers.
24:20Or skirts, in this case.
24:21I'm glad I'm out of it, though.
24:23I knew you could do it.
24:25Beats pretending to have flu, doesn't it?
24:27I'll say that for another time.
24:29Don't try the old measles trick, though. I'll be looking out for it.
24:33Yeah, all right. I'll tell her.
24:35Yeah, that'd be great.
24:36All right, then. Bye.
24:38What did you tell her?
24:39That was my dad.
24:40Oh, no. What did he say?
24:41He said to tell you congratulations.
24:43Did he hear from Diane?
24:44No, nothing.
24:45He didn't even know she'd done a bunk until I told him.
24:47Brilliant. What else did he say?
24:49He's got some business down here, so he's going to come and see us.
24:51That'd be handy, wouldn't it? He can look after little Jack.
24:53Does that mean he has to stay here as well?
24:55It's not for a few weeks and Sonia will be gone.
24:57We're not going to get no time on our own at this rate.
24:59Well, you invited Sonia.
25:00What does he know about your dad, then?
25:02Jack's his grandson. He wants to see him.
25:04I didn't want it to be like this, so I wanted it just to be me and you together.
25:07It's going to be that way, I promise you.
25:09Just me, you and the baby.
25:11I'm going to get that nursery finished this week.
25:12I'll do it any way you like, all right?
25:14But I need the lot.
25:15You've cheered up.
25:17Yeah, well, Joe's where he needs to be.
25:18He's with his mum and Peter doing his A-levels.
25:20You knew that this morning?
25:22Yeah, well, I thought about it some more and Mary said...
25:24Mary? That trollop.
25:26Well, at least she understands how I feel
25:27and she didn't pretend that I get over it in no time.
25:30All I'm saying is, with your looks and your brain,
25:32you could do whatever you want.
25:33Yeah, I know, and I'm going to.
25:35So I've decided to get busy.
25:37Yes, boys, parties.
25:38I'm going to work hard and I'm going to talk to Alex
25:40about doing some more voluntary work at the refuge.
25:42That's not what I meant.
25:43Hello, you two.
25:45Where did you run off to?
25:46I'm sorry.
25:47I just wanted to get us a bottle of wine.
25:49We've been waiting for you.
25:51Oh, I'm very sorry now.
25:52What else have I got in my magic bag?
25:54Let's have a look.
25:56How about that?
25:58And that's for after your tea, OK?
26:00Look, you don't get back till eating.
26:01You've been stolen ever since.
26:03Is that bad news?
26:04No, let me have another look at my magic bag.
26:08What's that?
26:09No, love.
26:10There's no bad news.
26:13First he says she can go to court and try and win the kids back.
26:16And then he says he thinks she's got a good chance.
26:18Well, that's crazy.
26:19Oh, I'm sat there thinking, what is he going to throw at me next?
26:22I mean, here's this guy, a legal expert,
26:24telling me that it doesn't matter that she kidnapped the kids
26:26and tried to have me shot.
26:27I can't believe it.
26:28It's like a bad joke, isn't it?
26:29What does he say you should do?
26:31He says I should go for being the perfect father,
26:33give the kids a stable home and that.
26:34Yeah, well, that's fine, but it's not much help, is it?
26:37Well, that makes sense.
26:38I mean, just play it cool, keep things nice and simple for the kids
26:41and with a bit of luck, get awarded residency.
26:43With a bit of luck?
26:45Well, that's not good enough.
26:46Is that all the help he gave you?
26:47There is another option.
26:51It changes everything.
26:52Although I'd need to know where she lives.
26:54Well, Rosa'd do that, wouldn't she?
26:57So what is this other option?
26:59The police can't do anything
27:00until they know she's back in this country.
27:02But if I tell them what's happened and cooperate,
27:04then they can take action.
27:07What action?
27:08I can have her arrested for the abduction of her kids.
27:16Australian post-war family drama,
27:18A Place To Call Home, is at 2.15.
27:21More classic EastEnders, next.